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This study describes reconstruction of two highly unusual archaeal genomes by de novo metagenomic assembly of multiple, deeply sequenced libraries from surface waters of Lake Tyrrell (LT), a hypersaline lake in NW Victoria, Australia. Lineage-specific probes were designed using the assembled genomes to visualize these novel archaea, which were highly abundant in the 0.1–0.8 μm size fraction of lake water samples. Gene content and inferred metabolic capabilities were highly dissimilar to all previously identified hypersaline microbial species. Distinctive characteristics included unique amino acid composition, absence of Gvp gas vesicle proteins, atypical archaeal metabolic pathways and unusually small cell size (approximately 0.6 μm diameter). Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that these organisms belong to a new major euryarchaeal lineage, distantly related to halophilic archaea of class Halobacteria. Consistent with these findings, we propose creation of a new archaeal class, provisionally named ‘Nanohaloarchaea''. In addition to their high abundance in LT surface waters, we report the prevalence of Nanohaloarchaea in other hypersaline environments worldwide. The simultaneous discovery and genome sequencing of a novel yet ubiquitous lineage of uncultivated microorganisms demonstrates that even historically well-characterized environments can reveal unexpected diversity when analyzed by metagenomics, and advances our understanding of the ecology of hypersaline environments and the evolutionary history of the archaea.  相似文献   
The mouse L-cell mutant gro29 was selected originally for its inability to propagate herpes simplex virus; it shows severe defects in virus egress and the transport and processing of viral glycoproteins after infection. In this report, we show that uninfected gro29 cells display pleiotropic changes in protein secretion, oligosaccharide processing, and sensitivity to the toxins ricin and modeccin. Specifically, the rate of secretion of a nonglycosylated protein, human growth hormone, was reduced 70% in gro29 cells compared with the parental L cells. A direct measurement of the transport capacity of Golgi membranes in a cell-free assay suggests that gro29 cells contain less functional Golgi than parental cells. Despite this deficiency, N-linked oligosaccharides were processed efficiently in mutant cells, although there were differences in the structure of the mature forms. Lectin intoxication assays revealed that gro29 cells were cross-resistant to killing by the cytotoxic lectins ricin and modeccin, but not to wheat germ agglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin RCA120, or leucoagglutinin. Fluorescence labeling using fluorescein-conjugated lectins showed that uninfected gro29 cells expressed relatively few ricin-binding molecules, suggesting a possible mechanism for toxin resistance. These studies provide evidence that the processes of protein secretion, lectin intoxication, and herpes virus maturation and egress may share a common cellular component.  相似文献   
The mouse L-cell mutant gro29 was selected for its ability to survive infection by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and is defective in the propagation of HSV-1 and vesicular stomatitis virus (F. Tufaro, M. D. Snider, and S. L. McKnight, J. Cell Biol. 105:647-657, 1987). In this report, we show that gro29 cells harbor a lesion that inhibits the egress of HSV-1 virions during infection. We also found that HSV-1 glycoprotein D was slow to traverse the secretory pathway en route to the plasma membrane of infected gro29 cells. The movement of glycoproteins was not blocked entirely, however, and immunofluorescence experiments revealed that infected gro29 cells contained roughly 10% of the expected amount of glycoprotein D on their cell surface at 12 h postinfection. Furthermore, nucleocapsids and virions assembled inside the cells during infection, suggesting that the lesion in gro29 cells impinged on a late step in virion maturation. Electron micrographs of infected cells revealed that many of the intracellular virions were contained in irregular cytoplasmic vacuoles, similar to those that accumulate in HSV-1-infected cells treated with the ionophore monensin. We conclude from these results that gro29 harbors a defect that blocks the egress of HSV-1 virions from the infected cell without seriously impeding the flux of individual glycoproteins to the cell surface. We infer that HSV-1 maturation and egress require a host cell component that is either reduced or absent in gro29 cells and that this lesion, although not lethal to the host cell, cannot be tolerated by HSV-1 during its life cycle.  相似文献   
At the present time we know little about how microbial communities function in their natural habitats. For example, how do microorganisms interact with each other and their physical and chemical surroundings and respond to environmental perturbations? We might begin to answer these questions if we could monitor the ways in which metabolic roles are partitioned amongst members as microbial communities assemble, determine how resources such as carbon, nitrogen, and energy are allocated into metabolic pathways, and understand the mechanisms by which organisms and communities respond to changes in their surroundings. Because many organisms cannot be cultivated, and given that the metabolisms of those growing in monoculture are likely to differ from those of organisms growing as part of consortia, it is vital to develop methods to study microbial communities in situ. Chemoautotrophic biofilms growing in mine tunnels hundreds of meters underground drive pyrite (FeS(2)) dissolution and acid and