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Antitumor properties of vindesine-monoclonal antibody conjugates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The anticancer alkaloid vindesine (VDS) was conjugated to four mouse monoclonal antibodies recognizing human tumor-associated antigens. The antibodies were 96.5 (antimelanoma, IgG2a); 791T/36 (antiosteogenic sarcoma, IgG2b); 11.285.14, and 14.95.55 (anticarcinoembryonic antigen, IgG1 and IgG2a respectively). Conjugates VDS-96.5 and VDS-791T/36 were tested in vitro and shown to be specifically cytotoxic for target cells expressing the appropriate antigen. The in vivo effects of the antibodies and conjugates were tested against human tumor xenografts in athymic or immunodeprived mice using multiple treatments. Conjugate VDS-96.5 retarded the initial growth of a melanoma xenograft, whereas free antibody was without effect. Similarly, VDS-791T/36 but not free antibody retarded the growth of osteogenic sarcoma 791T. The most marked antitumor effects observed were those obtained with VDS conjugates of the anti-CEA antibodies against a colorectal tumor xenograft. Antibody 14.95.55 suppressed tumor growth both alone and as a VDS conjugate, whereas 11.285.14 produced only a slight effect alone but an almost complete and lasting suppression of tumor growth as a VDS conjugate. Free VDS had little effect at nontoxic levels. Acute studies showed that VDS-11.285.14 conjugate was considerably less toxic than free VDS in Balb/c mice.  相似文献   
Cell buoyant densities of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined for rapidly growing asynchronous and synchronous cultures by equilibrium sedimentation in Percoll gradients. The average cell density in exponentially growing cultures was 1.1126 g/ml, with a range of density variation of 0.010 g/ml. Densities were highest for cells with buds about one-fourth the diameter of their mother cells and lowest when bud diameters were about the same as their mother cells. In synchronous cultures inoculated from the least-dense cells, there was no observable perturbation of cell growth: cell numbers increased without lag, and the doubling time (66 min) was the same as that for the parent culture. Starting from a low value at the beginning of the cycle, cell buoyant density oscillated between a maximum density near midcycle (0.4 generations) and a minimum near the end of the cycle (0.9 generations). The pattern of cyclic variation of buoyant density was quantitatively determined from density measurements for five cell classes, which were categorized by bud diameter. The observed variation in buoyant density during the cell cycle of S. cerevisiae contrasts sharply with the constancy in buoyant density observed for cells of Escherichia coli, Chinese hamster cells, and three murine cell lines.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the time course of change during both compensatory growth (hypertrophy) and subsequent growth regression on myosin isoform expression in rodent fast-twitch plantaris muscle in response to functional overload (induced by removal of synergists). Peak hypertrophy of the plantaris muscle (92%) occurred after 9 wk of overload. After 7 wk of overload regression (induced by a model of hindlimb unweighting), muscle weight returned to within 30% of control values. Myofibril protein content (mg/g muscle) remained relatively constant throughout the overload period but became significantly depressed relative to control values after 7 wk of regression. However, when expressed on a per muscle basis (mg/muscle) no differences existed at this time point (t = 7 wk regression). The distribution of native myosin isoforms in the myofibril protein pool of the overloaded plantaris muscle reflected a progressive increase (23% at t = 9 wk; P less than 0.001) in the relative proportion of slow myosin (Sm). This change was also accompanied by increases in intermediate myosin (Im) as well as the repression of the fast myosin one (Fm1) isoform (P less than 0.001). These shifts in Sm and Fm1 isoform expression were gradually reversed during the regression period, whereas Im remained elevated relative to control values. These adaptive changes in myosin isoform expression during both hypertrophy and regression were further supported by concomitant shifts in both myosin adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activity (decreased during overload) and slow myosin light chain (SLC) expression. However, during regression the changes in myosin isoform expression and myosin ATPase were not as synchronous as they were during overload. Estimation of the mixed myosin heavy chain (MHC) half-life (t 1/2), using a linear model that assumes zero-order synthesis and first-order degradation kinetics, revealed t 1/2 values of approximately 19 and 10 days for the overload and regression periods, respectively. Collectively these data suggest that 1) skeletal muscle myosin isoforms and corresponding ATPase activity are in a dynamic state of change, although not completely synchronous, in response to altered muscle stress, and 2) the kinetics of change in the mixed MHC protein pool are slower during compensatory growth compared with regression of growth.  相似文献   
Three adult skeletal muscle sarcomeric myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes have been identified in the rat, suggesting that the expressed native myosin isoforms can be differentiated, in part, on the basis of their MHC composition. This study was undertaken to ascertain whether the five major native isomyosins [3 fast (Fm1, Fm2, Fm3), 1 slow (Sm), and 1 intermediate (Im)], typically expressed in the spectrum of adult rat skeletal muscles comprising the hindlimb, could be further differentiated on the basis of their MHC profiles in addition to their light chain composition. Results show that in muscles comprised exclusively of fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers and consisting of Fm1, Fm2, and Fm3, such as the tensor fasciae latae, only one MHC, designated as fast type IIb, could be resolved. In soleus muscle, comprised of both slow-twitch oxidative and fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic fibers and expressing Sm and Im, two MHC bands were resolved and designated as slow/cardiac beta-MHC and fast type IIa MHC. In muscles expressing a mixture of all three fiber types and a full complement of isomyosins, as seen in the plantaris, the MHC could be resolved into three bands. Light chain profiles were characterized for each muscle type, as well as for the purified isomyosins. These data suggest that Im (IIa) consists of a mixture of fast and slow light chains, whereas Fm (IIb) and Sm (beta) isoforms consist solely of fast- and slow-type light chains, respectively. Polypeptide mapping of denatured myosin extracted from muscles expressing contrasting isoform phenotypes suggests differences in the MHC primary structure between slow, intermediate, and fast myosin isotypes. These findings demonstrate that 1) Fm, Im, and Sm isoforms are differentiated on the bases of both their heavy and light chain components and 2) each isomyosin is distributed in a characteristic fashion among rat hindlimb skeletal muscles. Furthermore, these data suggest that the ratio of isomyosins in a given muscle or muscle region is of physiological importance to the function of that muscle during muscular activity.  相似文献   
