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The effects of altering extracellular Ca(2+) levels on the electrical and adaptive properties of toad rods have been examined. The retina was continually superfused in control (1.6 mM Ca(2+)) or test ringer’s solutions, and rod electrical activity was recorded intracellularly. Low-calcium ringer’s (10(-9)M Ca(2+)) superfused for up to 6 min caused a substantial depolarization of the resting membrane potential, an increase in light-evoked response amplitudes, and a change in the waveform of the light-evoked responses. High Ca(2+) ringer’s (3.2 mM) hyperpolarized the cell membrane and decreased response amplitudes. However, under conditions of either low or high Ca(2+) superfusion for up to 6 min, in both dark-adapted and partially light-adapted states, receptor sensitivity was virtually unaffected; i.e., the V-log I curve for the receptor potential was always located on the intensity scale at a position predicted by the prevailing light level, not by Ca(2+) concentration. Thus, we speculate that cytosol Ca(2+) concentration is capable of regulating membrane potential levels and light-evoked response amplitudes, but not the major component of rod sensitivity. Low Ca(2+) ringer’s also shortened the period of receptor response saturation after a bright but nonbleaching light flash, hence accelerating the onset of both membrane potential and sensitivity recovery during dark adaptation.

Exposure of the retina to low Ca(2+) (10(-9)M) ringer’s for long periods (7-15 min) caused dark-adapted rods to lose responsiveness. Response amplitudes gradually decreased, and the rods became desensitized. These severe conditions of low Ca(2+) caused changes in the dark-adapted rod that mimic those observed in rods during light adaptation. We suggest that loss of receptor sensitivity during prolonged exposure to low Ca(2+) ringer’s results from a decrease of intracellular (intradisk) stores of Ca(2+); i.e., less Ca(2+) is thereby released per quantum catch.

Mapping the stability distributions of proteins in their native folded states provides a critical link between structure, thermodynamics, and function. Linear repeat proteins have proven more amenable to this kind of mapping than globular proteins. C-terminal deletion studies of YopM, a large, linear leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein, show that stability is distributed quite heterogeneously, yet a high level of cooperativity is maintained [1]. Key components of this distribution are three interfaces that strongly stabilize adjacent sequences, thereby maintaining structural integrity and promoting cooperativity.To better understand the distribution of interaction energy around these critical interfaces, we studied internal (rather than terminal) deletions of three LRRs in this region, including one of these stabilizing interfaces. Contrary to our expectation that deletion of structured repeats should be destabilizing, we find that internal deletion of folded repeats can actually stabilize the native state, suggesting that these repeats are destabilizing, although paradoxically, they are folded in the native state. We identified two residues within this destabilizing segment that deviate from the consensus sequence at a position that normally forms a stacked leucine ladder in the hydrophobic core. Replacement of these nonconsensus residues with leucine is stabilizing. This stability enhancement can be reproduced in the context of nonnative interfaces, but it requires an extended hydrophobic core. Our results demonstrate that different LRRs vary widely in their contribution to stability, and that this variation is context-dependent. These two factors are likely to determine the types of rearrangements that lead to folded, functional proteins, and in turn, are likely to restrict the pathways available for the evolution of linear repeat proteins.  相似文献   
Cooperativity is a defining feature of protein folding, but its thermodynamic and structural origins are not completely understood. By constructing consensus ankyrin repeat protein arrays that have nearly identical sequences, we quantify cooperativity by resolving stability into intrinsic and interfacial components. Heteronuclear NMR and CD spectroscopy show that these constructs adopt ankyrin repeat structures. Applying a one-dimensional Ising model to a series of constructs chosen to maximize information content in unfolding transitions, we quantify stabilities of the terminal capping repeats, and resolve the effects of denaturant into intrinsic and interfacial components. Reversible thermal denaturation resolves interfacial and intrinsic free energies into enthalpic, entropic, and heat capacity terms. Intrinsic folding is entropically disfavored, whereas interfacial interaction is entropically favored and attends a decrease in heat capacity. These results suggest that helix formation and backbone ordering occurs upon intrinsic folding, whereas hydrophobic desolvation occurs upon interfacial interaction, contributing to cooperativity.  相似文献   
RanBPM is a recently identified scaffold protein that links and modulates interactions between cell surface receptors and their intracellular signaling pathways. RanBPM has been shown to interact with a variety of functionally unrelated proteins; however, its function remains unclear. Here, we show that RanBPM is essential for normal gonad development as both male and female RanBPM(-/-) mice are sterile. In the mutant testis there was a marked decrease in spermatogonia proliferation during postnatal development. Strikingly, the first wave of spermatogenesis was totally compromised, as seminiferous tubules of homozygous mutant animals were devoid of post-meiotic germ cells. We determined that spermatogenesis was arrested around the late pachytene-diplotene stages of prophase I; surprisingly, without any obvious defect in chromosome synapsis. Interestingly, RanBPM deletion led to a remarkably quick disappearance of all germ cell types at around one month of age, suggesting that spermatogonia stem cells are also affected by the mutation. Moreover, in chimeric mice generated with RanBPM(-/-) embryonic stem cells all mutant germ cells disappeared by 3 weeks of age suggesting that RanBPM is acting in a cell-autonomous way in germ cells. RanBPM homozygous mutant females displayed a premature ovarian failure due to a depletion of the germ cell pool at the end of prophase I, as in males. Taken together, our results highlight a crucial role for RanBPM in mammalian gametogenesis in both genders.  相似文献   