metal release, creating habitats that select for a small number of organism types. The geochemical and microbial simplicity of these systems, the significant biomass, and clearly defined biological-inorganic feedbacks make these ecosystem microcosms ideal for development of methods for the study of uncultivated microbial consortia. Our approach begins with the acquisition of genomic data from biofilms that are sampled over time and in different growth conditions. We have demonstrated that it is possible to assemble shotgun sequence data to reveal the gene complement of the dominant community members and to use these data to confidently identify a significant fraction of proteins from the dominant organisms by mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. However, there are technical obstacles currently restricting this type of "proteogenomic" analysis. Composite genomic sequences assembled from environmental data from natural microbial communities do not capture the full range of genetic potential of the associated populations. Thus, it is necessary to develop bioinformatics approaches to generate relatively comprehensive gene inventories for each organism type. These inventories are critical for expression and functional analyses. In proteomic studies, for example, peptides that differ from those predicted from gene sequences can be measured, but they generally cannot be identified by database matching, even if the difference is only a single amino acid residue. Furthermore, many of the identified proteins have no known function. We propose that these challenges can be addressed by development of proteogenomic, biochemical, and geochemical methods that will be initially deployed in a simple, natural model ecosystem. The resulting approach should be broadly applicable and will enhance the utility and significance of genomic data from isolates and consortia for study of organisms in many habitats. Solutions draining pyrite-rich deposits are referred to as acid mine drainage (AMD). AMD is a very prevalent, international environmental problem associated with energy and metal resources. The biological-mineralogical interactions that define these systems can be harnessed for energy-efficient metal recovery and removal of sulfur from coal. The detailed understanding of microbial ecology and ecosystem dynamics resulting from the proposed work will provide a scientific foundation for dealing with the environmental challenges and technological opportunities, and yield new methods for analysis of more complex natural communities.  相似文献   
In many species, young animals learn about various breedingpatches in one year and use what they have learned to settlein a promising patch the next. Common loons (Gavia immer) seemgood candidates for such prospecting as prebreeders and displacedbreeders intrude frequently into breeding territories defendedby monogamous pairs yet engage in no extrapair copulations.We tested 3 hypotheses for prospecting in loons. The permanentattributes hypothesis gained little support as we found no consistentdifferences in quality between territories and no physical orbiotic trait that predicted reproductive success in a territory.We found some support for the conspecific attraction hypothesisas intruders were attracted to conspecifics in a lake in theshort term; however, intrusions were not more frequent in territoriesthat had experienced regular use by a pair the previous yearthan in territories that had previously been vacant. Instead,the increase in intrusion rate after a year of chick productionsupported the habitat-copying hypothesis, which states thatfloaters use the presence of chicks as a cue to target territoriesfor future attempts at territorial takeover. Despite this systemof prospecting, founding of new territories was common. Onestriking finding was the tendency of territorial breeders toconceal chicks from flying intruders, perhaps to avoid futureterritorial takeover.  相似文献   
Iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB) play key roles in anaerobic metal and carbon cycling and carry out biogeochemical transformations that can be harnessed for environmental bioremediation. A subset of FeRB require direct contact with Fe(III)-bearing minerals for dissimilatory growth, yet these bacteria must move between mineral particles. Furthermore, they proliferate in planktonic consortia during biostimulation experiments. Thus, a key question is how such organisms can sustain growth under these conditions. Here we characterized planktonic microbial communities sampled from an aquifer in Rifle, Colorado, USA, close to the peak of iron reduction following in situ acetate amendment. Samples were cryo-plunged on site and subsequently examined using correlated two- and three-dimensional cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). The outer membranes of most cells were decorated with aggregates up to 150 nm in diameter composed of ∼3 nm wide amorphous, Fe-rich nanoparticles. Fluorescent in situ hybridization of lineage-specific probes applied to rRNA of cells subsequently imaged via cryo-TEM identified Geobacter spp., a well-studied group of FeRB. STXM results at the Fe L2,3 absorption edges indicate that nanoparticle aggregates contain a variable mixture of Fe(II)–Fe(III), and are generally enriched in Fe(III). Geobacter bemidjiensis cultivated anaerobically in the laboratory on acetate and hydrous ferric oxyhydroxides also accumulated mixed-valence nanoparticle aggregates. In field-collected samples, FeRB with a wide variety of morphologies were associated with nano-aggregates, indicating that cell surface Fe(III) accumulation may be a general mechanism by which FeRB can grow while in planktonic suspension.  相似文献   
