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Burrow ventilation of benthic infauna generates water currents that irrigate the interstices of the sediments surrounding the burrow walls. Such activities have associated effects on biogeochemical processes affecting ultimately important ecosystem processes. In this study, the ventilation and irrigation behavior of Marenzelleria viridis, an invasive polychaete species in Europe, was analyzed using different approaches. M. viridis showed to perform two types of ventilation: (1) muscular pumping of water out of the burrow and (2) cilia pumping of water into the burrow. Flowmeter measurements presented muscular pumping in time averaged rates of 0.15 ml min−1. Oxygen needle electrodes positioned above the burrow openings revealed that muscular undulation of the worm body pumps anoxic water out of the burrow. On the other hand, microscope observations of the animal showed that ventilation of oxygen-rich water in the burrow occurs by ciliary action. The volume of water irrigated by M. viridis appears to vary linearly within the first 24 h incubation, with rates ranging from 0.003 to 0.01 ml min−1. From those rates we could estimate that the time averaged rate of cilia ventilation should be about 0.16 ml min−1. Since the cilia pumping into the burrow occurs in periods of 24 ± 12 min and at 50-70% of the measured time, considerable amounts of water from deeper sediments may percolate upwards to the sediment surface. This water is rich in reduced compounds and nutrients and may have important associated ecological implications in the ecosystem (e.g. affecting redox conditions, organic matter degradation, benthic recruitment and primary production).  相似文献   
Ducklings reared by a hen swim with dry plumage a day or two after hatching, while incubator-hatched ducklings of the same age may sink and even drown when placed in water. The common interpretation is that wild-reared chicks receive preen oil from the parent, and this oil makes them more waterproof. Using mallard ducklings Anas platyrhynchos we tested the effect of preen and other oils, as well as hydrophilic or surfactant contaminants, on the water resistance of down. We found that the true cause for the difference between incubator and hen-reared ducklings is the presence of hydrophilic hatching fluid residues in the down of incubator-hatched ducklings. Once well rinsed and dried, incubator-hatched ducklings can swim for over an hour with essentially dry down. Other tests showed that clean down is quite water resistant, and that water resistance was not improved by preen or other oils. Small amounts of preen or other oils had no effect on water repellency or wetting during surface swimming. However, oil decreased the hydraulic pressure needed to penetrate down. Down lacks the stabilizing interlocking structure of adult contour feathers, and small amounts of oil apparently cause barbules to stick together and reduce the effective number of down fibers. Detergent decreases water repellency and increases water retention, and has a more severe effect on oiled down or when applied in combination with oil. The penetration pressure of a clean down coat, 866±154 Pa, could allow static immersion to ca. 8cm before water would saturate the down and increase thermal conductance. Thus, clean ducklings have a 2×–3× safety margin for surface swimming. Saturation increases the thermal conductance of the down coat from 14.3±1.38 W/m2-°C to 193±25 W/m2-°C. Thus, water pollution or down contamination causing wetting can significantly increase energy use and the frequency of hypothermia.  相似文献   
Microorganisms associated with basalt core were compared to those suspended in groundwater pumped from the same well in the eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer (Idaho, USA). Two wells located at different distances from the source of a mixed-waste plume in the fractured basalt aquifer were examined. In the well more distal from the plume source, an array of dialysis chambers filled with either deionized water or crushed basalt was equilibrated to compare the microorganisms collected in this fashion with those from core and groundwater samples collected in a traditional manner from the same well. The samples were characterized to determine the total amount of biomass, presence of specific populations or physiological groups, and potential community functions. Microorganisms and their activities were nearly undetectable in core and groundwater collected from the well farthest from the plume source and substantially enriched in both core and groundwater from the well closest to the plume source. In both wells, differences (statistically significant for some measures) were found between bacteria associated with the cores and those suspended in the groundwater. Significantly higher populations were found in the basalt- and water-filled dialysis chambers incubated in the open well compared with core and groundwater samples, respectively. For a given parameter, the variation among dialysis chambers incubated at different depths was much less than the high variation observed among core samples. Analyses on selected basalt- and water-filled dialysis chamber samples suggested that these two communities were compositionally similar but exhibited different potential functions. Documented knowledge of cell physiological changes associated with attachment and potential differences between attached and unattached communities in aquifers indicate that careful consideration should be given to the type of sample media (i.e., core, groundwater, substrata incubated in a well) used to represent a subsurface environment.  相似文献   
