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Maleic hydrazide (MH) and gibberellic acid (GA) were applied alone and in combination at various doses to dwarf and tall varieties of garden pea, and their effect on stem extension measured. Combinations of MH and 3-indolylacetic acid (IAA) were also studied. Stern extension of dwarf peas was accelerated by GA and inhibited by MH. Their effects were not additive, since MH reduced the response to GA at all concentrations of each tested. IAA did not affect stem extension, whether applied alone or in combination with MH. Stem extensions of tall peas was not affected by GA or IAA alone. MH severely inhibited growth and this inhibition was not reduced either by GA or by IAA. At low doses MH broke apical dominance and side branches developed; extension of these was stimulated by GA and IAA and extension of the main axis correspondingly still further reduced. The results show that MH prevents the response to GA of GA-sensitive plants. It is suggested that the rapid growth of tall peas, as compared with that of dwarfs, and their lack of response to GA, are due to a greater capacity to synthesize a 'GA-like hormone'. Growth of tall peas is much more drastically inhibited by MH than that of dwarf peas and the suggestion is made that the inhibition of shoot growth induced by MH is due primarily to blocking the activity of the postulated 'GA-like hormone'.  相似文献   
How Spaniards Became Chumash and other Tales of Ethnogenesis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the 1970s, a network of families from Santa Barbara, California, asserted local indigenous identities as "Chumash." However, we demonstrate that these families have quite different social histories than either they or supportive scholars claim. Rather than dismissing these neo-Chumash as anomalous "fakes," we place their claims to Chumash identity within their particular family social histories. We show that cultural identities in these family lines have changed a number of times over the past four centuries. These changes exhibit a range that is often not expected and render the emergence of neo-Chumash more comprehendible. The social history as a whole illustrates the ease and frequency with which cultural identities change and the contexts that foster change. In light of these data, scholars should question their ability to essentialize identity.  相似文献   
Abstract Human induced alterations to rivers and steams have resulted in significant changes to the structure and diversity of riparian and aquatic plant communities. These changes will impact on the dynamics of riverine carbon cycles and food web structure and function. Here we investigate the principal sources of organic carbon supporting local shredder communities across a gradient in different levels of anthropogenic development along riverine reaches, in South Australia. In forested/wooded reaches with minimum to limited development, semi‐emergent macrophytes were the principal sources of organic carbon supporting the local shredder communities. However, in developed reaches, course particulate organic matter and filamentous algae were the principal food sources. The C:N ratios of the food sources in developed reaches were higher than those of their consumers indicating a stoichiometric mismatch. This imbalanced consumer‐resource nutrient ratio in those developed reaches is likely to impose constraints on the growth and reproduction of their aquatic shredder communities with probable knock‐on effects to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
Abstract Research in Mediterranean‐climate shrublands in both South Africa and Australia shows that recruitment of proteoid shrubs (non‐sprouting, serotinous Proteaceae) is best after warm‐season (summer and autumn) fires and worst after cool‐season (winter and spring) ones. This pattern has been attributed to post‐dispersal seed attrition as well as size of pre‐dispersal seed reserves. Here we investigate patterns of post‐fire recruitment for four proteoid species in the eastern part of South Africa's fynbos biome, which has a bimodal (spring and autumn) rainfall regime. Despite the lack of significant differences in recruitment between cool‐ and warm‐season burns, we find some evidence for favourable recruitment periods following fires in spring and autumn, immediately before, and coinciding with, the bimodal rainfall peaks. This suggests that enhanced recruitment is associated with conditions of high soil moisture immediately after the fire, and that rapid germination may minimize post‐dispersal seed attrition. In two of the species, we also find a shift from peak flowering in winter and spring in the Mediterranean‐climate part of the fynbos biome, to summer and autumn flowering in the eastern part. Because these two species are only weakly serotinous, warm‐season flowering would result in maximal seed banks in spring, which could explain the spring recruitment peak, but not the autumn one. We conclude that eastern recruitment patterns differ significantly from those observed in the western and central parts of the biome, and that fire management protocols for the east, which are currently based on data and experience from the winter‐rainfall fynbos biome, need to be adjusted accordingly. Fire managers in the eastern fynbos biome should be less constrained by requirements to burn within a narrow seasonal range, and should therefore be in a better position to apply the required management burns.  相似文献   
