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Recently we investigated the influence of classical and emerging antibiotics on the proteome of Bacillus subtilis including in our studies actinonin, a potent novel inhibitor of peptide deformylase. The protein synthesis pattern under actinonin treatment changed so dramatically that a direct comparison to the control pattern was impossible. Dual channel imaging revealed that actinonin treatment caused the majority of newly synthesised proteins to accumulate in spots different from the ones usually observed, indicating a more acidic isoelectric point. Two strategies were used to investigate the nature of the charge shift. In the first place, protein patterns of a conditional peptide deformylase mutant under nonrepressing and repressing conditions were compared. Secondly, several protein pairs excised from two-dimensional (2-D) gels of the peptide deformylase mutant, exponentially growing untreated wild-type and the actinonin treated wild-type were investigated with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and electrospray ionization (ESI) time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) for the existence of N-terminal formylation. Under nonrepressing conditions the mutant protein pattern resembled that of the wild-type. The loss of peptide deformylase activity under repressing conditions led to the same pI shift observed for actinonin treatment in the wild-type. Quadrupole TOF-MS on 11 protein pairs proved that the remaining N-terminal formyl residue was indeed responsible for the charge shift. Eight of these protein pairs were also present on 2-D gels of exponentially growing B. subtilis, where the more acidic, still formylated protein species represented the smaller parts.  相似文献   
Allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate) from garlic is a highly potent natural antimicrobial substance. It inhibits growth of a variety of microorganisms, among them antibiotic-resistant strains. However, the precise mode of action of allicin is unknown. Here, we show that growth inhibition of Escherichia coli during allicin exposure coincides with a depletion of the glutathione pool and S-allylmercapto modification of proteins, resulting in overall decreased total sulfhydryl levels. This is accompanied by the induction of the oxidative and heat stress response. We identified and quantified the allicin-induced modification S-allylmercaptocysteine for a set of cytoplasmic proteins by using a combination of label-free mass spectrometry and differential isotope-coded affinity tag labeling of reduced and oxidized thiol residues. Activity of isocitrate lyase AceA, an S-allylmercapto-modified candidate protein, is largely inhibited by allicin treatment in vivo. Allicin-induced protein modifications trigger protein aggregation, which largely stabilizes RpoH and thereby induces the heat stress response. At sublethal concentrations, the heat stress response is crucial to overcome allicin stress. Our results indicate that the mode of action of allicin is a combination of a decrease of glutathione levels, unfolding stress, and inactivation of crucial metabolic enzymes through S-allylmercapto modification of cysteines.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of tempol, an oxygen radical scavenger, on hydrosaline balance in rats with acute sodium overload. Male rats with free access to water were injected with isotonic (control group) or hypertonic saline solution (0.80 mol/l NaCl) either alone (Na group) or with tempol (Na-T group). Hydrosaline balance was determined during a 90 min experimental period. Protein expressions of aquaporin 1 (AQP1), aquaporin 2 (AQP2), angiotensin II (Ang II) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) were measured in renal tissue. Water intake, creatinine clearance, diuresis and natriuresis increased in the Na group. Under conditions of sodium overload, tempol increased plasma sodium and protein levels and increased diuresis, natriuresis and sodium excretion. Tempol also decreased water intake without affecting creatinine clearance. AQP1 and eNOS were increased and Ang II decreased in the renal cortex of the Na group, whereas AQP2 was increased in the renal medulla. Nonglycosylated AQP1 and eNOS were increased further in the renal cortex of the Na-T group, whereas AQP2 was decreased in the renal medulla and was localized mainly in the cell membrane. Moreover, p47-phox immunostaining was increased in the hypothalamus of Na group, and this increase was prevented by tempol. Our findings suggest that tempol causes hypernatremia after acute sodium overload by inhibiting the thirst mechanism and facilitating diuresis, despite increasing renal eNOS expression and natriuresis.  相似文献   
Serum hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is rapidly increased in patients suffering from various tissue injuries including arterial occlusive diseases. However, the cellular sources of the HGF increase remain largely unknown. In the present study, we showed that bioactive mature HGF is constitutively present on the surface of granulocytes in human peripheral blood. Exogenously added 125I-labeled iodo-HGF efficiently bound to granulocyte surface, whereas only a scarce amount of HGF mRNA was detected in granulocytes, indicating that the mature HGF on granulocytes is likely to be derived from other cell types. Interestingly, treatment of granulocytes with human serum rapidly induced the release of the cell surface-associated HGF. In vivo, thromboplastin injection into mice increased HGF release from transplanted human granulocytes, which was inhibited by the pretreatment with DX9065a, a specific inhibitor of factor Xa. Furthermore, DX9065a also inhibited the serum-induced HGF release from human granulocytes in vitro, suggesting that the HGF-releasing factor(s) in serum is associated with factor Xa activation. Thus, human granulocytes may function as a transporter of HGF in the peripheral blood, releasing HGF at the injured sites caused by blood coagulation, where HGF may promote tissue repair.  相似文献   
Here we show that a new class of antibiotics-acyldepsipeptides-has antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria in vitro and in several rodent models of bacterial infection. The acyldepsipeptides are active against isolates that are resistant to antibiotics in clinical application, implying a new target, which we identify as ClpP, the core unit of a major bacterial protease complex. ClpP is usually tightly regulated and strictly requires a member of the family of Clp-ATPases and often further accessory proteins for proteolytic activation. Binding of acyldepsipeptides to ClpP eliminates these safeguards. The acyldepsipeptide-activated ClpP core is capable of proteolytic degradation in the absence of the regulatory Clp-ATPases. Such uncontrolled proteolysis leads to inhibition of bacterial cell division and eventually cell death.  相似文献   
