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Sharon Reid Cintia Cornelius Olga Barbosa Christine Meynard Celeste Silva-García Pablo A. Marquet 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2002,11(11):1975-1990
We characterize the bird assemblage of an isolated relict temperaterainforest (Santa Inés) in terms of its structure, composition anddynamics. The relict character and long-term isolation of this forest remnant,immersed in a matrix of semiarid scrub, provide a natural experiment to assessthe consequences of long-term isolation and forest area reduction for temperatebird species. Bird surveys were conducted in a forest fragment and thesurrounding scrub matrix between April 1999 (austral autumn) and October 2000(austral spring) on a seasonal basis. Within the forest fragment wedistinguished two microhabitat types: creeks and areas far from creeks (i.e.slopes). A total of 36 species were recorded in the study site, of which 21were inside the relict forest. Highest bird abundance and richness wererecorded during winter and spring, and these were always higher in creek plotsrather than slope plots. Comparisons between this assemblage and thosedistributed in the continuous temperate forest (located more than 900km southwards) indicate that this bird assemblage shares moresimilarities, with regard to bird species composition, to southern temperateforest localities and to other relict forests, than to nearer scrub habitats.However, there are eight species, endemic to temperate forests in southern SouthAmerica, missing from our system. In this regard, our analyses indicate thatthese eight endemic species should be of great conservation concern and willlikely be the ones that will go extinct first if the fragmentation of thetemperate forest continues. 相似文献
A maximum number of 6 parasitoid progeny are produced byBrachymeria intermedia (Nees) females, in a 24 h period, even when more than 6 hosts are available. The number of progeny produced by ovipositing females kept at a high temperature or high light intensity is greater than that of females kept at low temperatures or low light intensity. Host size and age of female parasitoids affect the sex ratio or progeny. Parasitism of small pupal hosts results in the production of a greater proportion of male progeny. Increasing maternal age appears to increase the proportion of males. 相似文献
Barbosa MS Cunha Passos DA Felipe MS Jesuíno RS Pereira M de Almeida Soares CM 《Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B》2004,41(7):667-675
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) plays important roles in various cellular processes. Here we report the sequence and analysis of a novel developmentally regulated gene and cDNA (Pbgadph), encoding a GAPDH homologue (PbGAPDH), of the pathogenic dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. We have analyzed the protein, the cDNA and genomic sequences to provide insights into the structure, function, and potential regulation of PbGAPDH. That Pbgapdh encodes PbGAPDH was demonstrated by micro-sequencing of the native protein homologue isolated from the fungus proteome. The deduced amino acid sequence of Pbgapdh showed identity to those of from other species (88-76%). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that GAPDH could be useful for the determination of evolutionary relationships. Expression of the Pbgapdh gene and the cognate protein were developmentally regulated in phases of P. brasiliensis, with a higher expression in the yeast parasitic phase and was induced during the transition from mycelium to yeast and decreased during the reverse process, transition from yeast to mycelium. 相似文献
A new satyrine species in the subtribe Euptychiina, Euptychia atlantica Nakahara & Freitas sp. nov., is described from the Atlantic coastal forest of Brazil. Based on the existing museum specimens, E. atlantica sp. nov. is known from the coastal montane forests of Rio de Janeiro to south Bahia, a unique biogeographical region which is undergoing rapid degradation. Illustrations of adults and their genitalia, as well as a distribution map, are provided herein, in addition to a discussion of the relationships and conservation status of the new species. 相似文献
Light availability inside the reactor is often the bottleneck in microalgal cultivation and for this reason much attention is being given to light limited growth kinetics of microalgae, aiming at the increase of productivity in photobioreactors. Steady-state culture characteristics are commonly used for productivity optimisation and for cell physiology studies in continuous cultures, and are normally achieved using chemostat cultivations. In the present study, we investigated the applicability of a new and dynamic cultivation method called acceleration-stat (A-stat) to microalgae cultivations where light is the limiting substrate. In the A-stat, the dilution rate is increased at a constant rate. This acceleration rate should be a compromise between a short cultivation time, in order to make it a fast process, and the metabolic adaptation rate of the microorganism to changes in the environment. Simulations of the A-stat were done with different acceleration rates to have an indication of the best rate to use. An A-stat was performed in a pilot plant bubble column (65 l) with Dunaliella tertiolecta as a model organism, and results showed that a pseudo steady state was maintained throughout the experiment. From this work, it was concluded that the A-stat can be used as a fast and accurate tool to determine kinetic parameters and to optimise any specific type of photobioreactor. 相似文献
