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We rank the reactivity of the adenyl residues (A) of model DNA and RNA molecules with electropositive subnano size [Ag]n+ sites as a function of nucleic acid primary sequences and secondary structures and in the presence of biological amounts of Cl- and Na+ or Mg2+ ions. In these conditions A is markedly more reactive than any other nucleic acid bases. A reactivity is higher in ribo (r) than in deoxyribo (d) species [pA>pdA and (pA)n>(pdA)n]. Base pairing decreases A reactivity in corresponding duplexes but much less in r than in d. In linear single and paired dCAG or dGAC loci, base stacking inhibits A reactivity even if A is bulged or mispaired (A.A). dA tracts are highly reactive only when dilution prevents self-association and duplex structures. In d hairpins the solvent-exposed A residues are reactive in CAG and GAC triloops and even more in ATC loops. Among the eight rG1N2R3A4 loops, those bearing a single A (A4) are the least reactive. The solvent-exposed A2 is reactive, but synergistic structural transitions make the initially stacked A residues of any rGNAA loop much more reactive. Mg2+ cross-bridging single strands via phosphates may screen A reactivity. In contrast d duplexes cross-bridging enables "A flipping" much more in rA.U pairs than in dA.T. Mg2+ promotes A reactivity in unpaired strands. For hairpins Mg2+ binding stabilizes the stems, but according to A position in the loops, A reactivity may be abolished, reduced, or enhanced. It is emphasized that not only accessibility but also local flexibility, concerted docking, and cation and anion binding control A reactivity.  相似文献   
The chemical relationships among particulate and colloidal organicmaterial and dissolved fulvic acid were examined in an alpine andsubalpine lake and two streams in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky MountainNational Park. The alpine lake, Sky Pond, had the lowest dissolved organiccarbon (DOC) (0.37 mgC/L), the highest particulate carbon (POC) (0.13mgC/L), and high algal biomass. The watershed of Sky Pond is primarilytalus slope, and DOC and POC may be autochthonous. Both Andrews Creekand Icy Brook gain DOC as they flow through wet sedge meadows. Thesubalpine lake, The Loch, receives additional organic material from thesurrounding forest and had a higher DOC (0.66 mgC/L). Elemental analysis,stable carbon isotopic compositon, and 13C-NMR characterizationshowed that: 1) particulate material had relatively high inorganic contentsand was heterogeneous in compositon, 2) colloidal material was primarilycarbohydrate material with a low inorganic content at all sites; and 3)dissolved fulvic acid varied in compositon among sites. The lowconcentration and carbohydrate-rich character of the colloidal materialsuggests that this fraction is labile to microbial degradation and may beturning over more rapidly than particulate fractions or dissolved fulvic acid.Fulvic acid from Andrews Creek had the lowest N content and aromaticity,whereas Sky Pond fulvic acid had a higher N content and lower aromaticitythan fulvic acid from The Loch. The UV-visible spectra of the fulvic acidsdemonstrate that variation in characteristics with sources of organic carboncan explain to some extent the observed non-linear relationship betweenUV-B extinction coefficients and DOC concentrations in lakes.  相似文献   
Summary Centrin and calmodulin are members of the EF-hand calcium-binding superfamily of proteins. In this study we compared localisation and immunoblotting of centrin with calmodulin in several monocot (onion and wheat) and dicot (mung bean andArabidopsis) plants. We confirmed that an anti-calmodulin antibody recognised a 17 kDa protein in all species tested and localises to the cytoplasm, mitotic matrix and with microtubules of the preprophase band and phragmoplast. In contrast, immunoblotting using anti-centrin antibodies shows that plant centrins vary from 17 to 20 kDa. Immunofluorescence microscopy with anti-centrin antibodies revealed only weak centrin immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm, nucleus, nuclear envelope, phragmoplast and mitotic matrix in meristematic cells. There was a slightly more intense perinuclear labelling in large differentiating onion cells and between separating anaphase chromosomes. While centrin is known to localise to the mitotic spindle poles in animal and algal cells, there was no appreciable immunoreactivity at the spindle poles in higher plants. In contrast, there was an intense immunofluorescence signal with anti-centrin antibodies in the developing cell plate. Further characterisation of the cell plate labelling by immunogold electron microscopy shows centrin immunoreactivity was closely associated with vesicles in the cell plate. Our observations suggest that centrin may play a role in cell plate formation.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - MTs microtubules - MTOCs microtubule organising centres - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PBST phosphate buffered saline with Tween-20  相似文献   
