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Cramer, B.D., Brett, C.E., Melchin, M.J., Männik, P., Kleffner, M.A., McLaughlin, P.I., Loydell, D.K., Munnecke, A., Jeppsson, L., Corradini, C., Brunton, F.R. & Saltzman, M.R. 2011: Revised correlation of Silurian Provincial Series of North America with global and regional chronostratigraphic units and δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 185–202. Recent revisions to the biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic assignment of strata from the type area of the Niagaran Provincial Series (a regional chronostratigraphic unit) have demonstrated the need to revise the chronostratigraphic correlation of the Silurian System of North America. Recently, the working group to restudy the base of the Wenlock Series has developed an extremely high‐resolution global chronostratigraphy for the Telychian and Sheinwoodian stages by integrating graptolite and conodont biostratigraphy with carbonate carbon isotope (δ13Ccarb) chemostratigraphy. This improved global chronostratigraphy has required such significant chronostratigraphic revisions to the North American succession that much of the Silurian System in North America is currently in a state of flux and needs further refinement. This report serves as an update of the progress on recalibrating the global chronostratigraphic correlation of North American Provincial Series and Stage boundaries in their type area. The revised North American classification is correlated with global series and stages as well as regional classifications used in the United Kingdom, the East Baltic, Australia, China, the Barrandian, and Altaj. Twenty‐four potential stage slices, based primarily on graptolite and conodont zones and correlated to the global series and stages, are illustrated alongside a new composite δ13Ccarb curve for the Silurian. Conodont, graptolite, isotope, New York, Ontario, series, Silurian, stage.  相似文献   
The present study quantified microhabitat use, morphology, performance (sprinting, climbing, clinging, and jumping), and escape behaviour of two closely related tropical rock-using lizards. Specifically, the study tested whether: (1) a flatter body and longer limbs enhance performance in rocky habitats; (2) escape behaviour supports predictions based on habitat openness; and (3) there is a trade-off between sprinting and climbing performance. Despite the occupation of generally similar rocky habitats, the habitat of Carlia scirtetis was more open and composed of larger boulders with more regular surfaces, whereas the habitat of Carlia mundivensis was composed of more undergrowth and leaf litter, consisting of smaller boulders with irregular surfaces. The longer legs, flatter body, and greater sprinting and climbing ability of C. scirtetis, supports ecomorphological predictions. By contrast to predictions based on habitat openness, C. scirtetis allowed a potential threat to approach closer and ran further to a refuge than C. mundivensis , suggesting that escape behaviour as determined by performance may be species-specific or decoupled in these two species. The increased sprint speed of C. scirtetis highlighted a performance trade-off, with climbing speed lagging behind that of sprint speed. These results suggest that subtle differences in the structural microhabitat and the degree of habitat openness may ultimately result in substantial differences in morphology, performance, and threat behaviour in closely-related lizard species.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 85–98.  相似文献   
1. Two cossid moths, Coryphodema tristis Drury and Chilecomadia valdiviana Philippi, have recently become pests on Eucalyptus nitens H. Deane & Maiden in South Africa and Chile, respectively. Both C. tristis and C. valdiviana have large host ranges and high levels of similarity in their host distributions. Their infestations of E. nitens are the first records of these moths on Myrtaceae. 2. The contemporaneous adoption of E. nitens as a novel host, despite widespread availability of native and introduced Myrtaceae, suggests a non‐random pattern of invasion. Phylogenetic relatedness among the two species linked to cryptic invasion of one or both moths at some time in the recent past provides a possible explanation for this pattern. 3. To test this hypothesis, variation in mtDNA sequences for the COI gene of C. tristis and C. valdiviana were analyzed. The COI mtDNA sequence data showed that C. tristis and C. valdiviana are highly divergent genetically, indicating that both are native on their respective continents with independent evolutionary trajectories. 4. The parallel host range expansions to E. nitens on different continents appear to be unrelated events, likely driven by characteristics of the biology and/or ecology of the host.  相似文献   
Baydoun, E. A-H. and Brett, C. T. 1988. Properties and possiblephysiological significance of cell wall calcium binding in etiolatedpea epicotyls.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 199–208. The binding of 45Ca2+ ions to cell walls prepared from pea epicotylswas examined in young and old parts of the epicotyl, and wasfound to be considerably greater, on a carbohydrate basis, inthe older, non-growing cells. A similar comparison between light-and dark-grown stems showed greater binding in the dark-grownstems. The polygalacturonase-insensitive component of the bindingcontained at least three types of binding with different affinities,and had an apparent pK of 4.3. The specificity of the bindingfor calcium ions was examined and a considerable degree of specificitywas observed. The specificity of inhibition by calcium of epicotylelongation was similar to the specificity of calcium binding.A specific calcium chelator, EGTA, when present at a concentrationof above 10 mol m–3, promoted the extension of matureregions of the epicotyl, while inhibiting extension of youngertissue. Key words: Cell wall, calcium, pea epicotyl  相似文献   
