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Various histone modifications are widely associated with gene expression, but their functional selectivity at individual genes remains to be characterized. Here, we identify widespread differences between genome-wide patterns of two prominent marks, H3K9ac and H3K4me3, in budding yeasts. As well as characteristic gene profiles, relative modification levels vary significantly amongst genes, irrespective of expression. Interestingly, we show that these differences couple to contrasting features: higher methylation to essential, periodically expressed, ‘DPN’ (Depleted Proximal Nucleosome) genes, and higher acetylation to non-essential, responsive, ‘OPN’ (Occupied Proximal Nucleosome) genes. Thus, H3K4me3 may generally associate with expression stability, and H3K9ac, with variability. To evaluate this notion, we examine their association with expression divergence between the closely related species, S. cerevisiae and S. paradoxus. Although individually well conserved at orthologous genes, changes between modifications are mostly uncorrelated, indicating largely non-overlapping regulatory mechanisms. Notably, we find that inter-species differences in methylation, but not acetylation, are well correlated with expression changes, thereby proposing H3K4me3 as a candidate regulator of expression divergence. Taken together, our results suggest distinct evolutionary roles for expression-linked modifications, wherein H3K4me3 may contribute to stabilize average expression, whilst H3K9ac associates with more indirect aspects such as responsiveness.  相似文献   
Opioid receptors mediate multiple biological functions through their interaction with endogenous opioid peptides as well as opioid alkaloids including morphine and etorphine. Previously we have reported that the ability of distinct opioid agonists to differentially regulate mu-opioid receptor (mu OR) responsiveness is related to their ability to promote G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-dependent phosphorylation of the receptor (1). In the present study, we further examined the role of GRK and beta-arrestin in agonist-specific regulation of the delta-opioid receptor (delta OR). While both etorphine and morphine effectively activate the delta OR, only etorphine triggers robust delta OR phosphorylation followed by plasma membrane translocation of beta-arrestin and receptor internalization. In contrast, morphine is unable to either elicit delta OR phosphorylation or stimulate beta-arrestin translocation, correlating with its inability to cause delta OR internalization. Unlike for the mu OR, overexpression of GRK2 results in neither the enhancement of delta OR sequestration nor the rescue of delta OR-mediated beta-arrestin translocation. Therefore, our findings not only point to the existence of marked differences in the ability of different opioid agonists to promote delta OR phosphorylation by GRK and binding to beta-arrestin, but also demonstrate differences in the regulation of two opioid receptor subtypes. These observations may have important implications for our understanding of the distinct ability of various opioids in inducing opioid tolerance and addiction.  相似文献   
It is well established that the response regulator of the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, CheY, can undergo acetylation at lysine residues 92 and 109 via a reaction mediated by acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs). The outcome is activation of CheY, which results in increased clockwise rotation. Nevertheless, it has not been known whether CheY acetylation is involved in chemotaxis. To address this question, we examined the chemotactic behaviour of two mutants, one lacking the acetylating enzyme Acs, and the other having an arginine-for-lysine substitution at residue 92 of CheY - one of the acetylation sites. The Deltaacs mutant exhibited much reduced sensitivity to chemotactic stimuli (both attractants and repellents) in tethering assays and greatly reduced responses in ring-forming, plug and capillary assays. Likewise, the cheY(92KR) mutant had reduced sensitivity to repellents in tethering assays and a reduced response in capillary assays. However, its response to the addition or removal of attractants was normal. These observations suggest that Acs-mediated acetylation of CheY is involved in chemotaxis and that the acetylation site Lys-92 is only involved in the response to repellents. The observation that, in the cheY(92KR) mutant, the addition of a repellent was not chemotactically equivalent to the removal of an attractant also suggests that there are different signalling pathways for attractants and repellents in E. coli.  相似文献   
CheY, the excitatory response regulator in the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli, can be modulated by two covalent modifications: phosphorylation and acetylation. Both modifications have been detected in vitro only. The role of CheY acetylation is still obscure, although it is known to be involved in chemotaxis and to occur in vitro by two mechanisms—acetyl-CoA synthetase-catalyzed transfer of acetyl groups from acetate to CheY and autocatalyzed transfer from AcCoA. Here, we succeeded in detecting CheY acetylation in vivo by three means—Western blotting with a specific anti-acetyl-lysine antibody, mass spectrometry, and radiolabeling with [14C]acetate in the presence of protein-synthesis inhibitor. Unexpectedly, the level and rate of CheY acetylation in vivo were much higher than that in vitro. Thus, before any treatment, 9-13% of the lysine residues were found acetylated, depending on the growth phase, meaning that, on average, essentially every CheY molecule was acetylated in vivo. This high level was mainly the outcome of autoacetylation. Addition of acetate caused an incremental increase in the acetylation level, in which acetyl-CoA synthetase was involved too. These findings may have far-reaching implications for the structure-function relationship of CheY.  相似文献   


To investigate the associations of body mass index (BMI) and grip strength with objective measures of physical performance (chair rise time, walking speed and balance) including an assessment of sex differences and non-linearity.


Cross-sectional data from eight UK cohort studies (total N = 16 444) participating in the Healthy Ageing across the Life Course (HALCyon) research programme, ranging in age from 50 to 90+ years at the time of physical capability assessment, were used. Regression models were fitted within each study and meta-analysis methods used to pool regression coefficients across studies and to assess the extent of heterogeneity between studies.


