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Fruit of domesticated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) accumulate primarily glucose and fructose, whereas some wild tomato species, including Lycopersicon chmielewskii, accumulate sucrose. Genetic analysis of progeny resulting from a cross between L. chmielewskii and L. esculentum indicated that the sucrose-accumulating trait could be stably transferred and that the trait was controlled by the action of one or two recessive genes. Biochemical analysis of progeny resulting from this cross indicated that the sucrose-accumulating trait was associated with greatly reduced levels of acid invertase, but normal levels of sucrose synthase. Invertase from hexose-accumulating fruit was purified and could be resolved into three isoforms by chromatofocusing, each with isoelectric points between 5.1 and 5.5. The invertase isoforms showed identical polypeptide profiles on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, consisting of a primary 52 kilodalton polypeptide and two lower molecular mass polypeptides that appear to be degradation products of the 52 kilodalton polypeptide. The three invertase isoforms were indistinguishable based on pH, temperature, and substrate concentration dependence. Immunological detection of invertase indicated that the low level of invertase in sucrose-accumulating fruit was due to low levels of invertase protein rather than the presence of an invertase inhibitor. Based on comparison of genetic and biochemical data we speculate that a gene either encoding tomato fruit acid invertase or one required for its expression, plays an important role in determining sucrose accumulation.  相似文献   
The locomotory activity patterns of a colony of eight field-captured mole-rats housed in a transparent burrow system were monitored for a total of 240 hours. Movement along the burrow system was recorded for all hours of the 24-hour chronological day for 10 days. Intermittent periods of activity were characteristic for all the mole-rats in the colony. The lack of a distinct sleeping period reflects the asynchrony of each mole-rat's activity cycle with that of other colony members. There are four major peaks of activity during the 24-hour cycle and an absence of a well-defined diurnal or nocturnal phase to the activity cycle.
The nest area is a focal point in the burrow system with individuals spending between 36 and 81% of the day there. There is a positive correlation between the size of a group of sleeping mole-rats in the nest and the frequency of occurrence.  相似文献   
The common mole-rat, Cryptomys h. hottentotus , is a social subterranean rodent occurring in colonies in which one female and one to three males are involved in reproduction and the remaining colony members are non-reproductive. Within each sex the reproductive animals are usually the largest and most dominant animals.
The dominance hierarchy amongst a field-captured colony was linear ( h = 0.95, calculated from Landau's linearity index) soon after capture. The non-reproductive females were ranked low in the dominance hierarchy; many were subordinate to non-reproductive males. The order of capture of mole-rats was not related to the position in the dominance hierarchy. The hierarchy became non-linear ( h = 0.56) after six months in captivity during which two juvenile animals became adult. The breakdown in the hierarchy may result from the lack of opportunity in captivity for animals to disperse and establish satellite colonies, or from colony members becoming co-dominant in the hierarchy as a result of a rise in rank by young animals.
Dominant mole-rats are involved in a greater proportion of interactive behaviours than subordinates. Popularity studies show that females tend to be more popular animals than males. The largest reproductive male was the least popular animal in the first study, whereas a beta male was the least popular animal in the second study period. The reproductive female was the most popular in both periods.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To analyse the risk of second primary cancers during long term follow up of patients with Hodgkin''s disease. DESIGN--Cohort study. SETTING--The British National Lymphoma Investigation (a collaborative group of over 60 participating centres in Britain treating lymphomas). PATIENTS--2846 patients first treated for Hodgkin''s disease during 1970-87, for whom follow up was complete in 99.8%. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Second primary cancers; uniform pathology reviews confirmed the diagnosis of Hodgkin''s disease and of second primary non-Hodgkin''s lymphomas. RESULTS--113 second primary cancers occurred. Relative risk of cancer other than Hodgkin''s disease was 2.7 (95% confidence interval 2.3 to 3.3) compared with the general population, with significant risk of leukaemia (16.0(9.1 to 26.0)); non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (16.8(9.8 to 26.9)); and cancers of the colon (3.2 (1.4 to 6.2)), lung (3.8 (2.6 to 5.4)), bone (15.1 (1.8 to 54.7)), and thyroid (9.4 (1.1 to 33.9)). Absolute excess risk associated with treatment was greater for solid tumours than for leukaemia and lymphomas. Relative risk of leukaemia increased soon after treatment, reaching a peak after five to nine years. It was increased substantially after chemotherapy (27.9 (12.7 to 52.9)), combined treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy (21.5 (7.9 to 46.8)), and relative to number of courses of chemotherapy but was not significantly increased after radiotherapy (2.5 (0.1 to 14.1)). Relative risk of non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma increased in the first five years after treatment and remained high but showed no clear relation with type or extent of treatment. Relative risk of solid tumours was less raised initially but increased throughout follow up and for lung cancer 10 years or more after entry was 8.3 (4.0 to 15.3). The risk of solid tumours increased after treatments including radiotherapy and after chemotherapy alone. The risk after chemotherapy increased significantly with time since first treatment. CONCLUSION--The risk of solid cancer, not of leukaemia, is the major long term hazard of treatment for Hodgkin''s disease, and this seemed to apply after chemotherapy as well as after radiotherapy. These risks of second cancers are important in choice of treatment and in follow up of patients, but they are small compared with the great improvements in survival which have been brought about by modern therapeutic methods for Hodgkin''s disease.  相似文献   
