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Shifting drainage patterns in western North America, shaped by geological activity and changing global climates, have influenced the evolution of many aquatic taxa. We investigated the role of late Pleistocene high stands in pluvial Lake Lahontan on the genetic structure of Richardsonius egregius, a minnow endemic to the Lahontan Basin of the western Great Basin. We used the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to generate a phylogeny and assess intraspecific genetic diversity, to estimate divergence times between clades, and to evaluate whether gene flow currently occurs. The results obtained show that R. egregius exhibits genetic divergence between eastern and western Lahontan Basin populations. Divergence time estimates show that intraspecific genetic diversification began in the Pliocene or early Pleistocene, before the pluvial lake high stands associated with the last glacial maximum. These results imply that the fluctuating water levels in pluvial Lake Lahontan had a minimal effect on shaping the genetic architecture of R. egregius. Coalescent analyses using the immigration with migration model show that contemporary gene flow between eastern and western Lahontan Basin populations does not occur. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 163–176.  相似文献   
We investigated the common assumption that severing stems and petioles under water preserves the hydraulic continuity in the xylem conduits opened by the cut when the xylem is under tension. In red maple and white ash, higher percent loss of conductivity (PLC) in the afternoon occurred when the measurement segment was excised under water at native xylem tensions, but not when xylem tensions were relaxed prior to sample excision. Bench drying vulnerability curves in which measurement samples were excised at native versus relaxed tensions showed a dramatic effect of cutting under tension in red maple, a moderate effect in sugar maple, and no effect in paper birch. We also found that air injection of cut branches (red and sugar maple) at pressures of 0.1 and 1.0 MPa resulted in PLC greater than predicted from vulnerability curves for samples cut 2 min after depressurization, with PLC returning to expected levels for samples cut after 75 min. These results suggest that sampling methods can generate PLC patterns indicative of repair under tension by inducing a degree of embolism that is itself a function of xylem tensions or supersaturation of dissolved gases (air injection) at the moment of sample excision. Implications for assessing vulnerability to cavitation and levels of embolism under field conditions are discussed.  相似文献   
Costs of reproduction are any aspect of current reproduction that has the potential to reduce survivorship or reproductive output, and may include physiological costs or increased risks. Females of many species experience increased body mass, and increased girth, when gravid. Increased body mass reduces running speed and increases the cost of locomotion during pregnancy, but few studies have examined the cost of increased girth. If increased girth of gravid females reduces access to shelter from predators or the elements, increased girth could constitute a cost of reproduction. In the laboratory, we experimentally tested whether access to crevices was limited in viviparous, saxicolous female lizards (Eulamprus brachysoma), which use crevices for shelter, by measuring access to artificial crevices of known widths, and body height during and after pregnancy. Gravid E. brachysoma had significantly greater body height (11.2% on average), and as a result were forced to use significantly wider crevices (18.4% wider on average) than post‐parturition. Females with larger clutch sizes had wider mid‐bodies and required larger crevices. Control females, which were not gravid at either time of testing, showed no significant change in the size of crevice they could enter over time. If access to narrow crevices provides advantages such as protection from predators, or is important for thermoregulation, then gravid females may suffer a cost of reproduction because their access to narrower crevices is limited.  相似文献   
Tropical savannas are typically highly productive yet fire‐prone ecosystems, and it has been suggested that reducing fire frequency in savannas could substantially increase the size of the global carbon sink. However, the long‐term demographic consequences of modifying fire regimes in savannas are difficult to predict, with the effects of fire on many parameters, such as tree growth rates, poorly understood. Over 10 years, we examined the effects of fire frequency on the growth rates (annual increment of diameter at breast height) of 3075 tagged trees, at 137 locations throughout the mesic savannas of Kakadu, Nitmiluk and Litchfield National Parks, in northern Australia. Frequent fires substantially reduced tree growth rates, with the magnitude of the effect markedly increasing with fire severity. The highest observed frequencies of mild, moderate and severe fires (1.0, 0.8 and 0.4 fires yr?1, respectively) reduced tree growth by 24%, 40% and 66% respectively, relative to unburnt areas. These reductions in tree growth imply reductions in the net primary productivity of trees by between 0.19 t C ha?1 yr?1, in the case of mild fires, and 0.51 t C ha?1 yr?1, in the case of severe fires. Such reductions are relatively large, given that net biome productivity (carbon sequestration potential) of these savannas is estimated to be just 1–2 t C ha?1 yr?1. Our results suggest that current models of savanna tree demography, that do not account for a relationship between severe fire frequency and tree growth rate, are likely to underestimate the long‐term negative effects of frequent severe fires on tree populations. Additionally, the negative impact of frequent severe fires on carbon sequestration rates may have been underestimated; reducing fire frequencies in savannas may increase carbon sequestration to a greater extent than previously thought.  相似文献   
