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Bves is a protein expressed in cells of the developing coronary vascular system, specifically in the proepicardium, migrating epithelial epicardium, delaminated vasculogenic mesenchyme and vascular smooth muscle cells. Here, we show that Bves protein undergoes a dynamic subcellular redistribution during coronary vessel development. Bves is a membrane protein with three predicted transmembrane helices, an extracellular C terminus and an intracellular N terminus, and is confined to the lateral membrane compartment of epithelial cells. When epicardial cells are dissociated into single cells in vitro, Bves accumulates in a perinuclear region until cells make contact, at which time Bves is trafficked to the cell membrane. Bves accumulates at points of cell/cell contact, such as filopodia and cell borders, before the appearance of E-cadherin, suggesting an early role in cell adhesion. While Bves shares no homology with any known adhesion molecule, transfection of Bves into L-cells readily confers adhesive behavior to these cells. Finally, Bves antibodies inhibit epithelial migration of vasculogenic cells from the proepicardium. This study provides direct evidence that Bves is a novel cell adhesion molecule and suggests a role for Bves in coronary vasculogenesis.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific immune responses during primary HIV-1 infection appear to play a critical role in determining the ultimate speed of disease progression, but little is known about the specificity of the initial HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses in individuals expressing protective HLA class I alleles. Here we compared HIV-1-specific T-cell responses between subjects expressing the protective allele HLA-B27 or -B57 and subjects expressing nonprotective HLA alleles using a cohort of over 290 subjects identified during primary HIV-1 infection. CD8(+) T cells of individuals expressing HLA-B27 or -B57 targeted a defined region within HIV-1 p24 Gag (amino acids 240 to 272) early in infection, and responses against this region contributed over 35% to the total HIV-1-specific T-cell responses in these individuals. In contrast, this region was rarely recognized in individuals expressing HLA-B35, an HLA allele associated with rapid disease progression, or in subjects expressing neither HLA-B57/B27 nor HLA-B35 (P < 0.0001). The identification of this highly conserved region in p24 Gag targeted in primary infection specifically in individuals expressing HLA class I alleles associated with slower HIV-1 disease progression provides a rationale for vaccine design aimed at inducing responses to this region restricted by other, more common HLA class I alleles.  相似文献   
The balance between norepinephrine (NE) synthesis, release, and reuptake is disrupted after acute myocardial infarction, resulting in elevated extracellular NE. Stimulation of sympathetic neurons in vitro increases NE synthesis and the synthetic enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) to a greater extent than it increases NE reuptake and the NE transporter (NET), which removes NE from the extracellular space. We used TGR(ASrAOGEN) transgenic rats, which lack postinfarct sympathetic hyperactivity, to test the hypothesis that increased cardiac sympathetic nerve activity accounts for the imbalance in TH and NET expression in these neurons after myocardial infarction. TH and NET mRNA levels were identical in the stellate ganglia of unoperated TGR(ASrAOGEN) rats compared with Sprague Dawley (SD) controls, but the threefold increase in TH and twofold increase in NET mRNA seen in the stellate ganglia of SD rats 1 wk after ischemia-reperfusion was absent in TGR(ASrAOGEN) rats. Similarly, the increase in TH and NET protein observed in the base of the SD ventricle was absent in the base of the TGR (ASrAOGEN) ventricle. Neuronal TH content was depleted in the left ventricle of both genotypes, whereas NET was unchanged. Basal heart rate and cardiac function were similar in both genotypes, but TGR(ASrAOGEN) hearts were more sensitive to the beta-agonist dobutamine. Tyramine-induced release of endogenous NE generated similar changes in ventricular pressure and contractility in both genotypes, but postinfarct relaxation was enhanced in TGR(ASrAOGEN) hearts. These data support the hypothesis that postinfarct sympathetic hyperactivity is the major stimulus increasing TH and NET expression in cardiac neurons.  相似文献   
Mechanical loading of soft tissues covering bony prominences can cause skeletal muscle damage, ultimately resulting in a severe pressure ulcer termed deep tissue injury (DTI). Deformation plays an important role in the aetiology of DTI. Therefore, it is essential to minimise internal muscle deformations in subjects at risk of DTI. As an example, spinal cord-injured (SCI) individuals exhibit structural changes leading to a decrease in muscle thickness and stiffness, which subsequently increase the tissue deformations. In the present study, an animal-specific finite element model, where the geometry and boundary conditions were derived from magnetic resonance images, was developed. It was used to investigate the internal deformations in the muscle, fat and skin layers of the porcine buttocks during loading. The model indicated the presence of large deformations in both the muscle and the fat layers, with maximum shear strains up to 0.65 in muscle tissue and 0.63 in fat. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis showed that the tissue deformations depend considerably on the relative stiffness values of the different tissues. For example, a change in muscle stiffness had a large effect on the muscle deformations. A 50% decrease in stiffness caused an increase in maximum shear strain from 0.65 to 0.99, whereas a 50% increase in stiffness resulted in a decrease in maximum shear strain from 0.65 to 0.49. These results indicate the importance of restoring tissue properties after SCI, with the use of, for example, electrical stimulation, to prevent the development of DTI.  相似文献   
