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We developed a novel efficient scheme, DEFOG (for "deciphering families of genes"), for determining sequences of numerous genes from a family of interest. The scheme provides a powerful means to obtain a gene family composition in species for which high-throughput genomic sequencing data are not available. DEFOG uses two key procedures. The first is a novel algorithm for designing highly degenerate primers based on a set of known genes from the family of interest. These primers are used in PCR reactions to amplify the members of the gene family. The second combines oligofingerprinting of the cloned PCR products with clustering of the clones based on their fingerprints. By selecting members from each cluster, a low-redundancy clone subset is chosen for sequencing. We applied the scheme to the human olfactory receptor (OR) genes. OR genes constitute the largest gene superfamily in the human genome, as well as in the genomes of other vertebrate species. DEFOG almost tripled the size of the initial repertoire of human ORs in a single experiment, and only 7% of the PCR clones had to be sequenced. Extremely high degeneracies, reaching over a billion combinations of distinct PCR primer pairs, proved to be very effective and yielded only 0.4% nonspecific products.  相似文献   
The metabolism of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug flobufen, 4-(2',4'-difluorobiphenyl-4-yl)-2-methyl-4-oxobutanoic acid, was studied in primary cultures of human hepatocytes prepared by two-step collagenase perfusion of livers from four donors. Racemic flobufen or its individual enantiomers, R-(+)- and S-(-)-flobufen were used as substrates. Aliquots of culture medium were collected during 24-h incubation. The time-dependent disappearance of flobufen enantiomers and the formation of metabolites (stereoisomers of dihydroflobufen (DHF)) in hepatocytes were measured by chiral HPLC. The reduction of flobufen in human hepatocytes was stereoselective ((+)-R-flobufen was preferentially metabolized) and stereospecific ((2R;4S)-DHF and (2S;4S)-DHF stereoisomers were mostly formed). Although the structure of flobufen is different from the profens (2-arylpropionates), flobufen undergoes chiral inversion in human hepatocytes. The inversion of R-(+)-flobufen to S-(-)-flobufen predominates. The individual DHF stereoisomers were incubated in hepatocyte cultures and their biotransformation studied. The unidirectional chiral inversion of (2S;4S)-DHF to (2R;4S)-DHF and (2R;4R)-DHF to (2S;4R)-DHF was observed. Stereoselective oxidation of the DHFs to flobufen was also detected. Thus, flobufen metabolism in primary cultures of human hepatocytes is much more complicated (via chiral inversion and DHF re-oxidation) than was presumed from a preliminary achiral point of view.  相似文献   


Muscle carnosine and its methylated form anserine are histidine-containing dipeptides. Both dipeptides have the ability to quench reactive carbonyl species and previous studies have shown that endogenous tissue levels are decreased in chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Design and Methods

Rodent study: Skeletal muscles of rats and mice were collected from 4 different diet-intervention studies, aiming to induce various degrees of glucose intolerance: 45% high-fat feeding (male rats), 60% high-fat feeding (male rats), cafeteria feeding (male rats), 70% high-fat feeding (female mice). Body weight, glucose-tolerance and muscle histidine-containing dipeptides were assessed. Human study: Muscle biopsies were taken from m. vastus lateralis in 35 males (9 lean, 8 obese, 9 prediabetic and 9 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients) and muscle carnosine and gene expression of muscle fiber type markers were measured.


Diet interventions in rodents (cafeteria and 70% high-fat feeding) induced increases in body weight, glucose intolerance and levels of histidine-containing dipeptides in muscle. In humans, obese, prediabetic and diabetic men had increased muscle carnosine content compared to the lean (+21% (p>0.1), +30% (p<0.05) and +39% (p<0.05), respectively). The gene expression of fast-oxidative type 2A myosin heavy chain was increased in the prediabetic (1.8-fold, p<0.05) and tended to increase in the diabetic men (1.6-fold, p = 0.07), compared to healthy lean subjects.


Muscle histidine-containing dipeptides increases with progressive glucose intolerance, in male individuals (cross-sectional). In addition, high-fat diet-induced glucose intolerance was associated with increased muscle histidine-containing dipeptides in female mice (interventional). Increased muscle carnosine content might reflect fiber type composition and/or act as a compensatory mechanism aimed at preventing cell damage in states of impaired glucose tolerance.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to test the utility of benchtop NGS platforms for NIPT for trisomy 21 using previously published z score calculation methods and to optimize the sample preparation and data analysis with use of in silico and physical size selection methods.


Samples from 130 pregnant women were analyzed by whole genome sequencing on benchtop NGS systems Ion Torrent PGM and MiSeq. The targeted yield of 3 million raw reads on each platform was used for z score calculation. The impact of in silico and physical size selection on analytical performance of the test was studied.


Using a z score value of 3 as the cut-off, 98.11% - 100% (104-106/106) specificity and 100% (24/24) sensitivity and 99.06% - 100% (105-106/106) specificity and 100% (24/24) sensitivity were observed for Ion Torrent PGM and MiSeq, respectively. After in silico based size selection both platforms reached 100% specificity and sensitivity. Following the physical size selection z scores of tested trisomic samples increased significantly—p = 0.0141 and p = 0.025 for Ion Torrent PGM and MiSeq, respectively.


