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The translocation of various anions, cations, and acids acrossthe membrane system of turnip mitchondria has been investigatedby light scattering techniques. The results imply that the membranesof turnip mitochondria are not permeable to choline, K+, Na+,, , , and . It has been established that Cl,, and SCN– passively permeate the mitochondrial membrane. It is probable that permeates as NH3 and that and cross the membrane either as the corresponding acid or on ananion/ hydroxide antiporter. The alkali metals Na+ and K+ equilibrateacross the membrane via specific H+/Na+ and H+/K+ antiporters,having similar activity at neutral pH.  相似文献   
1. Shallow lakes and their ectothermic inhabitants are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climatic warming. These impacts are likely to depend on nutrient loading, especially if the combination of warming and eutrophication leads to severe hypoxia. 2. To investigate effects of realistic warming and nutrient loading on a fish species with high tolerance of warming and hypoxia, we observed population changes and timing of reproduction of three‐spined sticklebacks in 24 outdoor shallow freshwater ecosystems with combinations of temperature (ambient and ambient +4 °C) and three nutrient treatments over 16 months. 3. Warming reduced stickleback population biomass by 60% (population size by 76%) and nutrient‐addition reduced biomass by about 80% (population size 95%). Nutrients and warming together resulted in extinction of the stickleback populations. These losses were mainly attributed to the increased likelihood of severe hypoxia in heated and nutrient‐addition mesocosms. 4. Warming of nutrient‐rich waters can thus have dire consequences for freshwater ectotherm populations. The loss even of a hardy fish suggests a precarious future for many less tolerant species in such eutrophic systems under current climate change predictions.  相似文献   
Washed and purified turnip mitochondria oxidize malate withrespiratory control and ADP: O values approaching 3.0 and producepyruvate as the principal product. Oxaloacetate is also producedin significant amounts but is removed by an endogenous mechanism.Malate dehydrogenase appears to be important to the oxidationof malate but requires the removal of oxaloacetate. During malateoxidation the mitochondria undergo configurational changes similarto those observed in animal mitochondria. Both ‘rightside-out’ and ‘inside-out’ submitochondrialparticles have been prepared. Right side-out particles oxidizemalate in the same way as intact mitochondria, whereas the inside-outparticles have a biphasic oxidation, the first phase producingoxaloacetate and the second, NAD-requiring phase producing pyruvate.It is concluded that malate oxidation is a complex process usingseveral enzymes located in the matrix compartment with a minorcomponent possibly on the outer face of the inner membrane.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. In 1982 and 1983 sets of experimental ponds were left with their submerged plant communities intact (plant ponds) or were cleared manually of them (cleared ponds). The ponds were all fertilized with ammonium nitrate and with variable amounts of phosphate. In 1982 fish were removed from the ponds. Zooplankton communities were dominated by large Cladocera with Daphnia prominent in the cleared ponds and Simocephalus in the plant ponds. There was no detectable effect of differential phosphorus additions on zooplankton communities or populations.
2. In 1983 zooplanktivorous fish (mainly roach) were stocked in the ponds. In the plant ponds the fish did not survive, probably through severe deoxygenation and the zooplankton community again included large-bodied Simocephalus. Fish survival was variable in the cleared ponds. Where fish stocks were absent or low (0.5–1 g m−2) a Daphnia- dominated community persisted; at intermediate fish stocks (18.1 g m−2) Eudiaptomus gracilis was predominant and where fish stock was high (22.8–29.1 g m−2) Bosmina longirostris , and cyclopoid copepods dominated the communities. Mean biomass of the zooplankton community declined with increase in fish stock to between 5.1 and 18.1 g m−2 then increased.
