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An increased prevalence of cervical cancer has been observed in immunosuppressed women, but controlled studies are rare. Biopsy specimens from 49 women with renal allografts and 69 non-immunosuppressed controls (with no history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, vulval warts, or abnormal results of cervical smear tests) were assessed for colposcopic appearance, cytological and histological diagnosis, and the presence of human papillomavirus types 6/11 and 16/18 DNA sequences. At colposcopy 26 (53%) of the women with allografts had cervical abnormalities compared with 20 (29%) of the controls. The prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia was significantly higher in the women with allografts (24 (49%) compared with 7 (10%]. The overall rate of detection of human papillomavirus DNA did not differ significantly between the two groups. There was however, a significant difference in the rate of detection of human papillomavirus type 16/18 DNA (27% in the women with allografts and 6% in the controls). These data confirm that pathological and virological changes affecting the cervix are significantly increased in immunosuppressed women and emphasise the need for regular colposcopic examination.  相似文献   
Conclusion Experimental evidence has accumulated over the past few years to suggest that the GPI protein anchor may play a broad role in the regulation of membrane protein function. The significant changes in the biophysical properties of proteins that are membrane-anchored through GPI in lieu of a hydrophobic transmembrane peptide indicates a variety phobic transmembrane peptide indicates a variety of potential new functions served by the anchor structure itself. Moreover, the number of structural variations within the family of GPI molecules indicates a further opportunity for subspecialization of such anchored proteins, especially regarding cellular localization, mobility, metabolism and susceptibility to enzymatically-induced release. It is likely that further exploration of the structure and function of the GPI anchor may reveal additional roles for this unusual mechanism of membrane-protein attachment.  相似文献   
The complete life cycle of Amblyospora campbelli (Kellen and Wills, 1962) (Microsporida: Amblyosporidae) requires a two-host system involving the mosquito host, Culiseta incidens (Thomson), and an obligatory intermediate copepod host. The parasite has dimorphic spore development producing meiospores (haploid condition) and binucleated spores (diploid condition), either as an exclusive infection or simultaneously (within females only). This is the 1st known report of concurrent spore development within an adult mosquito host, and, therefore, shows the Amblyospora campbelli system to be uniquely different from other Amblyospora spp. cycles previously described. The significance of dimorphic spore development is discussed. In females, diplokaryotic meronts may invade oenocytes, causing a benign-type of infection. A blood-meal is required to initiate sporulation of the binucleate spore. The binucleate spore contains the sporoplasm involved in transovarial transmission. A 2nd sporulation sequence, primarily in adipose tissue, may involve both males and females. In this sequence, repeated merogonic division greatly increased the density of diplokaryotic meronts and generally involved most of the body of the host. Production of meiospores, unlike that for the binucleate spore, appeared to be spontaneous (i.e. no obligatory blood meal). Survivorship of male and female larval mosquitoes was nearly equal. Adult females spread the parasite in three ways: transovarial, transovum, and by meiospore deposition.  相似文献   
Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to demonstrate that free radicals are formed in O3-fumigated plant leaves prior to the formation of visible leaf injury. ESR signals with a g-value of 2.0037 to 2.0043, were observed in pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Feltham first) and bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Pinto) plants that had been fumigated for 4 h with 70–300 nl l−1 of ozone after they had been treated with the spin-trap N- t -butyl-α-phenylnitrone (PBN). The size of the ESR signals increased with the concentration of ozone used but the nature of the trapped radicals could not be identified. However, further experiments using an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, arninoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG), showed that the reaction between ozone and ethylene is the cause for ozone toxicity.  相似文献   
