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Human skin fibroblasts incorporate and actively desaturate long-chain fatty acids. Growth of these cells in lipid-free medium can be used to enhance delta 9 and delta 6 desaturation of [14C]stearate and [14C]linoleate, respectively. Medium supplementation with cis fatty acids inhibits delta 9 desaturation; effectiveness as inhibitors is linoleate (9c,12c-18:2) greater than oleate (9c-18:1) greater than vaccenate (11c-18:1). Linoelaidate (9t,12t-18:2), trans-vaccenate (11t-18:1) and saturated fatty acids are without effect; elaidate (9t-18:1) appears stimulatory. By contrast, the trans fatty acids elaidate and linoelaidate are potent inhibitors of delta 6 desaturation; inhibition by trans-vaccenate is 50% of that of elaidate. Desaturation of [14C]linoleate is only slightly inhibited by oleate, cis-vaccenate, or (6c,9c,12c)-linolenate. The relative effectiveness of isomeric cis- and trans-octadecenoic acids as inhibitors of delta 9 and delta 6 desaturation in intact human cells is different from that found in microsomal studies. The cell culture system can thus be important in evaluating physiological effects of isomeric fatty acids on cellular metabolic processes.  相似文献   
Somatic cell hybrids retaining the deleted chromosome 17 from 15 unrelated Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) [del(17)(p11.2p11.2)] patients were obtained by fusion of patient lymphoblasts with thymidine kinase-deficient rodent cell lines. Seventeen sequence-tagged sites (STSs) were developed from anonymous markers and cloned genes mapping to the short arm of chromosome 17. The STSs were used to determine the deletion status of these loci in these and four previously described human chromosome 17-retaining hybrids. Ten STSs were used to identify 28 yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) from the St. Louis human genomic YAC library. Four of the 17 STSs identified simple repeat polymorphisms. The order and location of deletion breakpoints were confirmed and refined, and the regional assignment of several probes and cloned genes were determined. The cytogenetic band locations and relative order of six markers on 17p were established by fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping to metaphase chromosomes. The latter data confirmed and supplemented the somatic cell hybrid results. Most of the hybrids derived from [del(17)(p11.2p11.2)] patients demonstrated a similar pattern of deletion for the marker loci and were deleted for D17S446, D17S258, D17S29, D17S71, and D17S445. However, one of them demonstrated a unique pattern of deletion. This patient is deleted for several markers known to recognize a large DNA duplication associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease type 1A. These data suggest that the proximal junction of the CMT1A duplication is close to the distal breakpoint in [del(17)(p-11.2p11.2)] patients.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the effectiveness of routine ultrasound scanning at 19 weeks'' gestation in an unselected population in terms of accuracy of detection of fetal structural abnormality and the effect on obstetric and neonatal care. DESIGN--Prospective study over four years. Scans performed by radiographers with overall supervision by a radiologist. SETTING--Ultrasound department of district general hospital. SUBJECTS--All pregnant women were offered scans; 8523 of 8849 (96%) accepted. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Information obtained from hospital records, genetic analysis, and post-mortem findings. RESULTS--166 fetal anomalies occurred; 140 were detected at 19 weeks (sensitivity 85%; specificity 99.9%). In 27 cases fetuses were shown to have severely crippling or lethal abnormalities; termination of pregnancy was requested in 25. Early diagnosis influenced timing and place of delivery in babies with severe cardiac or gastrointestinal anomalies. CONCLUSION--Scanning at 19 weeks with availability of termination can reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality. Scanning can be performed in a general ultrasound department with adequate counselling facilities and close cooperation between radiographers, midwives, obstetricians, paediatricians, and the radiologist.  相似文献   
Glucose transport stimulation by insulin, bombesin, and bradykinin in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts was compared with the phosphoinositide hydrolysis effects of the same stimulants in a variety of experimental paradigms known to affect generation and/or functioning of intracellular second messengers: short- and long-term treatments with phorbol dibutyrate, that cause activation and down-regulation of protein kinase C, respectively; cell loading with high [quin2], that causes clamping of [Ca2+]i near the resting level; poisoning with pertussis toxin, that affects the GTP binding proteins of the Go/Gi class; treatment with Ca2+ ionophores. Glucose transport stimulation by maximal [insulin] was affected by neither pertussis toxin nor protein kinase C down-regulation. The latter, however, partially blocked the action of suboptimal [insulin]; moreover, acute phorbol dibutyrate treatment caused responses more than additive at all [insulin]. Thus, the insulin action on glucose transport in 3T3 cells appears to be synergistically potentiated by a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism, and not directly mediated by the enzyme. This result correlates with the lack of effect of insulin on phosphoinositide hydrolysis. In contrast, part of the glucose transport responses induced by bombesin and bradykinin appeared to be mediated by protein kinase C in proportion with the stimulation induced by these peptides on the phosphoinositide hydrolysis. The protein kinase C-independent portion of the response to bradykinin was found to be inhibitable by pertussis toxin. This latter result might suggest an interaction between the bradykinin receptor and a glucose transporter, mediated by a protein of the Go/Gi class.