3. On the basis of results from the experimental ponds and elsewhere, a new hypothesis is put forward to account for the switch from aquatic plant to phytoplankton dominance in eutrophicated shallow lakes. It envisages dominance by either group to be possible as alternative states over a wide range of high nutrient loadings. It suggests that each state is buffered against increased loading by mechanisms involving plant and algal physiology and zooplankton grazer populations. The nature of the buffers and the reasons by which one state may be switched to the other are, discussed.  相似文献   
A period of darkness after treatment increased the activity of diquat and paraquat on tomato, broad bean and sugar beet. The extent of the increase was dependent on the time of day (and year) of treatment, on the light quality and intensity before spraying and on the duration of the darkness. Damage from morning treatments, unlike those in the afternoon, increased rhythmically with increasing darkness. The rhythm showed a maximum about every 24 hr and continued through several days of darkness. The results underline not only the complexity of diquat and paraquat action but also the importance of strictly controlling experimental procedure when studying their mode of action.  相似文献   
Uptake of diquat and paraquat was doubled and occasionally quadrupled when tomatoes were darkened after treatment. The increase was not directly related to the duration of darkness because, after a time, uptake decreased. Three possible explanations for this decrease are considered, namely: diquat exudation from the leaves, downward movement into the roots and the complexing of diquat in plant tissue. Evidence was against exudation from leaves and downward movement into the roots. Diquat activity also depends on its degree of movement in the plant but the possible influence of other factors is discussed when treatments are made in the afternoon or in the morning after a period of reduced light intensity. In a CO2-free atmosphere, uptake and activity increased in light and were comparable to those in darkness. Uptake is therefore not impeded by phyto-toxic effects of diquat but possibly by the presence of a high concentration of solutes or by photosynthetic intermediates.  相似文献   
The enzymes of malate oxidation in turnip mitochondria havebeen partially purified and some of their properties studied.Turnips contain a cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase and two mito-chondrialmalate dehydrogenases. These are all distinct isoenzymes withdifferent immunblogical properties but similar molecular weights.The Km for malate is relatively high (8.3 mM) in the mito-chondrialenzymes. One of the mitochondrial enzymes is located in thematrix while the other is membrane-bound but within the matrixcompartment. This latter enzyme, which retains its NAD and activitywhen submitochondrial particles are prepared, is responsiblefor the first phase of malate oxidation in submitochondrialparticles. Two malic enzymes were isolated: one, an NADP enzyme, is a minorcomponent and was not studied further; the other, immunologicallydistinct from the malate dehydrogenases, is probably locatedin the matrix compartment. The Km for malate oxidation (1.4mM) is relatively low. This malic enzyme which apparently lacksOAA decarboxylase activity is NAD-specific but is unstable.The possibility of multiple malic enzymes is discussed. Themalic enzymes are responsible for the second NAD-requiring phaseof malate oxidation in submitochondrial particles.  相似文献   
An aero-aquatic hyphomycete with setose synnemata and scolecospores with a central isthmus is described.  相似文献   
Many plants, especially of species with indeterminate reproduction,show first-fruit dominance, in which the presence of developingfruit reduces future fruit maturation by increasing the abortionof later (younger) fruit and by inhibiting subsequent flowerproduction. We examined the effects of seed number on first-fruitdominance by experimentally manipulating the number of pollengrains that were deposited onto stigmas of zucchini squash andthen monitoring flower production, fruit growth, and fruit maturation.Our findings show (1) that fruits containing more seeds growfaster and achieve greater size; (2) that the presence of 6–15-d-oldfruit significantly decreases the probability of female flowerproduction while significantly increasing the probability offruit abortion; (3) that the number of seeds in the prior developingfruit has a significant effect on the probability of flowerproduction and fruit abortion, and (4) that when seed numbervaries among the fruits on a vine the fruit with the fewestseeds are the most likely to abort. It is concluded that thestrength of dominance by a developing fruit depends on the numberof seeds it contains and that this also influences the resultof fruit to fruit competition. Fruit abortion, fruit growth, Cucurbita pepo, size of pollen load, seed number, zucchini, squash  相似文献   
IF discrete areas of the ventricular conducting system are exposed to high concentrations of K+, conduction through these areas is slowed so much that the impulse may re-enter the normal part of the conducting system after the end of the refractory period, thereby evoking another excitation of the heart (refs. 1 and 2 and our unpublished work). This slow conduction results from a slow response that resembles the slow component of the cardiac action potential3 and the action potential of normal fibres of the atrioventricular node4. Adrenaline enhances the response of Purkinje fibres, depressed by exposure to high K+ concentration5 and we now report that an α-adrenergic agent, methoxamine, depresses the slow response at concentrations that do not affect the normal action potential. This finding is of interest because very few of the actions of adrenergic agents on the heart can be attributed to the stimulation of α-receptors6, because selective depression of the slow response is further evidence that it differs qualitatively from the response of normal fibres (our unpublished work) and because it suggests that α-adrenergic agents may be useful in the prevention of certain cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   
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