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BackgroundAsthma and rhinitis are common childhood health conditions. Being an understudied and rapidly growing population in the US, Hispanic children have a varying risk for these conditions that may result from sociocultural (including acculturative factors), exposure and genetic diversities. Hispanic populations have varying contributions from European, Amerindian and African ancestries. While previous literature separately reported associations between genetic ancestry and acculturation factors with asthma, whether Amerindian ancestry and acculturative factors have independent associations with development of early-life asthma and rhinitis in Hispanic children remains unknown. We hypothesized that genetic ancestry is an important determinant of early-life asthma and rhinitis occurrence in Hispanic children independent of sociodemographic, acculturation and environmental factors.MethodsSubjects were Hispanic children (5–7 years) who participated in the southern California Children’s Health Study. Data from birth certificates and questionnaire provided information on acculturation, sociodemographic and environmental factors. Genetic ancestries (Amerindian, European, African and Asian) were estimated based on 233 ancestry informative markers. Asthma was defined by parental report of doctor-diagnosed asthma. Rhinitis was defined by parental report of a history of chronic sneezing or runny or blocked nose without a cold or flu. Sample sizes were 1,719 and 1,788 for investigating the role of genetic ancestry on asthma and rhinitis, respectively.ResultsChildren had major contributions from Amerindian and European ancestries. After accounting for potential confounders, per 25% increase in Amerindian ancestry was associated with 17.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.74–0.99) and 13.6% (95% CI: 0.79–0.98) lower odds of asthma and rhinitis, respectively. Acculturation was not associated with either outcome.ConclusionsEarlier work documented that Hispanic children with significant contribution from African ancestry are at increased asthma risk; however, in Hispanic children who have little contribution from African ancestry, Amerindian ancestry was independently associated with lower odds for development of early-childhood asthma and rhinitis.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms underlying pressure-induced protein denaturation can be analyzed based on the pressure-dependent differences in the apparent volume occupied by amino acids inside the protein and when they are exposed to water in an unfolded conformation. We present here an analysis for the peptide group and the 20 naturally occurring amino acid side chains based on volumetric parameters for the amino acids in the interior of the native state, the micelle-like interior of the pressure-induced denatured state, and the unfolded conformation modeled by N-acetyl amino acid amides. The transfer of peptide groups from the protein interior to water becomes increasingly favorable as pressure increases. Thus, solvation of peptide groups represents a major driving force in pressure-induced protein denaturation. Polar side chains do not appear to exhibit significant pressure-dependent changes in their preference for the protein interior or solvent. The transfer of nonpolar side chains from the protein interior to water becomes more unfavorable as pressure increases. We conclude that a sizeable population of nonpolar side chains remains buried inside a solvent-inaccessible core of the pressure-induced denatured state. At elevated pressures, this core may become packed almost as tightly as the interior of the native state. The presence and partial disappearance of large intraglobular voids is another driving force facilitating pressure-induced denaturation of individual proteins. Our data also have implications for the kinetics of protein folding and shed light on the nature of the folding transition state ensemble.  相似文献   
Histology volume reconstruction facilitates the study of 3D shape and volume change of an organ at the level of macrostructures made up of cells. It can also be used to investigate and validate novel techniques and algorithms in volumetric medical imaging and therapies. Creating 3D high-resolution atlases of different organs1,2,3 is another application of histology volume reconstruction. This provides a resource for investigating tissue structures and the spatial relationship between various cellular features. We present an image registration approach for histology volume reconstruction, which uses a set of optical blockface images. The reconstructed histology volume represents a reliable shape of the processed specimen with no propagated post-processing registration error. The Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained sections of two mouse mammary glands were registered to their corresponding blockface images using boundary points extracted from the edges of the specimen in histology and blockface images. The accuracy of the registration was visually evaluated. The alignment of the macrostructures of the mammary glands was also visually assessed at high resolution.This study delineates the different steps of this image registration pipeline, ranging from excision of the mammary gland through to 3D histology volume reconstruction. While 2D histology images reveal the structural differences between pairs of sections, 3D histology volume provides the ability to visualize the differences in shape and volume of the mammary glands.  相似文献   