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectra, with 260-nm excitation, are reported for oxidized and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides (NAD+ and NADH, respectively). Corresponding spectra are reported for these coenzymes when bound to the enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and liver and yeast alcohol dehydrogenases (LADH and YADH). The observed differences between the coenzyme spectra are interpreted in terms of conformation, hydrogen bonding, and general environment polarity differences between bound and free coenzymes and between coenzymes bound to different enzymes. The possibility of adenine protonation is discussed. UVRR spectra with 220-nm excitation also are reported for holo- and apo-GAPDH (GAPDH-NAD+ and GAPDH alone, respectively). In contrast with the 260-nm spectra, these show only bands due to vibrations of aromatic amino acid residues of the protein. The binding of coenzyme to GAPDH has no significant effect on the aromatic amino acid bands observed. This result is discussed in the light of the known structural change of GAPDH on binding coenzyme. Finally, UVRR spectra with 240-nm excitation are reported for GAPDH and an enzyme-substrate intermediate of GAPDH. Perturbations are reported for tyrosine and tryptophan bands on forming the acyl enzyme.  相似文献   
Fossil evidence of Fagaceae from the Paleocene/Eocene boundary of western Tennessee is described and discussed. These fossils include a newly discovered pistillate inflorescence and dispersed fruits of subfamily Castaneoideae as well as a taxon that resembles modern trigonobalanoids (pistillate inflorescences and dispersed mature fruits). Fossil staminate catkins with fagaceous pollen, which we suggest may be conspecific with the trigonobalanoid infructescences, are also found at the locality. Two distinct types of fagaceous leaves are present at the locality. The reproductive structures are the oldest megafossils unequivocally assignable to Fagaceae and represent the oldest remains of subfamily Fagoideae and the oldest megafossil remains of Castaneoideae. In addition, the fossils provide insights into the chronology of diversification, biogeography, and phylogeny of Fagaceae. The trigonobalanoid remains may also provide insights into the timing and circumstances of the evolution of wind pollination in Fagaceae.  相似文献   
Whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a rapid method for identification of microorganisms that is increasingly used in microbiology laboratories. This identification is based on the comparison of the tested isolate mass spectrum with reference databases. Using Neisseria meningitidis as a model organism, we showed that in one of the available databases, the Andromas database, 10 of the 13 species-specific biomarkers correspond to ribosomal proteins. Remarkably, one biomarker, ribosomal protein L32, was subject to inter-strain variability. The analysis of the ribosomal protein patterns of 100 isolates for which whole genome sequences were available, confirmed the presence of inter-strain variability in the molecular weight of 29 ribosomal proteins, thus establishing a correlation between the sequence type (ST) and/or clonal complex (CC) of each strain and its ribosomal protein pattern. Since the molecular weight of three of the variable ribosomal proteins (L30, L31 and L32) was included in the spectral window observed by MALDI-TOF MS in clinical microbiology, i.e., 3640–12000 m/z, we were able by analyzing the molecular weight of these three ribosomal proteins to classify each strain in one of six subgroups, each of these subgroups corresponding to specific STs and/or CCs. Their detection by MALDI-TOF allows therefore a quick typing of N. meningitidis isolates.  相似文献   
In honey bees (Apis mellifera), virgin queens may eject a liquid substance from their abdomens while they are engaged in fatal combat. We investigated the functional significance of spraying behavior by staging queen duels within colonies housed in observation hives. Spraying occurred in 39.7% of all interactions between rival queens and was recorded in 12 of 15 duels. Workers were highly attracted to the surfaces and individuals contaminated by spraying, forming tight clusters with hundreds of bees in which movement was severely restricted. One or both queens in a pair became immobilized by the workers in 37.5 and 29.2% of all spraying events, respectively, but the queens were never killed by the workers. Conversely, a mobile queen penetrated the worker aggregation and stung an immobilized queen in one-third of the observed bouts. Thus spraying may serve as a fighting tactic by virgin queens to increase their chances of winning by temporarily immobilizing their rivals.  相似文献   
Although surveillance efforts that monitor the emergence of drug-resistant strains of influenza are critical, systematic analysis is overlooked in most developing countries. We report on the occurrence of strains of pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 with resistance and decreased susceptibility to oseltamivir (OST) in Brazil in 2009, 2011 and 2012. We found 7 mutant viruses, 2 with the mutation S247N and other 5 with the mutation H275Y. Most of these viruses were from samples concentrated in the southern region of Brazil. Some of these resistant viruses were detected prior to the initiation of OST treatment, suggesting that community transmission of mutant viruses may exist. Moreover, we show that one of these OST-resistant (H275Y) strains of A(H1N1)pdm09 was discovered in the tri-border region between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, highlighting that this strain could also be found in other Latin American countries. Our findings reinforce the importance of enhanced antiviral resistance surveillance in Brazil and in other Latin American countries to confirm or rule out the community transmission of OST-resistant strains of A(H1N1)pdm09.  相似文献   
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