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An original signal extraction procedure is applied to database of 146 base nucleosome core DNA sequences from C. elegans (S. M. Johnson et al. Genome Research 16, 1505–1516, 2006). The positional preferences of various dinucleotides within the 10.4 base nucleosome DNA repeat are calculated, resulting in derivation of the nucleosome DNA bendability matrix of 16x10 elements. A simplified one-line presentation of the matrix (“consensus” repeat) is…A(TTTCCGGAAA)T…. All 6 chromosomes of C. elegans conform to the bendability pattern. The strongest affinity to their respective positions is displayed by dinucleotides AT and CG, separated within the repeat by 5 bases. The derived pattern makes a basis for sequence-directed mapping of nucleosome positions in the genome of C. elegans. As the first complete matrix of bendability available the pattern may serve for iterative calculations of the species-specific matrices of bendability applicable to other genomic sequences.  相似文献   
We focus on finding a consensus motif of a set of homologous or functionally related RNA molecules. Recent approaches to this problem have been limited to simple motifs, require sequence alignment, and make prior assumptions concerning the data set. We use genetic programming to predict RNA consensus motifs based solely on the data set. Our system -- dubbed GeRNAMo (Genetic programming of RNA Motifs) -- predicts the most common motifs without sequence alignment and is capable of dealing with any motif size. Our program only requires the maximum number of stems in the motif, and if prior knowledge is available the user can specify other attributes of the motif (e.g., the range of the motif's minimum and maximum sizes), thereby increasing both sensitivity and speed. We describe several experiments using either ferritin iron response element (IRE); signal recognition particle (SRP); or microRNA sequences, showing that the most common motif is found repeatedly, and that our system offers substantial advantages over previous methods.  相似文献   
A -lactoglobulin (BLG)/luciferase gene vector (p907), composed of a luciferase intronless gene inserted between the second and sixth BLG exons was constructed. Stable transfections of CID-9 cells with this vector, as well as with a series of additional vectors, were performed to define regulatory regions within the BLG sequence, and the contribution of the SV40 polyadenylation (PA) site to luciferase expression. A relatively low level of luciferase activity was supported by vector p907. It was partially rescued by vector p906, in which the BLG 3 region, downstream of the luciferase cDNA, was replaced with the SV40 PA site. Flanking the SV40 region of vector p906, at its 3 end, with BLG sequences of exon 6/intron 6/exon 7 and the 3 region of the gene resulted in vector p904. This vector supported the highest luciferase activity, 10 times or 2.5 times higher than that measured in cells transfected with vectors p907 and p906, respectively. The induced activity supported by vector p904 is attributed to interaction between the SV40 PA site and elements of the distal part of the BLG 3 flanking sequences. The BLG 5 regulatory region of vector p904 encompasses a 3-kb promoter sequences. Deletion of 935 bp of its proximal end resulted in a 60% decrease in luciferase activity. Reduced activity was also seen with vector p915 lacking sequences of exon 1/intron 1/exon 2. This decrease could not be rescued with heterologous sequences of insulin intron 1, inserted upstream of the luciferase cDNA. Two sets of transgenic mice carrying vectors p907 and p904 were generated. Vector p907 supported only marginal luciferase activity in the mammary gland of all transgenic mice tested and luciferase RNA could not be detected by northern analysis. In contrast, 50% of the transgenic mice carrying vector p904 expressed luciferase RNA in the mammary gland and tissue-specific, hormonal-dependent activity was determined. However, the new p904 vector was not able to insulate the transgene from surrounding host DNA sequences, as reflected by its copy number-independent manner of expression. Nevertheless, vector p904 may represent a valuable tool for the expression of cDNAs in the mammary gland of transgenic animals.  相似文献   