Sepsis remains the leading cause of death in critically ill patients, despite modern advances in critical care. Intestinal barrier dysfunction may lead to secondary bacterial translocation and the development of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome during sepsis. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 is highly upregulated in the intestine during sepsis, and we hypothesized that it may be critical in the maintenance of intestinal epithelial barrier function during peritonitis-induced polymicrobial sepsis. COX-2(-/-) and COX-2(+/+) BALB/c mice underwent cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) or sham surgery. Mice chimeric for COX-2 were derived by bone marrow transplantation and underwent CLP. C2BBe1 cells, an intestinal epithelial cell line, were treated with the COX-2 inhibitor NS-398, PGD(2), or vehicle and stimulated with cytokines. COX-2(-/-) mice developed exaggerated bacteremia and increased mortality compared with COX-2(+/+) mice following CLP. Mice chimeric for COX-2 exhibited the recipient phenotype, suggesting that epithelial COX-2 expression in the ileum attenuates bacteremia following CLP. Absence of COX-2 significantly increased epithelial permeability of the ileum and reduced expression of the tight junction proteins zonula occludens-1, occludin, and claudin-1 in the ileum following CLP. Furthermore, PGD(2) attenuated cytokine-induced hyperpermeability and zonula occludens-1 downregulation in NS-398-treated C2BBe1 cells. Our findings reveal that absence of COX-2 is associated with enhanced intestinal epithelial permeability and leads to exaggerated bacterial translocation and increased mortality during peritonitis-induced sepsis. Taken together, our results suggest that epithelial expression of COX-2 in the ileum is a critical modulator of tight junction protein expression and intestinal barrier function during sepsis.  相似文献   
Knott  Patrick  Lonner  Baron  Smith  Mark  Frommeyer  Erin  Ren  Yuan 《Scoliosis》2016,11(2):32-62


Clinicians who assess and treat patients for scoliosis typically use parameters that are all visible from the posterior view. Radiographs assess the internal spinal deformity, but do not directly evaluate body shape, either posterior or anterior. This is problematic, as the patient is most concerned about the way they appear in the mirror. An objective set of anterior measurements is needed to help quantify the anterior asymmetry that is present in scoliosis.


The design of this system of assessment was developed as a consensus of thinking from four points of view. A spine surgeon provided the musculoskeletal structural perspective. A plastic surgeon specializing in breast reconstruction provided the aesthetic and soft tissue perspective. A surface topography researcher provided the imaging perspective, and a scoliosis patient provided the self-perception and emotional perspective.Using an iterative process, a series of potential measurement parameters using surface topography measurements were considered, debated, and ultimately selected to be part of a system of measurement that provides an overall assessment of anterior trunk asymmetry.


An anterior surface topography scan in the relaxed, standing position was taken of the scoliosis patient. The computer provides a 3D topographical model that is used to complete measurements that can be combined to achieve an Anterior Aesthetic Deformity Score. Shoulder parameters, including shoulder height difference and shoulder slope difference, make up 40 % of the total score. Breast asymmetry, including nipple height difference and sternal notch-to-nipple distance, make up 30 % of the total score. Waist asymmetry makes up the final 30 % of the score, providing an objective and quantifiable measure of anterior trunk deformity.


These measurements provide an objective, systematic evaluation of anterior trunk asymmetry that can be used in the assessment of patients with scoliosis. Clinical research should now be done to validate this system and show that it is reproducible in a variety of settings and patients.
