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The object of this study was to determine the changes in lipid composition that occur in blood vessels from infancy to young adulthood. Analyses included levels of total cholesterol, total triglyceride, phospholipid, and cholesteryl ester fatty acids, and the distribution of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Triglyceride, total and monoenoic fatty acids, and linoleic acid were lower in the ascending, thoracic, and abdominal aorta than in the pulmonary artery and inferior vena cava. Phospholipids and arachidonic acid were higher in aortic segments than in the other two vessels. Aortic lipids showed significant changes with increasing age: total cholesterol and total fatty acids decreased from <1 wk to 5 yr, then increased to 22 yr of age. Triglycerides decreased whereas cholesteryl esters increased from 10 to 22 yr of age. Saturated fatty acids decreased from 1 wk to 10 yr, then remained relatively constant. Linoleic acid (3.7-9.8% of total fatty acids) and arachidonic acid (15.8-21.7%) both increased with age; the increase in cholesteryl linoleate was highly significant. After 10 yr of age, total cholesterol and total fatty acids were significantly higher in abdominal than in ascending and thoracic segments of aorta.  相似文献   
Native glycogen was isolated from Tetrahymena pyriformis (HSM) by isopycnic centrifugation in cesium chloride density gradients. A density of 1.62 to 1.65 was isopycnic for glycogen. Most of the banded glycogen existed as 35 to 40 mµ particles which had a sedimentation coefficient of 214. These particles were composed of aggregates of 2 to 3 mµ spherical particles. Extraction of glycogen with hot alkali reduced the sedimentation coefficient of native glycogen from 214 to 64.7 and the particle diameter from approximately 40 to 20 mµ and smaller. Cell division was synchronized by a repetitive 12-hour temperature cycle, and glycogen was measured at several times during the cell cycle. The temperature cycle consisted of 9.5 hours at 12°C and 2.5 hours at 27°C. Approximately 90 per cent of the cells divided during the last 1.5 hours of the warm period. The carbohydrate/protein ratio of cells at the end of the cold period was 0.27 and was reduced slightly during the warm period. Glucose was incorporated into glycogen during both periods, although the rate of incorporation was greater during the warm period. No preferential incorporation on the basis of particle size was noted. Incorporation was measured in both native glycogen and KOH-extracted glycogen. Tetrahymena glycogen is compared with rat liver glycogen previously isolated by similar procedures, and the significance of using combined rate-zonal and isopycnic centrifugation for isolating native glycogen is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The cephalic aorta of Octopus vulgaris has a fairly complete endothelium lining the lumen, a thick complete basement membrane, a layer of circularly orientated and a layer of longitudinally orientated muscle fibres. Presumptive synaptic endings are of two types. In the circular muscle, axons containing vesicles, contact club-shaped projections of the muscle. The gap between the pre- and postsynaptic membranes is less than 100 Å and in some places apparently forms a tight junction. The second type of ending has been found in the longitudinal muscle; here axons full of vesicles end on the muscle. The ending is enclosed by a mesaxon of muscle and the synaptic gap is approximately 100 Å. In the smaller blood vessels, axons end on myofilament-containing pericytes of blood vessels (equivalent to small arterioles). The endings contain vesicles and have a synaptic gap of 100 Å. Only some of the pericytes seem to be innervated and transmission between one pericyte to another may be mediated by specialized junctions between the cells. The smaller non-myofilament containing vessels (equivalent to capillaries) are not thought to be innervated.We would like to thank Professor J. Z. Young and Dr. E. G. Gray for advice and encouragement, Mrs. Jane Astafiev for drawing Figs. 1 and 12, Mr. S. Waterman for photography, and Miss Cheryl Martin for secretarial assistance.  相似文献   
Summary Blood vessels of the perioesophageal nerve ganglia (brain) of Octopus vulgaris and the stellate ganglia of Sepia officinalis are described. The vessels have an incomplete endothelium, a complete basement membrane and a complete investment of pericytes. The pericytes are joined by specialised membrane junctions but these are not tight junctions. The main type of neuron/vessel arrangement is one where there is a collagen-filled space between the pericytes and the surrounding glial cells. Axons or neurons are sometimes applied directly to the vessel pericytes and in the neuropil, pericytes contact glial cells that ensheath bundles of axons. Blood spaces between neurons are also present.We would like thank Professor J. Z. Young and Dr. E. G. Gray for encouragement and advice, Mrs. Jane Astafiev for drawing Fig. 11, Mr. S. Waterman for photographic assistance and Miss Cheryl Martin for secretarial and other assistance.  相似文献   