Abstract: Models of individual movement can help conserve wide-ranging carnivores on increasingly human-altered landscapes, and cannot be constructed solely by analyzing the daytime resting locations typically collected in carnivore studies. We examined the movements of 10 female and 7 male cougars (Puma concolor) at 15-min intervals during 44 nocturnal or diel periods of hunting or traveling in the Santa Ana Mountain Range of southern California, USA, between 1988 and 1992. Cougars tended to move in a meandering path (mean turning angle ∼54°), and distance moved (mean and mode ∼300 m) was not correlated with turning angle. Cougars used a broader range of habitats for nocturnal or diel movements than for previously described daybed locations for this same population. Riparian vegetation ranked highest in a compositional analysis of vegetation types selected during movement; grassland, woodland and urbanized sites were least selected. During periods of stasis (we presume many of these were stalking locations), patterns of selection were less marked. Cougars spent a disproportionate amount of time in highly ranked vegetation types, and traveled slowest through riparian habitats and fastest through human-dominated areas. Our results suggest that travel speed may provide an efficient index of habitat selection in concert with other types of analysis. Hunting or traveling individuals consistently used travel paths that were less rugged than their general surroundings. Traveling cougars avoided 2-lane paved roads, but dirt roads may have facilitated movement. Maintenance and restoration of corridors between large wildlands is essential to conserving cougars in southern California. Our results indicate that riparian vegetation, and other vegetation types that provide horizontal cover, are desirable features in such corridors, that dirt roads should not impede cougar use of corridors, and that corridors should lie along routes with relatively gentle topography. Our results suggest that cougars do not key in on highway-crossing structures in a way that creates a prey trap. Our empirical frequency distributions of distances and turning angles, along with cougar responses to vegetation, topography, and roads can help parameterize an individually-based movement model for cougars in human-altered landscapes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests with Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) are associated with higher bird abundance and diversity than are ponderosa pine forests lacking Gambel oak. Little is known, however, about specific structural characteristics of Gambel oak trees, clumps, and stands that may be important to birds in ponderosa pine-Gambel oak (hereafter pine-oak) forests. We examined associations among breeding birds and structural characteristics of Gambel oak at a scale similar in size to individual bird territories in pine-oak forests in northern Arizona and western New Mexico, USA. Avian species richness and occurrence of some bird species were associated with specific growth forms of Gambel oak. Estimated probability of Virginia's warblers (Vermivora virginiae), black-headed grosbeaks (Pheucticus melanocephalus), and red-faced warblers (Cardellina rubrifrons) occurring at points increased with increasing density of pole-sized Gambel oak 7–15 cm in diameter at breast height. We also found evidence that large Gambel oak trees (≥23 cm dbh) were associated with increased occurrence of yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata) at points. Some avian associations with oak were influenced by characteristics of ponderosa pines. For example, bird species richness was positively associated with the abundance of large Gambel oak when density of large pine trees ≥23 cm in diameter at breast height was low. Because large oak trees are rare and their numbers are thought to be declining, efforts should be made to retain and promote growth of additional oaks in this size class. Forest management practices that maintain forest openings, such as prescribed burning, could promote growth of pole-sized Gambel oak, which appears important to some bird species in pine-oak forests.  相似文献   
1. A series of experiments examined growth of Daphnia magna on three algal diets ( Rhodomonas minuta , Scenedesmus acutus and Synechococcus sp.) at varying physiological states [nitrogen and phosphorus (P) limitations] to test whether variation in algal fatty acid and/or elemental composition can predict Daphnia growth.
2. These algae differed widely in their essential fatty acid (EFA) composition while phosphorus (P) or nitrogen limitation had only a small influence on their ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content.
3. Individually, algal ω3-PUFA content explained 69% of the variation in the normalised growth of D. magna, while algal phosphorus content explained 11% of the variation. Quantitative models for D. magna growth used both algal ω3-PUFA content and algal C : P ratio as food quality indices. Together, algal ω3-PUFA content and C : P ratio explained 70% of the variation in the normalised growth rate of D. magna .
4. Our results indicate that EFA influenced algal food quality much more strongly than P. The EFA and mineral P impacts appear to be independent.  相似文献   
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