Naïve CD4+ T helper (Th) cells differentiate into distinct subsets of effector cells (Th1, Th2, Th17, and induced regulatory T cells (iTreg)) expressing different sets of cytokines upon encounter with presented foreign antigens. It has been well established that Th1/Th2 balance is critical for the nature of the following immune responses. Previous reports have demonstrated important roles of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in Th1/Th2 balance, whereas the regulatory mechanisms of JNK activity in Th cells have not been elucidated. Here, we show that dual specificity phosphatase 16 (DUSP16, also referred to as MKP-M or MKP-7), which preferentially inactivates JNK, is selectively expressed in Th2 cells. In the in vitro differentiation assay of naïve CD4+ cells, DUSP16 expression is up-regulated during Th2 differentiation and down-regulated during Th1 differentiation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed the increased acetylation of histone H3/H4 at the dusp16 gene promoter in CD4+ T cells under the Th2 condition. Adenoviral transduction of naïve CD4+ T cells with DUSP16 resulted in increased mRNA expression of IL-4 and GATA-3 in Th2 and decreased expression of IFNγ and T-bet in Th1 differentiation. In contrast, transduction of a dominant negative form of DUSP16 had the reverse effects. Furthermore, upon immunization, T cell-specific dusp16 transgenic mice produced antigen-specific IgG2a at lower amounts, whereas DN dusp16 transgenic mice produced higher amounts of antigen-specific IgG2a accompanied by decreased amounts of antigen-specific IgG1 and IgE than those of control mice. Together, these data suggest the functional role of DUSP16 in Th1/Th2 balance.  相似文献   
Low concentrations of the RNA polymerase inhibitor rifampin added to an exponentially growing culture of Bacillus subtilis led to an instant inhibition of growth. Survival experiments revealed that during the growth arrest the cells became tolerant to the antibiotic and the culture was able to resume growth some time after rifampin treatment. L-[(35)S]methionine pulse-labeled protein extracts were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to investigate the change in the protein synthesis pattern in response to rifampin. The sigma(B)-dependent general stress proteins were found to be induced after treatment with the antibiotic. Part of the oxidative stress signature was induced as indicated by the catalase KatA and MrgA. The target protein of rifampin, the beta subunit (RpoB) of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, and the flagellin protein Hag belonging to the sigma(D) regulon were also induced. The rifampin-triggered growth arrest was extended in a sigB mutant in comparison to the wild-type strain, and the higher the concentration, the more pronounced this effect was. Activity of the RsbP energy-signaling phosphatase in the sigma(B) signal transduction network was also important for this protection against rifampin, but the RsbU environmental signaling phosphatase was not required. The sigB mutant strain was less capable of growing on rifampin-containing agar plates. When plated from a culture that had already reached stationary phase without previous exposure to the antibiotic during growth, the survival rate of the wild type exceeded that of the sigB mutant by a factor of 100. We conclude that the general stress response of B. subtilis is induced by rifampin depending on RsbP activity and that loss of SigB function causes increased sensitivity to the antibiotic.  相似文献   
The cryptophyte phycocyanin Cr-PC577 from Hemiselmis pacifica is a close relative of Cr-PC612 found in Hemiselmis virescens and Hemiselmis tepida. The two biliproteins differ in that Cr-PC577 lacks the major peak at around 612 nm in the absorption spectrum. Cr-PC577 was thus purified and characterized with respect to its bilin chromophore composition. Like other cryptophyte phycobiliproteins, Cr-PC577 is an (αβ)(α′β) heterodimer with phycocyanobilin (PCB) bound to the α-subunits. While one chromophore of the β-subunit is also PCB, mass spectrometry identified an additional chromophore with a mass of 585 Da at position β-Cys-158. This mass can be attributed to either a dihydrobiliverdin (DHBV), mesobiliverdin (MBV), or bilin584 chromophore. The doubly linked bilin at position β-Cys-50 and β-Cys-61 could not be identified unequivocally but shares spectral features with DHBV. We found that Cr-PC577 possesses a novel chromophore composition with at least two different chromophores bound to the β-subunit. Overall, our data contribute to a better understanding of cryptophyte phycobiliproteins and furthermore raise the question on the biosynthetic pathway of cryptophyte chromophores.  相似文献   
Methanobactin, a small modified polypeptide synthesized by methanotrophs for copper uptake, has been found to be chromosomally encoded. The gene encoding the polypeptide precursor of methanobactin, mbnA, is part of a gene cluster that also includes several genes encoding proteins of unknown function (but speculated to be involved in methanobactin formation) as well as mbnT, which encodes a TonB-dependent transporter hypothesized to be responsible for methanobactin uptake. To determine if mbnT is truly responsible for methanobactin uptake, a knockout was constructed in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b using marker exchange mutagenesis. The resulting M. trichosporiummbnT::Gmr mutant was found to be able to produce methanobactin but was unable to internalize it. Further, if this mutant was grown in the presence of copper and exogenous methanobactin, copper uptake was significantly reduced. Expression of mmoX and pmoA, encoding polypeptides of the soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) and particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO), respectively, also changed significantly when methanobactin was added, which indicates that the mutant was unable to collect copper under these conditions. Copper uptake and gene expression, however, were not affected in wild-type M. trichosporium OB3b, indicating that the TonB-dependent transporter encoded by mbnT is responsible for methanobactin uptake and that methanobactin is a key mechanism used by methanotrophs for copper uptake. When the mbnT::Gmr mutant was grown under a range of copper concentrations in the absence of methanobactin, however, the phenotype of the mutant was indistinguishable from that of wild-type M. trichosporium OB3b, indicating that this methanotroph has multiple mechanisms for copper uptake.  相似文献   
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