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Aim The objective of this study was to describe and interpret the changes in faunal composition in the moth family Geometridae (Lepidoptera) along a small‐scale elevational gradient in a tropical montane rain forest. This gradient was compared with a large‐scale latitudinal gradient in Europe. Location Investigations were carried out in the province Zamora‐Chinchipe in southern Ecuador along a gradient ranging from 1040 to 2677 m above sea level at twenty‐two sites. Methods Moths were sampled with light‐traps in three field periods in 1999 and 2000 and subsequently sorted and determined to species or morphospecies. Results We analysed 13,938 specimens representing 1010 species of geometrid moths. The proportional contribution of subtaxa to the local geometrid fauna changes along the elevational gradient at all systematic levels considered. While proportions of species of the subfamilies Ennominae, Sterrhinae and Geometrinae significantly decrease, the proportion of Larentiinae increases with increasing altitude. Changes also occur within the subfamilies Ennominae and Larentiinae. The host–plant specialist ennomine tribes Cassymini, Macariini and Palyadini completely vanish, and the proportion of the tribe Boarmiini decreases at high altitudes. In contrast, the remaining tribes (mostly comprising polyphagous species) either do not show proportional changes (Azelinini, Nacophorini, Nephodiini, Ourapterygini) or even increase (Caberini, ‘Cratoptera group’). Within Larentiinae, the species proportion of the genus Eois decreases, whereas concomitantly the proportion of Eupithecia increases. There is a remarkable similarity between the altitudinal patterns in Ecuador and those found along the latitudinal gradient in Europe. Main conclusions Species of the subfamily Larentiinae seem to be particularly well‐adapted to harsh environmental conditions, towards both high altitudes and latitudes. They might disproportionately profit from lower predation at higher altitudes. Many changes in the faunal composition can be explained by expected host–plant requirements of the species involved. Our results show that diversity estimates based on taxon ratios which are assumed to be constant must be regarded with caution because such ratios can change rapidly along environmental gradients.  相似文献   
The obligate shade plant, Tradescantia albiflora Kunth grown at 50 mol photons · m–2 s–1 and Pisum sativum L. acclimated to two photon fluence rates, 50 and 300 mol · m–2 · s–1, were exposed to photoinhibitory light conditions of 1700 mol · m–2 · s–1 for 4 h at 22° C. Photosynthesis was assayed by measurement of CO2-saturated O2 evolution, and photosystem II (PSII) was assayed using modulated chlorophyll fluorescence and flash-yield determinations of functional reaction centres. Tradescantia was most sensitive to photoinhibition, while pea grown at 300 mol · m–2 · s–1 was most resistant, with pea grown at 50 mol · m–2 · s–1 showing an intermediate sensitivity. A very good correlation was found between the decrease of functional PSII reaction centres and both the inhibition of photosynthesis and PSII photochemistry. Photoinhibition caused a decline in the maximum quantum yield for PSII electron transport as determined by the product of photochemical quenching (qp) and the yield of open PSII reaction centres as given by the steady-state fluorescence ratio, FvFm, according to Genty et al. (1989, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 990, 81–92). The decrease in the quantum yield for PSII electron transport was fully accounted for by a decrease in FvFm, since qp at a given photon fluence rate was similar for photoinhibited and noninhibited plants. Under lightsaturating conditions, the quantum yield of PSII electron transport was similar in photoinhibited and noninhibited plants. The data give support for the view that photoinhibition of the reaction centres of PSII represents a stable, long-term, down-regulation of photochemistry, which occurs in plants under sustained high-light conditions, and replaces part of the regulation usually exerted by the transthylakoid pH gradient. Furthermore, by investigating the susceptibility of differently lightacclimated sun and shade species to photoinhibition in relation to qp, i.e. the fraction of open-to-closed PSII reaction centres, we also show that irrespective of light acclimation, plants become susceptible to photoinhibition when the majority of their PSII reaction centres are still open (i.e. primary quinone acceptor oxidized). Photoinhibition appears to be an unavoidable consequence of PSII function when light causes sustained closure of more than 40% of PSII reaction centres.Abbreviations Fo and Fo minimal fluorescence when all PSII reaction centres are open in darkness and steady-state light, respectively - Fm and Fm maximal fluorescence when all PSII reaction centres are closed in darkand light-acclimated leaves, respectively - Fv variable fluorescence - (Fm-Fo) under steady-state light con-ditions - Fs steady-state fluorescence in light - QA the primary,stable quinone acceptor of PSII - qNe non-photochemical quench-ing of fluorescence due to high energy state - (pH); qNi non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence due to photoinhibition - qp photochemical quenching of fluorescence To whom correspondence should be addressedThis work was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (G.