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Surveys were distributed to New Zealand land users in 1998 and 2008 to acquire information about New Zealand frogs with the aim of compiling and mapping their distribution and inferred population trends without costly and time-consuming field surveys. The overall frog population trend was reported as declining, with possible causes reported as an increase in agriculture, an increase in the distribution of predatory fish and disease. The resultant maps could be used for four main purposes: 1) to identify regions where Litoria populations are known to occur, which can be eliminated when considering suitable regions for translocation of Leiopelma; 2) to identify growing or stable populations of Litoria species, which may assist future disease surveys, population monitoring and to identify sources of genetic material that may serve as an Ark for declining Australian populations; 3) to highlight populations that are in decline to enable effective targeting of detailed disease studies; and 4) to approximate the stability of amphibian populations in the absence of more accurate, but costly, scientific monitoring.  相似文献   
Plasmodium vivax and P. cynomolgi produce numerous caveola-vesicle complex (CVC) structures within the surface of the infected erythrocyte membrane. These contrast with the electron-dense knob protrusions expressed at the surface of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Here we investigate the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of the CVCs and the identity of a predominantly expressed 95 kDa CVC protein. Liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry analysis of immunoprecipitates by monoclonal antibodies from P. cynomolgi extracts identified this protein as a member of the Plasmodium helical interspersed subtelomeric (PHIST) superfamily with a calculated mass of 81 kDa. We named the orthologous proteins PvPHIST/CVC-81(95) and PcyPHIST/CVC-81(95) , analysed their structural features, including a PEXEL motif, repeated sequences and a C-terminal PHIST domain, and show that PHIST/CVC-81(95) is most highly expressed in trophozoites. We generated images of CVCs in 3-D using electron tomography (ET), and used immuno-ET to show PHIST/CVC-81(95) localizes to the cytoplasmic side of the CVC tubular extensions. Targeted gene disruptions were attempted in vivo. The pcyphist/cvc-81(95) gene was not disrupted, but parasites containing episomes with the tgdhfr selection cassette were retrieved by selection with pyrimethamine. This suggests that PHIST/CVC-81(95) is essential for survival of these malaria parasites.  相似文献   
An important step when designing a vaccine is identifying the antigens that function as targets of naturally acquired antibodies. We investigated specific antibody responses against two Plasmodium vivax vaccine candidates, PvMSP-119 and PvMSP-3α359?798. Moreover, we assessed the relationship between these antibodies and morbidity parameters. PvMSP-119 was the most immunogenic antigen and the frequency of responders to this protein tended to increase in P. vivax patients with higher parasitemia. For both antigens, IgG antibody responses tended to be lower in patients who had experienced their first bout of malaria. Furthermore, anemic patients presented higher IgG antibody responses to PvMSP-3α359?798. Since the humoral response involves a number of antibodies acting simultaneously on different targets, we performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Anemic patients had, on average, higher first principal component scores (IgG1/IgG2/IgG3/IgG4 anti-MSP3α), which were negatively correlated with hemoglobin levels. Since antibodies against PfMSP-3 have been strongly associated with clinical protection, we cannot exclude the possibility of a dual role of PvMSP-3 specific antibodies in both immunity and pathogenesis of vivax malaria. Our results confirm the high immunogenicity of the conserved C terminus of PvMSP-1 and points to the considerable immunogenicity of polymorphic PvMSP-3α359?798 during natural infection.  相似文献   
Behavioral genetic mapping studies in model organisms predominantly use crosses originating from a single pair of inbred lines to determine the location of alleles that confer genetic variation in the trait of interest, and they often make sweeping generalizations about the genetic architecture of the trait based on these results. A previous study fine mapped mate preference variation between one pair of Drosophila pseudoobscura lines and identified 2 strong-effect behavioral quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Here, we replicated the previous study's mapping design to examine the extent of variation at these behavioral QTLs across 6 pairs of lines, but we were unable to detect effects of either QTL region in the pairs of lines studied. We suggest that the low-discrimination alleles at these 2 QTLs may occur at low frequency within D. pseudoobscura, although other explanations for the inconsistency are possible. These results underscore the need to examine multiple strains across a species when describing the genetic variation underlying behavioral traits.  相似文献   