The transport of human-mouse hybrid class I histocompatibility antigens has been studied in a mutant human cell line, 174 × CEM.T2 (T2). T2, a somatic cell hybrid of human B- and T-lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL and T-LCL, respectively), synthesizes HLA-A2 and HLA-B5 glycoproteins, but expresses only low levels of A2 and undetectable levels of B5 at the cell surface. We have previously shown that the products of human class I genes introduced into T2 by transfection behave like the endogenous HLA-B5 glycoproteins, while the products of mouse class I alleles similarly introduced are transported normally to the cell surface. We have now determined that the surface expression of class I glycoproteins in T2 depends on the origin of the 1 and 2 domains. Human (HLA-B7) and mouse (H-2D p ) hybrid class I genes, encoding the leader, 1, and 2 sequences of one species fused to the 3, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains of the other, were transfected into T2. Normal surface expression of the hybrid class I molecule was observed in T2 only when the leader, 1, and 2-encoding exons were derived from the mouse gene. The reciprocal construct, encoding human leader, 1, and 2 domains fused to the mouse 3, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic regions, resulted in biosynthesis of a hybrid glycoprotein which was not transported to the cell surface. The products of both constructs were expressed normally in control cells. The effects of glycosylation on class I antigen transport were also studied using mutant class I constructs with altered glycosylation sites. Two mutant B7 genes encoding either an extra glycosylation site at position 176 or no glycosylation sites were transfected into T2. These mutant products were expressed at the cell surface in control cells, but were synthesized and not surface-expressed in T2. These data demonstrate that the HLA/H-2 transport dichotomy in T2 is a function of the origin of the 1 and/or 2 domains of the class I glycoprotein, and is not a reflection of glycosylation differences between the human and mouse molecules. Offprint requests to: P. Cresswell.  相似文献   
A simple panning procedure that allows for the evaluation of interactions between various heparin-like molecules and basic FGF has been developed. This assay measures the ability of compounds to inhibit the interaction of transfected human lymphoblastoid cells, UC 729-6 (UC cells), expressing hamster syndecan and basic FGF-coated plastic plates. The transfected cells bind rapidly to basic FGF-coated plates while the control cells do not bind well. Binding of the transfected cells to basic FGF was inhibited by heparin and heparin sulfate (HS), but not by chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid. There was little inhibition of binding by chemically modified heparin such as completely desulfated, N-acetylated heparin, completely desulfated, N-sulfated heparin, and N-desulfated, N-acetylated heparin. These results suggested that both the N-sulfate and O-sulfate groups of heparin are required for binding to basic FGF. In addition, inhibition by oligosaccharides derived from depolymerized heparin increased with fragment size; partial inhibition was observed with oligosaccharides as small as hexamers. The biochemical basis for the binding of transfected cells to basic FGF was established by showing a significant increase of 35SO4 incorporation into HS. In particular, the level of 35SO4-HS in the trypsin-releasable (cell surface) pool increased fivefold. This increase was accounted for by demonstration of the presence of HS on immunoprecipitated syndecan from the transfected cells.  相似文献   
Suspensions of Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzed the oxidation of the commercial nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin [2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)-pyridine]. Rapid oxidation of nitrapyrin (at a concentration of 10 μM) required the concomitant oxidation of ammonia, hydroxylamine, or hydrazine. The turnover rate was highest in the presence of 10 mM ammonia (0.8 nmol of nitrapyrin per min/mg of protein). The product of the reaction was 6-chloropicolinic acid. By the use of 18O2, it was shown that one of the oxygens in 6-chloropicolinic acid came from diatomic oxygen and that the other came from water. Approximately 13% of the radioactivity of [2,6-14C]nitrapyrin was shown to bind to cells. Most (94%) of the latter was bound indiscriminately to membrane proteins. The nitrapyrin bound to membrane proteins may account for the observed inactivation of ammonia oxidation.  相似文献   
The mechanism for the production of hydroxyl radical by lignin peroxidase from the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was investigated. Ferric iron reduction was demonstrated in reaction mixtures containing lignin peroxidase isozyme H2 (LiPH2), H2O2, veratryl alcohol, oxalate, ferric chloride, and 1,10-phenanthroline. The rate of iron reduction was dependent on the concentration of oxalate and was inhibited by the addition of superoxide dismutase. The addition of ferric iron inhibited oxygen consumption in reaction mixtures containing LiPH2, H2O2, veratryl alcohol, and oxalate. Thus, the reduction of ferric iron was thought to be dependent on the LiPH2-catalyzed production of superoxide in which veratryl alcohol and oxalate serve as electron mediators. Oxalate production and degradation in nutrient nitrogen-limited cultures of P. chrysosporium was also studied. The concentration of oxalate in these cultures decreased during the period in which maximum lignin peroxidase activity (veratryl alcohol oxidation) was detected. Electron spin resonance studies using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide were used to obtain evidence for the production of the hydroxyl radical in reaction mixtures containing LiPH2, H2O2, veratryl alcohol, EDTA, and ferric chloride. It was concluded that the white rot fungus might produce hydroxyl radical via a mechanism that includes the secondary metabolites veratryl alcohol and oxalate. Such a mechanism may contribute to the ability of this fungus to degrade environmental pollutants.  相似文献   
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