Invasion by Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) of the Pantanal Wetland, Brazil 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Márcia Divina de Oliveira Alice M. Takeda Luciano Fernandes de Barros Domingos Sávio Barbosa Emiko Kawakami de Resende 《Biological invasions》2006,8(1):97-104
Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mitylidae) was introduced into South America in 1991 in the La Plata River (Argentina). It arrived in the ballast water of ships coming from Asia, where this species is native. It was first observed in 1998 in the Paraguay River. Limnoperna was introduced into the Pantanal region as hull fouling of vessels using the Paraguay–Parana waterway. This study describes how L. fortunei came to the Pantanal region, and provides details of its occurrence, density, and impacts. From 1999 to 2002, observations and sampling on natural and artificial substrates in the Paraguay River were made. Some aspects of the spread and impacts, based on local community information, were also analyzed. On artificial substrate the density reached 523.8 individuals m−2 and on natural substrate (rocks), up to 10,000 individuals m−2 were found. The densities observed were quite low compared to those found in Southern Brazil, where values up to 100,000 individuals m−2 have been recorded in the last 3 years. In the Paraguay River, the population density of L. fortunei can be negatively impacted by periodic low levels of dissolved oxygen and decreases in pH to between 5 and 6. Such conditions are frequently present during the periodic flooding or inundation of this area. Under these conditions, a high mortality of L. fortunei was recorded in March of 2002, on both natural and artificial substrates. Despite low densities, L. fortunei can colonize water cooling systems of boats, obstructing water circulation and causing motor overheating. Accumulation in water supply equipment, such as pumps and pipes has also been observed. An erratum to this article is available at . 相似文献
Flávia Barbosa Silva Botelho Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho Ângela De Fátima Barbosa Abreu Hugo José Andrade Rosa 《Journal of Phytopathology》2011,159(3):175-180
The aim of the study was to verify whether a mixture of lines containing equal amounts of seven lines of Carioca‐type common bean, all agronomically uniform but each presenting different patterns of resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, would be less damaged by anthracnose than the individual pure lines. Plants cultured in experimental plots in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the dry harvest seasons of 2007 and 2008 were inoculated with a mixture of races 65, 81, 87, 89 and 337 of the pathogen, and the severity of anthracnose was evaluated at 10‐ day intervals commencing 12 days after inoculation. The progress of the disease was estimated from the coefficients of the linear regression equations (b1) and from the areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPC). The mean grain yields were determined in both experimental periods. The value of b1 for the multiline was not different from that presented by the resistant line MA‐II‐22 and indicated a slower progress of the disease over time compared with susceptible lines. There were no differences in AUDPC values between the multiline and the resistant lines. The multiline presented a grain yield that was similar to those of the most productive lines even though susceptible lines comprised more than 28% of the mixture and such lines showed the lowest yields of grain. It is concluded that the use of the mixture of lines represents a good strategy for reducing the progress of anthracnose in the field and, as a consequence, reducing loss of grain yield. 相似文献
Jesus MS Rodrigues WC Barbosa G Trilles L Wanke B Lazéra Mdos S Silva Md 《Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz》2012,107(4):466-469
Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common causative agent of cryptococcosis worldwide. Although this fungus has been isolated from a variety of organic substrates, several studies suggest that hollow trees constitute an important natural niche for C. neoformans. A previously surveyed hollow of a living pink shower tree (Cassia grandis) positive for C. neoformans in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was chosen for further investigation. Odontomachus bauri ants (trap-jaw ants) found inside the hollow were collected for evaluation as possible carriers of Cryptococcus spp. Two out of 10 ants were found to carry phenoloxidase-positive colonies identified as C. neoformans molecular types VNI and VNII. The ants may have acted as a mechanical vector of C. neoformans and possibly contributed to the dispersal of the fungi from one substrate to another. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the association of C. neoformans with ants of the genus Odontomachus. 相似文献
Valéria M. Godinho Vívian N. Gonçalves Iara F. Santiago Hebert M. Figueredo Gislaine A. Vitoreli Carlos E. G. R. Schaefer Emerson C. Barbosa Jaquelline G. Oliveira Tânia M. A. Alves Carlos L. Zani Policarpo A. S. Junior Silvane M. F. Murta Alvaro J. Romanha Erna Geessien Kroon Charles L. Cantrell David E. Wedge Stephen O. Duke Abbas Ali Carlos A. Rosa Luiz H. Rosa 《Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions》2015,19(3):585-596