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The effect of exposure of single rat pituitary cells to 50 Hz sine wave magnetic fields of various strengths on the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was studied by using dual-emission microfluorimetry, using indo-1 as probe. A 30 min exposure of the cells to vertical 50 μT peak magnetic field triggered a long-lasting increase in [Ca2+]i from a basal value of about 185 ± 4 nM to 326 ± 41 nM (S.E.; n = 150). The vertical and horizontal components of the static magnetic field were 57 and 15 μT, respectively. The 50 Hz ambient magnetic field was always below 0.1 μT rms. The effect was observed both at 25 ± 2 °C and at 37 ± 2 °C. Responsive cells, for which [Ca2+]i rose to values above 309 nM, were identified as lactotrophs and represented 29% of the total pituitaries. [Ca2+]i increase, for the most part, was due to Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent dihydropiridine-sensitive calcium channels inhibited by PN 200-110. However, neither Ca2+ channel blockers nor removal of Ca2+ from the external medium during exposure completely prevented the field-induced [Ca2+]i increase. Additional experiments using an MTT colorimetric assay showed that alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis of lactotrophs was associated with impairment of some mitochondrial processes. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Structural requirements for conserved arginine of parathyroid hormone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arg-20 is one of two residues conserved in all peptides known to activate the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor. Previous studies have failed to find any naturally encoded analogues of residue 20 that had any adenylyl cyclase (AC) stimulating activity. In this work we have studied substitutions of Arg-20 with nonencoded amino acids and conformationally constrained analogues with side chains mimicking that of Arg. No analogue had more than 20% of the AC-stimulating ability of the natural Arg-20-bearing peptide. In descending order of activity, the most active analogues had (S)-4-piperidyl-(N-amidino)glycine (PipGly), norleucine (Nle), citrulline (Cit), or ornithine (Orn) at residue 20. Analogues with Arg-20 substituted with L-4-piperidyl-(N-amidino)alanine, Lys, Glu, Ala, Gln, (S)-2-amino-4-[(2-amino)pyrimidinyl]butanoic acid, or L-(4-guanidino)phenylalanine had very low or negligible activity. Low or negligible activities of Lys or Orn analogues suggested ionic interactions play a minor role in the Arg interaction with the receptor. The conformational constraints imposed by the PipGly ring had a negative effect on its ability to substitute for Arg. The side-chain H-bonding potential of the Cit ureimido group was likely an important factor in its mimicry of Arg. The increase in amphiphilicity, as demonstrated by its greater high-performance liquid chromatographic retention, and increased alpha-helix, as shown by circular dichroic spectroscopy, likely contributed to the activity of the Nle-20 analogue. The data demonstrated that specific H-bonding, hydrophobicity of the side chain, stabilization of alpha-helix, and possibly specific cation positioning were all important in the interaction of Arg-20 with receptor groups.  相似文献   
Leptin, a hormone primarily secreted from adipocytes, plays a key role in controlling body weight homeostasis. In vitro studies indicate that it is also implicated in immune responses. Hyperleptinaemia has been reported in acute inflammation, especially during the early stages of intestinal inflammation in rats. The present study investigated the possible role of leptin in the pathogenesis of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in rats. Since no specific antagonist of leptin is available, a CCK-B antagonist (YM022) and a beta3 agonist (BRL37344) were used in this study to inhibit leptin secretion. Colitis was induced by intracolonic instillation of TNBS in rats. Five TNBS-groups were subcutaneously implanted with micropumps containing: placebo, YM022, BRL37344, BRL37344 and exogenous leptin simultaneously, or leptin alone. At sacrifices, colitis severity was assessed by macroscopic and histological scoring systems and by determination of tissue myeloperoxidase activity. The TNBS-induced hyperleptinaemia was significantly reduced by YM022 and BRL37344 (p<0.05). Inhibition of leptin secretion markedly reduced colonic inflammation, whatever the criteria considered (i.e. macroscopic, histological or biochemical). In contrast, administration of exogenous leptin completely abolished the beneficial effect of leptin-lowering drugs on colitis severity. These results provide the first direct evidence for an important deleterious role of leptin in the pathogenesis of experimental intestinal inflammation and suggest that a pro-inflammatory activity is attributable to leptin in vivo. Further studies are required to determine if these results have clinical significance.  相似文献   
