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Nostoc commune Vaucher (a cyanobacterium) is a very conspicuous terrestrial primary producer in Victoria Land, continental Antarctica. Because polar ecosystems are considered to be especially sensitive to environmental changes, understanding the environmental constraints on net carbon (C) fixation by N. commune is necessary to determine the effects of environmental changes on the ecological functioning of ice‐free areas of the continent. A model describing net C fixation in terrestrial populations of N. commune in an Antarctic dry valley was constructed using field and laboratory measurements in which N. commune colonies were exposed to different combinations of incident irradiance (400–700 nm), temperature, and degree of desiccation. For desiccated N. commune mats with water content ≤ 30% saturation, net C fixation was highly variable between replicates and could not be modelled. However, for colonies at > 30% saturation, rates of net C fixation and dark respiration depended strongly on irradiance and temperature. Net C fixation reached a maximum rate of 21.6 μg C m− 2 s− 1 at irradiance of approximately 250 μmol m− 2 s− 1 and the optimum temperature of 20.5 °C. Agreement between predicted short‐term net C fixation and field and laboratory measurements allowed estimation of total seasonal fixation, using previously published environmental data. Annual net C fixation was estimated in the range 14.5–21.0 g C fixed m− 2Nostoc mat, depending on year/season. Estimates for different seasons correlated with thermal time (accumulated hours above 0 °C during the year) rather than irradiance, in contrast to communities in local lacustrine environments, where irradiance is the main driver of primary productivity. In the terrestrial habitat, N. commune appears to compromise between an ability to capitalize on short periods of higher temperature and efficient utilization of lower irradiance at low temperature. The relationship between thermal time and net annual C fixation by N. commune is strongly linear.  相似文献   
The chromosome of Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv. substituting chromosome 6D has been identified in the karyotype of the Triticum aestivum L. line Multi 6R with the use of C-banding. The alien chromosome, temporarily designated 6Ag1, contains gene(s) of the resistance to the Saratov population of Puccinia recondita Rob. ex. Desm. f. tritici. It has been demonstrated that the resistance gene(s) is(are) highly efficient and that chromosome 6Ag1 is preferably transferred through gametes.  相似文献   
Ruanet VV  Badaeva ED 《Genetika》2002,38(11):1580-1584
The possibilities of the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for identification of some polyploid species of genus Aegilops based on the idiograms of their D genomes were demonstrated.  相似文献   
Megadromus guerinii, an endemic carabid beetle (Carabidae), is the most common carabid throughout its restricted range on Banks Peninsula, a formation of extinct volcanoes in Canterbury, New Zealand. This study characterises the small-scale phylogeographic patterns of M. guerinii across the formerly volcanically active Banks Peninsula using mitochondrial and ribosomal genes. Between the eastern and western areas of the peninsula, the mitochondrial, but not nuclear, DNA has a well-defined geographic distribution. Specifically, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO1) identifies two distinct groups (> 6% divergence between eastern and western beetles) while ribosomal genes show no discernible pattern. Whether such a pattern represents male-biased dispersal, Wolbachia infection, a recent range expansion of a divergent lineage, or a deeper historic separation is explored. There is potential that male-biased dispersal could have occurred. Wolbachia infection was not detected. We conclude that historical processes have likely separated taxa in the eastern and western peninsula.  相似文献   
We are investigating the relation between the force pulling a kinetochore poleward and the length of the corresponding kinetochore fiber. It was recognized by Ostergren in 1950 (Hereditas 36:1-19) that the metaphase position of a chromosome could be achieved by a balance of traction forces were proportional to the distance from kinetochore to pole. For the typical chromosome (i.e., a meiotic bivalent or mitotic chromosome) with a single kinetochore fiber extending to each pole, the resultant force (RF) would equal zero when the chromosome lay at the midpoint between the two poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles. For special chromosomes that have unequal numbers of kinetochore fibers extending towards opposite poles, Ostergren’s proposal suggests that RF = 0 when the chromosome is shifted closer to the pole toward which the greater number of kinetochore fibers are pulling. We