Vaccination with Plasmodium falciparum MSP1(42)/complete Freund's adjuvant (FA) followed by MSP1(42)/incomplete FA is the only known regimen that protects Aotus nancymaae monkeys against infection by erythrocytic stage malaria parasites. The role of adjuvant is not defined; however complete FA cannot be used in humans. In rodent models, immunity is strain-specific. We vaccinated Aotus monkeys with the FVO or 3D7 alleles of MSP1(42) expressed in Escherichia coli or with the FVO allele expressed in baculovirus (bv) combined with complete and incomplete FA, Montanide ISA-720 (ISA-720) or AS02A. Challenge with FVO strain P. falciparum showed that suppression of cumulative day 11 parasitemia was strain-specific and could be induced by E. coli expressed MSP1(42) in combination with FA or ISA-720 but not with AS02A. The coli42-FVO antigen induced a stronger protective effect than the bv42-FVO antigen, and FA induced a stronger protective effect than ISA-720. ELISA antibody (Ab) responses at day of challenge (DOC) were strain-specific and correlated inversely with c-day 11 parasitemia (r = -0.843). ELISA Ab levels at DOC meeting a titer of at least 115,000 ELISA Ab units identified the vaccinees not requiring treatment (noTx) with a true positive rate of 83.3% and false positive rate of 14.3 %. Correlation between functional growth inhibitory Ab levels (GIA) and cumulative day 11 parasitemia was weaker (r = -0.511), and was not as predictive for a response of noTx. The lowest false positive rate for GIA was 30% when requiring a true positive rate of 83.3%. These inhibition results along with those showing that antigen/FA combinations induced a stronger protective immunity than antigen/ISA-720 or antigen/AS02 combinations are consistent with protection as ascribed to MSP1-specific cytophilic antibodies. Development of an effective MSP1(42) vaccine against erythrocytic stage P. falciparum infection will depend not only on antigen quality, but also upon the selection of an optimal adjuvant component.  相似文献   
The population structure of Plasmodium vivax remains elusive. The markers of choice for large-scale population genetic studies of eukaryotes, short tandem repeats known as microsatellites, have been recently reported to be less polymorphic in P. vivax. Here we investigate the microsatellite diversity and geographic structure in P. vivax, at both local and global levels, using 14 new markers consisting of tri- or tetranucleotide repeats. The local-level analysis, which involved 50 field isolates from Sri Lanka, revealed unexpectedly high diversity (average virtual heterozygosity [H(E)], 0.807) and significant multilocus linkage disequilibrium in this region of low malaria endemicity. Multiple-clone infections occurred in 60% of isolates sampled in 2005. The global-level analysis of field isolates or monkey-adapted strains identified 150 unique haplotypes among 164 parasites from four continents. Individual P. vivax isolates could not be unambiguously assigned to geographic populations. For example, we found relatively low divergence among parasites from Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania, but substantial differentiation between parasites from the same continent (South Asia and Southeast Asia) or even from the same country (Brazil). Parasite relapses, which may extend the duration of P. vivax carriage in humans, are suggested to facilitate the spread of strains across continents, breaking down any pre-existing geographic structure.  相似文献   
Antigenic variation of malaria parasites was discovered in P. knowlesi, using a schizont-infected cell agglutination (SICA) assay to detect variant antigens expressed at the surface of infected erythrocytes. Later studies utilizing stable clones, Pk1(A+) and its direct derivative, Pk1(B+)1+, showed that SICA[+] clones express distinct parasite-encoded antigens of approximately 200 kDa. Here we identify a P. knowlesi variant antigen gene and cDNA and demonstrate that it encodes the 205 kDa variant antigen expressed by B+ parasites. This gene belongs to a multigene family, which we term SICAvar. Its ten-exon structure with seven cysteine-rich coding modules is unique compared to P. falciparum var genes. Further, we highlight a 3' genomic alteration that we predict is related to SICAvar gene switching.  相似文献   
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