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Although hypoxia tolerance in heterothermic mammals is well established, it is unclear whether the adaptive significance stems from hypoxia or other cellular challenge associated with euthermy, hibernation, or arousal. In the present study, blood gases, hemoglobin O2 saturation (S(O2), and indexes of cellular and physiological stress were measured during hibernation and euthermy and after arousal thermogenesis. Results show that arterial O2 tension (Pa(O2)) and S(O2) are severely diminished during arousal and that hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha accumulates in brain. Despite evidence of hypoxia, neither cellular nor oxidative stress, as indicated by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) levels and oxidative modification of biomolecules, was observed during late arousal from hibernation. Compared with rats, hibernating Arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) are well oxygenated with no evidence of cellular stress, inflammatory response, neuronal pathology, or oxidative modification following the period of high metabolic demand necessary for arousal. In contrast, euthermic Arctic ground squirrels experience mild, chronic hypoxia with low S(O2) and accumulation of HIF-1alpha and iNOS and demonstrate the greatest degree of cellular stress in brain. These results suggest that Arctic ground squirrels experience and tolerate endogenous hypoxia during euthermy and arousal.  相似文献   
The antiatherogenic effects of soy isoflavone consumption have been demonstrated in a variety of studies. However, the mechanisms involved remain poorly defined. Adhesion of monocytes to vascular endothelial cells is a key step within the inflammatory cascade that leads to atherogenesis. Many factors, including the physical forces associated with blood flow, regulate this process. Using an in vitro flow assay, we report that genistein, a principal component of most isoflavone preparations, inhibits monocyte adhesion to cytokine (TNF-alpha)-stimulated human vascular endothelial cells at physiologically relevant concentrations (0-1 microM). This effect is absolutely dependent on flow and is not observed under static conditions. Furthermore, this inhibition was dependent on activation of endothelial peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. No significant role for other reported properties of genistein, including antioxidant effects, inhibition of tyrosine kinases, or activation of estrogen receptors, was observed. Furthermore, the antiadhesive effects of genistein did not occur via modulation of the adhesion molecules E-selectin, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, or platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1. These data reveal a novel anti-inflammatory mechanism for isoflavones and identify the physical forces associated with blood flow and a critical mediator of this function.  相似文献   
1. A glycoprotein extracted by cold alkali from the walls of human aorta was purified by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. 2. The compound was electrophoretically homogeneous and essentially so by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Ultracentrifugal examination revealed two components, and it is suggested that the faster-sedimenting component represents an aggregated form of the glycoprotein. 3. Glycoprotein preparations contained approx. 8% of carbohydrate. Digestion with Pronase yielded a glycopeptide fraction containing all the carbohydrate of the glycoprotein. The glycopeptide, of molecular weight about 7800, contained sialic acid, galactose, mannose, fucose and hexosamine in the approximate molar proportions 5:10:5:2:11. Sialic acid was terminal with respect to the polysaccharide chains. 4. Both elastase and elastomucoproteinases exhibited proteolytic activity towards the glycoprotein. Studies by other investigators have led to the conclusion that elastomucoproteinases attack protein-carbohydrate complexes occurring in intimate association with elastin in aorta and other tissues, and it is suggested that the glycoprotein may be identified with one of these compounds.  相似文献   
1. After the administration of labelled proline to guinea pigs deprived of ascorbic acid for 15 days, the dorsal skin was examined 5 days later in an attempt to detect the presence of hydroxyproline-deficient collagen (protocollagen). The extent of incorporation of proline into skin collagens indicated a severe impairment of collagen synthesis. 2. A comparison of proline and hydroxyproline specific radioactivities in diffusible peptides obtained by treatment with collagenase of either purified skin collagens or direct hot-trichloroacetic acid extracts of skin failed to indicate the presence of protocollagen. Possible reasons for this are discussed. 3. The incorporation results did not indicate an inability of normal collagen, i.e. collagen hydroxylated to the normal degree, to cross-link in scurvy. 