have measured the force-length relationship in living spindles by analyzing the metaphase positions of experimentally generated multivalent chromosomes having three or four kinetochore fibers. Multivalent chromosomes of varied configurations were generated by γ-irradiation of nymphs of the grasshopper melanoplus differentialis, and their behavior was analyzed in living first meiotic spermocytes. The lengths of kinetochore fibers were determined from time-lapse photographs by measuring the kinetochore-to-pole distances for fully congressed chromosomes just before the onset of anaphase. In our analysis, force (F) along a single kinetochore fiber is expressed by: F = kL(exp), where k is a length-independent proportionality constant, L represents the kinetochore fiber length, and exp is an unknown exponent. The RF on a chromosome is then given by: RF = σk(i)L(i)(exp), where kinetochore fiber lengths in opposite half- spindles are given opposite sign. If forces on a metaphase chromosome are at equilibrium (RF = 0), then for asymmetrical orientations of multivalents we can measure the individual kinetochore fiber lengths (L(i)) and solve for the exponent that yields a resultant force of zero. The value of the exponent relates how the magnitude of force along a kinetochore fiber varies with its length. For six trivalents and one naturally occurring quadrivalent we calculated an average value of exp = 1.06 +/- 0.18. This result is consistent with Ostergren’s hypothesis and indicates that the magnitude of poleward traction force along a kinetochore fiber is directly proportional to the length of the fiber. Our finding suggests that the balance of forces along a kinetochore fiber may be a major factor regulating the extent of kinetochore microtubule assembly.  相似文献   
A comparative study of wheat–wheatgrass substituted cultivars and lines resistant to leaf rust developed by the Agricultural Research Institute for Southeast Regions (Multi 6R, Belyanka, Favorit, Voevoda, Lebedushka) and Samara Agricultural Research Institute (Tulaikovskaya 5, Tulaikovskaya 10, Tulaikovskaya 100, Tulaikovskaya Zolotistaya) breeding was conducted. A complex analysis using molecular cytogenetic (C-differential banding, fluorescent (FISH) and genomic (GISH) in situ hybridization), molecular (PLUG markers), and biochemical (electrophoretic analysis of gliadins) markers demonstrated that they have a substitition of wheat chromosome 6D by the chromosomes 6Agi and 6Agi2 belonging to the J(=E) Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv (=Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey) subgenome. In spite of the fact that the chromosomes 6Agi and 6Agi2 differ in the C-banding pattern and demonstrated minor differences in the blocks of gliadin components, they had the identical pattern of pSc119.2 and pAs1 probe distribution and conjugated between themselves with insignificant disturbance. Thus, it was demonstrated that 6Agi and 6Agi2 are homologous chromosomes; however, the question about allelism of their leaf rust resistance genes between themselves requires special studies. Nevertheless, using STS and SCAR markers and taking into account the type of reaction to Puccinia triticina, their non-allelism to the Lr9, Lr19, Lr24, Lr29, Lr38, and Lr47 genes was established. It was revealed that the 6Agi and 6Agi2 chromosomes have a different level of transmission in hybrid F2 populations depending on the hybrid combination gene background.  相似文献   
Karyotypes of 185 accessions ofTriticum araraticum Jakubz. (2n = 28 = 4x = AtAtGG) from Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Transcaucasia were analyzed using C-banding technique. All accessions showed a certain degree of C-banding polymorphism and further karyotypic diversity was generated by structural rearrangements, mainly translocations. Eighty-one accessions had the normal karyotype similar to that ofT. timopheevii (cultivation), i.e., they showed C-banding polymorphism but no chromosomal rearrangements based on the resolving power of the C-banding technique. One-hundred four accessions showed 34 karyotypic variants, 31 had reciprocal translocations with the breakpoints in the centromeric regions of chromosomes. Three showed reciprocal translocations with the breakpoints in intercalary regions of chromosomes. A paracentric inversion for 7At chromosome was observed in some accessions. The rearranged karyotypes differed from the normal by one translocation in 21 variants, by two in 9 variants, by three in 1 variant, and by four in 2 variants of karyotypes. Translocations occurred more frequenty in the chromosomes of G-genome than of At-genome. Individual chromosomes differed in the frequencies of their involvement in translocations. Each geographical region contained a unique spectrum of translocations. Karyotypic diversity was the highest in Iraq followed by Transcaucasia and Turkey. Iran showed little karyotypic variation. Based on karyotypic analysis, Iraq should be considered as a centre of origin and primary centre of diversity ofT. araraticum.  相似文献   
