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A highly significant association between a COMT haplotype and schizophrenia   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Several lines of evidence have placed the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene in the limelight as a candidate gene for schizophrenia. One of these is its biochemical function in metabolism of catecholamine neurotransmitters; another is the microdeletion, on chromosome 22q11, that includes the COMT gene and causes velocardiofacial syndrome, a syndrome associated with a high rate of psychosis, particularly schizophrenia. The interest in the COMT gene as a candidate risk factor for schizophrenia has led to numerous linkage and association analyses. These, however, have failed to produce any conclusive result. Here we report an efficient approach to gene discovery. The approach consists of (i) a large sample size-to our knowledge, the present study is the largest case-control study performed to date in schizophrenia; (ii) the use of Ashkenazi Jews, a well defined homogeneous population; and (iii) a stepwise procedure in which several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are scanned in DNA pools, followed by individual genotyping and haplotype analysis of the relevant SNPs. We found a highly significant association between schizophrenia and a COMT haplotype (P=9.5x10-8). The approach presented can be widely implemented for the genetic dissection of other common diseases.  相似文献   
The faunal assemblage from the 9th-8th millennium BP site at Sha''ar Hagolan, Israel, is used to study human interaction with wild suids and cattle in a time period just before the appearance of domesticated animals of these species in the Jordan Valley. Our results, based on demographic and osteometric data, indicate that full domestication of both cattle and suids occurred at the site during the 8th millennium. Importantly, domestication was preceded in both taxa by demographic and metric population parameters indicating severe overhunting. The possible role of overhunting in shaping the characteristics of domesticated animals and the social infrastructure to ownership of herds is then explored.  相似文献   


There is increasing interest in social structural interventions for tuberculosis. The association between poverty and tuberculosis is well established in many settings, but less clear in rural Africa. In Karonga District, Malawi, we found an association between higher socioeconomic status and tuberculosis from 1986-1996, independent of HIV status and other factors.


To investigate the relationship in the same area in 1997-2010.


All adults in the district with new laboratory-confirmed tuberculosis were included. They were compared with community controls, selected concurrently and frequency-matched for age, sex and area.


1707 cases and 2678 controls were interviewed (response rates >95%). The odds of TB were increased in those working in the cash compared to subsistence economy (p<0.001), and with better housing (p-trend=0.006), but decreased with increased asset ownership (p-trend=0.003). The associations with occupation and housing were partly mediated by HIV status, but remained significant.


Different socioeconomic measures capture different pathways of the association between socioeconomic status and tuberculosis. Subsistence farmers may be relatively unexposed whereas those in the cash economy travel more, and may be more likely to come forward for diagnosis. In this setting “better houses” may be less well ventilated and residents may spend more time indoors.  相似文献   


Aplysia feeding is a model system for examining the neural mechanisms by which changes in motivational state control behavior. When food is intermittently present, Aplysia eat large meals controlled by a balance between food stimuli exciting feeding and gut stimuli inhibiting feeding. However, when food is continuously present animals are in a state in which feeding is relatively inhibited and animals eat little. We examined which stimuli provided by food and feeding initiate steady-state inhibition of feeding, and which stimuli maintain the inhibition.


Multiple stimuli were found to control entry into the steady-state inhibition, and its maintenance. The major variable governing entry into the steady-state is fill of the gut with bulk provided by food, but this stimulus cannot alone cause entry into the steady-state. Food odor and nutritional stimuli such as increased hemolymph glucose and L-arginine concentrations also contribute to inhibition of feeding leading to entry into the steady-state. Although food odor can alone cause some inhibition of feeding, it does not amplify the effect of gut fill. By contrast, neither increased hemolymph glucose nor L-arginine alone inhibits feeding in hungry animals, but both amplify the inhibitory effects of food odor, and increased glucose also amplifies the effect of gut fill. The major variable maintaining the steady-state is the continued presence of food odor, which can alone maintain the steady-state for 48–72 hrs. Neither increased glucose nor L-arginine can alone preserve the steady-state, although they partially preserve it. Glucose and arginine partially extend the effect of food odor after 72 hrs.


