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Patients with congenital heart disease corrected in early childhood may later in life present with cardiac symptoms caused by other associated congenital anomalies that were initially not diagnosed. Nowadays, several noninvasive imaging modalities are available for the visualisation of cardiac anatomy in great detail. We describe two patients with an unroofed coronary sinus, a rare congenital anomaly which could be diagnosed using a combination of modalities including echocardiography, cardiac CT and cardiac MRI.  相似文献   
Cardiac platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome (POS) is a position-dependent condition of dyspnoea and hypoxaemia due to right-to-left shunting. It often remains unrecognised in clinical practice, possibly because of its complex underlying pathophysiology. We present four consecutive patients with POS and patent foramen ovale (PFO) who underwent a successful percutaneous PFO closure, describe the mechanism of their POS and provide a review of the literature.  相似文献   


As Sierra Leone celebrates the end of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak, we can begin to fully grasp its impact on already weak health systems. The EVD outbreak in West Africa forced many hospitals to close down or reduce their activity, either to prevent nosocomial transmission or because of staff shortages. The aim of this study is to assess the potential impact of EVD on nationwide access to obstetric care in Sierra Leone.

Methods and Findings

Community health officers collected weekly data between January 2014—May 2015 on in-hospital deliveries and caesarean sections (C-sections) from all open facilities (public, private for-profit and private non-profit sectors) offering emergency obstetrics in Sierra Leone. This was compared to official data of EVD cases per district. Logistic and Poisson regression analyses were used to compute risk and rate estimates. Nationwide, the number of in-hospital deliveries and C-sections decreased by over 20% during the EVD outbreak. The decline occurred early on in the EVD outbreak and was mainly attributable to the closing of private not-for-profit hospitals rather than government facilities. Due to difficulties in collecting data in the midst of an epidemic, limitations of this study include some missing data points.


