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A classical view is that leaf shape is the result of local promotion of growth linked to cell proliferation. However, an alternative hypothesis is that leaf form is the result of local repression of growth in an otherwise growing system. Here we show that leaf form can indeed be manipulated in a directed fashion by local repression of growth. We show that targeting expression of an inhibitor of a cyclin-dependent kinase (KRP1) to the sinus area of developing leaves of Arabidopsis leads to local growth repression and the formation of organs with extreme lobing, including generation of leaflet-like organs. Directing KRP1 expression to other regions of the leaf using an miRNA target sequence tagging approach also leads to predictable novel leaf forms, and repression of growth in the leaf margin blocks the outgrowth of lobes, leading to a smoother perimeter. In addition, we show that decreased growth around the perimeter and across the leaf abaxial surface leads to a change in 3D form, as predicted by mechanical models of leaf growth. Our analysis provides experimental evidence that local repression of growth influences leaf shape, suggesting that it could be part of the mechanism of morphogenesis in plants in the context of an otherwise growing system.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To evaluate the variability and repeatability of repeated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements in normal breast tissues between and within subjects. METHODS: Eighteen normal premenopausal subjects underwent two contrast-enhanced MRI scans within 72 hours or during the same menstrual phase in two consecutive months. A subset of nine women also completed diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Fibroglandular tissue (FGT) density and FGT enhancement were measured on the contrast-enhanced MRI. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were computed from DWI. Between- and within-subject coefficients of variation (bCV and wCV, respectively) were assessed. Repeatability of all measurements was assessed by the coefficient of repeatability (CR) and Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: The bCV of FGT density and FGT enhancement at visit 1 and visit 2 ranged from 47% to 63%. The wCV was 13% for FGT density, 22% for FGT enhancement, and 11% for ADC. The CRs of FGT density and FGT enhancement were 0.15 and 0.19, respectively, and for ADC, it was 6.1 x 10-4 mm2/s. CONCLUSIONS: We present an estimate of the variability and repeatability of MR measurements in normal breasts. These estimates provide the basis for understanding the normal variation of healthy breast tissue in MRI and establishing thresholds for agreement between measurements.  相似文献   
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a major, economically damaging respiratory pathogen. Although M. hyopneumoniae cells bind plasminogen, the identification of plasminogen-binding surface proteins and the biological ramifications of acquiring plasminogen requires further investigation. mhp182 encodes a highly expressed 102 kDa protein (P102) that undergoes proteolytic processing to generate surface-located N-terminal 60 kDa (P60) and C-terminal 42 kDa (P42) proteins of unknown function. We show that recombinant P102 (rP102) binds plasminogen at physiologically relevant concentrations (K(D) ~ 76 nM) increasing the susceptibility of plasmin(ogen) to activation by tissue-specific plasminogen activator (tPA). Recombinant proteins constructed to mimic P60 (rP60) and P42 (rP42) also bound plasminogen at physiologically significant levels. M. hyopneumoniae surface-bound plasminogen was activated by tPA and is able to degrade fibrinogen, demonstrating the biological functionality of M. hyopneumoniae-bound plasmin(ogen) upon activation. Plasmin(ogen) was readily detected in porcine ciliated airways and plasmin levels were consistently higher in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from M. hyopneumoniae-infected animals. Additionally, rP102 and rP42 bind fibronectin with K(D) s of 26 and 33 nM respectively and recombinant P102 proteins promote adherence to porcine kidney epithelial-like cells. The multifunctional binding ability of P102 and activation of M. hyopneumoniae-sequestered plasmin(ogen) by an exogenous activator suggests P102 plays an important role in virulence.  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a proven target for control of the malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae). Unfortunately, a single amino acid mutation (G119S) in An. gambiae AChE-1 (AgAChE) confers resistance to the AChE inhibitors currently approved by the World Health Organization for indoor residual spraying. In this report, we describe several carbamate inhibitors that potently inhibit G119S AgAChE and that are contact-toxic to carbamate-resistant An. gambiae. PCR-RFLP analysis was used to confirm that carbamate-susceptible G3 and carbamate-resistant Akron strains of An. gambiae carry wild-type (WT) and G119S AChE, respectively. G119S AgAChE was expressed and purified for the first time, and was shown to have only 3% of the turnover number (k cat) of the WT enzyme. Twelve carbamates were then assayed for inhibition of these enzymes. High resistance ratios (>2,500-fold) were observed for carbamates bearing a benzene ring core, consistent with the carbamate-resistant phenotype of the G119S enzyme. Interestingly, resistance ratios for two oxime methylcarbamates, and for five pyrazol-4-yl methylcarbamates were found to be much lower (4- to 65-fold). The toxicities of these carbamates to live G3 and Akron strain An. gambiae were determined. As expected from the enzyme resistance ratios, carbamates bearing a benzene ring core showed low toxicity to Akron strain An. gambiae (LC50>5,000 μg/mL). However, one oxime methylcarbamate (aldicarb) and five pyrazol-4-yl methylcarbamates (4a–e) showed good to excellent toxicity to the Akron strain (LC50 = 32–650 μg/mL). These results suggest that appropriately functionalized “small-core” carbamates could function as a resistance-breaking anticholinesterase insecticides against the malaria mosquito.  相似文献   