The tabulate coral Pleurodictyum americanum Roemer has been cited as an example of a host-specific organism occurring exclusively on the shells of gastropods, particularly Palaeozygopieura hamiltoniae (Hall). Examination of over 1600 specimens of P. americanum, from the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of western New York, reveals additional complexities which require reinterpretation. While substrate selectivity for Palaeozygopieura shells is evident in all 42 subsamples, a variety of other substrates were also utilized by Pleurodictyum including corals, brachiopods, other molluscs and pebbles. Recent scleractinian corals inhabiting soft bottoms show similar substrate preference, selecting for the tubes of live serpulids, or gastropod shells (invariably with a secondary sipunculid host), but also occasionally settling on unoccupied shells or pebbles. Shell surfaces of P. hamiltoniae, preserved as external molds on the Pleurodictyum epitheca, exhibit encrustation by worm tubes and bryozoans as well as borings and mechanical shell damage, suggesting that these were not the shells of live gastropods. However, the invariant aperture-downward orientation and the high degree of selectivity of P. americanum strongly suggest that the shells were occupied by secondary hosts. □ Substrate specificity, commen-salism, tabulate coral, gastropod, sipunculid, Devonian, Hamilton Group, New York.  相似文献   
A hierarchical modelling approach was used to examine adult and age-specific survival in an 8-year study of breeding Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla at La Pérouse Bay, Canada. The survival of adult sandpipers was best described by a model with time dependence in local survival rate and probability of recapture. Annual variation in the local survival rate of adults was not correlated with nest success, timing of breeding or "return rates" and was not biased by an effect of first capture. Local survival rate of adult females (0.56, 95% c.l. = 0.51-0.61) was consistently lower than that of adult males (0.61, 95% c.l. = 0.56-0.66); these estimates were comparable with data from other shorebirds. The survival of returning young was best fitted by a model with both age and time dependence in local survival rate and probability of recapture. We evaluated our estimates of local survival rate with reference to patterns of breeding fidelity and philopatry in Semipalmated Sandpipers and other shorebirds.  相似文献   
1. We conducted a statistical reassessment of data previously reported in the lake total phosphorus (TP) input/output literature (n = 305) to determine which lake characteristics are most strongly associated with lake phosphorus concentration and retention. We tested five different hypotheses for predicting lake TP concentrations and phosphorus retention. 2. The Vollenweider phosphorus mass loading model can be expressed as: TPout = TPin/(1 + στw), where TPin is the flow‐weighted input TP concentration, τw is the lake hydraulic retention time and σ is a first‐order rate constant for phosphorus loss. 3. The inflow‐weighted TP input concentration is a moderately strong predictor (r2 = 0.71) of lake phosphorus concentrations when using log–log transformed data. Lake TP retention is negatively correlated with lake hydraulic retention time (r2 = 0.35). 4. Of the approaches tested, the best fit to observed data was obtained by estimating σ as an inverse function of the lake's hydraulic retention time. Although this mass balance approach explained 84% of the variability in log–log transformed data, the prediction error for individual lakes was quite high. 5. Estimating σ as the ratio of a putative particle settling velocity to the mean lake depth yielded poorer predictions of lake TP (r2 = 0.77) than the approach described above, and in fact did not improve model performance compared with simply assuming that σ is a constant for all lakes. 6. Our results also demonstrate that changing the flow‐weighted input concentration should always have a directly proportionate impact on lake phosphorus concentrations, provided the type of phosphorus loaded (e.g. dissolved or particulate) does not vary.  相似文献   
1. An important means of conserving beneficial insects in resource‐limited habitats is to meet their ecological requirements, which may be achieved by providing areas containing flowering plants that bloom throughout the season, but little is known about the importance of wildflower plot size for supporting natural enemies or the biological control they provide. 2. Wildflowers were established in plots of sizes ranging from 1 to 100 m2, and found that natural enemy density, group richness, and diversity of natural enemy groups increased with plot size. 3. The density of insect herbivores was lower in all flower plots than in the control samples, whereas the diversity of herbivore groups was significantly higher in flower plots. 4. Comparing population growth of sentinel soybean aphids (Aphis glycines Matsumura) among plot sizes, aphid colonies were smaller as plot size increased. 5. Providing beneficial insects with flowering resources resulted in significantly more natural enemies and greater pest control than in smaller flower plots or mown grass areas. 6. These results indicate that the density, diversity, and function of natural enemies are sensitive to the size of wildflower plantings, even at relatively small scales. Therefore, larger wildflower plots are more suitable for the conservation of beneficial insects and their provision of natural pest control.  相似文献   
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