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The pattern of feeding of Eastern spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) is compared on foliage from white spruce Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. (Pinaceae) trees previously determined to be susceptible and resistant to defoliation by budworm. No differences are observed in electrophysiological responses from taste sensilla to aqueous extracts of the two foliage types, nor is there a preference for either extract type in a choice test. Acetone extracts from the two foliage types are both preferred to a control sucrose solution, although neither elicits a preference relative to the other. These results suggest that there is no difference in phagostimulatory power of internal leaf contents of the two foliage types. Longer‐term observation of feeding behaviour in a no‐choice situation shows no difference in meal duration, confirming the lack of difference in phagostimulatory power. However, on average, intermeal intervals are twice as long on the resistant foliage, leading to an overall lower food consumption during the assay. This result suggests an anti‐digestive or toxic effect of the resistant foliage that slows behaviour and limits food intake. Previous research has shown that waxes of the resistant foliage deter initiation of feeding by the spruce budworm and that this foliage contains higher levels of tannins and monoterpenes. The data suggest that the resistant foliage contains a post‐ingestive second line of defence against the spruce budworm.  相似文献   
Abstract Surveys of mating-system parameters in populations of the annual, self-compatible, tristylous, emergent aquatic, Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) from N.E. Brazil and Jamaica have indicated that the species exhibits a wide range of outcrossing rates. To investigate whether temporal variation in outcrossing rate was also a feature of populations, open-pollinated families were sampled from five populations of contrasting style morph structure from N.E. Brazil over three consecutive years (1987–1989). Multilocus estimates of outcrossing rate ( t ) were obtained from assays of isozyme polymorphisms using starch gel electrophoresis. There was significant variation both among populations and between years in the frequency of outcrossing. Outcrossing in three tristylous populations was high ( t > 0.80), with relatively small fluctuations occurring over the three-year sampling period. In contrast, in a dimorphic and monomorphic population considerable self-fertilization occurred and the frequency of outcrossing declined significantly from 1987 to 1989 in both populations. In the dimorphic population, increased selfing was associated with a marked reduction in population size and an increase in the frequency of selfing variants of the mid-styled morph. The significance of temporal variation in outcrossing frequency in plant populations is discussed in relation to its effect on population genetic structure and recent models of mating-system evolution.  相似文献   
Both birds and insects visit yellow flower heads of Banksia ilicifolia rather than those in the pink or red phases. Birds carry most pollen. Substantial nectar and pollen rewards are present only in the yellow phase. The timing of flower colour change also corresponds to a decline in viability of presented pollen and stigma receptivity. Colour change is age-dependent rather than pollinator-induced. Bird visits to yellow or red heads are essentially determined by the availability of nectar in each rather than differences in their visibility. Fruit set is negligible in the absence of pollinators but still < 1% in their presence. Banksia ilicifolia has the smallest heads and is the most localized of five co-occurring and partly co-flowering Banksia species. It is hypothesized that the restriction of flower colour change to B. ilicifolia increases the competitiveness of this species: bird visitors are directed to flower heads with abundant nectar, viable pollen and receptive stigmas, foraging and pollination efficiency thereby being enhanced without a marked reduction in long-distance attractiveness of the tree to potential pollinators.  相似文献   
We examined intra‐ and interspecific variability in shape of three topminnow species (Funduluidae: Fundulus notatus, F. olivaceus, and F. euryzonus) across ten drainages. Within each drainage, five or more adult male topminnows were digitized at multiple sites (83 total sites) along the river continuum representing a range of stream sizes (cumulative drainage area) and hydrological conditions. Nine of the ten drainages contained two Fundulus species that were longitudinally separated along the river continuum with narrow areas of coexistence. Upstream–downstream distribution patterns were variable by drainage, allowing us to examine patterns repeated across ecologically similar species. More variability in shape was explained by drainage (19.7%) than by species (7.4%) differences. Populations of F. notatus from headwaters (three drainages) converged on a deep‐bodied form similar to F. olivaceus which was typically sampled in headwaters. Fundulus notatus shape was more closely related to stream size than in the other two species. Headwater populations of F. notatus and F. olivaceus had fineness ratios near the hydrodynamic optima of 4.5 whereas downstream populations of F. notatus had shallower bodies. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 612–621.  相似文献   