Higher BMI was associated with poorer performance on chair rise (N = 10 773), walking speed (N = 9 761) and standing balance (N = 13 921) tests. Higher BMI was associated with stronger grip strength in men only. Stronger grip strength was associated with better performance on all tests with a tendency for the associations to be stronger in women than men; for example, walking speed was higher by 0.43 cm/s (0.14, 0.71) more per kg in women than men. Both BMI and grip strength remained independently related with performance after mutual adjustment, but there was no evidence of effect modification. Both BMI and grip strength exhibited non-linear relations with performance; those in the lowest fifth of grip strength and highest fifth of BMI having particularly poor performance. Findings were similar when waist circumference was examined in place of BMI.


Older men and women with weak muscle strength and high BMI have considerably poorer performance than others and associations were observed even in the youngest cohort (age 53). Although causality cannot be inferred from observational cross-sectional studies, our findings suggest the likely benefit of early assessment and interventions to reduce fat mass and improve muscle strength in the prevention of future functional limitations.  相似文献   
In the oceans and seas, environmental conditions change over multiple temporal and spatial scales. Here, we ask what factors affect the bacterial community structure across time, depth and size fraction during six seasonal cruises (2 years) in the ultra-oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The bacterial community varied most between size fractions (free-living (FL) vs. particle-associated), followed by depth and finally season. The FL community was taxonomically richer and more stable than the particle-associated (PA) one, which was characterized by recurrent ‘blooms’ of heterotrophic bacteria such as Alteromonas and Ralstonia. The heterotrophic FL and PA communities were also correlated with different environmental parameters: the FL population correlated with depth and phytoplankton, whereas PA bacteria were correlated primarily with the time of sampling. A significant part of the variability in community structure could, however, not be explained by the measured parameters. The metabolic potential of the PA community, predicted from 16S rRNA amplicon data using PICRUSt, was enriched in pathways associated with the degradation and utilization of biological macromolecules, as well as plastics, other petroleum products and herbicides. The FL community was enriched in predicted pathways for the metabolism of inositol phosphate, a potential phosphorus source, and of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
X-ray studies show that influenza hemagglutinin (HA) forms an elongated structure connecting the influenza virus at one end to cell-surface receptors at the other. At neutral pH, the 20 N-terminal residues of HA2—referred to as the fusion peptide—are buried in a hydrophobic pocket, about 100 Å away from the receptor-binding site, and thus seem unlikely to affect HA binding to the receptor. To test this assumption, we mutated residues in the fusion peptide, heterologically expressed the mutated proteins in COS7 cells, and examined their ability to bind fluorescently labeled red blood cells (RBCs). Surprisingly, a significantly reduced binding was recorded for some of the mutants. Ample experimental data indicate that HA has at least two forms: the native structure at neutral pH (N) that is metastable and the fusogenic form (F), observed at low pH, which is stable. Thus, a simple interpretation of our data is that HA can bind to its receptors at the RBC surface in the N form much more effectively than in the F (or in any other stable) form and that the altered binding properties are due to destabilizing effects of the mutations on the N form. That is, some of the mutations involve reduction in the free energy barrier between the N and F forms. This, in turn, leads to reduction in the population of the N form, which is the only form capable of binding to the cell-surface receptors. To explore this possibility, we estimated the stability free energy difference between HA wild-type (wt) and mutants in the N form using an empirical surface tension coefficient. The calculated stability differences correlated well with the measured binding, supporting the above interpretation. Our results are examined taking into account the available experimental data on the affinity of different soluble and membrane-attached forms of HA to its receptors.  相似文献   
Hemifacial microsomia (HFM) is the second most common facial anomaly after cleft lip and palate. The phenotype is highly variable and most cases are sporadic. We investigated the disorder in a large pedigree with five affected individuals spanning eight meioses. Whole-exome sequencing results indicated the absence of a pathogenic coding point mutation. A genome-wide survey of segmental variations identified a 1.3 Mb duplication of chromosome 14q22.3 in all affected individuals that was absent in more than 1000 chromosomes of ethnically matched controls. The duplication was absent in seven additional sporadic HFM cases, which is consistent with the known heterogeneity of the disorder. To find the critical gene in the duplicated region, we analyzed signatures of human craniofacial disease networks, mouse expression data, and predictions of dosage sensitivity. All of these approaches implicated OTX2 as the most likely causal gene. Moreover, OTX2 is a known oncogenic driver in medulloblastoma, a condition that was diagnosed in the proband during the course of the study. Our findings suggest a role for OTX2 dosage sensitivity in human craniofacial development and raise the possibility of a shared etiology between a subtype of hemifacial microsomia and medulloblastoma.  相似文献   
Lgr5 is a membrane protein related to G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)s whose expression identifies stem cells in multiple tissues and is strongly correlated with cancer. Despite the recent identification of endogenous ligands for Lgr5, its mode of signaling remains enigmatic. The ability to couple to G proteins and βarrestins are classical molecular behaviors of GPCRs that have yet to be observed for Lgr5. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine if Lgr5 can engage a classical GPCR behavior and elucidate the molecular determinants of this process. Structural analysis of Lgr5 revealed several motifs consistent with its ability to recruit βarr2. Among them, a “SSS” serine cluster located at amino acid position 873-875 within the C-terminal tail (C-tail), is in a region consistent with other GPCRs that bind βarr2 with high-affinity. To test its functionality, a ligand-independent βarr2 translocation assay was implemented. We show that Lgr5 recruits βarr2 and that the “SSS” amino acids (873-875) are absolutely critical to this process. We also demonstrate that for full efficacy, this cluster requires other Lgr5 C-tail serines that were previously shown to be important for constitutive and βarr2 independent internalization of Lgr5. These data are proof of principle that a classical GPCR behavior can be manifested by Lgr5. The existence of alternative ligands or missing effectors of Lgr5 that scaffold this classical GPCR behavior and the downstream signaling pathways engaged should be considered. Characterizing Lgr5 signaling will be invaluable for assessing its role in tissue maintenance, repair, and disease.  相似文献   
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