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Abstract:  The known sample of the important pretribosphenic mammal Peramus tenuirostris, housed in the Natural History Museum (London, UK), was imaged using micro‐computed tomography (CT). Substantial morphological diversity was discovered, prompting establishment (and resurrection) of additional taxa from within the existing hypodigm of Peramus tenuirostris: Peramus dubius comb. nov., Kouriogenys minor gen. nov. and Peramuroides tenuiscus gen. et sp. nov. The Peramura are revised; this group is restricted to taxa with clear evidence of a fully functional upper molar embrasure for the dominant lower molar talonid cusp (hypoconid), either through development of wear facet 4 or through differentiation of a distinct hypoconulid. The Peramura are the most likely sister taxon to the Tribosphenida (including living marsupials and placentals) and represent a distinct molar morphotype, transitional between primitive lineages characterized by dominant orthal shear (e.g. dryolestoids) and those with modern, multi‐functional tribospheny. A very large masseteric foramen is identified in peramurans, but this feature appears to be autapomorphic and of uncertain function.  相似文献   
Both birds and insects visit yellow flower heads of Banksia ilicifolia rather than those in the pink or red phases. Birds carry most pollen. Substantial nectar and pollen rewards are present only in the yellow phase. The timing of flower colour change also corresponds to a decline in viability of presented pollen and stigma receptivity. Colour change is age-dependent rather than pollinator-induced. Bird visits to yellow or red heads are essentially determined by the availability of nectar in each rather than differences in their visibility. Fruit set is negligible in the absence of pollinators but still < 1% in their presence. Banksia ilicifolia has the smallest heads and is the most localized of five co-occurring and partly co-flowering Banksia species. It is hypothesized that the restriction of flower colour change to B. ilicifolia increases the competitiveness of this species: bird visitors are directed to flower heads with abundant nectar, viable pollen and receptive stigmas, foraging and pollination efficiency thereby being enhanced without a marked reduction in long-distance attractiveness of the tree to potential pollinators.  相似文献   
How much water does a river need?   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
1. This paper introduces a new approach for setting streamflow-based river ecosystem management targets and this method is called the 'Range of Variability Approach' (RVA). The proposed approach derives from aquatic ecology theory concerning the critical role of hydrological variability, and associated characteristics of timing, frequency, duration, and rates of change, in sustaining aquatic ecosystems. The method is intended for application on rivers wherein the conservation of native aquatic biodiversity and protection of natural ecosystem functions are primary river management objectives.
2. The RVA uses as its starting point either measured or synthesized daily streamflow values from a period during which human perturbations to the hydrological regime were negligible. This streamflow record is then characterized using thirty-two different hydrological parameters, using methods defined in Richter et al . (1996). Using the RVA, a range of variation in each of the thirty-two parameters, e.g. the values at ± 1 standard deviation from the mean or the twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentile range, are selected as initial flow management targets.
3. The RVA targets are intended to guide the design of river management strategies (e.g. reservoir operations rules, catchment restoration) that will lead to attainment of these targets on an annual basis. The RVA will enable river managers to define and adopt readily interim management targets before conclusive, long-term ecosystem research results are available. The RVA targets and management strategies should be adaptively refined as suggested by research results and as needed to sustain native aquatic ecosystem biodiversity and integrity.  相似文献   
Recent molecular phylogenetic studies of the terrestrial snail genus Albinaria have caused a radical reassessment of its taxonomy. These studies, however, were limited to western species. This paper examines mitochondrial 12S sequences and nuclear ITS1 & 2 sequences of both eastern and western species, and demonstrates that Albinaria, in its most recent definition, is not monophyletic. Both molecular datasets place ' Albinaria ' hedenborgi from Lebanon in a well-supported clade with species of the genus Cristataria , distributed south-east of the vicariant range of Albinaria . The remaining species from Cyprus, Turkey and Greece constitute a well-supported monophyletic group. These two clades form geographical clusters, whereas Albinaria in the current definition (including ' A. '  hedenborgi ) has a disjunct distribution. ' A.' hedenborgi should therefore be classified with Cristataria , together with the morphologically similar and geographically close ' A. '  nadimi .  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 531−542.  相似文献   
