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1. We investigated the responsiveness of aquatic invertebrates to rehydration of floodplain soil in a south‐eastern U.S. river floodplain. Non‐inundated soil divots containing invertebrate seedbanks were collected from three floodplain elevations with different inundation histories (inundated for 2, 38, and 78% of a year), and subjected to rehydration (experimental inundation) in aquaria for 10 weeks. 2. Before rehydration, samples were collected to assess the initial density and composition of invertebrates in non‐inundated soil at each elevation. After rehydration, benthic samples were collected biweekly and emergence of aquatic insects was collected weekly from aquaria. 3. The surviving invertebrates were classified as aquatic, semi‐aquatic and terrestrial. Some aquatic invertebrates survived the non‐inundated period in an active state (e.g. Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae), while others appeared to be dormant (e.g. Heptageniidae, microcrustaceans and Chironomidae). The response for several invertebrates (e.g. Chironominae, Oligochaeta, Collembola and terrestrial invertebrates) depended on the length of rehydration and inundation history. 4. The capacity of aquatic invertebrates to survive and recover was greatest at the most frequently inundated site. Despite variation in floodplain environments, both active and dormant invertebrates persisting in non‐inundated floodplain soil contributed to the floodplain assemblage during flooding. Thus, maintaining the connection between river and floodplain appears to be important in sustaining the invertebrate seedbank and its capacity to recover during inundation. River channelisation and regulation that severs this connection may result in a loss of diversity and abundance.  相似文献   
Abstract We conducted annual aerial surveys throughout the tidal reach of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, between 1977 and 2001 to estimate population size and reproductive performance for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). The population increased exponentially from 73 to 601 pairs with an average doubling time of 8.2 years. Annual population increase was highly variable and exhibited no indication of any systematic decline. A total of 7,590 chicks were produced from 5,685 breeding attempts during this period. The population has exhibited tremendous forward momentum such that >50% of young produced over the 25-year period were produced in the last 6 years. Rapid population growth may reflect the combined benefits of eliminating persistent biocides and active territory management. Reproductive rate along with associated success rate and average brood size increased throughout the study period. Average reproductive rate (chicks/breeding attempt) increased from 0.82 during the first 5 years of the survey to 1.50 during the last 5 years. Average success rate increased from 54.4% to >80.0% during the same time periods. The overall population will likely reach saturation within the next decade. The availability of undeveloped waterfront property has become the dominant limiting factor for bald eagles in the Chesapeake Bay. Maintaining the eagle population in the face of a rapidly expanding human population will continue to be the greatest challenge faced by wildlife biologists.  相似文献   
The abundant Sundaland forest frog, Rana chalconota, has long been considered a single widespread species, although some authors have recommended its division into regional subspecies. The discovery of co‐occurring pairs of morphologically distinct populations in three widely separated parts of the range led to a morphological and molecular analysis of populations from all parts of the known range. The results suggest that R. chalconota consists of at least seven species from Thailand through Borneo and Java. Existing names are applied to three of these species, R. chalconota (Schlegel), R. raniceps (Peters) and R. labialis Boulenger. We describe four others as new species and suggest the existence of one or two additional, unnamed species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 123–147.  相似文献   
The evolution of hymenopteran wings: the importance of size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The allometric relationships between body size and several aspects of wing morphology in the insect order Hymenoptera were investigated using multivariate morphometric techniques. The study focused primarily on wing allometry in five monophyletic genera of bees ( Perdila, Halictus, Ceratina, Trigona and Apis ), but the patterns of size-related evolutionary change found within each of these genera are also found to exist in numerous other hymenopteran taxa. Increased body size in hymenopteran lineages is correlated with the following changes in wing morphology: (1) decreased relative stigma area, (2) distal extension of wing vein elements, (3) increased aspect ratio and (4) proximal shift in the centroid of wing area. The reverse is true for decreased size. The widespread allometric trends most likely result from adaptive change in wing morphology due to size-related changes in the physical properties impinging on the organism–principally the quality and magnitude of drag. The fact that similar wing morphologies among distantly related species can result from similarity in body size has important implications for the study of hymenopteran phylogeny, especially at lower taxonomic levels and when a high proportion of wing characters are employed.  相似文献   
