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We describe here a new type of X-linked liver glycogen storage disease. The main symptoms include liver enlargement and growth retardation. The clinical and biochemical abnormalities of this glycogenosis are similar to those of classical X-linked liver glycogenosis due to phosphorylase kinase deficiency (XLG). However, in contrast to patients with XLG, the patients described here have no reduced phosphorylase kinase activity in erythrocytes and leukocytes, and no enzyme deficiency could be found. Linkage analysis of four families with this X-linked type of liver glycogenosis assigned the disease gene to Xp22. Lod scores obtained with the markers DXS987, DXS207, and DXS999 were 3.97, 2.71, and 2.40, respectively, all at 0% recombination. Multipoint linkage analysis localized the disease gene between DXS143 and DXS989 with a maximum lod score of 4.70 at θ = 0, relative to DXS987. As both the classical XLG gene and the liver α-subunit of PHK (PHKA2) are also located in Xp22, this variant type of XLG may be allelic to classical XLG, and both diseases may be caused by mutations in PHKA2. Therefore, we propose to classify XLG as XLG type I (the classical type of XLG) and XLG type II (the variant type of XLG).  相似文献   
Vertical seed dispersal by earthworms: a quantitative approach   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Earthworms are supposed to play an important role in the dynamics of the soil seed bank, however, experimental evidence and quantitative data are scarce To evaluate the impact of the earthworm species Lumbricus terrains L on the vertical transport of seeds in the soil, laboratory experiments have been earned out Moreover, the worm casts produced and their seed content have been quantified in two chalk grassland sites during one year
The experiment on seed transport has been earned out in cylinders with controlled numbers of worms and seeds at different depths in stenlized soil Seeds used in this experiment proved to be eaten by the earthworms in preceding palatability tests A significant translocation of the seeds in the cylinders with earthworms was recorded after an eight-week period In spring earthworm activity was mainly found m the upper soil layers in the cylinders, whereas in summer the activity was spread over a larger vertical distance The amount of worm casts collected on permanently marked plots in two different chalk grasslands was very high a minimal quantity of c 750 g nr2 of worm casts were produced yearly The number of germinative seeds brought to the soil surface by worm casts was at least 60-100 nr2 each year This means that earthworm activity has a substantial impact on the soil seed bank dynamics and hence on the possibility of plant recruitment in this species-nch ecosystem  相似文献   
After lentectomy of larval Xenopus laevis , the outer cornea undergoes tissue transformation resulting in formation of a new lens. This lens regeneration is triggered and sustained by neural retina. In the present study, lens-forming transformation of the outer cornea was completed in vitro when the outer cornea was cultured within the lentectomized eye-cup. Well-differentiated lens fiber cells, which showed positive immunofluorescence for total crystallins, were also formed when the outer cornea was cultivated with the retina. No lens tissue was formed when the cornea was cultured alone. Lens-forming transformation, originating from the cornea three and five days after lentectomy, completely regressed when the tissue was isolated in vitro . Fom the present and previous findings, we concluded that, the interaction of corneal cells with the retina plays a decisive role in lens regeneration in situ .  相似文献   
For many years, the high prevalence of the fragile X syndrome was thought to be caused by a high mutation frequency. The recent isolation of the FMR1 gene and identification of the most prevalent mutation enable a more precise study of the fragile X mutation. As the vast majority of fragile X patients show amplification of an unstable trinucleotide repeat, DNA studies can now trace back the origin of the fragile X mutation. To date, de novo mutations leading to amplification of the CGG repeat have not yet been detected. Recently, linkage disequilibrium was found in the Australian and US populations between the fragile X mutation and adjacent polymorphic markers, suggesting a founder effect of the fragile X mutation. We present here a molecular study of Belgian and Dutch fragile X families. No de novo mutations could be found in 54 of these families. Moreover, we found significant (P < 0.0001) linkage disequilibrium in 68 unrelated fragile X patients between the fragile X mutation and an adjacent polymorphic microsatellite at DXS548. This suggests that a founder effect of the fragile X mutation also exists in the Belgian and Dutch populations. Both the absence of new mutations and the presence of linkage disequilibrium suggest that a few ancestral mutations are responsible for most of the patients with fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   