Riboswitches are RNA elements in the 5' untranslated leaders of bacterial mRNAs that directly sense the levels of specific metabolites with a structurally conserved aptamer domain to regulate expression of downstream genes. Riboswitches are most common in the genomes of low GC Gram-positive bacteria (for example, Bacillus subtilis contains examples of all known riboswitches), and some riboswitch classes seem to be restricted to this group.


We used comparative sequence analysis and structural probing to identify five RNA elements (serC, speF, suhB, ybhL, and metA) that reside in the intergenic regions of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and many other α-proteobacteria. One of these, the metA motif, is found upstream of methionine biosynthesis genes and binds S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). This natural aptamer most likely functions as a SAM riboswitch (SAM-II) with a consensus sequence and structure that is distinct from the class of SAM riboswitches (SAM-I) predominantly found in Gram-positive bacteria. The minimal functional SAM-II aptamer consists of fewer than 70 nucleotides, which form a single stem and a pseudoknot. Despite its simple architecture and lower affinity for SAM, the SAM-II aptamer strongly discriminates against related compounds.


SAM-II is the only metabolite-binding riboswitch class identified so far that is not found in Gram-positive bacteria, and its existence demonstrates that biological systems can use multiple RNA structures to sense a single chemical compound. The two SAM riboswitches might be 'RNA World' relics that were selectively retained in certain bacterial lineages or new motifs that have emerged since the divergence of the major bacterial groups.  相似文献   
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is usually accompanied by intensive interstitial and perivascular fibrosis, which may contribute to arrhythmogenic sudden cardiac death. The mechanisms underlying the development of cardiac fibrosis are incompletely understood. To investigate the role of perivascular inflammation in coronary artery remodeling and cardiac fibrosis during hypertrophic ventricular remodeling, we used a well-established mouse model of LVH (transverse aortic constriction [TAC]). Three days after pressure overload, macrophages and T lymphocytes accumulated around and along left coronary arteries in association with luminal platelet deposition. Consistent with these histological findings, cardiac expression of IL-10 was upregulated and in the systemic circulation, platelet white blood cell aggregates tended to be higher in TAC animals compared to sham controls. Since platelets can dynamically modulate perivascular inflammation, we investigated the impact of thrombocytopenia on the response to TAC. Immunodepletion of platelets decreased early perivascular T lymphocytes' accumulation and altered subsequent coronary artery remodeling. The contribution of lymphocytes were examined in Rag1(-/-) mice, which displayed significantly more intimal hyperplasia and perivascular fibrosis compared to wild-type mice following TAC. Collectively, our studies support a role of early perivascular accumulation of platelets and T lymphocytes in pressure overload-induced inflammation.  相似文献   
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