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Membrane transport proteins: implications of sequence comparisons.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Analyses of the sequences and structures of many transport proteins that differ in substrate specificity, direction of transport and mechanism of transport suggest that they form a family of related proteins. Their sequence similarities imply a common mechanism of action. This hypothesis provides an objective basis for examining their mechanisms of action and relationships to other transporters.  相似文献   
The pathogenesis of neuronal dysfunction in the gangliosidoses is poorly understood. Studies of the feline gangliosidoses and in vitro experiments implicate ganglioside inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) in the pathogenesis of these neurological diseases. Therefore, in the present study, the binding of [3H]phorbol-12, 13 dibutyrate was measured to determine the levels of PKC in cerebral cortex of cats with GM1 gangliosidosis (mutant) and age matched normal siblings. This binding of ([3H]PDB) to cerebral cortex homogenates in both normal and mutant cats was highly specific. The specificity of receptors was ascertained also from displacement studies using nonradioactive phorbol ester analogues to displace [3H]PDB bound to its receptors. In both mutant and normal cat brain, phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate (PDB), 4--phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (-PDA) and 4--phorbol 12,13-dibenzoate (-PDBz) were highly potent (approximately to same degree) and effective in displacing [3H]PDB. On the other hand, 4- phorbol 12,13-diacetate (-PDA) was a weak displacer and 4--phorbol did not displace the bound [3H]PDB in either normal or mutant brain. Scatchard analysis of the binding data indicated a homogenous single class of binding sites in normal and mutant brain (Normal: Kd=1.42×10–7 M, Bmax=8.40 pmoles/mg protein. Mutant: Kd=1.60×10–7 M, Bmax=10.00 pmoles/mg protein). Sphingosine inhibited the binding to approximately the same extent in normal and mutant cortex. These studies demonstrate the presence of highly specific, homogenous, single type phorbol ester receptors in cerebral cortex of cats with GM1 gangliosidosis which are qualitatively and quantitatively similar to normal cat brain.  相似文献   
We have investigated the frequencies of RFLPs of the apolipoprotein (apo) AII gene and of the apo AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster in 109 men, selected from a random sample of 1,910 men aged 45-59 years, to cover a wide range of plasma high-density-lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentration. There was no significant difference in apo AI or apo AII RFLP allele frequency between groups of individuals with high and low HDL-cholesterol concentration. However, the apo AI PstI RFLP showed an association with genetic variation determining the plasma concentration of apo AI in this sample. Genetic variation in the apo AI-CIII-AIV gene region, as defined by haplotypes, accounted for 16% of the phenotypic variance in the apo AI concentration and for 8% of the phenotypic variance in HDL-cholesterol concentration. There was no significant association between alleles of the apo AII MspI RFLP and genetic variation determining apo AII or HDL concentration. The data demonstrate that genetic variation in the apo AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster is involved in determining the serum concentration of apo AI in this sample of clinically well individuals.  相似文献   
Rank transformation of specific activity values of -amylase across four strains of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and four strains of S. zeamais Motschulsky indicates that levels of these predominant enzymes are highest in adults feeding on hulled barley or long-grain brown rice. Intermediate activity levels are found in weevils feeding on yellow corn (maize) and lowest levels are found in wheat-fed weevils. Although extracts prepared from barley contain inhibitory activity against two purified isoamylases from S. oryzae, levels of the naturally-occurring -amylase inhibitors against these two enzymes are about 2.2-fold and 6.1-fold, respectively, more concentrated in wheat. Ingestion of these amylase inhibitors and formation of an inactive enzyme:inhibitor complex with previously secreted amylase may account for the lower activity of amylase in weevils of both species feeding on wheat. Amylase levels across all strains feeding on a given diet are about 2-fold higher in S. oryzae than in S. zeamais. Significant differences in activity levels were also found between strains in both species. Since -amylase is a predominant digestive hydrolase in these species, the degree to which cereal diets affect amylase levels may indicate their suitability as potential hosts.
Résumé La transformation de rang des valeur d'activité spécifique de l'-amylase de 4 souches de S. oryzae et de 4 souches de S. zeamais montre que les niveaux les plus élevés de ces enzymes prédominantes s'observent chez les adultes nourris d'orge mondé ou de riz brun á grains longs. Des niveaux intermédiaires d'activité ont été obtenus chez les insectes élevés sur maïs jaune, et les niveaux les plus faibles chez ceux élevés sur blé. Bien que les extraits préparés à partir d'orge présentent une activité inhibitrice de deux isoamylases purifiées de S. oryzae, les niveaux des inhibiteurs naturels -amylase de ces deux enzymes sont environ respectivement 2,2 et 6,1 fois plus concentrés dans le blé. L'ingestion de ces inhibiteurs d'amylase et la formation d'un complexe enzyme inactive/inhibiteur avec l'amylase secrétée antérieurement, peut rendre compte de la plus faible activité de l'amylase chez les charançons consommant du blé. Le niveau d'amylase de S. oryzae est 2 fois plus élevé que celui de S. zeamais pour toutes les souches élevées sur un régime donné. Des niveaux d'activité significativement différents ont été trouvés suivant les souches pour chacune des deux espèces. Puisque l'amylase est la principale hydrolase digestive de ces espèces, l'intensité de la modification des teneurs en amylase par la consommation de céréales peut indiquer leur adéquation comme hôtes potentiels.
