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T S Baker  D Exley 《Steroids》1977,29(4):429-441
The C-11 (O-carboxymethyl) oxime derivative of 5-alphadihydrotestosterone (5alphaDHT) has been prepared. Due to steric hindrance at C-11, a novel two step procedure was used to introduce the (O-carboxymethyl) oxime at this position. Condensation of this oxime to bovine serum albumin afforded a conjugate which produced anti-5alphaDHT sera inoculated rabbits. Apart from a 30% cross reaction with testosterone, the antisera was reasonably specific for 5alphaDHT.  相似文献   
Ethylene production by tissue slices from preclimacteric, climacteric, and postclimacteric apples was significantly reduced by isopentenyl adenosine (IPA), and by mixtures of IPA and indoleacetic acid, and of IPA, indoleacetic acid, and gibberellic acid after 4 hours of incubation. Ethylene production by apple (Pyrus malus L.) slices in abscisic acid was increased in preclimacteric tissues, decreased in climacteric peak tissues, and little affected in postclimacteric tissues. Indoleacetic acid suppressed ethylene production in tissues from preclimacteric apples but stimulated ethylene production in late climacteric rise, climacteric, and postclimacteric tissue slices. Gibberellic acid had less influence in suppressing ethylene production in preclimacteric peak tissue, and little influenced the production in late climacteric rise, climacteric peak, and postclimacteric tissues. IPA also suppressed ethylene production in pre- and postclimacteric tissue of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) and avocados (Persea gratissima). If ethylene production in tissue slices of ripening fruits is an index of aging, then IPA would appear to retard aging in ripening fruit, just as other cytokinins appear to retard aging in senescent leaf tissue.  相似文献   
The effect of adult splenectomy on the expression of suppressor and amplifier T cell activity was examined with respect to the serum antibody response to Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSS-III) by using a sensitive radioimmunoassay. Suppressor T cell activity, as measured by the degree of low-dose paralysis induced, was not impaired in the least by splenectomy; however, amplifier T cell activity was almost completely eliminated within 7 days after splenectomy. These findings indicate that suppressor T cell activity is not confined solely to the spleen, the major site of antibody synthesis after immunization with SSS-III, and that the spleen may be an important site for the generation and/or maintenance of amplifier T cell activity.  相似文献   
[4-14C]Estrone was injected intramuscularly into two mature laying Rhode Island Red hens. Radioactive steroids and steroid conjugates recovered from the urine on Amberlite XAD-2 columns were fractionated on columns (100 cm) of DEAE-Sephadex A-25 by NaCl gradients. The presences of the following were confirmed, the figures in brackets indicating average proportions as per cent of total radioactivity recovered after Sephadex column chromatography: -the 3-β-glucuronides of estrone (10. 9) and of estradiol-17α plus estradiol-17β(9.8); the 17-β-glucuronides of estradiol-17α plus estradiol-17β (2.1); the 3-sulfates of estrone (14. 5) and of estradiol-17α plus estradiol-17β (27. 4); and the disulfates of estradiol-17α plus estradiol-17β (2. 3). The following additional conjugates were identified:-a β-glucuronide of 16-epiestriol (0.2) and a β-glucuronide of 16-ketoestradiol-17β (0. 2); the 3-sulfates of 16-epiestriol (1. 4), of 17-epiestriol (0. 9), of 16, 17-epiestriol (0. 7), of 16-keto-estradiol-17β (1. 1), and of 2-methoxyestrone (0. 7). Some evidence was obtained for the presence of 16, 17-epoxy-estratrienol-3-sulfate (1.9).  相似文献   
In order to identify residues required for the binding of interleukin-8 (IL-8) to its receptor, mutants were constructed in which clusters of charged amino acids were systematically replaced with alanine along the entire IL-8 sequence. The mutants were tested for their ability to induce a receptor-mediated rise in cytosolic free Ca2+, a property of wild-type IL-8 which can readily be detected by flow cytometry using neutrophils loaded with the calcium probe Indo-1. Eleven of the 12 mutants caused neutrophil calcium mobilization at 5 nM; the exception being a triple alanine mutant at positions K3, E4, and R6, which was inactive at all concentrations tested (150 nM maximum). A second set of mutants was generated in which residues 1-15 were individually mutated to alanine. Mutants E4A, L5A, or R6A were all inactive in the Ca2+ assay at 5 nM and competed poorly with 125I-IL-8 for neutrophil receptor binding; I10A, E4A, L5A, and R6A had approximately 30-, 100-, 100-, and 1000-fold reduced affinity, as compared with control IL-8, respectively. The nuclear magnetic resonance structure of IL-8 indicates that, in solution, the side chains of E4, L5, R6, and I10 point away from the core of the protein and do not participate in any intramolecular hydrogen bonds or salt bridges (Clore, G. M., and Gronenborn, A. M. (1991) J. Mol. Biol. 217, 611-620).  相似文献   