Progesterone receptor-containing T47D human breast cancer cells are responsive to progestins but fail to respond to other steroid hormones, in particular dexamethasone, because they have no measurable levels of receptors for estrogens, androgens, or glucocorticoids. To quantitatively study dual responsiveness of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter to progestins and glucocorticoids, we have stably transfected T47D cells with a glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression vector. A cloned derivative (A1-2) was isolated that expresses a normal, full length GR, as assessed by steroid binding and Western immunoblot with a monoclonal anti-GR antibody. Moreover, GR is expressed at levels (80,000-100,000 molecules per cell) comparable to the high levels of endogenous progesterone receptor (200,000 molecules per cell). In A1-2 cells transiently transfected with an MMTV-chloramphenicol acetyl transferase reporter gene, induction by glucocorticoid was substantially greater (5-fold) than induction mediated by progestins. These results suggest that glucocorticoids may be the primary regulator of MMTV.  相似文献   
The Bacteroides conjugal tetracycline resistance (Tcr) elements appear not to be plasmids. In many cases, resistance to erythromycin (Emr) is cotransferred with Tcr. Using a newly constructed shuttle cosmid, pNJR1, we cloned 44 to 50 kilobase pairs of a conjugal Tcr Emr element on overlapping cosmid clones. Cosmid libraries were made in Escherichia coli with DNA from the original clinical Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron DOT strain containing Tcr Emr-DOT or from a Bacteroides uniformis Tcr Emr-DOT transconjugant strain. The cosmid clones were mobilized from E. coli into B. uniformis in groups of 10 to 20 per filter mating, with selection for Tcr or Emr transconjugants. The Tcr and Emr genes were cloned both separately and together on 30-kilobase-pair fragments. Several of the Tcr clones also contained transfer genes that permitted self-transfer of the cosmid from B. uniformis donors to E. coli or B. uniformis recipients. Neither the Tcr nor the Emr gene conferred resistance on E. coli, and the transfer-proficient clones did not self-transfer out of E. coli. Southern blot analysis was used to compare DNA from independently isolated Bacteroides strains carrying conjugal Tcr or Tcr Emr elements and their respective B. uniformis transconjugants. Results of these analyses indicate that there are large regions of homology, including regions outside the Tcr and Emr genes, but that the elements are not identical. Some Tcr clones contained a region which hybridized to chromosomal DNA from the wild-type B. uniformis recipient strain that did not carry the Tcr Emr-DOT element. This region of homology appeared not to be a junction fragment. It was not required in a Bacteroides recipient for successful transfer of the Tcr Emr element. Although we are not sure we have cloned a junction fragment between the Tcr Emr-DOT element and the B. uniformis chromosome, the preliminary function and restriction map appears to be linear.  相似文献   
The erythropoietin (EPO) receptor and the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor beta-chain subunit are members of the cytokine receptor superfamily. They have conserved primary amino acid sequences in their cytoplasmic domains and activate phosphorylation of common substrates, suggesting common biochemical signaling mechanisms. We have generated a cell line, CTLL-EPO-R, that contains functional cell surface receptors for both EPO and IL-2. CTLL-EPO-R cells demonstrated similar growth kinetics in EPO and IL-2. Stimulation with EPO resulted in the rapid, dose-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2. In contrast, stimulation with IL-2 or the related cytokine IL-4 resulted in the rapid, dose-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK1 and an additional 116-kDa protein. This 116-kDa protein was itself immunoreactive with a polyclonal antiserum raised against JAK2 and appears to be a novel member of the JAK kinase family. Immune complex kinase assays confirmed that IL-2 and IL-4 activated JAK1 and EPO activated JAK2. These results demonstrate that multiple biochemical pathways are capable of conferring a mitogenic signal in CTLL-EPO-R cells and that the EPO and IL-2 receptors interact with distinct JAK kinase family members within the same cellular background.  相似文献   
Peatlands as scientific archives of past biodiversity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Peat bogs preserve past biodiversity in a way which is unique among ecosystems, but the full realization of this, and the exploitation of the various records which are archived in the stratified layers of peat, is only now beginning. Present knowledge of peat formation in ombrotrophic or rain-fed bogs is reviewed and the many advantages of such systems as proxy-data sources are summarized. Some results of recent work involving pollen analysis and human impact, pollution histories, volcanic ash layers, plant macrofossils and the prospects for a detailed proxy-climate record are presented. The present vegetation of such bogs is only a very partial view of their past biodiversity; the conservation of the peat that remains must have a high priority.  相似文献   
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