A combination of ionic strength reduction and diafiltration of Trichoderma reesei cellulate complex through a hollow fiber apparatus of 5000 molecular weight (MW) cutoff and subsequent passage of filtrate over a Spherogel-TSK 3000-SW column provided extracts that had the ability to generate microfibrils in filter paper and to disrupt filter paper and corn leaf tissue. Milligram quantities of material obtained from these extracts released small amounts of soluble carbohydrate from filter paper, required ferric iron for increased activity, and contained amino acids. Short fiber formation and disruption of filter paper during interaction with these extracts was enhanced by prior acid treatment and eliminated by prior base treatment. The amount of soluble carbohydrate hydrolyzed in 24 h from filter paper by whole cellulase complex was not changed by first disrupting the substrate with the extracts.  相似文献   
Aspen (Populus tremuloides) and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) organosolv pulps produced in a wide range of solvent composition (between 30 and 70% by volume of methanol) and catalysts (H(2)SO(4) and H(3)PO(4)) such that the cooking liquor pH 相似文献   
The effect of acetysalicylic acid (aspirin) on thermoregulation in a warm environment was studied in hydrated and dehydrated adult rats to test the hypothesis that dehydration hyperthermia can be modified by an antipyretic drug. Metabolic rate (MR), evaporative water loss (EWL), and deep body temperature (Tb) were measured during 2 h of exposure to an ambient temperature of 36 degrees C after the rats had received an oral pellet of aspirin (100 mg.kg-1) or placebo. The dehydrated placebo group had a higher Tb and lower EWL than the hydrated placebo group. Aspirin increased MR and EWL in both hydrated and dehydrated animals. Aspirin did not affect Tb in hydrated rats, but reduced Tb by 0.2 degree C in dehydrated rats during the heat exposure. The elevation in EWL appears to be a thermoregulatory response to increased heat production in both hydrated and dehydrated animals after aspirin treatment. The possibility that aspirin may act in dehydrated animals to restore central thermosensitivity toward hydrated levels needs to be tested further.  相似文献   
A series of 1-(3-alkyl-2,3-dideoxy-alpha,beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)thymines (3'-alkyl-3'-deoxythymidines) has been prepared from 5-O-(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-2,3-dideoxy-D-glycero-pent-2- enono-1,4-lactone ((S)-5-[(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)oxymethyl]-2(5H)- furanone) by Michael addition of the appropriate organocopper reagent, followed by reduction of the lactone, acetylation of the resulting hemiacetal, and trimethylsilyl triflate-catalyzed coupling with 2,4-di-O-(trimethylsilyl)thymine. The protected nucleosides were desilylated by using tetrabutylammonium fluoride to give anomeric mixtures of the free nucleosides. The unsubstituted 2',3'-dideoxynucleoside analog was similarly prepared from 5-O-(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-2,3-dideoxy-D-glycero-pentono- 1,4-lactone ((S)5-[(tert-butyldiphenylsilyl)-oxymethyl]-dihydro-2(3H)-fu r anone).  相似文献   
During a study of the effects of high concentrations of NaCl, NaNO3 and KC1 on the production of lysine bySaccharomyces cerevisiae during the fermentation of glucose (Richmond 1980) it was learned that amounts of salt greater than 0.6 M in the microbiological assay sample could change the apparent concentration of lysine in the sample. This could be corrected by adding to the lysine assay broth sufficient salt to match the concentration in the sample tube and then developing a revised standard curve. The additional salt, in turn, required that the microbiological assay time be lengthened.  相似文献   
Glia-promoting factors (GPFs) are peptides of the central nervous system which accelerate the growth of specific glial populations in vitro. Although these factors were first discovered in the goldfish visual system (Giulian, D., Y. Tomozawa, H. Hindman, and R. Allen, 1985, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 83:4287-4290), we now report similar peptides are found in mammalian brain. The cerebral cortex of rat contains oligodendroglia-stimulating peptides, GPF1 (15 kD) and GPF3 (6 kD), as well as astroglia-stimulating peptides, GPF2 (9 kD) and GPF4 (3 kD). The concentrations of specific GPFs increase in brain during periods of gliogenesis. For example, GPF1 and GPF3 are found in postnatal rat brain during a peak of oligondendroglial growth while GPF2 and GPF4 are first detected at a time of astroglial proliferation in the embryo. Stab wound injury to the cerebral cortices of rats stimulates astroglial proliferation and induces marked elevations in levels of GPF2 and GPF4. Our findings suggest that two distinct classes of GPFs, those acting upon oligodendroglia and those acting upon astroglia, help to regulate cell growth in the developing and injured central nervous system.  相似文献   
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