Ocean temperatures in most parts of the world are increasing and are expected to continue to rise during the 21st century. A major challenge to ecologists and marine resource managers is to understand and predict how these global changes will affect species and ecosystems at local scales where temperature more directly affects biological responses and species interactions. Here, we investigate historical variability in regional sea surface temperature in two large heavily exploited marine ecosystems and compare these variations with expected rates of temperature change for the 21st century. We use four of the world's longest calibrated daily time series to show that trends in surface temperatures in the North and Baltic Seas now exceed those at any time since instrumented measurements began in 1861 and 1880. Temperatures in summer since 1985 have increased at nearly triple the global warming rate, which is expected to occur during the 21st century and summer temperatures have risen two to five times faster than those in other seasons. These warm temperatures and rates of change are due partly to an increase in the frequency of extremely warm years. The recent warming event is exceeding the ability of local species to adapt and is consequently leading to major changes in the structure, function and services of these ecosystems.  相似文献   
Multivariate analyses of 393 butterfly species over 85 geographical areas (R- and Q-data matrices) in Europe and North Africa have produced a consistent pattern of faunal structures (units and regions). Prominent features to emerge are the latitudinal zonation of geographical units and the division of the Mediterranean into western and eastern components; southwards in Europe, endemicity increases whereas faunal structures decrease in spatial dimensions. Central Europe–from the Urals to the British Isles–forms a single large faunal structure (extent unit and region). A model has been constructed to account for Pleistocene evolutionary changes and endemism in European butterflies and for the east-west taxonomic divisions in the extent faunal structure which dominates central Europe. Periodic Pleistocene climatic changes have resulted in cycles of population extinction, isolation, evolution and migration, but the nature and timing of events has depended on the environmental tolerances of species belonging to different faunal units. During Pleistocene glaciations, southern species have been relatively static and more isolated and have evolved independently. By comparison, northern species have been more mobile and have migrated over large distances. Contact and hybrid zones among cosmopolitan species in northern Europe are probably of some antiquity. They result from persistent survival and isolation of refuge populations in the west and east Mediterranean during glacial phases; dispersal from these refuges leads to their regeneration during each interglacial.  相似文献   
1. Urban development results in the decline of amphibian density and species richness. A logical next step towards understanding why urbanisation negatively impacts amphibians is to track species‐specific demographic responses to urbanisation. 2. We monitored growth of two‐lined salamander (Eurycea cirrigera Green) larvae over two complete cohorts (2006 and 2007) in nine western Georgia, U.S.A. streams. 3. We found that salamanders in streams surrounded by urbanised and developing catchments hatched at the same size as their reference‐stream counterparts, but achieved larger sizes within the first few months of growth. We evaluated the effect of four variables that correlate with the urban‐forest gradient and found that elevated temperatures in the urban environment, coupled with decreased intraspecific competition because of lower survivorship in these same habitats, were two of the most likely explanations for increased growth rates. 4. Such an increase in growth of surviving larvae may maintain population viability in urban areas where it has been shown survival is difficult because of increased in‐channel flow during flood events. Because larvae that do survive in urban streams undergo metamorphosis at large sizes, they may recoup a component of fitness (i.e. increased adult survivorship and reproduction) through growth.  相似文献   
Habitat-associated morphological divergence in two Neotropical fish species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We examined intraspecific morphological diversification between river channel and lagoon habitats for two Neotropical fish ( Bryconops caudomaculatus , Characidae; Biotodoma wavrini , Cichlidae). We hypothesized that differences between habitats (e.g. flow regime, foraging opportunities) might create selective pressures resulting in morphological divergence between conspecific populations. We collected fish from four channel-lagoon habitat pairs in the Río Cinaruco, Venezuela, and compared body morphology using geometric morphometrics. There were two aspects of divergence in both species: (1) placement of maximum body depth and (2) orientation of the mouth. For both species, maximum body depth was positioned more anteriorly (i.e. fusiform) in the river channel than in lagoons. Both species exhibited a relatively terminal mouth in lagoons compared to the channel. The mouth of B. caudomaculatus was relatively upturned, whereas the mouth of B. wavrini was relatively subterminal, in channel habitats. Observed morphological patterns are consistent with functional morphological principles suggesting adaptive divergence. We also show that spatial distance between habitats, presumably reflecting rates of population mixing, appears to have constrained diversification. For both species, morphological divergence increased with distance between habitats. Thus morphological divergence between channel and lagoon habitats apparently reflects a balance between diversification driven by natural selection, and homogenization driven by population mixing.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 689–698.  相似文献   
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