Image analysis of electron micrographs of thin-sectioned myosin subfragment-1 (S1) crystals has been used to determine the structure of the myosin head at approximately 25-A resolution. Previous work established that the unit cell of type I crystals of myosin S1 contains eight molecules arranged with orthorhombic space group symmetry P212121 and provided preliminary information on the size and shape of the myosin head (Winkelmann, D. A., H. Mekeel, and I. Rayment. 1985. J. Mol. Biol. 181:487-501). We have applied a systematic method of data collection by electron microscopy to reconstruct the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the S1 crystal lattice. Electron micrographs of thin sections were recorded at angles of up to 50 degrees by tilting the sections about the two orthogonal unit cell axes in sections cut perpendicular to the three major crystallographic axes. The data from six separate tilt series were merged to form a complete data set for 3D reconstruction. This approach has yielded an electron density map of the unit cell of the S1 crystals of sufficient detail. to delineate the molecular envelope of the myosin head. Myosin S1 has a tadpole-shaped molecular envelope that is very similar in appearance to the pear-shaped myosin heads observed by electron microscopy of rotary-shadowed and negatively stained myosin. The molecule is divided into essentially three morphological domains: a large domain on one end of the molecule corresponding to approximately 60% of the total molecular volume, a smaller central domain of approximately 30% of the volume that is separated from the larger domain by a cleft on one side of the molecule, and the smallest domain corresponding to a thin tail-like region containing approximately 10% of the volume. This molecular organization supports models of force generation by myosin which invoke conformational mobility at interdomain junctions within the head.  相似文献   
The development of resistance accounts for therapy failure in the majority of advanced cases of neuroblastoma in children. A new transplantable murine C-1300 neuroblastoma cell line was developed in vitro, by repeated exposure of a sensitive cell line to increasing, but sublethal, doses of Homoharringtonine (HHT). The ED50 of the highly resistant cells for HHT, using a standard agar colony assay, is 480 ng/ml, compared with 13 ng/ml for the sensitive parental line. The resistant cells have cross-resistance to a number of other agents, including adriamycin, vinca alkaloids, melphalan, and CCNU. Western blot analysis revealed progressive increases in P-glycoprotein, parallel to the graded development of resistance with a 29-fold elevation in the highest resistant cells. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) indicated that resistant cells have a significantly lower uptake of HHT than parental sensitive cells. cyclosporine A (CsA) and dipyridamole (DPM) could modulate the acquired resistance and completely restore the cytotoxic effects of HHT and adriamycin as determined by the clonogenic assay. The reversal of resistance by CsA and DPM was dose dependent. With the relative low toxicity of dipyridamole and CsA in doses required for modulation of resistance, these agents may be candidates for clinical utilization in chemotherapy of resistant neuroblastoma.  相似文献   
The l(1)TW-6cs mutation is a cold-sensitive recessive lethal mutation in Drosophila melanogaster, that affects both meiotic and mitotic chromosome segregation. We report the isolation of three revertants of this mutation. All three revert both the meiotic and mitotic effects as well as the cold sensitivity, demonstrating that all three phenotypes are due to a single lesion. We further show that these revertants fail to complement an amorphic allele of the nod (no distributive disjunction) locus, which encodes a kinesin-like protein. These experiments demonstrate that l(1)TW-6cs is an antimorphic allele of nod, and we rename it nodDTW. Sequencing of the nod locus on a nodDTW-bearing chromosome reveals a single base change in the putative ATP-binding region of the motor domain of nod. Recessive, loss-of-function mutations at the nod locus specifically disrupt the segregation of nonexchange chromosomes in female meiosis. We demonstrate that, at 23.5 degrees, the meiotic defects in nodDTW/+ females are similar to those observed in nod/nod females; that is, the segregation of nonexchange chromosomes is abnormal. However, in nodDTW/nodDTW females, or in nodDTW/+ females at 18 degrees, we observe a more severe meiotic defect that apparently affects the segregation of both exchange and nonexchange chromosomes. In addition, nodDTW homozygotes and hemizygous males have previously been shown to exhibit mitotic defects including somatic chromosome breakage and loss. We propose that the defective protein encoded by the nodDTW allele interferes with proper chromosome movement during both meiosis and mitosis, perhaps by binding irreversibly to microtubules.  相似文献   
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