1. Eutrophic acid lakes are not common. Delamere Lake in Cheshire, U.K. is shallow and acid (mean pH 4.5) with a very high phytoplankton crop (mean 290 μg chlorophyll a L?1), dominated by Dictyosphaerium pulchellum. Rotifers were dominant in the pelagic waters but small cladocerans (Alona guttata, Chydorus sphaericus and Scapholeberis mucronata) were occasional in the littoral waters. Chaoborus flavicans larvae were the top predators in this fishless lake. Two mesocosm experiments were carried out in which pH and Chaoborus populations were manipulated. 2. Progressively higher concentrations of D. pulchellum were maintained in the elevated pH treatments (pH 6 and 8; P < 0.001) with increased amounts of a Chlamydomonas species at the end of the experiment. Highest species richness was seen at ambient pH. Thus the low pH of Delamere Lake alone did not control the structure of the phytoplankton community. Keratella quadrata showed significantly higher abundance at pH 6 than in other pH treatments (P < 0.001). Species richness of rotifers was unaffected by pH. 3. Most Cladocera were C. sphaericus. Although never seen in the open lake, Daphnia pulex appeared in all the pH treatments. Low pH did not control small Cladocera abundance in Delamere Lake, but probably hampered reproduction in Daphnia. Negative correlations between chlorophyll a concentrations and Daphnia in the mesocosms (r2 = 0.215, P < 0.05), however, indicated the potential of large‐bodied daphniids in controlling phytoplankton. 4. Neither different combinations of Chaoborus instars (none, instars 1 and 2 and instars 3–5) nor different densities of instars 3–5 (0.15, 0.5 and 1.0 L?1) had a negative impact on Cladocera. Daphnia pulex remained unaffected in the experiment, perhaps because of its large size, and C. sphaericus because of its high reproductive rate compensating predatory losses. 5. Very low pH in Delamere Lake might suppress Daphnia by hampering its reproduction. Consequently, Daphnia may be vulnerable to invertebrate predation even at low predator density in the lake.  相似文献   
The successful production of interspecific hybrids between membersof the dysploid chromosome series inDahlia offers a unique opportunityto investigate chromosome evolution. Analysis of meiotic metaphaseI in these hybrids using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH)has shown that pairing occurs both between and within parentalgenomes. These results have provided clear evidence for theallotetraploid origin of Dahlia species with 2n=32 and suggeststhat species with 2n=34 and 2n=36 have also arisen via allopolyploidy.A bivalent promoting mechanism proposed for species with 2n=32also appears to be present in Dahlia species with 2n=34 and2n=36 .Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Dahlia , GISH, dysploidy, chromosome pairing, karyotype analysis, polyploidy.  相似文献   
Abstract: Road mortality can contribute to local and regional declines in amphibian and reptile populations. Thus, there is a need to accurately and efficiently identify hotspots of road-mortality for hazard assessment and mitigation. In 2002, we conducted walking and driving surveys throughout an extensive rural highway network in northern New York, USA, to evaluate survey methods and to quantify spatial and temporal patterns of herpetofauna road-mortality. In 2004, we repeated the surveys at a subset of locations to quantify interannual repeatability. Reptile and amphibian species had different peak periods of road-mortality because they differed in the causes of movements that resulted in crossings. Spatial locations of herpetofauna road-mortality were concentrated at a limited number of hotspots. Hotspots overlapped across species and were located at consistent locations across years. Results of walking and driving surveys were highly repeatable among survey teams, but driving surveys underestimated the density of road-mortality because many animals were missed. Detection failure was higher in some taxa (e.g., frogs) than others (e.g., turtles). Our results indicate that it is possible to design a valid, efficient methodology for locating hotspots of reptile and amphibian road-mortality along a road network and, thus, pinpoint priority sites for mitigation.  相似文献   
The metabolic fate of the auxin herbicide (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)aceticacid (MCPA) has been determined in a number of species usinga vacuum infiltration technique. In all cases MCPA became hydroxylatedto form (4-chloro-2-hydroxymethylphenoxy)acetic acid, whichaccumulated largely as a glycosidic conjugate. The nature ofthe oxidized metabolite from oat (Avena sativa L.) was verifiedby GC/MS. In all cases at least one diethyl ether-soluble conjugateof MCPA was formed; these are suggested to be amino acid conjugates.Several minor aglycones were also formed. Important speciesvariations in both the rate and quantitative nature of metabolismwere observed. Pretreatment of potato (Solarium tuberosum L.)tuber slices with unlabelled MCPA and other auxins increasedthe capacity for hydroxylation, but particularly induced theformation of an MCPA-glycoside. This was never a major metaboliteunder normal circumstances. The rate of hydroxylation was alsoenhanced by ageing in MnCl2. Although the ether-soluble conjugatesof MCPA were stable metabolites, exogenously applied conjugateisolated from carrot (Daucus carota L.) was readily cleavedin four species. Free MCPA and the products normally derivedfrom it were identified. MCPA Metabolism Hydroxylation Conjugation  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Mid-rotation management practices for pine (Pinus spp.) plantations enrolled in cost-share programs have not been widely evaluated for wildlife. Mid-rotation pine plantations often have a substantial hardwood mid-story that limits growth of desirable understory forage species important to white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; deer). We treated with imazapyr herbicide and prescribed burning (HB) 11 thinned, 13–22-year-old loblolly pine (P. taeda) plantations in the Upper Coastal Plain (UCP; n = 5) and the Lower Coastal Plain (LCP; n = 6) of Mississippi, USA, enrolled in cost-share programs. We then sampled these plantations for production of important deer forages during July of 2003 and 2004, years 1 and 2 posttreatment. Deer foraging habitat was clearly improved by the HB treatment in both regions by year 2. Forb species of annual importance to deer increased in percent cover and biomass in the UCP and in biomass in the LCP. We estimated nutritional carrying capacity using a target diet quality of 14% crude protein; estimates in HB plots were 3 times greater than controls in the UCP and 19 times greater in the LCP. Although UCP sites had baseline carrying capacities nearly 8 times greater than LCP sites, the greater relative response to HB in the LCP eliminated the regional difference. Our results indicate that imazapyr herbicide treatment followed by prescribed fire is a beneficial tool for deer management in mid-rotation pine plantations.  相似文献   
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