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Nitrogen (N) fertilization in agriculture has been discussed controversially in Germany for almost two centuries. The agronomist Carl Sprengel, who published his theory on the mineral nutrition of plants in 1828, advocated the use of mineral N fertilizers. Chemist Justus von Liebig, on the other hand, vehemently denied around 1850 the need for N fertilization. Although it soon became evident that Sprengel was right and Liebig was wrong, not much synthetic N fertilizer was used in German agriculture until around 1915, when the Haber-Bosch technique enabled the commercial production of NH3. The use of N fertilizers since then has grown, especially since 1950. To increase agricultural productivity, German governments have promoted, directly and indirectly, the use of N in crop and in animal production. Unfortunately, it was overlooked that N surpluses in agriculture increased rapidly; around 1980 they amounted yearly to more than 100 kg ha(-1). The extensive use of N in agriculture is causing environmental damage and is contributing substantially to the external costs of present agriculture. The main N compounds that affect the environment are N2O, NH3, and NO3. These compounds are considered to contribute one third to the external costs of agriculture. Additionally, the high rate of human intake of animal proteins and lipids has adversely affected the health of the country's population. Fundamental corrections in German farm policy appear inevitable.  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLPs) and sequence analysis of noncoding regions of chloroplast DNA were used to investigate 37 populations of Eritrichium nanum covering its total distribution area, the European Alps. There was no haplotypic variation within the populations, and most haplotypes were restricted to single sites or to neighbouring populations, suggesting low levels of long distance gene flow via seeds. The present geographical distribution of haplotypes probably reflects an ancient geographical pattern within two regions in the intensely glaciated western and eastern central Alps identified as genetic hotspot areas. These two regions contained seven of the total of 11 haplotypes, including many of the most derived ones. The divergent haplotypes formed closely related groups, which supported a separate evolution of these haplotypes in these two regions and, more importantly, gave strong evidence for the in situ survival of these populations on nunataks within the western and eastern central Alps during Pleistocene glaciation. This result is in concordance with a previous study on E. nanum using nuclear markers. Only one haplotype was common and widespread throughout the distributional range of E. nanum. At the same time, it was the evolutionarily basal-most and all other haplotypes were best described as its descendants. This haplotype is hypothesized to be genetically identical to a Tertiary Alpine colonizing ancestor, whose distribution was secondarily fragmented and infiltrated by derived haplotypes originating through local mutations.  相似文献   
The aim of this ECVAM Status Seminar was to critically review the contributions made by ECVAM in relation to its four main task. The establishment and maintenance of the ECVAM Scientific Information Service (SIS) is a precise means of fulfilling one of these four principal duties of ECVAM. The major achievements of the SIS, and the efforts required to achieve them, are discussed, together with the immediate future for the SIS.  相似文献   
Expression of human herpesvirus 8 viral Bcl-2 protein was demonstrated in spindle cells of late-stage Kaposi's sarcoma lesions but not in primary effusion lymphoma cell lines. In contrast, strong expression of human Bcl-2 was found in stimulated primary effusion lymphoma cells, whereas in Kaposi's sarcoma lesions preferential mononuclear cells, and to a lesser extent spindle cells, stained positive.  相似文献   
In addition to a previously characterized 13-lipoxygenase of 100 kDa encoded by LOX2:Hv:1 [V?r?s et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 251 (1998), 36-44], two full-length cDNAs (LOX2:Hv:2, LOX2:Hv:3) were isolated from barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare cv. Salome) and characterized. Both of them encode 13-lipoxygenases with putative target sequences for chloroplast import. Immunogold labeling revealed preferential, if not exclusive, localization of lipoxygenase proteins in the stroma. The ultrastructure of the chloroplast was dramatically altered following methyl jasmonate treatment, indicated by a loss of thylakoid membranes, decreased number of stacks and appearance of numerous osmiophilic globuli. The three 13-lipoxygenases are differentially expressed during treatment with jasmonate, salicylate, glucose or sorbitol. Metabolite profiling of free linolenic acid and free linoleic acid, the substrates of lipoxygenases, in water floated or jasmonate-treated leaves revealed preferential accumulation of linolenic acid. Remarkable amounts of free 9- as well as 13-hydroperoxy linolenic acid were found. In addition, metabolites of these hydroperoxides, such as the hydroxy derivatives and the respective aldehydes, appeared following methyl jasmonate treatment. These findings were substantiated by metabolite profiling of isolated chloroplasts, and subfractions including the envelope, the stroma and the thylakoids, indicating a preferential occurrence of lipoxygenase-derived products in the stroma and in the envelope. These data revealed jasmonate-induced activation of the hydroperoxide lyase and reductase branch within the lipoxygenase pathway and suggest differential activity of the three 13-lipoxygenases under different stress conditions.  相似文献   