Differences in the strength of sexual selection between males and females can lead to sexual dimorphism. Extra-pair paternity (EPP) can increase the variance in male reproductive success and hence the opportunity for sexual selection. Previous research on birds suggests that EPP drives the evolution of dimorphism in plumage colour and in body size. Because EPP increases the intensity of sexual selection in males, it should lead to increased dimorphism in species with larger or more colourful males, but decreased dimorphism in species with larger or more colourful females. We explored the covariation between EPP and sexual dimorphism in wing length and plumage colouration in 401 bird species, while controlling for other, potentially confounding variables. Wing length dimorphism was associated positively with the frequency of EPP, but also with social polygamy, sex bias in parental behaviour and body size and negatively with migration distance. The frequency of EPP was the only predictor of plumage colour dimorphism. In support of our prediction, high EPP levels were associated with sexual dichromatism, positively in species in which males are more colourful and negatively in those in which females are more colourful. Contrary to our prediction, high EPP rates were associated with increased wing length dimorphism in species with both male- and female-biased dimorphism. The results support a role for EPP in the evolution of both size and plumage colour dimorphism. The two forms of dimorphism were weakly correlated and predicted by different reproductive, social and life-history traits, suggesting an independent evolution.  相似文献   
Vertical stratification is a key feature of tropical forests and structures plant–frugivore interactions. However, it is unclear whether vertical differences in plant-frugivore interactions are due to differences among strata in plant community composition or inherent preferences of frugivores for specific strata. To test this, we observed fruit removal of a diverse frugivore community on the liana Marcgravia longifolia in a Peruvian rain forest. Unlike most other plants, Marcgravia longifolia produces fruits across forest strata. This enabled us to study effects of vertical stratification on fruit removal without confounding effects of plant species and stratum. We found a high number of visits of a few frugivore species in the understorey and a low number of visits of many different frugivores in the canopy and midstorey. Whereas partial and opportunistic frugivores foraged across strata with differing frequencies, obligate frugivores were only found eating fruits in the higher strata. Avian frugivores foraging in the canopy were mainly large species with pointed wings, whereas under- and midstorey avian foragers were smaller with rounded wings. Our findings suggest a continuous shift in the frugivore community composition along the vertical gradient, from a few generalized frugivores in the understorey to a diverse set of specialized frugivores in the canopy. This shift in the frugivore community leads to correlated, reciprocal changes from specialized to generalized plant-frugivore interactions. Thus, we conclude that vertical niche differentiation between species in tropical forests persists even when food resources are available across strata. This highlights its role for promoting biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
In Poland, distribution of non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) is strictly limited to the Oder river basin, where it was introduced in the early 20th century. Recently, several populations have been found in waterbodies adjacent to the Oder, particularly in its lower reaches. In this study, we compare the genetic relatedness of populations in the Oder basin with other European populations using nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial (partial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I; cox1) markers. Microsatellite analysis indicated that four populations in the lower Oder form a separate cluster, while one in the middle Oder clustered with Danubian populations, from where probably having been introduced. Microsatellite data suggested that the lower Oder populations differ from other non-native European populations, making it impossible to estimate the source of introduction. Nevertheless, analysis of cox1 indicated that Oder pumpkinseeds belong to the same haplotype as the vast majority of European populations. Parasitological examination confirmed the presence of two North American species, the monogenean Onchocleidus dispar and trematode Posthodiplostomum centrarchi, in the lower Oder, both previously unknown in the region. Fifteen other parasite species were acquired, including glochidia of invasive Sinanodonta woodiana. In the middle Oder, parasite infection was more limited. Fish from the Gryfino Canal, considered one of the most invasive populations in Europe, showed the highest parasite abundance and diversity, and the highest somatic condition and growth rate due to warm water released from the Dolna Odra power plant. Our results highlight significant differences in somatic condition and parasite infection in long-established non-native pumpkinseed populations in the same river system, reflecting mainly environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Summary A liquid elemental diet (Vivonex) was given to rats for 6 days while control animals received a normal diet. At the end of the experiment each animal received one intraperitoneal injection of tritiated thvmidine at 8a.m. Animals from each group were killed hourly during the first 24h after the injection and the proliferative activity was studied by autoradiography of the mucosa of the colon using the labeled mitoses-wave method.The epithelial cell proliferation was significantly decreased in the colon of the Vivonex-fed animals.  相似文献   
Liquid column chromatographic studies of monosubstituted guanidino compounds, which are excreted in the urine of patients with hyperargininaemia are reported. The guanidino-positive peaks, with the highest excretion values, were isolated from urine and the isolated compounds were identified by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography—mass spectrometry. Guanidinoacetic acid, N-α-acetylarginine, argininic acid, γ-guanidinobutyric acid, arginine and α-keto-δ-guanidinovaleric acid were found to be excreted at high levels in the urine of patients with hyperargininaemia compared with controls.  相似文献   
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