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Summary Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism. A minimum recombinant analysis using D13S22, ESD, RB1, D13S31, D13S55, D13S26, D13S39, and D13S12, all localized at 13q14-q22, has been carried out in 20WD families of Northwest-European origin. No inconsistencies have been observed with respect to locus order or location of the WD locus (WND) compared with previous linkage studies. D13S31 was mapped as the closest marker proximal to WND, whereas D13S55 and D13S26 were mapped as the closest markers distal to WND. We have identified a crossover between WND and D13S31 in one family and a crossover between WND and D13S55 in another. These crossover sites can be used as reference points for new chromosome 13q14-q21 markers, and are therefore important for a more accurate mapping of the WD locus.  相似文献   
Quantitative characters of the flowering head of a garden population ofMicroseris laciniata were scored during the second, third, and fourth season of growth. Number of achenes per head, number of phyllaries per head and the average number of pappus parts per achene in single heads show significant plant to plant variation. Achenes per head and pappus parts per achene were scored in identical plants in two subsequent seasons. The number of pappus parts per achene varies freely between five and ten. This contrasts with annual species ofMicroseris in which either five or ten pappus parts are found, depending on the species. In spite of a clear plant-specific average of pappus parts, both high and low pappus part determination can be demonstrated in all specimens. The number of pappus parts depends on the position of an achene on the receptacle, marginal achenes usually having fewer pappus parts than central ones. This gradient is not closely correlated with the position of an achene on the genetic spiral.  相似文献   
Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is a highly polluting wastewater, caused by a high organic load and phenol content. These characteristics suggest that it may be suitable for aerobic treatment and anaerobic bacterial digestion. Aerobic treatment coupled with anaerobic bacterial digestion may be economically feasible as the methane produced is a valuable energy source while simultaneously purifying the OMW. In an attempt to improve the overall performance of the process, the addition of a co-substrate such as whey to the aerobic treatment pre-treatment of OMW by the yeast Candida tropicalis was studied.The two-stage system operated satisfactorily up to an organic loading rate (OLR) of 3.0 kg COD L−1 day−1 with a biogas production rate of 1.25 Lbiogas Lreactor−1 day−1 and a total COD reduction in excess of 93% (62% COD reduction in aerobic pretreatment and 83% COD reduction in anaerobic digestion). Fifty-four percent of the phenol was biodegraded during the aerobic treatment stage, and biogas with between 68% and 75% methane was produced during anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   
Soil aggregates can provide an effective protection of organic matter against microbial decomposition as reported by several macroaggregate disruption studies. However, research on the role of aggregation for carbon mineralization was mainly focused on arable soils. In the present study we aim to clarify the impact of aggregation on organic matter protection by measuring carbon mineralization in terms of microbial respiration rates of intact macroaggregates (2–4 and 4–8 mm) and corresponding crushed aggregates from seven topsoil horizons from both arable and forest sites. For two arable and one forest soil we found a significantly (P < 0.001) lower carbon mineralization from intact aggregates as compared to the corresponding crushed material. The portion of aggregate protected carbon reached up to 30% for a grassland soil. For the other arable and forest soils no significant effect of aggregation was found. Similarly, no clear trend could be found for the protective capacity of different size fractions. We conclude that protection by aggregation is effective primarily for soils with a large pool of labile organic matter regardless of their usage as arable land or forest.  相似文献   
Thermoelectric materials could play an increasing role for the efficient use of energy resources and waste heat recovery in the future. The thermoelectric efficiency of materials is described by the figure of merit ZT = (S2σT)/κ (S Seebeck coefficient, σ electrical conductivity, κ thermal conductivity, and T absolute temperature). In recent years, several groups worldwide have been able to experimentally prove the enhancement of the thermoelectric efficiency by reduction of the thermal conductivity due to phonon blocking at nanostructured interfaces. This review addresses recent developments from thermoelectric model systems, e.g. nanowires, nanoscale meshes, and thermionic superlattices, up to nanograined bulk‐materials. In particular, the progress of nanostructured silicon and related alloys as an emerging material in thermoelectrics is emphasized. Scalable synthesis approaches of high‐performance thermoelectrics for high‐temperature applications is discussed at the end.  相似文献   
To evaluate the monophyly of Coelogyne (Epidendroideae; Orchidaceae) and reveal sectional relationships and relations to allied genera in subtribe Coelogyninae, we collected PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplified restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) from 11 plastid regions for 42 taxa (28 Coelogyne species and 14 representatives of other genera) and three outgroups from Bletiinae and Thuniinae. We also sequenced a large portion of the plastid trnK intron (mostly matK) and the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 (including the 5.8S gene). Separate phylogenetic analyses on each data set using maximum parsimony produced mainly congruent (except for the position of Panisea) but weakly supported clades. Parsimony analysis of the combined data clearly identified three main clades in Coelogyninae. Whereas Coelogyninae are monophyletic, Coelogyne is polyphyletic, with species falling into at least two well-supported clades. The utility of morphological characters used in previous classifications was explored by reconstructing character state evolution on one of the four molecular trees. Lip base and petal shape were homoplasious, whereas ovary indumentum and flower number were congruent with well-supported groups. The implications of our results for the classification of Coelogyne are discussed, and a reorganization of the genus by including Neogyna and Pholidota and removing several species is proposed.  相似文献   