Comparative cytogenetic analysis was performed with four alloplasmic recombinant (Hordeum vulgare)-Triticum aestivum lines differing in morphological traits, number of seeds per spike, and seed plumpness. None of the lines displayed introgression of the barley genetic material: the karyotypes included only common wheat chromosomes. Two lines, 79(B) and 79(D), were cytogenetically stable. Plants of lines 79(A) and 79(C) displayed a high frequency of unbalanced chromosome aberrations, including dicentric and polycentric chromosomes, terminal deletions varying in size, acentric fragments, and multiple unidentifiable translocations. Previous studies of the mitochondrial genome showed that the two cytologically unstable lines, which were also unstable in fertility and viability, are characterized by heteroplasmy at the mitochondrial 18S-5S locus (simultaneous presence of barley and wheat fragments). Stable lines 79(B) and 79(D) with normal fertility contained only wheat mitochondrial markers. It was assumed that the substantial instability of the nuclear genome in lines 79(C) and 79(A) was a result of nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibility and was associated with heteroplasmy, while elimination or considerable reduction of barley material in the mitochondrial genome stabilized the nuclear genome of lines 79(B) and 79(D). In turn, the instability of the nuclear genome was responsible for a decrease in viability and fertility of plants.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships of polyploid Aegilops species sharing the U-genome were investigated by analyzing heterochromatin banding patterns of their somatic metaphase chromosomes as revealed by C-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the heterochromatin-limited repetitive DNA probes pSc119, pAs1, as well as the distribution of NOR and 5S DNA loci revealed by pTa71 (18S-26S rDNA), and pTa794 (5S rDNA) probes. Seven tetraploid (Ae. triuncialis, Ae. peregrina, Ae. kotschyi, Ae. geniculata, Ae. biuncialis, Ae. columnaris, and 4x Ae. neglecta) and one hexaploid (6x Ae. neglecta) Aegilops species of the U-genome cluster were studied. The Ut and Ct chromosomes of 4x Ae. triuncialis (UtCt) were similar to the diploid donors Ae. umbellulata (U) and Ae. caudata (C). However, the size of the NOR locus on chromosome 5Ut was reduced. Karyotypic analyses confirmed that 4x Ae. peregrina (SpUp) was derived from a hybridization of the diploid species Ae. umbellulata with Ae. longissima, whereas Ae. umbellulata and Ae. sharonensis (or an immediate precursor) were the diploid progenitor species of Ae. kotschyi (SkUk). In both 4x species, the NORs on S-genome chromosomes were inactivated and were accompanied with a decrease or loss of rDNA sequences. Karyotypes of the tetraploid species, Ae. geniculata (UgMg) and Ae. biuncialis (UbMb) differed from each other and from the putative diploid progenitors Ae. umbellulata and Ae. comosa indicating that various types of chromosomal alterations occurred during speciation. Inactivation of major NORs on the M-genome chromosomes, redistribution of 5S rDNA sites, and loss of some minor 18S-26S rDNA loci were observed in Ae. geniculata and Ae. biuncialis. Significant differences in the total amount and distribution of heterochromatin, the number and location of 5S and 18S-26S rDNA loci observed between Ae. columnaris (UcXc)/4x Ae. neglecta (UnXn) and Ae. geniculata/Ae. biuncialis indicate that these species have different origins. Similarities in C-banding and FISH patterns of most Ae. columnaris and 4x Ae. neglecta chromosomes suggest that they were probably derived from a common ancestor, whereas distinct differences of three chromosome pairs may indicate that the divergence of these species was probably associated with chromosomal rearrangements and/or introgressive hybridization. Ae. umbellulata contributed the U genome, however, the source of their second genomes remains unknown. The formation of 6x Ae. neglecta (UnXnNn) was not associated with large modifications of the parental genomes.  相似文献   

Many soil invertebrates transfer their sperm indirectly by means of spermatophores. Among the different taxa there is great variation in spermatophore architecture, auxiliary structures and behaviour. The behaviour, ranging from elaborate courtship rituals to seemingly indifferent scattering of spermatophores, can roughly be classified as association and dissociation. Which of the two is adaptive depends on many factors which can be summarized in a simple functional response model showing that in some cases the best choice depends on density.  相似文献   
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