These findings show that control of Aplysia feeding is more complex than was previously thought, in that multiple inhibitory factors interact in its control.  相似文献   
A hallmark of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is its rapid rate of evolution within and among its various subtypes. Two complementary hypotheses are suggested to explain the sequence variability among HIV-1 subtypes. The first suggests that the functional constraints at each site remain the same across all subtypes, and the differences among subtypes are a direct reflection of random substitutions, which have occurred during the time elapsed since their divergence. The alternative hypothesis suggests that the functional constraints themselves have evolved, and thus sequence differences among subtypes in some sites reflect shifts in function. To determine the contribution of each of these two alternatives to HIV-1 subtype evolution, we have developed a novel Bayesian method for testing and detecting site-specific rate shifts. The RAte Shift EstimatoR (RASER) method determines whether or not site-specific functional shifts characterize the evolution of a protein and, if so, points to the specific sites and lineages in which these shifts have most likely occurred. Applying RASER to a dataset composed of large samples of HIV-1 sequences from different group M subtypes, we reveal rampant evolutionary shifts throughout the HIV-1 proteome. Most of these rate shifts have occurred during the divergence of the major subtypes, establishing that subtype divergence occurred together with functional diversification. We report further evidence for the emergence of a new sub-subtype, characterized by abundant rate-shifting sites. When focusing on the rate-shifting sites detected, we find that many are associated with known function relating to viral life cycle and drug resistance. Finally, we discuss mechanisms of covariation of rate-shifting sites.  相似文献   
Rat Graafian follicles isolated intact responded to 8-Br-cyclic AMP and 8-Br-cyclic GMP with increased prostaglandin E (PGE) production during a 6 h incubation. By contrast, 8-Br-cyclic IMP, 8-Br-5′ AMP and 8-Br-5′ GMP were inactive in this respect. The effect of 8-Br-cyclic AMP and 8-Br-cyclic GMP was noted only after a lag period of about 4 h. Choleragen, LH, and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor (3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine; IBMX) also stimulated PGE production. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide given simultaneously with 8-Br-cyclic AMP or LH prevented the stimulatory effect of these agents. Concomitant addition of arachidonic acid did not overcome the effect of these inhibitors.Administration of hCG in vivo or incubation with LH in vitro did not elevate endogenous ovarian free arachidonate, while PGE production was enhanced. Dexamethasone prevented this stimulatory effect of hCG.Collectively, the results suggest that stimulation of ovarian PGE production by cyclic mucleotides and LH is dependent on de novo synthesis of one more components of the PG synthetase systme rather than on substrate availability. Cyclic nucleotides may mediate the stimulatory effect of gonadotropins on PGE production  相似文献   
The overwintering potential of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in cold winter areas within its northern distribution is a key element in understanding its ecology. Recent studies have suggested that although originating in tropical Africa, the fly has become adapted to the cold weather that prevails within its northernmost areas of distribution. We address the question of whether the Mediterranean fruit fly has expanded its overwintering range to include the mountains of central Israel. Doing so would imply that the fly has developed either a behavioral or a physiological mechanism to cope with low temperature and/or damp conditions in combination with cold. We monitored adult populations year round, sampling fruit, calculating expected emergence days for overwintering flies, and studying adults captured within dense and sparse apple orchards. We also performed several manipulative experiments to study preimago ability to survive the winter under natural or seminatural conditions. The study was conducted in the central mountains of Israel at 700-m altitude from 1994 to 2003. Comparison experiments also were conducted at 400 m and at sea level. Our results show 1) no adults captured during the winter and spring, 2) an absence of new infestations during the winter and spring, and 3) inability of preimago stages to overwinter in the central mountains of Israel. Thus, we conclude that the fly does not overwinter in the central mountains of Israel. We discuss the ecological and applied significance of our findings.  相似文献   
Monolayers of granulosa cells (GC) derived from immature hypophysectomized diethylstilbestrol-treated rats became refractory in terms of FSH-stimulable cyclic AMP production following exposure to the homologous hormone. In the presence of ovine FSH (5 μg/ml), maximal refractoriness was attained after 4 h of incubation. Upon removal of the FSH from the medium, the cells regained their full responsiveness within 24 h. The extent of desensitization was dependent upon the dose of FSH, and could not be overcome by increasing the dose of the hormone during the challenge period. Exposure of GC monolayers for 2–4 h to the protein synthesis inhibitors actinomycin D (8 μg/ml) and cycloheximide (5 μg/ml) on their own enhanced FSH-stimulable cyclic AMP production. When added together with FSH, the inhibitors did not prevent the process of desensitization to the hormone. The results suggest that the initial phases of FSH-induced desensitization do not require de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   
Rats and mice use their whiskers to probe the environment. By rhythmically swiping their whiskers back and forth they can detect the existence of an object, locate it, and identify its texture. Localization can be accomplished by inferring the whisker’s position. Rhythmic neurons that track the phase of the whisking cycle encode information about the azimuthal location of the whisker. These neurons are characterized by preferred phases of firing that are narrowly distributed. Consequently, pooling the rhythmic signal from several upstream neurons is expected to result in a much narrower distribution of preferred phases in the downstream population, which however has not been observed empirically. Here, we show how spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) can provide a solution to this conundrum. We investigated the effect of STDP on the utility of a neural population to transmit rhythmic information downstream using the framework of a modeling study. We found that under a wide range of parameters, STDP facilitated the transfer of rhythmic information despite the fact that all the synaptic weights remained dynamic. As a result, the preferred phase of the downstream neuron was not fixed, but rather drifted in time at a drift velocity that depended on the preferred phase, thus inducing a distribution of preferred phases. We further analyzed how the STDP rule governs the distribution of preferred phases in the downstream population. This link between the STDP rule and the distribution of preferred phases constitutes a natural test for our theory.  相似文献   
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