We review the results of compressibility studies on proteins and low molecular weight compounds that model the hydration properties of these biopolymers. In particular, we present an analysis of compressibility changes accompanying conformational transitions of globular proteins. This analysis, in conjunction with experimental compressibility data on protein transitions, were used to define the changes in the hydration properties and intrinsic packing associated with native-to-molten globule, native-to-partially unfolded, and native-to-fully unfolded transitions of globular proteins. In addition, we discuss the molecular origins of predominantly positive changes in compressibility observed for pressure-induced denaturation transitions of globular proteins. Throughout this review, we emphasize the importance of compressibility data for characterizing protein transitions, while also describing how such data can be interpreted to gain insight into role that hydration and intrinsic packing play in modulating the stability of and recognition between proteins and other biologically important compounds.  相似文献   
We employed salt-dependent differential scanning calorimetric measurements to characterize the stability of six oligomeric DNA duplexes (5'-GCCGGAXTGCCGG-3'/5'-CCGGCAYTCCGGC-3') that contain in the central XY position the GC, AT, GG, CC, AA, or TT base pair. The heat-induced helix-to-coil transitions of all the duplexes are associated with positive changes in heat capacity, DeltaC(p), ranging from 0.43 to 0.53 kcal/mol. Positive values of DeltaC(p) result in strong temperature dependences of changes in enthalpy, DeltaH degrees, and entropy, DeltaS degrees , accompanying duplex melting and cause melting free energies, DeltaG degrees, to exhibit characteristically curved shapes. These observations suggest that DeltaC(p) needs to be carefully taken into account when the parameters of duplex stability are extrapolated to temperatures distant from the transition temperature, T(M). Comparison of the calorimetric and van't Hoff enthalpies revealed that none of the duplexes studied in this work exhibits two-state melting. Within the context of the central AXT/TYA triplet, the thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of the duplexes in question change in the following order: GC > AT > GG > AA approximately TT > CC. Our estimates revealed that the thermodynamic impact of the GG, AA, and TT mismatches is confined within the central triplet. In contrast, the thermodynamic impact of the CC mismatch propagates into the adjacent helix domains and may involve 7-9 bp. We discuss implications of our results for understanding the origins of initial recognition of mismatched DNA sites by enzymes of the DNA repair machinery.  相似文献   
We determined the partial molar volumes, V degrees , and adiabatic compressibilities, K degrees (S), of N-acetyl amino acids with neutralized carboxyl termini, N-acetyl amino acid amides, and N-acetyl amino acid methylamides between 18 and 55 degrees C. The individual compounds in the three classes have been selected so as to collectively cover the 20 naturally occurring amino acid side chains. We interpret our experimental results in terms of the volumetric contributions and hydration properties of individual amino acid side chains and their constituent atomic groups. We also conducted pH-dependent densimetric and acoustic measurements to determine changes in volume and compressibility accompanying protonation of the aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine, lysine, and arginine side chains. We use our resulting data to develop an additive scheme for calculating the partial molar (specific) volume and adiabatic compressibility of fully extended polypeptide chains as a function of pH and temperature. We discuss the differences and similarities between our proposed scheme and the reported additive approaches. We compare our calculated volumetric characteristics of the fully extended conformations of apocytochrome c and apomyoglobin with the experimental values measured in water (for apocytochrome c) or acidic pH (for apomyoglobin). At these respective experimental conditions, the two proteins are unfolded. However, the comparison between the calculated and experimental volumetric characteristics suggests that neither apocytochrome c nor apomyoglobin are fully unfolded and retain a sizeable core of solvent-inaccessible groups.  相似文献   