4. Incorporation of labelled proline into aortic elastin isolated from the same animals did not indicate a decrease in elastin biosynthesis in ascorbic acid deficiency, beyond that attributable to the inanition accompanying the vitamin deficiency. The proline/hydroxyproline specific-radioactivity ratio in elastin from scorbutic guinea pigs was about 6:1 in contrast with the 1:1 ratio in control groups. It is concluded that the formation of elastin hydroxyproline was ascorbate-dependent and that a hydroxyproline-deficient elastin is formed and retained in scurvy. The formation of desmosines was unimpaired in scorbutic animals. 5. Studies with chick embryos confirmed the formation of elastin hydroxyproline from free proline. Incorporation of free hydroxyproline into elastin hydroxyproline was negligible. 6. Digestion of solubilized samples with collagenase indicated that the hydroxyproline in guinea-pig aortic elastin preparations was not derived from contamination by collagen. It is suggested that most if not all of the hydroxyproline in the guinea pig elastin preparations investigated can be considered an integral part of the elastin molecule.  相似文献   
Gordon H. Sato, an innovator in mammalian tissue culture and integrated cellular physiology, passed away in 2017. In tribute to Dr. Sato, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology—Animal presents a collection of invited remembrances from six colleagues whose associations with Dr. Sato spanned more than 40 years. Dr. Sato was a past president of the Tissue Culture Association (now the Society for In Vitro Biology), editor-in-chief of In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology (1987–1991), and the recipient of the lifetime achievement award from the Society for In Vitro Biology (2002). He was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences in 1984.  相似文献   
The shallow subtidal mactrid bivalve Mactrinula reevesii is a deposit-feeder in the southern and south-eastern oceanic waters of Hong Kong. Buried obliquely, large quantities of fine sediment are taken into the mantle cavity and sorted on enormous labial palps. The small ctenidia probably have little value in collecting material, amounts taken in being too large. The mid gut is long and complexly folded inside the visceral mass. It is also capable of distension, although superficial visceral muscles maintain internal tonus. The rectum is narrow and creates compact faecal pellets.
Most interest is in the ventral mantle margin which is, posterior to the pedal gape and the base of the inhalant siphon, united by a sheet of cuticle. There is no fourth pallial aperture. There are, however, two pairs of flaps extending along the posterior third of the internal ventral mantle surface. These arch over left and right mantle rejection tracts which transfer unwanted material to the base of the inhalant siphon for final expulsion. The mantle flaps prevent such material from being returned to the anterior end of the mantle cavity, for palp reprocessing, when new material arrives. They, thus, maximize sorting efficiency by separating unsorted from sorted and rejected material.
Other mactrids have similar mantle flaps which they use in different ways, including the channelling of unwanted material to a fourth pallial aperture for expulsion, as in Lutraria lutraria. The Mactridae have thus evolved a unique method of increasing the efficiency of pseudofaecal waste rejection which has thereby facilitated the deposit-feeding lifestyle by the diverse representatives of this family.  相似文献   
Abstract: Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the nitration of specific tyrosine residues in proteins by peroxynitrite (ONOO), which may be the damaging gain-of-function resulting from mutations to SOD associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We found that disassembled neurofilament-L (light subunit) was more susceptible to tyrosine nitration catalyzed by SOD in vitro. Neurofilament-L was selectively nitrated compared with the majority of other proteins present in brain homogenates. Assembled neurofilament-L was more resistant to nitration, suggesting that the susceptible tyrosine residues were protected by intersubunit contacts in assembled neurofilaments. Electrospray mass spectrometry of trypsin-digested neurofilament-L showed that tyrosine 17 in the head region and tyrosines 138, 177, and 265 in α-helical coil regions of the rod domain of neurofilament-L were particularly susceptible to SOD-catalyzed nitration. Nitrated neurofilament-L inhibited the assembly of unmodified neurofilament subunits, suggesting that the affected tyrosines are located in regions important for intersubunit contacts. Neurofilaments are major structural proteins expressed in motor neurons and known to be important for their survival in vivo. We suggest that SOD-catalyzed nitration of neurofilament-L may have a significant role in the pathogenesis of ALS.  相似文献   
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