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Quantification of surfactant phospholipids in the dog lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We quantified total phospholipid (PL), total and disaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC and DSPC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and total protein in alveolar washings and lung tissue in 22 dog lungs. Quantitative recovery of alveolar material and assessment of its possible contamination by blood lipids were important determinants of methodology. To remove blood, the vessels of half the lungs were perfused with a fluorocarbon emulsion before lavage. The volume of blood removed by perfusion and the quantity and fatty acid patterns of its whole blood and plasma PL and PC were determined. Washings of unperfused lungs contained means of 21% more PL and 24% more PC than those of perfused lungs. Although this excess could be accounted for by the PL and PC in pulmonary blood, the hemoglobin and total protein content of washings and their PC fatty acid patterns indicated that blood lipids were not a major source of the excess lipid in washings of unperfused lungs. Using more recent morphometric estimates rather than the indirect ones previously used by others, the quantity of alveolar DSPC (1 mg/g lung) is calculated to be 1.8 times the amount necessary to form a packed monolayer on the internal surface of the lung at functional residual capacity.  相似文献   
A prolonged hyperpolarizing afterpotential (amplitude 5–20 mV, half decay time about 400 msec at 25°C) follows the action potential in myotubes and myosacs cultured from rat skeletal muscle. This slow hyperpolarizing afterpotential (hap) is mediated by an increase in membrane K conductance, because its reversal potential follows the Nernst potential for K and is not affected by other ions. The conductance increase measured during the hap (up to four times the resting input conductance) correctly predicts the time course of the slow hap. The slow hap is Ca dependent. Its amplitude decreases when bath [Ca] is lowered, and both amplitude and duration increase when bath [Ca] is raised. The slow hap is blocked by intracellular injection of the calcium chelator, EGTA. It is inhibited by solutions containing 2–4 mM manganese or 1–5 mM barium, but is not blocked by 5–20 mM tetraethylammonium. Myotubes bathed in zero [Na], high [Ca] solutions show calcium action potentials, which are inhibited by 2–10 mM manganese, nickel or cobalt. Myotubes bathed in isotonic Ca salts (or in 2 mM Ca plus 5 mM caffeine) show long-lasting (up to 10 sec) spontaneous hyperpolarizations accompanied by prolonged contractions. These hyperpolarizations are associated with a large increase in input conductance, and they reverse in sign near the K equilibrium potential. They appear to reflect activation of the Ca-sensitive K conductance by Ca released from intracellular stores. The observation that spontaneous hyperpolarizations usually occur with no prior depolarization argues that at least a portion of the slow, Ca-sensitive K conductance system can be activated by internal Ca alone, with no requirement for plasma membrane depolarization. Cultured myotubes also have a faster K conductance system, which is inhibited by 5–20 mM tetraethylammonium or 1–5 mM barium, and is not dependent on Ca for its activation.  相似文献   
alpha 2-Macroglobulin (alpha 2M) was isolated from human plasma by a four-step procedure: poly(ethylene glyco) fractionation, gel chromatography, euglobulin precipitation and immunoadsorption. No contaminants were detected in the final preparations by electrophoresis or immunoprecipitation. The protein ran as a single slow band in gel electrophoresis, and was designated 'S-alpha 2M'. S-alpha 2M bound about 2 mol of trypsin/mol. Treatment of S-alpha 2M with a proteinase or ammonium salts produced a form of the molecule more mobile in electrophoresis, and lacking proteinase-binding activity (F-alpha 2M). The electrophoretic mobility of the F-alpha 2M resulting from reaction with NH4+ salts was identical with that of proteinase complexes. We attribute the change in electrophoretic mobility of the alpha 2M to a conformation change, but there was no evidence of a change in pI or Strokes radius. Electrophoresis of S-alpha 2M in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate gave results consistent with the view that the alpha 2M molecule is a tetramer of identical subunits, assembled as a non-covalent pair of disulphide-linked dimers. Some of the subunits seemed to be 'nicked' into two-thires-length and one-third-length chains, however. This was not apparent with F-alpha 2M produced by ammonium salts. F-alpha 2M produced by trypsin showed two new bands attributable to cleavage of the subunit polypeptide chain near the middle. Immunoassays of F-alpha 2M gave 'rockets' 12-29% lower than those with S-alpha 2M. The nature of the interactions between subunits in S-alpha 2M and F-alpha 2M was investigated by treating each form with glutaraldehyde before electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. A much greater degree of cross-linking was observed with the F-alpha 2M, indicating that the subunits interact