Chronic exposure to excessive levels of nutrients is postulated to affect the function of several organs and tissues and to contribute to the development of the many complications associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome, including type 2 diabetes. To study the mechanisms by which excessive levels of glucose and fatty acids affect the pancreatic beta-cell and the secretion of insulin, we have established a chronic nutrient infusion model in the rat. The procedure consists of catheterizing the right jugular vein and left carotid artery under general anesthesia; allowing a 7-day recuperation period; connecting the catheters to the pumps using a swivel and counterweight system that enables the animal to move freely in the cage; and infusing glucose and/or Intralipid (a soybean oil emulsion which generates a mixture of approximately 80% unsaturated/20% saturated fatty acids when infused with heparin) for 72 hr. This model offers several advantages, including the possibility to finely modulate the target levels of circulating glucose and fatty acids; the option to co-infuse pharmacological compounds; and the relatively short time frame as opposed to dietary models. It can be used to examine the mechanisms of nutrient-induced dysfunction in a variety of organs and to test the effectiveness of drugs in this context.  相似文献   
The liver is the most important organ for the biotransformation of xenobiotics, and the failure to treat acute or acute-on-chronic liver failure causes high mortality rates in affected patients. Due to the lack of donor livers and the limited possibility of the clinical management there has been growing interest in the development of extracorporeal liver support systems as a bridge to liver transplantation or to support recovery during hepatic failure. Earlier attempts to provide liver support comprised non-biological therapies based on the use of conventional detoxification procedures, such as filtration and dialysis. These techniques, however, failed to meet the expected efficacy in terms of the overall survival rate due to the inadequate support of several essential liver-specific functions. For this reason, several bioartificial liver support systems using isolated viable hepatocytes have been constructed to improve the outcome of treatment for patients with fulminant liver failure by delivering essential hepatic functions. However, controlled trials (phase I/II) with these systems have shown no significant survival benefits despite the systems’ contribution to improvements in clinical and biochemical parameters. For the development of improved liver support systems, critical issues, such as the cell source and culture conditions for the long-term maintenance of liver-specific functions in vitro, are reviewed in this article. We also discuss aspects concerning the performance, biotolerance and logistics of the selected bioartificial liver support systems that have been or are currently being preclinically and clinically evaluated.  相似文献   
Annexin 2 is a calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding protein that has been implicated in a number of membrane-related events, including regulated exocytosis. In chromaffin cells, we previously reported that catecholamine secretion requires the translocation and formation of the annexin 2 tetramer near the exocytotic sites. Here, to obtain direct evidence for a role of annexin 2 in exocytosis, we modified its expression level in chromaffin cells by using the Semliki Forest virus expression system. Using a real-time assay for individual cells, we found that the reduction of cytosolic annexin 2, and the consequent decrease of annexin 2 tetramer at the cell periphery, strongly inhibited exocytosis, most likely at an early stage before membrane fusion. Secretion also was severely impaired in cells expressing a chimera that sequestered annexin 2 into cytosolic aggregates. Moreover, we demonstrate that secretagogue-evoked stimulation triggers the formation of lipid rafts in the plasma membrane, essential for exocytosis, and which can be attributed to the annexin 2 tetramer. We propose that annexin 2 acts as a calcium-dependent promoter of lipid microdomains required for structural and spatial organization of the exocytotic machinery.  相似文献   
Extracellular stimuli are often encoded in the frequency, amplitude and duration of spikes in the intracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca2+]i). However, the timing of individual [Ca2+]i-spikes in relation to the dynamics of an extracellular stimulus is still an open question. To address this question, we use a systems biology approach combining experimental and theoretical methods. Using computer simulations, we predict that more naturalistic pulsed stimuli generate precisely-timed [Ca2+]i-spikes in contrast to the application of constant stimuli of the same dose. These computational results are confirmed experimentally in single primary rat hepatocytes upon alpha1-adrenergic stimulation. Hormonal signalling in analogy to neuronal signalling thus has the potential to make use of temporal coding on the level of single cells. The [Ca2+]i-signalling cascade provides a first example for increasing the information capacity of an intracellular regulatory signal beyond the known coding mechanisms of amplitude (AM) and frequency modulation (FM).  相似文献   
The pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) content of flowers, leaves, and roots of Anchusa strigosa (Boraginaceae) was analysed by ESI-LC-MS. Six PAs, including two new natural compounds, were detected, characterized by NMR spectroscopy, and quantified in each plant organ. The results indicated that the highest total concentration of PAs was in the leaves (23.63 mg/g of dried part), followed by the flowers (19.77 mg/g), and finally by the roots (1.80 mg/g). All PAs isolated were subjected to Spodoptera exigua and Pieris brassicae larvae. Feeding activity by both herbivore species using a bioassay was inhibited up to circa 75% depending on PA and applied concentration.  相似文献   
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