The small all-beta-sheet protein tendamistat folds and unfolds rapidly in apparent two-state reactions. Kinetic measurements of two tendamistat variants under various solvent conditions reveal, however, that folding occurs in at least two sequential steps through a metastable obligatory intermediate. Depending on the solvent conditions either step can become rate limiting. The activation parameters indicate that the first step represents an enthalpic barrier whereas the second step is an entropic barrier at 25 degrees C. Our results suggest that initial non-specific collapse precedes formation of native secondary and tertiary structure in tendamistat folding. This points at a distinct route in tendamistat folding and indicates that partially folded metastable intermediates might play an important role in the mechanism of apparent two-state folding.  相似文献   
We asked whether cyclooxygenase (COX) activity controls the renin-angiotensin system in the postnatal period. During kidney development, renin peaked at postnatal days 0-1 at the mRNA, tissue protein [renal renin concentration (RRC)], and plasma renin concentration (PRC) levels and was widely expressed along preglomerular vessels. PRC and renin mRNA expression was elevated until weaning in the 4th postnatal week compared with adult rats. Renocortical COX-2 was restricted to Tamm-Horsfall protein-positive cells in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop, and cortical COX-2 mRNA and protein expression were elevated along with PRC in the 2nd and 3rd postnatal weeks. In contrast, cortical COX-1 expression was constant, but medullary COX-1 expression increased eightfold from the 1st to 4th postnatal week. A COX-2-selective blocker, parecoxib, and a nonselective blocker, indomethacin, given in a period with COX-2 induction from postnatal day 6 to day 12, markedly decreased PRC, but not renin mRNA or RRC. Inhibition of angiotensin AT(1) receptors by candesartan from postnatal day 1 to day 5 increased COX-2 mRNA (2.5-fold), protein, and distribution, renin mRNA (7-fold) and PRC (20- to 70-fold), but had no influence on COX-1 mRNA. Thus, due to very low levels of expression, COX-2 is unlikely to be responsible for the birth peak of renin, but COX-2 activity supports renin secretion later in the suckling period. ANG II negatively feeds back on renocortical COX-2 expression in the 1st postnatal days with high activity of the renin system. We suggest that suckling in the rat is correlated to an enhanced, COX-2-mediated, secretory activity of renin-producing juxtaglomerular cells.  相似文献   
Two main possibilities regarding glacial survival of the mountain flora of the Alps during the Quaternary have been discussed: the tabula rasa and the nunatak hypotheses. Eritrichium nanum (L.) Gaudin (Boraginaceae) is a perennial cushion plant, occurring at high elevations of the Central Alps and having a preference for extreme habitats. It belongs to a group of high-alpine plants, for which in situ glacial survival on nunataks is ecologically possible. By investigating 20 populations of E. nanum of potential nunatak and peripheral refugial regions using amplified fragment length polymorphism, considerable genetic differences between populations from the Central Alps and populations from peripheral refugia were detected; hence, the latter probably did not serve as potential sources for the re-colonization of the Central Alps after glaciation. Genetic variation was hierarchically structured (AMOVA), and three genetically distinct regions could be identified in the Central Alps. Two of these, the Penninic and Rhaetic Alps, correspond to nunatak regions proposed in the biogeographic literature. Populations from the Lepontic Alps formed a third genetic group. Genetic correlation (Mantel statistics) was highest within populations, with a modest decline among populations within specific nunatak regions and a negative correlation outside the genetic influence of specific nunatak regions. In situ glacial survival in E. nanum could be a model for the Quaternary history of other alpine plants, especially those that also occur at high elevations and in similar habitats.  相似文献   
We have developed a widely applicable functional genomics strategy based on alphavirus expression vectors. The technology allows for rapid identification of genes encoding a functional activity such as binding of a defined ligand. Complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries were expressed in mammalian cells following infection with recombinant Sindbis virus (SIN replicon particles), a member of the Alphavirus genus. Virus-infected cells that specifically bound a ligand of choice were isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Replication-competent, infective SIN replicon particles harboring the corresponding cDNA were amplified in a next step. Within one round of selection, viral clones encoding proteins recognized by monoclonal antibodies or Fc-fusion molecules could be isolated and sequenced. Moreover, using the same viral libraries, a plaque-lift assay was established that allowed the identification of secreted, intracellular, and membrane proteins.  相似文献   
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