Lytic Replication of Coliphage Lambda in Salmonella typhosa Hybrids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Hybrids between Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella typhosa which conserved a continuous K-12 chromosomal diploid segment extending from pro through ara to the strA locus were sensitive to plaque formation by wild-type λ. These partially diploid S. typhosa hybrids could be lysogenized with λ and subsequently induced to produce infectious phage particles. When the K-12 genes were segregated from a lysogenic S. typhosa hybrid, phage-productive ability was no longer detectable due to loss of a genetic region necessary for vegetative replication of λ. However, λ prophage was shown to persist in a quiescent state in the S. typhosa hybrid segregant with phage-productive ability being reactivated after replacement of the essential K-12 λ replication region. Low-frequency transduction and high-frequency transduction lysates containing the gal+ genes of S. typhosa were prepared by induction of λ-lysogenic S. typhosa hybrids indicating that the attλ site is chromosomally located in S. typhosa in close proximity to the gal locus as in E. coli K-12. After propagation in S. typhosa hybrids, λ was subject to restriction by E. coli K-12 recipients, thus establishing that S. typhosa does not perform the K-12 modification of λ deoxyribonucleic acid. Hybrids of S. typhosa, however, did not restrict λ grown previously on E. coli K-12. The K-12 genetic region required for λ phage production in S. typhosa was located within min 66 to min 72 on the genetic map of the E. coli chromosome. Transfer of an F-merogenote encompassing the 66 to 72 min E. coli chromosomal region to λ-insensitive S. typhosa hybrids enabled them to replicate wild-type λ. The λ-insensitive S. typhosa hybrid, WR4255, which blocks λ replication, can be mutagenized to yield mutant strains sensitive to λvir and λimm434. These WR4255 mutants remained insensitive to plaque formation by wild-type λ.  相似文献   
Although laughter forms an important part of human non-verbal communication, it has received rather less attention than it deserves in both the experimental and the observational literatures. Relaxed social (Duchenne) laughter is associated with feelings of wellbeing and heightened affect, a proximate explanation for which might be the release of endorphins. We tested this hypothesis in a series of six experimental studies in both the laboratory (watching videos) and naturalistic contexts (watching stage performances), using change in pain threshold as an assay for endorphin release. The results show that pain thresholds are significantly higher after laughter than in the control condition. This pain-tolerance effect is due to laughter itself and not simply due to a change in positive affect. We suggest that laughter, through an endorphin-mediated opiate effect, may play a crucial role in social bonding.  相似文献   
Interferon-activated monocytes are known to exert cytocidal activity against tumor cells in vitro. Here, we have examined whether a combination of IFN-α2a and IFN-γ and human monocytes mediate significant antitumor effects against human ovarian and melanoma tumor xenografts in mouse models. OVCAR-3 tumors were treated i.t. with monocytes alone, IFN-α2a and IFN-γ alone or combination of all three on day 0, 15 or 30 post-tumor implantation. Mice receiving combination therapy beginning day 15 showed significantly reduced tumor growth and prolonged survival including complete regression in 40% mice. Tumor volumes measured on day 80 in mice receiving combination therapy (206 mm(3)) were significantly smaller than those of mice receiving the IFNs alone (1,041 mm(3)), monocytes alone (1,111 mm(3)) or untreated controls (1,728 mm(3)). Similarly, combination therapy with monocytes and IFNs of much larger tumor also inhibited OVCAR-3 tumor growth. Immunohistochemistry studies showed a large number of activated macrophages (CD31(+)/CD68(+)) infiltrating into OVCAR-3 tumors and higher densities of IL-12, IP10 and NOS2, markers of M1 (classical) macrophages in tumors treated with combination therapy compared to the controls. Interestingly, IFNs-activated macrophages induced apoptosis of OVCAR-3 tumor cells as monocytes alone or IFNs alone did not mediate significant apoptosis. Similar antitumor activity was observed in the LOX melanoma mouse model, but not as profound as seen with the OVCAR-3 tumors. Administration of either mixture of monocytes and IFN-α2a or monocytes and IFN-γ did not inhibit Lox melanoma growth; however, a significant inhibition was observed when tumors were treated with a mixture of monocytes, IFN-α2a and IFN-γ. These results indicate that monocytes and both IFN-α2a and IFN-γ may be required to mediate profound antitumor effect against human ovarian and melanoma tumors in mouse models.  相似文献   
The expression of retinoblastoma (pRb) and cyclin D3 proteins is highly induced during the process of skeletal myoblast differentiation. We have previously shown that cyclin D3 is nearly totally associated with hypophosphorylated pRb in differentiated myotubes, whereas Rb-/- myocytes fail to accumulate the cyclin D3 protein despite normal induction of cyclin D3 mRNA. Here we report that pRb promotes cyclin D3 protein accumulation in differentiating myoblasts by preventing cyclin D3 degradation. We show that cyclin D3 displays rapid turnover in proliferating myoblasts, which is positively regulated through glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK-3beta)-mediated phosphorylation of cyclin D3 on Thr-283. We describe a novel interaction between pRb and cyclin D3 that maps to the C terminus of pRb and to a region of cyclin D3 proximal to the Thr-283 residue and provide evidence that the pRb-cyclin D3 complex formation in terminally differentiated myotubes hinders the access of GSK-3beta to cyclin D3, thus inhibiting Thr-283 phosphorylation. Interestingly, we observed that the ectopic expression of a stabilized cyclin D3 mutant in C2 myoblasts enhances muscle-specific gene expression; conversely, cyclin D3-null embryonic fibroblasts display impaired MyoD-induced myogenic differentiation. These results indicate that the pRb-dependent accumulation of cyclin D3 is functionally relevant to the process of skeletal muscle cell differentiation.  相似文献   
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