Proliferation and multidrug resistance status are key predictors of therapeutic outcome in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Anthracyclines such as daunorubicin (DNR) are typically used to treat AML and can induce drug resistance. The goal of the studies described here was to select a combination of fluorescent probes that could be used in combination with flow cytometry to monitor cell proliferation vs. cell death/necrosis as a function of anthracycline uptake. Propidium iodide (PI), the most commonly used marker of membrane integrity, cannot be used to evaluate necrosis in DNR-containing cells because of spectral overlap. A membrane integrity probe compatible with the use of a dye dilution method using PKH67 to study cell proliferation was also selected. The results show that DAPI and Cascade Blue (CB), like PI, were able to detect necrotic cells when no DNR was present, although CB gave less resolution between viable and necrotic cells than PI or DAPI. In the presence of DNR, DAPI cannot be used owing to the fluorescence quenching by DNR. However, it was found that a combination of DNR, CB, and PKH67 allows simultaneous identification of chemoresistant cells, based on reduced DNR accumulation, necrotic cells based on CB incorporation, and proliferating cells based on partitioning of PKH67 fluorescence between daughter cells. It was also found that unless a marker of necrosis is used in combination with the dye dilution assay, a moderate decrease of fluorescence as a result of necrosis may be incorrectly interpreted as proliferation.  相似文献   
NAD(P)H:nitrate reductase (NaR, EC is a useful enzyme in biotechnological applications, but it is very complex in structure and contains three cofactors-flavin adenine dinucleotide, heme-Fe, and molybdenum-molybdopterin (Mo-MPT). A simplified nitrate reductase (S-NaR1) consisting of Mo-MPT-binding site and nitrate-reducing active site was engineered from yeast Pichia angusta NaR cDNA (YNaR1). S-NaR1 was cytosolically expressed in high-density fermenter culture of methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Total amount of S-NaR1 protein produced was approximately 0.5 g per 10 L fermenter run, and methanol phase productivity was 5 microg protein/g wet cell weight/h. Gene copy number in genomic DNA of different clones showed direct correlation with the expression level. S-NaR1 was purified to homogeneity in one step by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) and total amount of purified protein per run of fermentation was approximately 180 mg. Polypeptide size was approximately 55 kDa from electrophoretic analysis, and S-NaR1 was mainly homo-tetrameric in its active form, as shown by gel filtration. S-NaR1 accepted electrons efficiently from reduced bromphenol blue (kcat = 2081 s(-1)) and less so from reduced methyl viologen (kcat = 159 s(-1)). The nitrate KM for S-NaR1 was 30 +/- 3 microM, which is very similar to YNaR1. S-NaR1 is capable of specific nitrate reduction, and direct electric current, as shown by catalytic nitrate reduction using protein film cyclic voltammetry, can drive this reaction. Thus, S-NaR1 is an ideal form of this enzyme for commercial applications, such as an enzymatic nitrate biosensor formulated with S-NaR1 interfaced to an electrode system.  相似文献   
A cAMP dependent protein kinase (PKA) was identified in the dinoflagellate Amphidinium operculum. In vitro kinase activity towards kemptide, a PKA-specific substrate, was not detectable in crude lysates. However, fractionation of dinoflagellate extracts by gel filtration chromatography showed PKA-like activity toward kemptide at approximately 66 kDa. These findings suggest that possible low molecular mass inhibitors in crude lysates were removed by the gel filtration chromatography. Pre-incubation of extracts with cAMP prior to chromatography resulted in an apparent molecular mass shift in the in vitro kinase assay to 40 kDa. An in-gel kinase assay reflected activity of the free catalytic subunit at approximately 40 kDa. Furthermore, western blotting with an antibody to the human PKA catalytic subunit confirmed a catalytic subunit with a mass of approximately 40 kDa. Results from this study indicate that the PKA in A. operculatum has a catalytic subunit of similar size to that in higher eukaryotes, but with a holoenzyme of a size suggesting a dimeric, rather than tetrameric structure.