most closely in this form of the molecule. Exposure of S-alpha 2M to 3 M-urea or pH3 resulted in dissociation to the disulphide-bonded half-molecules; these did not show the proteinase-binding activity characteristic of the intact alpha 2M. F-alpha 2M was less easily dissociated than was S-alpha 2M. S-alpha 2M was readily dissociated to the quarter-subunits by mild reduction, with the formation of 3-4 new thiol groups per subunit. Inact reactive alpha 2M could then be regenerated in high yield by reoxidation of the subunits. F-alpha 2M formed by reaction with a proteinase or ammonium salts was not dissociated under the same conditions, although the interchain disulphide bonds were reduced. If the thiol groups of the quarter-subunits of S-alpha 2M were blocked by carboxymethylation, oxidative reassociation did not occur. Nevertheless treatment of these subunits with methylammonium salts or a proteinase caused the reassembly of half-molecules and intact (F-) tetramers. It is emphasized that F-alpha 2M does not have the properties of a denatured form of the protein...  相似文献   
Summary Segments of human thoracic aorta were maintained in long-term explant culture for 18 weeks in serum-supplemented medium. The aortas were grossly normal in appearance, and random samples fixed for light microscopy prior to culture revealed a normal morphology. The intima contained no more than five layers of smooth muscle cells. After 7 days in culture, the intima was noticeably thicker than the uncultured segments. The increased thickness was due to proliferating smooth muscle cells and production of extracellular material. After several months in culture, extracellular material consisting of collagen and flocculent material was present in areas resembling atherosclerotic fibrous plaques. A peripheral growth, which formed around the explant, was composed of fibroblastlike cells and added to the overall thickness of the intima. However, aortic segment maintained for up to 2 months in serum-free culture medium showed no cellular proliferation. This study demonstrates that changes resembling early stages of atherosclerosis occur in human aortas maintained in explant culture using routine culture procedures. Supported in part by the Pangborn Fund and the Graduate School of the University of Maryland. This is publication 443 from the Cellular Pathobiology Laboratory.  相似文献   
This report describes an infant with fatal congenital heart disease, cleft palate, brain malformations, and trisomy 8p resultant from the paternal balanced reciprocal translocation, rcp(8;15) (p11;p11). Review of six previously reported trisomy 8p patients (resultant from parental balanced translocation in each instance) revealed severe mental retardation in five, short stature in all, and a variety of brain, skeletal, and cardiac defects. The features of the seven trisomy 8p patients reviewed here are not sufficiently similar to suggest a distinct dysmorphic syndrome. In addition the features differ from those in the trisomy 8 mosaicism syndrome, in which the mental retardation and malformations are generally less severe.  相似文献   
Red blood cell lysis induced by the venom of Loxosceles reclusa, the brown recluse spider, may be related to the hemolytic anemia observed in several cases of spider envenomation. These investigations demonstrate that the venom of the brown recluse spider contains a calcium-dependent, heat-labile hemolysin of molecular weight approximately 19,000. The pH optimum for the hemolytic reaction was 7.1, and the optimum calcium concentration for venom-induced lysis was observed within the range of 6 to 10 mm. Sheep red blood cells were more susceptible to the spider hemolysin than human red blood cells, although both types exhibited appreciable lysis. Digestion of sheep red blood cell membranes with partially purified venom lysin resulted in degradation of the sphingomyelin component. However, reaction of the membranes with the venom lysin produced no release of water-soluble phosphate, and no free fatty acids were generated. These results indicate that the sphingomyelin-degrading activity of the venom is not a phospholipase C- or a phospholipase A2-type activity. Sphingomyelin was employed as substrate for the venom hemolysin, and the organic and aqueous fractions of the reaction mixtures were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography. Analysis of the organic fraction revealed a phosphate-containing product with the solubility and chromatographic characteristics of N-acylsphingosine phosphate (ceramide phosphate), and analysis of the aqueous fraction demonstrated the presence of choline. The isolation and identification of these products indicate that the sphingomyelin of the red cell membrane is hydrolyzed by a sphingomyelinase D-type activity expressed by the partially purified venom hemolysin. A close correspondence between the hemolytic and sphingomyelinase D activities was observed when the partially purified hemolysin was further characterized in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 8.3 and pH 4.9. The hemolytic and sphingomyelinase activities were coincident within the electrophoretic pattern at both pHs. The results presented demonstrate conclusively a direct lytic action of brown recluse venom upon red blood cells and report for the first time the presence of sphingomyelinase D in spider venom.  相似文献   
