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The cell cycle of the photosynthetic unicellular alga Euglena gracilis growing in phototrophic medium is regulated by light. To investigate the relationship of this cell cycle response to light stimulated photosynthesis, we have tested the effect of the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) on Euglena cell cycle transit. While DCMU does not block light stimulated cells from entering the S phase of the cell cycle, it does inhibit the transit through G2/M. The specificity of this response and its relationship to photosynthesis was studied by looking at the effect of DCMU on dark grown wild-type cells, and on two bleached variants of Euglena (W3BUL and W10BSmL) that lack chloroplasts. The drug does block G2/M in these cells, but not entrance into the cell cycle. Our studies show that entrance of cells into the cell cycle from a quiescent state does not require active photosynthesis, and that DCMU has effects on G2/M transit that are independent of the photosynthetic capacity of the cells.  相似文献   
Previous studies provide evidence for in vivo activation of MBP-reactive T cells in subjects with multiple sclerosis. In general, in vivo activation occurs less frequently in healthy control subjects. In the current study we examined the T cell response to proteolipid protein in PBMC isolated from 9 control subjects. We used CD45 isotypes as markers for memory and na?ve T cells to assess in vivo activation of CD4+ T cells reactive with PLP. In contrast to the results obtained using MBP, we found that approximately 50% of PLP-reactive T cells were derived from the CD45RO+ memory subpopulation of T cells isolated from these control subjects. These results indicate that some myelin-reactive T cells have undergone activation in vivo in neurologically intact individuals. This suggests that immunoregulatory mechanisms may be present that prevent overt disease in spite of in vivo activation of PLP-reactive T cells.  相似文献   
The stable contact of ISW2 with nucleosomal DNA approximately 20 bp from the dyad was shown by DNA footprinting and photoaffinity labeling using recombinant histone octamers to require the histone H4 N-terminal tail. Efficient ISW2 remodeling also required the H4 N-terminal tail, although the lack of the H4 tail can be mostly compensated for by increasing the incubation time or concentration of ISW2. Similarly, the length of extranucleosomal DNA affected the stable contact of ISW2 with this same internal nucleosomal site, with the optimal length being 70 to 85 bp. These data indicate the histone H4 tail, in concert with a favorable length of extranucleosomal DNA, recruits and properly orients ISW2 onto the nucleosome for efficient nucleosome remodeling. One consequence of this property of ISW2 is likely its previously observed nucleosome spacing activity.  相似文献   
Multiplex cytometric bead assay (CBA) have a number of advantages over ELISA for antibody testing, but little information is available on standardization and validation of antibody CBA to multiple Plasmodium falciparum antigens. The present study was set to determine optimal parameters for multiplex testing of antibodies to P. falciparum antigens, and to compare results of multiplex CBA to ELISA. Antibodies to ten recombinant P. falciparum antigens were measured by CBA and ELISA in samples from 30 individuals from a malaria endemic area of Kenya and compared to known positive and negative control plasma samples. Optimal antigen amounts, monoplex vs multiplex testing, plasma dilution, optimal buffer, number of beads required were assessed for CBA testing, and results from CBA vs. ELISA testing were compared. Optimal amounts for CBA antibody testing differed according to antigen. Results for monoplex CBA testing correlated strongly with multiplex testing for all antigens (r = 0.88-0.99, P values from <0.0001 - 0.004), and antibodies to variants of the same antigen were accurately distinguished within a multiplex reaction. Plasma dilutions of 1:100 or 1:200 were optimal for all antigens for CBA testing. Plasma diluted in a buffer containing 0.05% sodium azide, 0.5% polyvinylalcohol, and 0.8% polyvinylpyrrolidone had the lowest background activity. CBA median fluorescence intensity (MFI) values with 1,000 antigen-conjugated beads/well did not differ significantly from MFI with 5,000 beads/well. CBA and ELISA results correlated well for all antigens except apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA-1). CBA testing produced a greater range of values in samples from malaria endemic areas and less background reactivity for blank samples than ELISA. With optimization, CBA may be the preferred method of testing for antibodies to P. falciparum antigens, as CBA can test for antibodies to multiple recombinant antigens from a single plasma sample and produces a greater range of values in positive samples and lower background readings for blank samples than ELISA.  相似文献   
Cervical cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in women in developing countries. A key factor linked to the relatively high levels of cervical cancer in these populations is the lack of awareness and access to preventive methods. This study aimed to determine the level of awareness of cervical cancer and Papanicolaou test (Pap smear test) and factors associated with the utilization of Pap test among female civil servants in Jos. Data was obtained from female workers (n = 388) aged 18–65 years in a Nigerian Federal establishment. Participants were randomly approached and instructed to complete validated questionnaires. Data was analyzed using Chi-square, t-tests and logistic regression analysis to determine if there was an association between variables and identify any predictors of awareness and utilization of the Pap test. Cervical cancer and Pap smear test awareness was 50.9% and 38.6% respectively, with the media as the major source of information. Pap smear test utilization rate was 10.2%, with routine antenatal care (ANC) as the major reason for getting screened. Personal barriers to screening include the lack of awareness, and belief that cervical cancer is not preventable. Opportunistic screening, mass media campaigns and ANC education were suggested as ways of improving awareness and utilization of cervical cancer screening services.  相似文献   
In sub-Saharan Africa the highest overlap between malaria and HIV infections occurs in female adolescents. Yet control activities for these infections are directed to different target groups, using disparate channels. This reflects the lack of priority given to adolescents and the absence of an accepted framework for delivering health and health-related interventions to this high-risk group. In this paper it is argued that female adolescents require a continuum of care for malaria and HIV – prior to conception, during and after pregnancy and that this should be provided through adolescent services. The evidence for this conclusion is presented. A number of African countries are commencing to formulate and implement adolescent-friendly policies and services and disease control programs for malaria and HIV will need to locate their interventions within such programs to ensure widespread coverage of this important target group. Failure to prioritize adolescent health in this way will seriously limit the success of disease control programs for malaria and HIV prevention.  相似文献   
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