We used high-precision density and ultrasonic velocity measurements to characterize the native (N), molten globule (MG), and unfolded (U) conformations of apomyoglobin. The molten globule states that were studied in this work include the MG(pH4)(NaCl) state observed at pH 4 and 20 mM NaCl, the MG(pH4)(NaTCA) state observed at pH 4 and 20 mM sodium trichloracetate (NaTCA), the MG(pH2)(NaCl) state observed at pH 2 and 200 mM NaCl, and the MG(pH2)(NaTCA) state observed at pH 2 and 20 mM NaTCA. We used our densimetric and acoustic data to evaluate changes in adiabatic compressibility associated with the acid- or salt-induced N-to-MG, MG-to-U, MG-to-MG, and U-to-MG transitions of the protein. The N-to-MG(pH4)(NaCl) and N-to-MG(pH4)(NaTCA) transitions are accompanied by decreases in compressibility of -(3.0 +/- 0.6) x 10(-6) and -(2.0 +/- 0.6) x 10(-6) cm3 g(-1)bar(-1), respectively. The N-to-MG(pH2)(NaCl) and N-to-MG(pH2)(NaTCA) transitions are associated with compressibility changes of -(4.9 +/- 1.1) x 10(-6) and (0.7 +/- 0.9) x 10(-6) cm3 g(-1) bar(-1), respectively. We interpret these data in terms of the degree of unfolding of the various molten globule forms of apomyoglobin. In general, our compressibility data reveal significant disparities between the various equilibrium molten globule states of apomyoglobin while also quantitatively characterizing each of these states. Volumetric insights provided by our data facilitate gaining a better understanding of the folding pathways, intermediates, and kinetics of apomyoglobin folding.  相似文献   
The AGAPEPAEPAQPGVY proline-rich polypeptide (PRP) was isolated from neurosecretory granules of the bovine neurohypophysis; it is produced by N. supraopticus and N. paraventricularis. PRP possesses immune-modulating activity, preventing the death of Gram-negative bacteria-infected mice. Here we show that PRP does not affect human peripheral blood neutrophlis and monocytes phagocytosis but dramatically enhances spontaneous or fMLP- and PMA-induced, and also phagocytosis-dependent, oxidative burst. We demonstrated the regulatory role of PRP on the oxidative burst induction of normal and relapsing inflammatory disease (Behcets disease and familial Mediterranean fever) neutrophils and monocytes. Our results suggest a previously undescribed role for the hypothalamic peptide within primary activated neutrophils and monocytes, since we provide evidence that PRP can differentially regulate both chemotaxis- and phagocytosis-dependent oxidative burst in normal and inflammatory disease effector cells.  相似文献   
Quantitative single-cell time-lapse microscopy is a powerful method for analyzing gene circuit dynamics and heterogeneous cell behavior. We describe the application of this method to imaging bacteria by using an automated microscopy system. This protocol has been used to analyze sporulation and competence differentiation in Bacillus subtilis, and to quantify gene regulation and its fluctuations in individual Escherichia coli cells. The protocol involves seeding and growing bacteria on small agarose pads and imaging the resulting microcolonies. Images are then reviewed and analyzed using our laboratory's custom MATLAB analysis code, which segments and tracks cells in a frame-to-frame method. This process yields quantitative expression data on cell lineages, which can illustrate dynamic expression profiles and facilitate mathematical models of gene circuits. With fast-growing bacteria, such as E. coli or B. subtilis, image acquisition can be completed in 1 d, with an additional 1-2 d for progressing through the analysis procedure.  相似文献   
The AGAPEPAEPAQPGVY proline-rich peptide (PRP-1) was isolated from neurosecretory granules of the bovine neurohypophysis; it is produced by N. supraopticus and N. paraventricularis. It has been shown that PRP-1 has many potentially beneficial biological effects including immunoregulatory, hematopoietic, antimicrobial and anti-neurodegenerative properties. Here we investigated the influence of PRP-1 on staurosporine-induced apoptosis of postnatal hippocampal cells and on doxorubicin-induced bone marrow granulocyte- and monocyte apoptosis. The intention was to further characterize the effect of PRP-1 on the survival rate of neurons and in context with myelopoiesis. We demonstrate that PRP-1 significantly reduced apoptosis of postnatal hippocampal cells induced by staurosporine. The protective effect of PRP-1 against apoptotic cell death was shown to be both time- and dose-dependent. Neuroprotection was more pronounced after prolonged pretreatment of the cells with PRP-1 before the induction of apoptosis with staurosporine. The related peptide [arg8]vasopressin did not reveal neuroprotection. PRP-1 also significantly reduced apoptosis of bone marrow monocytes and granulocytes induced by doxorubicin. This protective effect lasted for 2-4 h and was not detectable anymore after 24 h when PRP-1 and doxorubicin were added simultaneously. Previously obtained data and results of the current studies suggested that the hypothalamic PRP-1 possibly represents an endogenous peptide whose primary functions are to regulate myelopoiesis and neuron survival as we provide evidence that PRP can differentially reduce both staurosporine- and doxorubicin-induced hippocampal and bone marrow cell apoptosis.  相似文献   
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