Aim To explore the potential of genetic processes and mating systems to influence successful plant invasions, we compared genetic diversity of the highly invasive tropical treelet, Miconia calvescens, in nine invasive populations and three native range populations. Specifically, we tested how genetic diversity is partitioned in native and invaded regions, which have different invasion histories (multiple vs. single introductions). Lastly, we infer how levels of inbreeding in different regions impact invasion success. Location Invaded ranges in the Pacific (Hawaii, Tahiti, New Caledonia) and Australia and native range in Costa Rica. Methods Genetic diversity was inferred by analysing variation at nine microsatellite loci in 273 individuals from 13 populations of M. calvescens. Genetic structure was assessed using amova , isolation by distance (IBD) within regions, a Bayesian clustering approach, and principal coordinates analysis. Results Microsatellite analysis revealed that invaded regions exhibit low levels of allelic richness and genetic diversity with few private alleles. To the contrary, in the native range, we observed high levels of allelic richness, high heterozygosity and 78% of all private alleles. Surprisingly, despite evident genetic bottlenecks in all invasive regions, similarly high levels of inbreeding were detected in both invasive and native ranges (FIS: 0.345 and 0.399, respectively). Bayesian clustering analysis showed a lack of geographical structure in the Pacific and evidence of differing invasion histories between the Pacific and Australia. While Pacific populations are derived from a single introduction to the region, multiple introductions have taken place in Australia from different source regions. Main conclusions Multiple introductions have not resulted in increased genetic diversity for M. calvescens invasions. Moreover, similar inbreeding levels between native and invaded ranges suggests that there is no correlation between levels of inbreeding and levels of standing genetic diversity for M. calvescens. Overall, our results show that neither inbreeding nor low genetic diversity is an impediment to invasion success.  相似文献   
In mammals, repression of translation during stress is associated with the assembly of stress granules in the cytoplasm, which contain a fraction of arrested mRNA and have been proposed to play a role in their storage. Because physical contacts are seen with GW bodies, which contain the mRNA degradation machinery, stress granules could also target arrested mRNA to degradation. Here we show that contacts between stress granules and GW bodies appear during stress-granule assembly and not after a movement of the two preassembled structures. Despite this close proximity, the GW body proteins, which in some conditions relocalize in stress granules, come from cytosol rather than from adjacent GW bodies. It was previously reported that several proteins actively traffic in and out of stress granules. Here we investigated the behavior of mRNAs. Their residence time in stress granules is brief, on the order of a minute, although stress granules persist over a few hours after stress relief. This short transit reflects rapid return to cytosol, rather than transfer to GW bodies for degradation. Accordingly, most arrested mRNAs are located outside stress granules. Overall, these kinetic data do not support a direct role of stress granules neither as storage site nor as intermediate location before degradation.  相似文献   
Compound-specific isotope analysis has the potential to distinguish physical from biological attenuation processes in the subsurface. In this study, carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation effects during biodegradation of benzene under anaerobic conditions with different terminal-electron-accepting processes are reported for the first time. Different enrichment factors () for carbon (range of −1.9 to −3.6‰) and hydrogen (range of −29 to −79‰) fractionation were observed during biodegradation of benzene under nitrate-reducing, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. These differences are not related to differences in initial biomass or in rates of biodegradation. Carbon isotopic enrichment factors for anaerobic benzene biodegradation in this study are comparable to those previously published for aerobic benzene biodegradation. In contrast, hydrogen enrichment factors determined for anaerobic benzene biodegradation are significantly larger than those previously published for benzene biodegradation under aerobic conditions. A fundamental difference in the previously proposed initial step of aerobic versus proposed anaerobic biodegradation pathways may account for these differences in hydrogen isotopic fractionation. Potentially, C-H bond breakage in the initial step of the anaerobic benzene biodegradation pathway may account for the large fractionation observed compared to that in aerobic benzene biodegradation. Despite some differences in reported enrichment factors between cultures with different terminal-electron-accepting processes, carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis has the potential to provide direct evidence of anaerobic biodegradation of benzene in the field.  相似文献   
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