The host range of the gall-forming bacterium Erwinia herbicola pv. gypsophilae (Ehg) is restricted to gypsophila whereas Erwinia herbicola pv. betae (Ehb) attacks beet as well as gypsophila. Both pathovars contain an indigenous plasmid (pPATH(Ehg or pPATH(Ehb)) that harbors pathogenicity genes, including the hrp gene cluster. A cosmid library of Ehg824-1 plasmid DNA was mobilized into Ehb4188 and the transconjugants were screened for pathogenicity on beet. One Ehb transconjugant harboring the cosmid pLA173 of pPATHEb induced a hypersensitive-like response and abolished pathogenicity on beet. Transposon mutagenesis of an open reading frame (ORF) located on this cosmid eliminated its affect on pathogenicity. Marker exchange of this mutation into Ehg824-1 caused a substantial reduction in gall size on gypsophila and caused Ehg824-1 to extend its host range and incite galls on beet. The ORF (1.5 kb) was designated as pthG (pathogenicity gene on gypsophila). DNA sequence analysis of pthG revealed no significant homology to known genes in the data bank. Only remnants of the pthG sequences were identified on the pPATH of Ehb4188. The deduced protein lacked an N-terminal signal peptide but contained a short trans-membrane helix in its C terminus. The gene product, as determined by expression in Escherichia coli and Western blots (immunoblots), was a 56-kDa protein.  相似文献   
The existence of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) in early and term human placenta was investigated by comparing the characteristics of placental microsomal glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) hydrolytic activity and liver G6Pase. Placental microsomes exhibited similar apparent Km values for G6P and beta-glycerophosphate in intact and deoxycholate-treated microsomes, heat stability at acidic pH, low latency of mannose 6-phosphate hydrolysis, very low activity of pyrophosphate: glucose phosphotransferase, and undetectable [U-14C]G6P transport into the placental microsomes, all of which indicated that specific G6Pase activity does not exist in placenta. Immunological evidence of the absence of both 36.5 kDa and T2 proteins, which represent the G6Pase catalytic protein and the phosphate/pyrophosphate transporter protein, respectively, confirmed that early and term human placenta are devoid of the multicomponent G6Pase enzyme.  相似文献   
Indiscriminate discharge of pharmaceutical waste into the aquatic ecosystem may pose serious health challenges to aquatic biota. The effect of acute exposure to ibuprofen was evaluated using changes in behaviour and haematological parameters under static bio-assay method in Clarias gariepinus. Test specimens were exposed to acute concentrations of ibuprofen (0.28, 0.33, 0.38, 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h durations respectively. Behavioural and phenotypic changes were observed in surviving fish. There were significant (p < 0.05) concentration and duration-dependent increases in erythrocyte (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), pack cell volume (PCV) and leukocytes (WBC) in treated fish compared to the control. Insignificant decreases (p > 0.05) in mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were observed in treated fish compared to the control. Ibuprofen elicited dose and duration- dependent decrease in neutrophil counts with the decreases being significant (p < 0.05) in the higher doses of 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1. Ibuprofen did not elicit any significant changes in monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. Changes observed in this study showed that ibuprofen negatively affected the health of the fish and we recommend that discharge of ibuprofen into the aquatic environment should be monitored and controlled.  相似文献   
Incubation of a rat adipose tissue homogenate causes a time and temperature dependent activation of glycogen synthetase (UDP glucose:glycogen 4-alpha-glucosyltransferase) and simultaneous inactivation of phosphorylase (1,4-alpha-D-glucan: orthophosphate alpha-glucosyltransferase, EC Activation of glycogen synthetase at 15 and 23 degrees C was preceded by a lag period. The duration of the lag period could not be correlated with significant changes in phosphorylase activity. Addition of glucose and methylxanthines caused an increase in the rates of glycogen synthetase activation and phosphorylase inactivation. The effect on glycogen synthetase activation was mainly on the linear phase. Addition of AMP inhibited phosphorylase inactivation and accelerated glycogen synthetase activation. Addition of muscle phosphorylase alpha caused a prolongation of the lag period which lasted until phosphorylase alpha activity had decreased to the level originally present in the preparation. It is concluded that in adipose tissue activation of glycogen synthetase is not dependent on prior inactivation of phosphorylase and that other factors should be looked for to explain the lag period preceding glycogen synthetase activation.  相似文献   
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