The catalytic RNA moiety of (eu)bacterial RNase P is responsible for cleavage of the 5' leader sequence from precursor tRNAs. We report the sequence, the catalytic properties, and a phylogenetic-comparative structural analysis of the RNase P RNA from Mycoplasma fermentans, at 276 nt the smallest known RNase P RNA. This RNA is noteworthy in that it lacks a stem-loop structure (helix P12) that was thought previously to be universally present in bacterial RNase P RNAs. This finding suggests that helix P12 is not required for catalytic activity in vivo. In order to test this possibility in vitro, the kinetic properties of M. fermentans RNase P RNA and a mutant Escherichia coli RNase P RNA that was engineered to lack helix P12 were determined. These RNase P RNAs are catalytically active with efficiencies (Kcat/Km) comparable to that of native E. coli RNase P RNA. These results show that helix P12 is dispensable in vivo in some organisms, and therefore is unlikely to be essential for the mechanism of RNase P action. The notion that all phylogenetically volatile structures in RNase P RNA are dispensable for the catalytic mechanism was tested. A synthetic RNA representing the phylogenetic minimum RNase P RNA was constructed by deleting all evolutionarily variable structures from the M. fermentans RNA. This simplified RNA (Micro P RNA) was catalytically active in vitro with approximately 600-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency relative to the native RNA.  相似文献   
Today's Biochemical Engineer may contribute to advances in a wide range of technical areas. The recent Biochemical and Molecular Engineering XXI conference focused on “The Next Generation of Biochemical and Molecular Engineering: The role of emerging technologies in tomorrow's products and processes”. On the basis of topical discussions at this conference, this perspective synthesizes one vision on where investment in research areas is needed for biotechnology to continue contributing to some of the world's grand challenges.  相似文献   
Injury from a severe burn or trauma can propel the body into a hypermetabolic state that can lead to the significant erosion of lean muscle mass. Investigations describing this process have been somewhat limited due to the lack of adequate experimental models. Here we report the use of a perfused rat hindquarter preparation to study the consequences of a moderate burn injury (approximately 20% total body surface area), with or without the addition of exogenous insulin (12.5 mU/mL), on the fluxes of major metabolites across the isolated skeletal muscle. The metabolic flux data was further analyzed using metabolic flux analysis (MFA), which allows for the estimation of the impact of these conditions on the intracellular muscle metabolism. Results indicate that this model is able to capture the increased rate of proteolysis, glutamine formation, and the negative nitrogen balance associated with the burn-induced hypermetabolic state. The inclusion of exogenous insulin resulted in significant changes in several fluxes, including an increase in the metabolism of glucose and the flux through the pentose phosphate pathway, as well as a reduction in the metabolism of glutamine, alanine, and leucine. However, insulin administration did not affect the nitrogen balance or the rate of proteolysis in the muscle, as has been suggested using other techniques. The use of the perfused hindquarter model coupled with MFA is a physiologically relevant and experimentally flexible platform for the exploration of skeletal muscle metabolism under catabolic conditions, and it will be useful in quantifying the specific metabolic consequences of other therapeutic advances.  相似文献   
A membrane perfusion device for determining minimum effective release rates (MERR) of antifouling agents is described. The technique is applied to known biocidal agents and to a new prospective natural antifouling agent. This method allows controlled and reproducible release rates to be achieved independent of water chemistry and flow near the immersed surface. Unlike constant concentration methods, the device acts similarly to a painted surface, allowing establishment of diffusion gradients, thereby allowing fouling organisms to exhibit natural chemotactic responses to the released toxin. The method was applied at four remote sites to natural populations of fouling organisms. The MERRs of known (tributyltin chloride, dibutyltin chloride, and cupric ion) and experimental (zosteric acid) AF agents were determined. The effective release rates of cupric ion and organotin were consistent with immersed panel data and field observation of ship hulls, while the effective rate of zosteric acid, determined at two test sites, was much higher. Such data provide coatings formulators with valuable information relating to the suitability of an agent for AF coating use.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), a V2-receptor agonist, could inhibit the diuresis induced by water immersion in humans. Water and electrolyte excretion, plasma atrial natriuretic factor concentration, and plasma aldosterone concentration were measured initially and after 3 h of water immersion in 13 healthy sodium-replete men given either placebo or 20 micrograms of intranasal DDAVP. Guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and urea excretion and urine osmolality were also determined. DDAVP inhibited the diuresis induced by water immersion in men: 758 +/- 168 (SE) ml/3 h in the placebo group vs. 159 +/- 28 ml/3 h in the DDAVP group (P less than 0.05). After 3 h of water immersion, plasma atrial natriuretic factor concentrations were increased from 11 +/- 2 to 20 +/- 4 pg/ml in the placebo group and from 14 +/- 2 to 33 +/- 4 pg/ml in the DDAVP group (P less than 0.05). Plasma aldosterone concentrations were decreased from 98 +/- 18 to 45 +/- 6 pg/ml in the placebo group (P less than 0.05) and from 54 +/- 17 to 25 +/- 5 pg/ml in the DDAVP group (P less than 0.05). Despite these changes in aldosterone and atrial natriuretic factor concentrations, which should increase sodium excretion, DDAVP decreased the natriuresis induced by water immersion in humans: 56 +/- 8 meq Na+/3 h in the placebo group vs. 36 +/- 6 meq Na+/3 h in the DDAVP group (P less than 0.05). DDAVP may be used to prevent the diuresis associated with central redistribution of blood volumes that occur during water immersion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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