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The transport of nucleotide sugars from the cytoplasm into the Golgi apparatus is mediated by specialized type III proteins, the nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs). Transport assays carried out in vitro with Golgi vesicles from mammalian cells showed specific uptake for a total of eight nucleotide sugars. When this study was started, NSTs with transport activities for all but two nucleotide sugars (UDP-Xyl and UDP-Glc) had been cloned. Aiming at identifying these elusive NSTs, bioinformatic methods were used to display putative NST sequences in the human genome. Ten open reading frames were identified, cloned, and heterologously expressed in yeast. Transport capabilities for UDP-Glc and UDP-Xyl were determined with Golgi vesicles isolated from transformed cells. Although a potential UDP-Glc transporter could not be identified due to the high endogenous transport background, the measurement of UDP-Xyl transport was possible on a zero background. Vesicles from yeast cells expressing the human gene SLC35B4 showed specific uptake of UDP-Xyl, and subsequent testing of other nucleotide sugars revealed a second activity for UDP-GlcNAc. Expression of the epitope-tagged SLC35B4 in mammalian cells demonstrated strict Golgi localization. Because decarboxylation of UDP-GlcA is known to produce UDP-Xyl directly in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi lumen, our data demonstrate that two ways exist to deliver UDP-Xyl to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
The subunit KtrB of bacterial Na+-dependent K+-translocating KtrAB systems belongs to a superfamily of K+ transporters. These proteins contain four repeated domains, each composed of two transmembrane helices connected by a putative pore loop (p-loop). The four p-loops harbor a conserved glycine residue at a position equivalent to a glycine selectivity filter residue in K+ channels. We investigated whether these glycines also form a selectivity filter in KtrB. The single residues Gly70, Gly185, Gly290, and Gly402 from p-loops P(A) to P(D) of Vibrio alginolyticus KtrB were replaced with alanine, serine, or aspartate. The three alanine variants KtrB(A70), KtrB(A185), and KtrB(A290) maintained a substantial activity in KtrAB-mediated K+ uptake in Escherichia coli. This activity was associated with a decrease in the affinity for K+ by 2 orders of magnitude, with little effect on Vmax. Minor activities were also observed for three other variants: KtrB(A402), KtrB(S70), and KtrB(D185). With all of these variants, the property of Na+ dependence of K+ transport was preserved. Only the four serine variants mediated Na+ uptake, and these variants differed considerably in their K+/Na+ selectivity. Experiments on cloned ktrB in the pBAD18 vector showed that V. alginolyticus KtrB alone was still active in E. coli. It mediated Na+-independent, slow, high affinity, and mutation-specific K+ uptake as well as K+-independent Na+ uptake. These data demonstrate that KtrB contains a selectivity filter for K+ ions and that all four conserved p-loop glycine residues are part of this filter. They also indicate that the role of KtrA lies in conferring velocity and ion coupling to the Ktr complex.  相似文献   
Shear stress inhibits while disuse promotes osteocyte apoptosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cell apoptosis operates as an organizing mechanism in biology in addition to removing effete cells. We have recently proposed that during bone remodeling, osteocyte apoptosis steers osteonal alignment in relation to mechanical loading of the whole bone [J. Biomech. 36 (2003) 1453]. Here we present evidence that osteocyte apoptosis in cell culture is modulated by shear stress. Under static culture conditions, serum starved osteocytes exposed phosphatidylserine (PS) on their cell membrane 6x more often than periosteal fibroblasts and 3x more often than osteoblasts. Treatment with shear stress reduced the number of osteocytes that exposed PS by 90%, but did not affect the other cell types. Fluid shear stress of increasing magnitude, dose-dependently stimulated Bcl-2 mRNA expression in human bone cells, while shear stress did not change Bax expression. These data suggest that disuse promotes osteocyte apoptosis, while mechanical stimulation by fluid shear stress promotes osteocyte survival, by modulating the Bcl-2/Bax expression ratio.  相似文献   
Herbivores are reported to slow down as well as enhance nutrient cycling in grasslands. These conflicting results may be explained by differences in herbivore type. In this study we focus on herbivore body size as a factor that causes differences in herbivore effects on N cycling. We used an exclosure set-up in a floodplain grassland grazed by cattle, rabbits and common voles, where we subsequently excluded cattle and rabbits. Exclusion of cattle lead to an increase in vole numbers and a 1.5-fold increase in net annual N mineralization at similar herbivore densities (corrected to metabolic weight). Timing and height of the mineralization peak in spring was the same in all treatments, but mineralization in the vole-grazed treatment showed a peak in autumn, when mineralization had already declined under cattle grazing. This mineralization peak in autumn coincides with a peak in vole density and high levels of N input through vole faeces at a fine-scale distribution, whereas under cattle grazing only a few patches receive all N and most experience net nutrient removal. The other parameters that we measured, which include potential N mineralization rates measured under standardized laboratory conditions and soil parameters, plant biomass and plant nutrient content measured in the field, were the same for all three grazing treatments and could therefore not cause the observed difference. When cows were excluded, more litter accumulated in the vegetation. The formation of this litter layer may have added to the higher mineralization rates under vole grazing, through enhanced nutrient return through litter or through modification of microclimate. We conclude that different-sized herbivores have different effects on N cycling within the same habitat. Exclusion of large herbivores resulted in increased N annual mineralization under small herbivore grazing.  相似文献   