Human lysosomal elastase. Catalytic and immunological properties.   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
1. The elastase of human spleen was shown to exhibit endopeptidase activity against azo-casein and elastin. 2. Activity against several synthetic substrates was detected, and benzyloxycarbonyl-L-alanine 2-naphthyl ester was found to be a good substrate for routine use. 3. The enzyme showed a broad pH optimum in the range of 8.2-9.2 against azo-casein and the synthetic substrate. 4. The effect of inhibitors on the spleen elastase showed it to be a serine proteinase with a specificity similar to that of porcine pancreatic elastase. 5. Specific antisera were raised against the enzyme, and it was shown to be immunologically identical with the lysosomal elastase of human neutrophil leucocytes.  相似文献   
The effects of the lysosomal proteinase cathepsin D on the mechanical properties of adult human articular cartilage were examined in detail in 7 joints within the age range 21 to 72 years. The results of a preliminary study on the effects of the lysosomal proteinase cathepsin B1 and clostridial collagenase on the mechanical properties of cartilage are also presented. Cartilage which had been incubated with either cathepsin D or cathepsin B1 showed increased deformation in uniaxial compression perpendicular to the articular surface. The enzyme-treated cartilage also showed decreased tensile stiffness at low values of stress. This effect was more pronounced in specimens from the deeper zone of cartilage than in specimens from the superficial zone. It was also more pronounced in specimens which were aligned perpendicular to the predominant alignment of the collagen fibres in the superficial zone than in specimens which were parallel to the collagen fibres. At higher stresses the tensile stiffness of the treated cartilage was not significantly different from that of the untreated tissue. The tensile fracture stress of the cartilage was also not significantly reduced by the action of cathepsin D. In contrast to the effects observed with the cathepsins, the preliminary results obtained by incubating cartilage for 24 h with clostridial collagenase showed that both the tensile stiffness and the fracture stress were considerably lower than the corresponding values for the untreated tissue. Biochemical analysis of the incubation media, and the specimens, revealed that a large proportion of the proteoglycans was released from the cartilage by each of the three enzymes. The proportion of the total collagen which was released from the cartilage was different for each enzyme: cathepsin D released between 0 and 1.5 per cent, cathepsin B1 released between 2.3 and 4.3 per cent and collagenase released between 5.3 and 27.8 per cent of the collagen after 24 h.  相似文献   
Dendrites constitute over 80 per cent of the receptive surface area in cat motoneurons. Calculations based on matched electrical and gemoetrical measurements in these neurons indicate that the specific resistance of dendritic membranes in resting motoneurons is at least 2,000 ohm-cm2. When the specific membrane resistance is this high, even the most distal dendritic synapses can contribute significantly to the depolarization of the soma, and hence influence the rate of action potential generation. However, dendritic membrane resistance depends strongly on the level of background synaptic activity. The conductance changes associated with excitatory synaptic activity on a dendrite can be great enough to reduce significantly both the excitatory synaptic driving potential and the effective membrane resistance on that dendrite, and thus greatly reduce the effectiveness of synapses on the dendrite. Inhibitory synaptic activity produces an even greater reduction in dendritic membrane resistance. Thus the relative effectiveness of dendritic synapses depends on the type, distribution, and intensity of background synaptic activity, as well as on dendritic geometry and resting membrane properties.  相似文献   
The growth of chick heart cells in culture declines when the cells reach confluency. The decline in growth rate is associated with both a decrease in the pH of the bicarbonate-CO2 buffered medium and a reduced capacity for glucose oxidation by the pentose phosphate pathway. The pH of proliferating cultures supplemented with either 14 mM NaHCO3 or with a mixture of organic buffers (pK 7.4) was increased by 0.3 pH unit over that of the controls. The rate of glucose oxidation by the pentose phosphate pathway in confluent cultures supplemented with NaHCO3 or organic buffer increased by 60% 24 h after pH correction. This was associated with an increase in glucose uptake from the medium. We conclude that pH elevation in confluent heart cell cultures stimulates both growth and the capacity for glucose oxidation by the pentose phosphate pathway. The data also provide further evidence for a relationship between activity of the pentose phosphate pathway and cell growth.  相似文献   
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