Noninvasive prenatal testing for chromosome 21 trisomy with the utilization of benchtop NGS systems led to results equivalent to previously published studies performed on high-to-ultrahigh throughput NGS systems. The in silico size selection led to higher specificity of the test. Physical size selection performed on isolated DNA led to significant increase in z scores. The observed results could represent a basis for increasing of cost effectiveness of the test and thus help with its penetration worldwide.  相似文献   
Nucleophosmin 1 (NPM1) mutations are frequently found in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and the newly generated sequences were suggested to induce immune response contributing to the relatively favorable outcome of patients in this AML subset. We hypothesized that if an efficient immune response against mutated nucleophosmin can be induced in vivo, the individuals expressing HLA alleles suitable for presenting NPM-derived peptides should be less prone to developing AML associated with NPM1 mutation. We thus compared HLA class I frequencies in a cohort of patients with mutated NPM1 (63 patients, NPMc+), a cohort of patients with wild-type NPM1 (94 patients, NPMwt) and in normal individuals (large datasets available from Allele Frequency Net Database). Several HLA allelic groups were found to be depleted in NPMc+ patients, but not in NPMwt compared to the normal distribution. The decrease was statistically significant for HLA B*07, B*18, and B*40. Furthermore, statistically significant advantage in the overall survival was found for patients with mutated NPM1 expressing at least one of the depleted allelic groups. The majority of the depleted alleles were predicted to bind potent NPM-derived immunopeptides and, importantly, these peptides were often located in the unmutated part of the protein. Our analysis suggests that individuals expressing specific HLA allelic groups are disposed to develop an efficient anti-AML immune response thanks to aberrant cytoplasmic localization of the mutated NPM protein.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different salt concentrations (50 and 200 mM NaCl) on growth, permeability properties (electrolyte leakage, cell viability) and activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in roots of maize seedlings. Both salt concentrations significantly affected growth and permeability properties of maize seedling roots and this negative effect increased with concentration of salt and duration of experiments. On the other hand salinity induced only small changes in the activities of GS and GDH, usually small increase in the activity was observed. To characterise the possible protective effect of silicon (Si) on maize roots exposed to saline stress, different concentrations of Si were simultaneously applied to both, low (50 mM) and high (200 mM) salt concentrations. Possible protective effects of Si on studied parameters were analysed in time range of 3 days treatment with the most positive effect on salt-induced root growth inhibition at high salt concentration and electrolyte leakage. The results show significant increase in GDH activity under all the tested conditions, although the mechanisms underlying this increase have not been elucidated. The results indicate that silicon may ameliorate the salt-induced root growth inhibition and increase the plant vigour at stressful conditions.  相似文献   
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Previously it was shown that for reduction of anxiety and stress of experimental animals, preventive handling seems to be one of the most effective methods....  相似文献   
Aim Interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages may benefit greatly from comparisons with modern palynological and vegetation analogues. To interpret the full‐ and late‐glacial vegetation in eastern‐central Europe we compared fossil pollen assemblages from this region with modern pollen assemblages from various vegetation types in southern Siberia, which presumably include the closest modern analogues of the last‐glacial vegetation of central Europe. Location Czech and Slovak Republics (fossil pollen assemblages); Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia (modern pollen assemblages). Methods Eighty‐eight modern pollen spectra were sampled in 14 vegetation types of Siberian forest, tundra and steppe, and compared with the last‐glacial pollen spectra from seven central European localities using principal components analysis. Results Both full‐ and late‐glacial pollen spectra from the valleys of the Western Carpathians (altitudes 350–610 m) are similar to modern pollen spectra from southern Siberian taiga, hemiboreal forest and dwarf‐birch tundra. The full‐glacial and early late‐glacial pollen spectra from lowland river valleys in the Bohemian Massif (altitudes 185–190 m) also indicate the presence of patches of hemiboreal forest or taiga. Other late‐glacial pollen spectra from the Bohemian Massif suggest an open landscape with steppe or tundra or a mosaic of both, possibly with small patches of hemiboreal forest. Main conclusions Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that during the full glacial and late glacial, the mountain valleys of the north‐western Carpathians supported taiga or hemiboreal forest dominated by Larix, Pinus cembra, Pinus sylvestris and Picea, along with some steppic or tundra formations. Forests tended to be increasingly open or patchy towards the west (Moravian lowlands), gradually passing into the generally treeless landscape of Bohemia, with possible woodland patches in locally favourable sites.  相似文献   
Endolysins as a class of antibacterial enzymes are expected to become a very useful tool for many purposes to control spreading of, e.g., multiresistant bacteria in different environments. Their antimicrobial properties could be broadened or altered by mutagenesis, domain swapping or gene shuffling. Therefore, the specific designing of endolysins to achieve their desired properties is challenging. This work is focused on the in silico analysis of protein domains presence in sequences of phage and prophage endolysins, followed by the study of variety of domain combinations in the individual endolysin types. The multiple sequence alignment of endolysin sequences revealed the recognition of sequence types with typical domain arrangement and conserved amino acids, divided according to the target substrate in bacterial cell walls. The five protein families of catalytic domains are specifically occurring in dependence of bacterial Gram-type. The presence, types and numbers of binding domains within endolysin sequences were also studied. The obtained results enable a more targeted design of endolysins with required antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   
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