A genome-wide survey of R gene polymorphisms in Arabidopsis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We used polymorphism analysis to study the evolutionary dynamics of 27 disease resistance (R) genes by resequencing the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) region in 96 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We compared single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these R genes to an empirical distribution of SNP in the same sample based on 876 fragments selected to sample the entire genome. LRR regions are highly polymorphic for protein variants but not for synonymous changes, suggesting that they generate many alleles maintained for short time periods. Recombination is also relatively common and important for generating protein variants. Although none of the genes is nearly as polymorphic as RPP13, a locus previously shown to have strong signatures of balancing selection, seven genes show weaker indications of balancing selection. Five R genes are relatively invariant, indicating young alleles, but all contain segregating protein variants. Polymorphism analysis in neighboring fragments yielded inconclusive evidence for recent selective sweeps at these loci. In addition, few alleles are candidates for rapid increases in frequency expected under directional selection. Haplotype sharing analysis revealed significant underrepresentation of R gene alleles with extended haplotypes compared with 1102 random genomic fragments. Lack of convincing evidence for directional selection or selective sweeps argues against an arms race driving R gene evolution. Instead, the data support transient or frequency-dependent selection maintaining protein variants at a locus for variable time periods.  相似文献   
Amyloid β is an in vitro substrate for P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an efflux pump at the blood brain barrier (BBB). The Multi Drug Resistance (ABCB1) gene, encoding for P-gp, is highly polymorphic and this may result in a changed function of P-gp and may possibly interfere with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. This study investigates to what extent ABCB1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs; C1236T in exon 12, G2677T/A in exon 21 and C3435T in exon 26) and inferred haplotypes exist in an elderly population and if these SNPs and haplotypes differ between patients with dementia and age-matched non-demented control patients. ABCB1 genotype, allele and haplotype frequencies were neither significantly different between patients with dementia and age-matched controls, nor between subgroups of different types of dementia nor age-matched controls. This study shows ABCB1 genotype frequencies to be comparable with described younger populations. To our knowledge this is the first study on ABCB1 genotypes in dementia. ABCB1 genotypes are presently not useful as a biomarker for dementia, as they were not significantly different between demented patients and age-matched control subjects.  相似文献   
Inference of evolutionary relationships between nematodes is severely hampered by their conserved morphology, the high frequency of homoplasy, and the scarcity of phylum-wide molecular data. To study the origin of nematode radiation and to unravel the phylogenetic relationships between distantly related species, 339 nearly full-length small-subunit rDNA sequences were analyzed from a diverse range of nematodes. Bayesian inference revealed a backbone comprising 12 consecutive dichotomies that subdivided the phylum Nematoda into 12 clades. The most basal clade is dominated by the subclass Enoplia, and members of the order Triplonchida occupy positions most close to the common ancestor of the nematodes. Crown Clades 8-12, a group formerly indicated as "Secernentea" that includes Caenorhabditis elegans and virtually all major plant and animal parasites, show significantly higher nucleotide substitution rates than the more basal Clades 1-7. Accelerated substitution rates are associated with parasitic lifestyles (Clades 8 and 12) or short generation times (Clades 9-11). The relatively high substitution rates in the distal clades resulted in numerous autapomorphies that allow in most cases DNA barcode-based species identification. Teratocephalus, a genus comprising terrestrial bacterivores, was shown to be most close to the starting point of Secernentean radiation. Notably, fungal feeding nematodes were exclusively found basal to or as sister taxon next to the 3 groups of plant parasitic nematodes, namely, Trichodoridae, Longidoridae, and Tylenchomorpha. The exclusive common presence of fungivorous and plant parasitic nematodes supports a long-standing hypothesis that states that plant parasitic nematodes arose from fungivorous ancestors.  相似文献   
Mammalian herbivores can have pronounced effects on plant diversity but are currently declining in many productive ecosystems through direct extirpation, habitat loss and fragmentation, while being simultaneously introduced as livestock in other, often unproductive, ecosystems that lacked such species during recent evolutionary times. The biodiversity consequences of these changes are still poorly understood. We experimentally separated the effects of primary productivity and herbivores of different body size on plant species richness across a 10-fold productivity gradient using a 7-year field experiment at seven grassland sites in North America and Europe. We show that assemblages including large herbivores increased plant diversity at higher productivity but decreased diversity at low productivity, while small herbivores did not have consistent effects along the productivity gradient. The recognition of these large-scale, cross-site patterns in herbivore effects is important for the development of appropriate biodiversity conservation strategies.  相似文献   
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