Ö.) and the award of a National Research Fellowship to J.M.A and W.S.C. We thank Dr. Paul Kriedemann, Division of Forestry and Forest Products, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, for helpful discussions.  相似文献   
We have developed a method to reliably identify partial membrane protein topologies using the consensus of five topology prediction methods. When evaluated on a test set of experimentally characterized proteins, we find that approximately 90% of the partial consensus topologies are correctly predicted in membrane proteins from prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic organisms. Whole-genome analysis reveals that a reliable partial consensus topology can be predicted for approximately 70% of all membrane proteins in a typical bacterial genome and for approximately 55% of all membrane proteins in a typical eukaryotic genome. The average fraction of sequence length covered by a partial consensus topology is 44% for the prokaryotic proteins and 17% for the eukaryotic proteins in our test set, and similar numbers are found when the algorithm is applied to whole genomes. Reliably predicted partial topologies may simplify experimental determinations of membrane protein topology.  相似文献   
The rapidly growing body of sequenced DNA demands efficientcomputer programs for its analysis and storage. The programdescribed in this paper, SEQ-ED, has been designed to handlea large number of DNA sequences up to 200 kilobases [kb] longstored in a sequence library. In order to minimize the requiredstorage space, the sequences are stored in a compressed formatusing three binary digits per base. In the development of thisprogram, special care has been given to make it easy to usefor molecular biologists without any previous computer experience. Received on September 10, 1984; accepted on October 30, 1984  相似文献   
Recruitment of 53BP1 to chromatin flanking double strand breaks (DSBs) requires γH2AX/MDC1/RNF8-dependent ubiquitination of chromatin and interaction of 53BP1 with histone H4 methylated on lysine 20 (H4K20me). Several histone methyltransferases have been implicated in 53BP1 recruitment, but their quantitative contributions to the 53BP1 response are unclear. We have developed a multi-photon laser (MPL) system to target DSBs to subfemtoliter nuclear volumes and used this to mathematically model DSB response kinetics of MDC1 and of 53BP1. In contrast to MDC1, which revealed first order kinetics, the 53BP1 MPL-DSB response is best fitted by a Gompertz growth function. The 53BP1 MPL response shows the expected dependency on MDC1 and RNF8. We determined the impact of altered H4K20 methylation on 53BP1 MPL response kinetics in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking key H4K20 histone methyltransferases. This revealed no major requirement for the known H4K20 dimethylases Suv4-20h1 and Suv4-20h2 in 53BP1 recruitment or DSB repair function, but a key role for the H4K20 monomethylase, PR-SET7. The histone methyltransferase MMSET/WHSC1 has recently been implicated in 53BP1 DSB recruitment. We found that WHSC1 homozygous mutant MEFs reveal an alteration in balance of H4K20 methylation patterns; however, 53BP1 DSB responses in these cells appear normal.  相似文献   
Statistical physicists have become interested in models of collective social behavior such as opinion formation, where individuals change their inherently preferred opinion if their friends disagree. Real preferences often depend on regional cultural differences, which we model here as a spatial gradient g in the initial opinion. The gradient does not only add reality to the model. It can also reveal that opinion clusters in two dimensions are typically in the standard (i.e., independent) percolation universality class, thus settling a recent controversy about a non-consensus model. However, using analytical and numerical tools, we also present a model where the width of the transition between opinions scales , not as in independent percolation, and the cluster size distribution is consistent with first-order percolation.  相似文献   
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