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were 1) to study the genetic diversity of the Alexandrium, Dinophysis and Karenia genera along the French coasts in order to design probes targeting specific DNA regions, and 2) to apply PCR-based detection to detect these three toxic dinoflagellate genera in natural samples. Genetic diversity of these toxic taxa was first studied from either cultures or cells isolated from Lugol-fixed field samples. By this way, partial sequences of the large ribosomal subunit (LSU rDNA) including the variable domains D1 and D2 of A. minutum, Alexandrium species inside the tamarensis complex, the D. acuminata complex and K. mikimotoi were obtained. Next, specific primers were designed for a selection of toxic algae and used during semi-nested PCR detection. This method was tested over a 3-month period on water samples from the Bay of Concarneau (Brittany, France) and on sediment from the Antifer harbor (The English Channel, France). Specificity and sensitivity of this molecular detection were evaluated using the occurrence of target taxa reported by the IFREMER (Institut Fran?ais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer) monitoring network based on conventional microscopic examination. This work presents the first results obtained on the biogeographical distribution of genotypes of these three toxic genera along the French coasts.  相似文献   
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) causes substantial morbidity afflicting approximately 10% of adult males. Treatment is often empirical and ineffective since the etiology is unknown. Other prostate and genitourinary diseases have genetic components suggesting that CP/CPPS may also be influenced by genetic predisposition. We recently reported a highly polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) locus near the phosphoglycerate kinase gene within Xq11-13. Because this STR is in a region known to predispose towards other prostate diseases, we compared STR polymorphisms in 120 CP/CPPS patients and 300 control blood donors. Nine distinct allele sizes were detected, ranging from 8 to 15 repeats of the tetrameric STR plus a mutant allele (9.5) with a six base deletion in the flanking DNA sequence. The overall allele size distribution in the CP/CPPS patients differed from controls (Chi-square=19.252, df=8, P=0.0231). Frequencies of two specific alleles, 9.5 and 15, differed significantly in CP/CPPS vs. control subjects and allele 10 differed with marginal significance. Alleles 9.5 and 10 were both more common in CP/CPPS patients than controls while allele 15 was less common. These observations suggest that Xq11-13 may contain one or more genetic loci that predispose toward CP/CPPS. Further investigations involving family studies, larger patient populations, and other control groups may help elucidate this potential genetic predisposition in CP/CPPS.  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) has a helix-bend-helix structure in solution. Part of the C-terminal helix, residues 21-31, is amphiphilic and forms a critical receptor-binding region. Stabilization of this alpha-helix by lactam formation between residues spaced i, i + 4 on the polar face was previously reported to increase adenylyl cyclase-stimulating (AC) activity if between residues 22 and 26 but to diminish it if between residues 26 and 30 [Barbier et al. (1997) J. Med. Chem. 40, 1373-1380]. This work reports the effects of other cyclizations on the polar face, differing in ring size or position, on alpha-helix conformation, as measured by circular dichroism, and on AC-stimulating activity. All analogues cyclized between residues 22 and 26 had at least a 1. 5-fold increase in activity, suggesting an alpha-helical structure between about residues 21 and 26. Cyclization between residues 25 and 29 or residues 26 and 30 diminished activity by 20-30%, despite stabilizing alpha-helix, suggesting that residues 25-31 bind to the receptor in a helical, but not classical alpha-helical, conformation. Analogues cyclized between residues 13 and 17 had slightly increased activity. A bicyclic analogue, with lactams between residues 13 and 17 and residues 22 and 26, had about the same activity as that cyclized only between 22 and 26. Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) may bind in a manner similar to the common receptor, but hydrophobic moment calculations suggest that it must bind as a tighter helix in order to optimally present its hydrophobic residues to the receptor. Both PTHrP analogues cyclized between either residues 22 and 26 or residues 26 and 30 had more stable alpha-helices but reduced AC activities, consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   
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