A trap for capturing planktonic chironomid larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the construction and field operation of a trap designed to investigate the movements of larval Chironomidae in the open water of lakes. Although the trap was designed to be multidirectional, with six trapping bottles, only two directional components, vertical and horizontal, could be distinguished. This led to examination of three bottles only during later field studies, namely bottle 1 facing into the current, bottle 5 facing the substrate and bottle 6 facing the surface of the lake. Some results are presented and trap operation and sampling efficiency discussed. A major advantage of the trap is its use as a long term accumulator of planktonic organisms as opposed to traditional spot sampling techniques which tend to miss the less numerous plankters.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Weekly counts of western Atlantic red knots (Calidris canutus rufa) at their Delaware Bay migration stopover site have suggested a major decline since the 1980s. We estimated red knot spring passage population size in the New Jersey Coast-Delaware Bay region (DENJ; 2004 and 2006) and Virginia (VA; 2006 and 2007), USA, by correcting weekly aerial counts for mean daily residence probability between counts in a Monte-Carlo simulation. We used daily telemetry relocations in mark-resight models to estimate mean daily residence probability. Average daily residence probability was approximately 1.0 in mid-May, 0.96–0.97 in the week of 22 May, and 0.64–0.77 after May 28 in DENJ in 2004 and 2006 and in VA in 2006. Average daily residency was approximately 0.88 in VA in 2007 from 22 May to 5 June. No birds moved from VA to DENJ in 2006 and only 2 birds (5.5%) moved in 2007. Stopover population sizes (±SE) in DENJ were 17,108 ± 1,322 in 2004 and 19,555 ± 831 in 2006, and in VA were 7,224 ± 389 in 2006 and 8,332 ± 718 in 2007, significantly greater than peak aerial counts. Years with similar peak counts had different residence probabilities; hence, adjustments for turnover should be used in the future to assess annual population changes. Our results suggest that VA can support a significant portion of this red knot subspecies during migration in at least some years. Managing red knots for recovery should entail improving our understanding of the use of other Atlantic Coast sites and protecting key coastal habitat from disturbance and development.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We estimated loss of butt-end leg bands on male wild turkeys (Meleagris gallapavo) captured in New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania (USA) during December-March, 2006–2008. We used aluminum rivet leg bands as permanent marks to estimate loss of regular aluminum, enameled aluminum, anodized aluminum, and stainless steel butt-end leg bands placed below the spur. We used band loss information from 887 turkeys recovered between 31 days and 570 days after release ( = 202 days). Band loss was greater for turkeys banded as adults (>1 yr old) than juveniles and was greater for aluminum than stainless steel bands. We estimated band retention was 79–96%, depending on age at banding and type of band, for turkeys recovered 3 months after release. Band retention was <50% for all age classes and band types 15 months after banding. We concluded that use of butt-end leg bands on male wild turkeys is inappropriate for use in mark-recapture studies.  相似文献   
Fatty acid synthesis from [14C]acetate was studied in the brownalgae, Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus, which had beencollected from sites polluted by run-off from old copper mines.Algae collected from areas exposed to copper in situ showedchanges in the pattern of fatty acids labelled in vitro withan increase in oleate labelling and a decrease in palmitatelabelling in both species. The endogenous fatty acid patternsfor algae from polluted sites also differed from those fromunpolluted sites. Algae from sites polluted by copper containedmore oleate than samples from non-polluted sites. In addition,there were decreases in the polyunsaturated fatty acids -linolenate,octadecatetraenoate and docosapentaenoate for copper-exposedalgae. These differences are discussed with regard to the possiblemetabolic site of copper's action and to the relative toleranceof Fucus spp. to high environmental dissolved copper levels. Key words: Fucus spp., Copper pollution, Fatty acid synthesis  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The microsporidium, Enterocytozoon bieneusi , causes a severe, debilitating, chronic diarrhea in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Specific diagnosis of intestinal microsporidiosis, especially due to Enterocytozoon , is difficult and there is no known therapy that can completely eradicate this parasite. Preliminary studies indicate that a short term (about 6 months) in vitro culture of this parasite yielding low numbers of spores, may be established by inoculating human lung fibroblasts and/or monkey kidney cell cultures with duodenal aspirates and or biopsy from infected patients. The cultures may subsequently be used for the isolation and molecular analysis of parasite DNA.  相似文献   
  • 1 Most Achrysocharoides species and their Phyllonorycter hosts (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) have two generations per year in Britain.
  • 2 In those species with separate sex broods, peak male emergence tends to be earlier than peak female emergence. This female emergence lag is shorter in the second generation.
  • 3 The mean brood size in the second generation is significantly smaller than in the first in A.cilla males and females, A.latreilli females, mixed sex broods of A.atys, and A.carpini females. A.cilla, A.latreilli and A.niveipes generally have a significantly greater proportion of males in the second generation, but A.atys does not.
  • 4 There is a shift to killing later instar Phyllonorycter larvae in the second generation, when a much higher percentage parasitism is generally achieved.
  • 5 The intergeneration differences in sex ratio and brood size may be explained by a change in oviposition behaviour of females of the first and second generations.
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