Four new strains of Thiopedia rosea were isolated in pure culture from blooms of platelet-forming purple sulfur bacteria in the top layers of the anoxic hypolimnia of two freshwater lakes. Individual cells of the new strains as well as of T. rosea strain 4211 were spherical to oval, nonmotile and contained gas vesicles in the central part. The predominant photosynthetic pigments were bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone. All strains were strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. Optimal growth occurred at low light intensities of 100 E · m-2 s-1 (tungsten lamp); intensities above 150 E · m-2 s-1 inhibited growth completely. Photoautotrophic growth was possible at sulfide concentrations up to 0.6 mM; higher concentrations were inhibitory. Acetate, butyrate and valerate supported photoorganotrophic growth in the presence of bicarbonate and sulfide concentrations below 1 mM. Sulfide was required as a source of cellular sulfur because assimilatory sulfate reduction is lacking. All strains were assigned to the species Thiopedia rosea with strain 4211 as a neotype.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 66th birthday  相似文献   
Summary We report a patient (S.T.) with multiple congenital anomalies and developmental delay associated with an interstitial deletion of 1q23–1q25. Molecular analysis of the deletion was performed using DNA markers that map to 1q. Five DNA markers, MLAJ-1 (D1S61), CRI-L1054 (D1S42), HBI40 (D1S66), OS-6 (D1S75), and BH516 (D1S110), were demonstrated to be deleted. Informative polymorphisms demonstrated this to be a de novo deletion of the maternally derived chromosome. Deletion status was determined using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis supplemented with densitometry in the experiments where RFLP analysis was not fully informative. Deletions were confirmed by Southern analysis using genomic DNA from a somatic cell hybrid retaining the del(1)(q23–q25) chromosome that was constructed from patient S.T. Flow karyotyping confirmed the deletion and estimated that the deletion encompassed 11,000–16,000 kb. The clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of S.T. are compared with those of ten previously described patients with monosomy 1q21–1q25.  相似文献   
Summary The transfection of murine SP1 tumor cells with the hemagglutinin (HA) gene of influenza virus results, after fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS), in the selection of high-HA-expressing cell lines called H4A and H4B. Both lines fail to grow in syngeneic animals at doses that result in 100% tumor take of non-transfected tumor cells. Both grow in immunosuppressed mice. SP1 and H4A or H4B cells express few class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens but do express class II IAk antigens. H4A or H4B cells engender a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response but cannot protect against a challenge with SP1 cells. This CTL response is inhibited by anti-CD4 but not anti-CD8 antibodies. Using FACS, we were able to select a population (called H5AK5) with high class-I MHC antigen expression. Like H4A and H4B, H5AK5 cells fail to grow in syngeneic animals but do grow in immunosuppressed mice. However, unlike H4A or H4B, H5AK5 can induce protection against a challenge with 1 × 105 SP1 cells. These studies indicate that the immunogenicity ofHA-transfected SP1 cells may correlate with the cell-surface expression of class II MHC antigens. However, HA-expressing SP1 cells seem able to induce a protective response against a parent SP1 cell challenge only if they also express class I MHC antigens. This view is supported by the observations that SP1 cells expressing murine interleukin-2 do not express class I MHC antigens, fail to grow in syngeneic animals, do grow in immunosuppressed mice but do not protect against a challenge with parental SP1 cells.This work was supported by The Clayton Fund, The Sid W. Richardson Foundation and PHS grants CA 39853 and 41525. Toshiyuki Itaya is a visiting scientist supported by the Smith Education Fund of the Department of Cell Biology. Troy Fiesinger is a summer research investigator sponsored by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Summer Program for College Students  相似文献   
Seeds of theHordeum patagonicum complex were collected from the field and grown in the greenhouse. The aim was to take a sample of members of the complex, and on the basis of the phenotypic similarities in some morphological and physiological characters, determine whether distinct groups exist. When cluster analyses, to generate hypotheses, and orthodox statistical procedures, for hypotheses obtained a priori, were applied to the reproductive morphology, germination and flowering patterns, onlyH. patagonicum subsp.magellanicum, out of the five recognized taxa, could be distinguished consistently. The remaining four taxa, which overlapped considerably, could be re-formed into three groups whose centroids were different but whose ranges of variation were not distinct from each other. We conclude that the highly cross-compatible members of theH. patagonicum complex, first defined as species and later redefined as subspecies are probably no more than biotypes.  相似文献   
The identification and localization of a marker protein for the intermembrane space between the outer and inner chloroplast envelopes is described. This 64-kDa protein is very rapidly labeled by [gamma-32P]ATP at very low (30 nM) ATP concentrations and the phosphoryl group exhibits a high turnover rate. It was possible to establish the presence of the 64-kDa protein in this plastid compartment by using different chloroplast envelope separation and isolation techniques. In addition comparison of labeling kinetics by intact and hypotonically lysed pea chloroplasts support the localization of the 64-kDa protein in the intermembrane space. The 64-kDa protein was present and could be labeled in mixed envelope membranes isolated from hypotonically lysed plastids. Mixed envelope membranes incorporated high amounts of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP into the 64-kDa protein, whereas separated outer and inner envelope membranes did not show significant phosphorylation of this protein. Water/Triton X-114 phase partitioning demonstrated that the 64-kDa protein is a hydrophilic polypeptide. These findings suggest that the 64-kDa protein is a soluble protein trapped in the space between the inner and outer envelope membranes. After sonication of mixed envelope membranes, the 64-kDa protein was no longer present in the membrane fraction, but could be found in the supernatant after a 110,000 x g centrifugation.  相似文献   
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