Insertion of the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Tir protein into the plasma membrane of intestinal epithelial cells is a crucial event in infection because it provides a receptor for intimate bacterial adherence. This interaction with the bacterial outer membrane protein intimin is also essential in generating a number of signaling activities associated with virulence. Tir can be modified at various sites by phosphorylation and functionally interacts with multiple host proteins. To investigate the mechanism of membrane insertion and to establish a model system in which the multiple interactions/functions of Tir can be uncoupled and independently characterized, we used intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, surface plasmon resonance, and protease digestion assays to show that Tir can insert directly into phospholipid vesicles in a composition-dependent manner to generate the topology reported in vivo. This is the first time that Tir has been shown to insert into membranes in a simple model system in the absence of chemical modification or other factors. These data are consistent with the protein interacting with lipids through two sites. The major site is localized to the transmembrane/intimin-binding domain region and includes Trp235, which is shown to be an effective reporter of interaction. The minor site is located within the C-terminal domain. Together, these data support a model in which Tir is released into the cytoplasm by the type III translocon and then independently inserts into the plasma membrane from a cytoplasmic location. A thorough understanding of this mechanism will be crucial to understand the subtleties of enteropathogenic E. coli pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Deficits in phonological short-term memory and aspects of verb grammar morphology have been proposed as phenotypic markers of specific language impairment (SLI) with the suggestion that these traits are likely to be under different genetic influences. This investigation in 300 first-degree relatives of 93 probands with SLI examined familial aggregation and genetic linkage of two measures thought to index these two traits, non-word repetition and tense marking. In particular, the involvement of chromosomes 16q and 19q was examined as previous studies found these two regions to be related to SLI. Results showed a strong association between relatives' and probands' scores on non-word repetition. In contrast, no association was found for tense marking when examined as a continuous measure. However, significant familial aggregation was found when tense marking was treated as a binary measure with a cut-off point of −1.5 SD, suggestive of the possibility that qualitative distinctions in the trait may be familial while quantitative variability may be more a consequence of non-familial factors. Linkage analyses supported previous findings of the SLI Consortium of linkage to chromosome 16q for phonological short-term memory and to chromosome 19q for expressive language. In addition, we report new findings that relate to the past tense phenotype. For the continuous measure, linkage was found on both chromosomes, but evidence was stronger on chromosome 19. For the binary measure, linkage was observed on chromosome 19 but not on chromosome 16.  相似文献   
Gold ore processing uses cyanide (CN?), which often results in large volumes of thiocyanate‐ (SCN?) contaminated wastewater requiring treatment. Microbial communities can degrade SCN? and CN?, but little is known about their membership and metabolic potential. Microbial‐based remediation strategies will benefit from an ecological understanding of organisms involved in the breakdown of SCN? and CN? into sulfur, carbon and nitrogen compounds. We performed metagenomic analysis of samples from two laboratory‐scale bioreactors used to study SCN? and CN? degradation. Community analysis revealed the dominance of Thiobacillus spp., whose genomes harbour a previously unreported operon for SCN? degradation. Genome‐based metabolic predictions suggest that a large portion of each bioreactor community is autotrophic, relying not on molasses in reactor feed but using energy gained from oxidation of sulfur compounds produced during SCN? degradation. Heterotrophs, including a bacterium from a previously uncharacterized phylum, compose a smaller portion of the reactor community. Predation by phage and eukaryotes is predicted to affect community dynamics. Genes for ammonium oxidation and denitrification were detected, indicating the potential for nitrogen removal, as required for complete remediation of wastewater. These findings suggest optimization strategies for reactor design, such as improved aerobic/anaerobic partitioning and elimination of organic carbon from reactor feed.  相似文献   
Community genomics in microbial ecology and evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is possible to reconstruct near-complete, and possibly complete, genomes of the dominant members of microbial communities from DNA that is extracted directly from the environment. Genome sequences from environmental samples capture the aggregate characteristics of the strain population from which they were derived. Comparison of the sequence data within and among natural populations can reveal the evolutionary processes that lead to genome diversification and speciation. Community genomic datasets can also enable subsequent gene expression and proteomic studies to determine how resources are invested and functions are distributed among community members. Ultimately, genomics can reveal how individual species and strains contribute to the net activity of the community.  相似文献   
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