Both the number of in-hospital deliveries and C-sections substantially declined shortly after the onset of the EVD outbreak. Since access to emergency obstetric care, like C-sections, is associated with decreased maternal mortality, many women are likely to have died due to the reduced access to appropriate care during childbirth. Future research on indirect health effects of health system breakdown should ideally be nationwide and continue also into the recovery phase. It is also important to understand the mechanisms behind the deterioration so that important health services can be reestablished.  相似文献   
Rapid recycling of triose phosphates in oak stem tissue   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
We report the carbon-13 and oxygen-18 isotope ratios in cellulose from the early and late wood of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). The δ13 C value of the early wood correlates best with that of the late wood of the previous year. The δ18O value of the early wood correlates best with that of the late wood of the same year. We suggest that a biochemical explanation of these data is that there is a rapid cycle between hexose monophosphates and triose phosphates in oak stem tissue during cellulose synthesis. Evidence in support of this explanation is provided by the intramolecular distribution of 14C in labelled fructose extracted from cores of wood that had been supplied with [1?14C]- and [6-14C]glucose.  相似文献   
Fucose is a major constituent of the protein- and lipid-linked glycans of the various life-cycle stages of schistosomes. These fucosylated glycans are highly antigenic and seem to play a role in the pathology of schistosomiasis. In this article we describe the identification and characterization of two fucosyltransferases (FucTs) in cercariae of the avian schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata, a GDP-Fuc:[Galbeta1-- >4]GlcNAcbeta-R alpha1-->3-FucT and a novel GDP-Fuc:Fucalpha-R alpha1-- >2-FucT. Triton X-100 extracts of cercariae were assayed for FucT activity using a variety of acceptor substrates. Type 1 chain (Galbeta1- ->3GlcNAc) based compounds were poor acceptors, whereas those based on a type 2 chain (Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc), whether alpha2'-fucosylated, alpha3'-sialylated, or unsubstituted, and whether present as oligosaccharide or contained in a glycopeptide or glycoprotein, all served as acceptor substrates. In this respect the schistosomal alpha3- FucT resembles human FucT V and VI rather than other known FucTs. N- ethylmaleimide, an inhibitor of several human FucTs, had no effect on the activity of the schistosomal alpha3-FucT, whereas GDP-beta-S was strongly inhibitory. Large scale incubations were carried out with Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc, GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAcbeta-O -(CH2)8COOCH3 and Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAcbeta1-->2Man as acceptor substrates and the products of the incubations were isolated using a sequence of chromatographic techniques. By methylation analysis and 2D-TOCSY and ROESY1H-NMR spectroscopy the products formed were shown to be Galbeta1-- >4[Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAc, GalNAcbeta1-->4[Fucalpha1-- >2Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAcbe ta-O-(CH2)8COOCH3, and Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-- >3GlcNAcbeta1-->2Man, respectively. It is concluded that the alpha2- FucT and alpha3-FucT are involved in the biosynthesis of the (oligomeric) Lewisx sequences and the Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAc structural element that have been described on schistosomal glycoconjugates.   相似文献   
Sarcolipin (SLN) inhibits sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) pumps. To evaluate the physiological significance of SLN in skeletal muscle, we compared muscle contractility and SERCA activity between Sln-null and wild-type mice. SLN protein expression in wild-type mice was abundant in soleus and red gastrocnemius (RG), low in extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and absent from white gastrocnemius (WG). SERCA activity rates were increased in soleus and RG, but not in EDL or WG, from Sln-null muscles, compared with wild type. No differences were seen between wild-type and Sln-null EDL muscles in force-frequency curves or maximum rates of force development (+dF/dt). Maximum relaxation rates (-dF/dt) of EDL were higher in Sln-null than wild type across a range of submaximal stimulation frequencies, but not during a twitch or peak tetanic contraction. For soleus, no differences were seen between wild type and Sln-null in peak tetanic force or +dF/dt; however, force-frequency curves showed that peak force during a twitch and 10-Hz contraction was lower in Sln-null. Changes in the soleus force-frequency curve corresponded with faster rates of force relaxation at nearly all stimulation frequencies in Sln-null compared with wild type. Repeated tetanic stimulation of soleus caused increased (-dF/dt) in wild type, but not in Sln-null. No compensatory responses were detected in analysis of other Ca(2+) regulatory proteins using Western blotting and immunohistochemistry or myosin heavy chain expression using immunofluorescence. These results show that 1) SLN regulates Ca(2+)-ATPase activity thereby regulating contractile kinetics in at least some skeletal muscles, 2) the functional significance of SLN is graded to the endogenous SLN expression level, and 3) SLN inhibitory effects on SERCA function are relieved in response to repeated contractions thus enhancing relaxation rates.  相似文献   
Noonan syndrome (NS) is a relatively common autosomal dominant disorder characterized by congenital heart defects, short stature, and facial dysmorphia. NS is caused by germ line mutations in several components of the RAS-RAF-MEK-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, including both kinase-activating and kinase-impaired alleles of RAF1 (~3 to 5%), which encodes a serine-threonine kinase for MEK1/2. To investigate how kinase-impaired RAF1 mutants cause NS, we generated knock-in mice expressing Raf1(D486N). Raf1(D486N/+) (here D486N/+) female mice exhibited a mild growth defect. Male and female D486N/D486N mice developed concentric cardiac hypertrophy and incompletely penetrant, but severe, growth defects. Remarkably, Mek/Erk activation was enhanced in Raf1(D486N)-expressing cells compared with controls. RAF1(D486N), as well as other kinase-impaired RAF1 mutants, showed increased heterodimerization with BRAF, which was necessary and sufficient to promote increased MEK/ERK activation. Furthermore, kinase-activating RAF1 mutants also required heterodimerization to enhance MEK/ERK activation. Our results suggest that an increased heterodimerization ability is the common pathogenic mechanism for NS-associated RAF1 mutations.  相似文献   


Bothrops atrox is responsible for the majority of snakebite accidents in the Brazilian Amazon region. Previous studies have demonstrated that the biological and pharmacological activities of B. atrox venom alter with the age of the animal. Here, we present a comparative proteome analysis of B. atrox venom collected from specimens of three different stages of maturation: juveniles, sub-adults and adults.  相似文献   
Hygienic behavior is a desirable trait in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), as hygienic bees quickly remove diseased brood, interrupting the infectious cycle. Hygienic lines of honey bees appear to be more sensitive to the odors of dead and diseased honey bee brood, and Africanized honey bees are generally more hygienic than are European honey bees. We compared the number of sensilla placodea, antennal sensory structures involved in the perception of odor, in 10 bees from each of six hygienic and four non-hygienic colonies of Africanized honey bees. The sensilla placodea of three of the terminal segments (flagellomeres) of the right antenna of each bee were counted with a scanning electron microscope. There were no significant differences in the mean numbers of sensilla placodea between the hygienic and non-hygienic bees, though the variance was higher in the hygienic group. Flagellomere 4 had significantly more sensilla placodea than flagellomeres 6 and 8. However, there was no significant difference between the other two flagellomeres. As hygienic bees are capable of identifying dead, injured, or infested brood inside a capped brood cell, sensilla placodea probably have an important role in enabling worker bees to sense sick brood. However, we did not find greater numbers of this sensory structure in the antennae of hygienic, compared to non-hygienic Africanized honey bees.  相似文献   
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