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The principal characteristics of stomatogenesis during division in Climacostomum virens are: (A) Kinetosomal proliferation on the left side of a variable number of kineties in the ventral somatic cortex forms an oral primordium consisting of several kinetosomal fields, which then fuse to form a single anarchic field. (B) A constant topographical relationship exists between the primordium and a well defined cortical pattern, the zone of discontinuity. (C) The anarchic field primordium divides into 2 unequal parts—to the left, the AZM primordium, and to the right, the paroral primordium, which differentiates into the apical membranelles, the peristomial field, and the buccal tube. (D) Preoral and oblique kineties of the somatic cortex form along the right side of the paroral primordium. (E) Parental oral structures are partially dedifferentiated. Stomatogenesis in C. virens and other heterotrichs is compared.  相似文献   
Impression cytology is a simple and painless procedure that allows the collection of the superficial layers of the conjunctival epithelium. Each sample is assigned a grade of epithelial metaplasia, and goblet cell density is calculated in each one. We have studied the superior and temporal bulbar conjuctiva of dry eyes and have compared it with that of normal controls. In normal and dry eyes we find a statistically significant difference both in goblet cell density and grade of metaplasia, between superior and temporal bulbar conjunctiva. the differences in grade of metaplasia and goblet cell density between normal and dry eyes are significant in the superior conjunctiva, but in the temporal conjunctiva we only find significant differences in grade of metaplasia.  相似文献   
This paper presents further evidence that the cortex controls macronuclear replication and basal body production during the cell cycle of Stentor. At the onset of cell division, basal body production occurs on the ventral side of the cell to form an oral primordium; this structure develops slowly into the oral apparatus destined for the posterior daughter cell. Meanwhile, a series of morphological changes in the macronucleus (coalescence, elongation, nodulation) doubles the number of nodes in preparation for division. When a cell undergoing oral development is grafted to a morphostatic cell of equal size, oral development is usually induced in the morphostatic component and the two members of the graft complex eventually become synchronized with respect to macronuclear morphology. However, primordium induction and nuclear synchronization usually do not occur when the 2 members of the graft complex are separated by cortical discontinuities which heal gradually, even though the graft components demonstrably share a common endoplasm throughout the experiment. These results suggest that the cell surface may control the replication of organelles such as the macronucleus and basal bodies which are normally kept “in step” with the cell cycle in such a way that they are not lost or reproduced too frequently.  相似文献   
Using Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cycloheximide, incorporation of 3H-labelled amino acids and immunological methods, we have demonstrated that injection of ecdy- sterone induces de novo synthesis and release of vitellogenin in both sexes of Sarcophaga bullata. Vitellogenin concentrations were measured by the Mancini-radial immunodiffusion technique. In males a dose as low as 1 ng always makes vitellogenin appear in the haemolymph but very reproducible results are only obtained when doses varying from 10 to 250 ng were injected. In this range, the dose-response curve was linear on a semi- logarithmic scale.

In females, vitellogenin concentration remained low until a few hours after liver feeding and thereafter it rose sharply and reached its maximum about 24 h after the protein meal. 100 μg 6-hydroxydopamine HCl, injected before liver feeding in 4-day-old females, inhibited vitellogenin synthesis and yolk deposition, probably by interfering with the release of a brain hormone. This inhibitory effect on vitellogenin synthesis, but not that on yolk deposition, could be overruled by injection of ecdysterone. Juvenile hormone was ineffective on both. Females, ovariectomized on day 2 or 3, accumulated vitellogenin in their haemolymph, indicating that the continuous presence of the ovaries was not required for vitellogenin synthesis. The possible relation between the gonadotrophs hormone from the brain, vitellogenin synthesis and moulting hormone metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Alveolar membranes and an epiplasm exist under the cell membrane of the noncontractile heterotrich ciliate Climacostomum virens. Postciliary microtubular ribbons join at the right of each somatic kinety to form a Km fiber. Two transverse microtubular fibers occur per kinetosomal pair. A myonemal network interconnects the kinetosomal bases intrakinetally and interkinetally. Ultrastructural comparisons are made between the contractile and noncontractile heterotrichs.
The buccal cortex consists of an adoral zone of membranelles, a peristomal field, a buccal tube, the apical membranelles, and a haplokinety. The kineties of the peristomal field and buccal tube are rows of paired kinetosomes, with a postciliary ribbon of microtubules arising from the posterior kinetosome of each pair, and a transverse ribbon and an oblique ribbon from the anterior kinetosome. No Km fibers exist in this region. The haplokinety is a collar of paired kinetosomes surrounding the cytostome; a postciliary microtubular ribbon descends from each kinetosomal pair into the cytostomal region. Ultrastructural details of the buccal cortex of C. virens and other heterotrichs are compared. The nemadesmata which lie under the membranelles are implicated in the body bending of C. virens.
Algae endosymbiotic in the cytoplasm of C. virens are described.  相似文献   
Dihaploids obtained from a somatically chromosome-doubled dihaploid potato were crossed with Solanum phureja clones. To test the effect of inbreeding, measurements were made of their seed production and the tuber yield, tuber number and mean tuber weight of their offspring. On average, seed production of the second generation dihaploids was higher than that of the original dihaploid progenitor. Progeny tuber yield and its components were little different from those of the original dihaploid's progeny. Tuber flesh quality, as measured lack of blemishes, was better in the offspring of second generation dihaploids.
It is suggested that the negative effects of producing second generation dihaploids are minor compared with producing the first generation dihaploid from a tetraploid, because most deleterious recessives have already been unmasked. The results indicated residual variation within the original dihaploid which could be exploited for plant breeding purposes.
An indicator of inbred status, alternative to the inbreeding coefficient, is suggested which could be applied to both diploids and tetraploids.  相似文献   
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