Anthers of the common annual weed, Senecio vulgaris, show an incomplete development of the two adaxial pollen sacs (microsporangia, MS). One or both adaxial MS can be missing, or they are replaced by sterile lobes. The reduction is stronger in the derived subspecies, S. vulgaris var. vulgaris than in the ancestral subspecies, S. vulgaris ssp. denticulatus. This character in S. vulgaris differs from the usual complete reduction of adaxial MS in other, independent instances of disporangiate anthers in the Asteraceae. It corresponds to the transition phenotypes associated with various recombinant genotypes derived from artificial crosses between tetrasporangiate (4 MS) and disporangiate (2 MS) species in the Asteracean genus Microseris. Senecio vulgaris could be a rare natural instance of homozygosity for a major gene permitting reduction of the adaxial MS in which the expression of the reduced phenotype is determined by different numbers of modifiers in the two subspecies.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids are pivotal for adipose tissue development. Rodent studies suggest that corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) modulates glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue. In humans, both genetic CBG deficiency and suppressed CBG concentrations in hyperinsulinemic states are associated with obesity. We hypothesized that CBG deficiency in humans modulates the response of human preadipocytes to glucocorticoids, predisposing them to obesity. We compared normal preadipocytes with subcultured preadipocytes from an individual with the first ever described complete deficiency of CBG due to a homozygous null mutation. CBG-negative preadipocytes proliferated more rapidly and showed greater peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-mediated differentiation than normal preadipocytes. CBG was not expressed in normal human preadipocytes. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding characteristics and 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity were similar for CBG-negative and normal preadipocytes. We propose that the increased proliferation and enhanced differentiation of CBG-negative preadipocytes may promote adipose tissue deposition and explain the obesity seen in individuals with genetic CBG deficiency. Furthermore, these observations may be relevant to obesity occurring with suppressed CBG concentrations associated with hyperinsulinemia.  相似文献   
Strebel A  Harr T  Bachmann F  Wernli M  Erb P 《Cytometry》2001,43(2):126-133
BACKGROUND: Several apoptosis-detecting methods are currently available. Many of them are work intensive and require the additional use of antibodies, dyes, specific substrates, or enzymatic reactions. A simple, fast, and reliable method was developed to test for apoptosis or necrosis using mouse and human cell lines (e.g., Jurkat, A20.2J, and PB3c cells) stably transfected with a vector coding for green fluorescent protein (GFP) as indicator cells. METHODS: Apoptosis in GFP-transfected cell lines was induced either by soluble Fas-Ligand (sFasL), recombinant human TRAIL (rhTRAIL), or interleukin-3 (IL-3) deprivation. Necrosis was induced by polyclonal anti-A20 and complement treatment of GFP-transfected A20. Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry for GFP fluorescence. Propidium iodide and Annexin V staining were used to confirm the results obtained with the GFP-method. RESULTS: Live GFP-transfected cells show a strong fluorescence intensity, which is significantly diminished upon induction of apoptosis, whereas necrotic GFP-transfected cells almost completely lose their GFP-associated fluorescence. Apoptosis but not necrosis of GFP-transfected cells was blocked by the use of a caspase inhibitor. The results are highly comparable to conventional apoptosis-detecting methods. CONCLUSIONS: The advantage of our GFP-based assay compared with other methods is the analysis of apoptosis or necrosis without the necessity for additional staining or washing steps, making it an ideal tool for screening apoptotic or necrotic stimuli.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) exhibit considerable heterogeneity in their anatomical location, surface phenotype, and functional properties. In this study, we demonstrate that peripheral lymph nodes contain at least four major, functionally separable, and independently derived, DC subsets, which can be clearly demarcated by their CD11c, CD40, and CD8 expression pattern. Surprisingly, all DCs derived directly from the bone marrow, the myeloid- and the lymphoid-related subsets, turned over fast with t(1/2) of a couple of days. In contrast, DCs exported from the skin, both dermal and epidermal, accumulated 3- to 4-fold slower, turnover that is dramatically increased by cutaneous inflammation.  相似文献   
Resistance or susceptibility to most infectious diseases is strongly determined by the balance of type 1 vs type 2 cytokines produced during infection. However, for viruses, this scheme may be applicable only to infections with some cytopathic viruses, where IFN-gamma is considered as mandatory for host defense with little if any participation of type 2 responses. We studied the role of signature Th1 (IL-12, IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines for immune responses against vaccinia virus (VV). IL-12-/- mice were far more susceptible than IFN-gamma-/- mice, and primary CTL responses against VV were absent in IL-12-/- mice but remained intact in IFN-gamma-/- mice. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from IL-12-/- mice were unimpaired in IFN-gamma production, although CD4+ T cells showed elevated Th2 cytokine responses. Virus replication was impaired in IL-4-/- mice and, even more strikingly, in IL-10-/- mice, which both produced elevated levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1alpha and IL-6. Thus, IL-4 produced by Th2 cells and IL-10 produced by Th2 cells and probably also by macrophages counteract efficient anti-viral host defense. Surprisingly, NO production, which is considered as a major type 1 effector pathway inhibited by type 2 cytokines, appears to play a limited role against VV, because NO sythetase 2-deficient mice did not show increased viral replication. Thus, our results identify a new role for IL-12 in defense beyond the induction of IFN-gamma and show that IL-4 and IL-10 modulate host protective responses to VV.  相似文献   
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