The histopathology of two populations of Sarisodera hydrophila Wouts and Sher, 1971 was examined on Salix lasiolepis Benth. (willow), Populus fremontii Wats. (cottonwood), and Lyonothamnus floribundus Gray (ironwood) using light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Sarisodera hydrophila induces formation of a single uninucleate hypertrophied cell (giant cell) which varies only slightly among the three hosts. The giant cell is enclosed by the root stele and contacts phloem, vascular cambium, and xylem. The single hypertrophied nucleus of the giant cell is ameboid or lobulate in shape, generally with a single nucleolus. The cell is characterized by a wall which is separated into two distinct regions about 2 μm and 13 μm thick; the thicker region occurs adjacent to the nematode head. Cell wall ingrowths, such as those associated with host responses to certain other plant-parasitic nematodes, were not observed in giant cells induced by S. hydrophila. However, a high frequency of pit fields with plasmodesmata occurred in the thinner portion of the cell wall which is adjacent to vascular elements. Roots of the three hosts simultaneously infected with S. hydrophila and Meloidogyne sp. resulted in adjacent responses characteristic of each nematode, supporting the view that the specific type of host response is a function of the nematode rather than the host. The varying expressions of host responses among Heteroderoidea may be useful in testing congruency with existing interpretations of phylogeny.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal beta hemolysin from the 681 strain of Staphylococcus aureus grown in a Heart Infusion dialysate semisolid medium under 10% carbon dioxide was obtained in an immunoelectrophoretically pure form by a combination of procedures of precipitation with 2 volumes of acetone followed by chromatography on diethylaminoethyl cellulose at pH 6.0. The acetone precipitation procedure did not show any deleterious effect on the hemolytic activity of the beta hemolysin unless the precipitate was left in contact with the acetone for at least 4 hr. The crude preparations contained two types of beta hemolysin. One of these represented the major portion of the total activity of beta hemolysin and behaved as a cation. The other represented a minor (1/5,000) portion of the total beta hemolysin activity and behaved as an anion. These active principles were designated as cationic and anionic beta hemolysins, respectively. An unexpected increase in the total beta hemolysin activity of the crude preparations was noted when these were concentrated by dialysis against polyethylene glycol (20 m). This effect was probably due to polyethylene glycol. A further unexpected increase in the titer of the acetone-precipitated preparations occurred when these were lyophilized. The reason for this incremental increase is not known. It may be due to fragmentation of the beta hemolysin.  相似文献   
The fermentation of uniformly labeled glucose-C14, glucose-1-C14, -2-C14, and -6-C14, xylose-1-C14, cellulose-1-C14, -2-C14, and -6-C14, and lactate-2-C14 by rumen fluids from cows fed all-hay, hay and concentrate (50:50), and all-concentrate diets was investigated. The results obtained suggested that the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic pathway is the major pathway of hexose utilization, that the major pathway of xylose fermentation involves hexose synthesis, and that the contributions of the nonrandomizing (acrylate) pathway of propionate formation during glucose, xylose, and cellulose fermentations are 4.5, 8.0, and 10.5%, and 24.6, 25.8, and 17.2%, respectively, by rumen fluids from the cows fed all-hay and all-concentrate rations.  相似文献   
Absence of the phasmid was demonstrated with the transmission electron microscope in immature third-stage (M3) and fourth-stage (M4) males and mature fifth-stage males (M5) of Heterodera schachtii, M3 and M4 of Verutus volvingentis, and M5 of Cactodera eremica. This absence was supported by the lack of phasmid staining with Coomassie blue and cobalt sulfide. All phasmid structures, except the canal and ampulla, were absent in the postpenetration second-stage juvenile (J2) of H. schachtii. The prepenetration V. volvingentis J2 differs from H. schachtii by having only a canal remnant and no ampulla. This and parsimonious evidence suggest that these two types of phasmids probably evolved in parallel, although ampulla and receptor cavity shape are similar. Absence of the male phasmid throughout development might be associated with an amphimictic mode of reproduction. Phasmid function is discussed, and female pheromone reception ruled out. Variations in ampulla shape are evaluated as phylogenetic character states within the Heteroderinae and putative phylogenetic outgroup Hoplolaimidae.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic characters for Heteroderinae Luc. et al., 1988 are evaluated in Meloidodera which is believed to have primarily ancestral characters. Phasmid ultrastructure is observed in second-stage juveniles (J2), third-stage juvenile males, fourth-stage juvenile males, and fifth-stage males of Meloidodera floridensis and M. charis. Phasmid secretion occurs inside the egg before the J1-J2 molt. Before J2 hatch, concentric lamellar membranes occur within the sheath and socket cells. Some membranes become lamellae of the sheath cell plasma membrane; others become multilamellar bodies. During early molting, plasma membrane lamellae disappear and a distal dendrite segment appears in a rudimentary canal. After the molt, the distal dendrite is not present within the canal. The phylogenetic utility of phasmid features is discussed. In both species the ampulla shape and size between molts are stable features in juveniles and males. The posthatch J2 sheath cell receptor cavity may vary in a species specific manner, but comparative morphology requires precise timing after hatch.  相似文献   
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