As roots explore the soil, they encounter a complex and fluctuating environment in which the different edaphic resources (water and nutrients) are heterogeneously distributed in space and time. Many plant species are able to respond to this heterogeneity by modifying their root system development, such that they colonize the most resource-rich patches of soil. The complexities of these responses, and their dependence on the implied ability to perceive and integrate multiple external signals, would seem to amply justify the term 'behaviour'. This review will consider the types of behaviour that are elicited in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana by exposure to variations in the external concentrations and distribution of two different N compounds, nitrate and glutamate. Molecular genetic studies have revealed an intricate N regulatory network at the root tip that is responsible for orchestrating changes in root growth rate and root architecture to accommodate variations in the extrinsic and intrinsic supply of N. The review will discuss what is known of the genetic basis for these responses and speculate on their physiological and ecological significance.  相似文献   
Species range boundaries are determined by a variety of factors of which climate is one of the most influential. As a result, climate change is expected to have a profound effect on organisms and ecosystems. However, the impacts of weather and climate are frequently modified by multiple nonclimatic factors. Therefore, the role of these nonclimatic factors needs to be examined in order to understand and predict future change. Marine intertidal ecosystems are exposed to heat extremes during warm, sunny, midday low tides. Thus, the timing of low tide, a nonclimatic factor, determines the potential contact intertidal invertebrates and algae have with heat extremes. We developed a method that quantifies the daily risk of high temperature extremes in the marine intertidal using solar elevations and spatially continuous tidal predictions. The frequency of 'risky days' is variable over time and space along the Pacific Coast of North America. Results show that at some sites the percentage of risky days in June can vary by 30% across years. In order to do a detailed analysis, we selected San Francisco as a study site. In San Francisco, May is the month with the greatest frequency of risky days, even though September is the month with the greatest frequency of high air temperature, ≥30 °C. These results indicate that marine intertidal organisms can be protected from high temperature extremes due to the timing of tides and local weather patterns. In addition, annual fluctuations in tides influence the frequency of intertidal zone exposures to high temperature extremes. Peaks in risk for heat extremes in the intertidal zone occur every 18 years, the length of the tidal epoch. These results suggest that nonclimatic variables can complicate predictions of shifts in species ranges due to climate change, but that mechanistic approaches can be used to produce predictions that include these factors.  相似文献   
Epidermal club cells of fishes in the superorder ostariophysi have puzzled evolutionary biologists because they were historically linked to chemical alarm signalling and relied on group selectionist explanations. Alternative hypotheses to explain the existence of these cells include the possibility of an anti‐pathogenic or anti‐parasitic function. If this is so, individual fish should invest in increased numbers of club cells after exposure to parasites, and club cells should contain components that reduce the infectivity of skin‐penetrating larvae. Infectivity of cercariae of the trematode Ornithodiplostomum sp. was significantly reduced when exposed to the skin extract of fathead minnows (an ostariophysan), but also to skin extract of mollies (a non‐ostariophysan that lacks club cells), respectively, compared to controls. Moreover, club cell density was not affected by exposure to cercariae. Taken together, these results are inconsistent with an anti‐parasite function for these cells and instead suggest a generic role in response to injury. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 884–890.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Mature crayfish, collected from an Irish lake before breeding had started, were held in breeding combinations and their mating and brooding activities observed.
2. All mating attempts were initiated by the male. A single mating led to spawning within 6 days but a subsequent mating cancelled the effects of the first. Males mated more often when there were more females present. Males lacking a major cheliped mated less often than did normal males.
3. Larger males mated more often than did smaller males, and although males showed no female size preference, matings were less frequent and generally unsuccessful when males were much larger than females; the female was usually killed. Large females mated successfully with smaller males.
4. Females held at high densities with a larger male mated earlier than at low densities. However, aggression also increased with density; at high densities males fought and killed females.
5. Males held in pairs without females fought; in occasional mating attempts spermatophores were not positioned correctly. Paired females rarely fought; all spawned normally although unmated. Although their eggs soon died and were removed during grooming, brooding behaviour continued for at least 2 months.
6. Brooding females held in pairs shed pleopodal eggs during aggressive encounters. Females held singly showed a lower initial rate of egg loss.  相似文献   
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