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When HeLa cells were grown in the presence of nitrous oxide (N2O) under pressure (80 lb/in2) mitosis was inhibited and the chromosomes displayed a typical colchicine metaphase (c-metaphase) configuration when examined by light microscopy. When the cells were returned to a 37°C incubator, mitosis was resumed and the cells entered G1 synchronously. Ultrastructural studies of N2O-blocked cells revealed a bipolar spindle with centriole pairs at each pole. Both chromosomal and interpolar (pole-to-pole) microtubules were also present. Thus, N2O, unlike most c-mitotic agents, appeared to have little or no effect upon spindle microtubule assembly. However, the failure of chromo somes to become properly aligned onto the metaphase plate indicated an impairment in normal prometaphase movement. The alignment of spindle microtubules was frequently atypical with some chromosomal microtubules extending from kinetochores to the poles, while others extended out at acute angles from the spindle axis. These ultrastructural studies indicated that N2O blocked cells at a stage in mitosis more advanced than that produced by Colcemid or other c-mitotic agents. Like Colcemid, however, prolonged arrest in mitosis with N2O led to an increased incidence of multipolar spindles.  相似文献   
The mitotic spindle of many mammalian cells undergoes an abrupt elongation at anaphase. In both cultured rat kangaroo (strain PtK1) and Chinese hamster (strain Don-C) fibroblasts, the distance from pole to pole at metaphase doubles during anaphase and telophase. In order to determine the organization and distribution of spindle microtubules during the elongation process, cells were fixed and flat embedded in Epon 812. Selected cells were photographed with the phase-contrast microscope and then serially sectioned perpendicular to the major spindle axis. Microtubule profiles were counted in selected sections, and the number was plotted with respect to position along the spindle axis. Interpretation of the distribution profiles indicated that not all interpolar microtubules extended from pole to pole. It is estimated that 55–70% of the interpolar microtubules are overlapped at the cell equator while 30–45% extend across the equator into both half spindles. This arrangement appeared to persist from early anaphase (before elongation) until telophase after the elongation process. Although sliding or shearing of microtubules may occur in the spindle, such appears not to be the mechanism by which the spindle elongates in anaphase. Instead, our data support the hypothesis that spindle elongation occurs by growth of prepositioned microtubules which "push" the poles apart.  相似文献   
The fine structure of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in Potorous tridactylis (rat kangaroo) cells was examined in situ by electron microscopy. The observations on the structure of terminal deletions (acentric fragments), anaphase bridges and "gaps," sidearm bridges, and specialized regions, such as the nucleolus organizer, are discussed in detail. Conclusions based on these observations are the following: (a) damage is physically expressed only at anaphase; (b) a gap region is composed of two subunits, each of which is about 800–1000 A in diameter and may correspond to a half-chromatid structure; (c) the ends of acentric fragments are structurally similar to normal chromosome ends, except where the break occurs in a specific region such as the secondary constriction; (d) at metaphase the fragment and the main portion of the chromosome move as a single unit to the equator, and the two units are disconnected only at the onset of anaphase; (e) sidearm bridges appear to be exchanges, involving a subchromatid unit. The interpretation of this evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the chromosome is a multistranded structure.  相似文献   
Biochemical characterization of cholesterol-reducing Eubacterium.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We characterized two isolates of cholesterol-reducing Eubacterium by conducting conventional biochemical tests and by testing various sterols and glycerolipids as potential growth factors. In media containing cholesterol and plasmenylethanolamine, the tests for nitrate reduction, indole production, and gelatin and starch hydrolyses were negative, and no acid was produced from any of 22 carbohydrates. Both isolates hydrolyzed esculin to esculetin, indicating beta-glycosidase activity. In addition to plasmenylethanolamine, five other lipids which contain an alkenyl ether residue supported growth of Eubacterium strain 403 in a lecithin-cholesterol base medium. Of six steroids tested, cholesterol, cholest-4-en-3-one, cholest-4-en-3 beta-ol (allocholesterol), and androst-5-en-3 beta-ol-17-one supported growth of Eubacterium strain 403. All four steroids were reduced to the 3 beta-ol, 5 beta-H products. The delta 5 steroids cholest-5-en-3 alpha-ol (epicholesterol) and 22,23-bisnor-5-cholenic acid-3-beta-ol were not reduced and did not support growth of the Eubacterium strain.  相似文献   
The chromosomes of the Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis) are unique among mammals due to their low diploid number (2N=6, 7) and large size. It has been proposed that the karyotype of this small Asiatic deer evolved from a related deer the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) with a diploid chromosome number of 2n= 46 consisting of small telocentric chromosomes. In this study we utilized a kinetochore-specific antiserum derived from human patients with the autoimmune disease scleroderma CREST as an immunofluorescent probe to examine kinetochores of the two muntjac species. Since CREST antiserum binds to kinetochores of mitotic chromosomes as well as prekinetochores in interphase nuclei, it was possible to identify and compare kinetochore morphology throughout the cell cycle. Our observations indicated that the kinetochores of the Indian muntjac are composed of a linear beadlike array of smaller subunits that become revealed during interphase. The kinetochores of the Chinese muntjac consisted of minute fluorescent dots located at the tips of the 46 telocentric chromosomes. During interphase, however, the kinetochores of the Chinese muntjac clustered into small aggregates reminiscent of the beadlike arrays seen in the Indian muntjac. Morphometric measurements of fluorescence indicated an equivalent amount of stained material in the two species. Our observations indicate that the kinetochores of the Indian muntjac are compound structures composed of linear arrays of smaller units the size of the individual kinetochores seen on metaphase chromosomes of the Chinese muntjac. Our study supports the notion that the kinetochores of the Indian muntjac evolved by linear fusion of unit kinetochores of the Chinese muntjac. Moreover, it is concluded that the evolution of compound kinetochores may have been facilitated by the nonrandom aggregation of interphase kinetochores in the nuclei of the ancestral species.  相似文献   
Holland  BR  Schmid  J 《BMC microbiology》2005,5(1):1-11


The sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea, is a serious health problem in developed as well as in developing countries, for which treatment continues to be a challenge. The recent completion of the genome sequence of the causative agent, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, opens up an entirely new set of approaches for studying this organism and the diseases it causes. Here, we describe the initial phases of the construction of an expression-capable clone set representing the protein-coding ORFs of the gonococcal genome using a recombination-based cloning system.


The clone set thus far includes 1672 of the 2250 predicted ORFs of the N. gonorrhoeae genome, of which 1393 (83%) are sequence-validated. Included in this set are 48 of the 61 ORFs of the gonococcal genetic island of strain MS11, not present in the sequenced genome of strain FA1090. L-arabinose-inducible glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-fusions were constructed from random clones and each was shown to express a fusion protein of the predicted size following induction, demonstrating the use of the recombination cloning system. PCR amplicons of each ORF used in the cloning reactions were spotted onto glass slides to produce DNA microarrays representing 2035 genes of the gonococcal genome. Pilot experiments indicate that these arrays are suitable for the analysis of global gene expression in gonococci.


This archived set of Gateway® entry clones will facilitate high-throughput genomic and proteomic studies of gonococcal genes using a variety of expression and analysis systems. In addition, the DNA arrays produced will allow us to generate gene expression profiles of gonococci grown in a wide variety of conditions. Together, the resources produced in this work will facilitate experiments to dissect the molecular mechanisms of gonococcal pathogenesis on a global scale, and ultimately lead to the determination of the functions of unknown genes in the genome.  相似文献   
In order to develop a method for obtaining mitotic synchrony in aspergillus nidulans, we have characterized previously isolated heat-sensitive nim mutations that block the nuclear division cycle in interphase at restrictive temperature. After 3.5 h at restrictive temperature the mitotic index of a strain carrying one of these mutations, nimA5, was 0, but when this strain was subsequently shifted from restrictive to permissive temperature the mitotic index increased rapidly, reaching a maximum of 78 percent after 7.5 min. When this strain was examined electron-microscopically, mitotic spindles were absent at restrictive temperature. From these data we conclude that at restrictive temperature nimA5 blocks the nuclear division cycle at a point immediately preceding the initiation of chromosomal condensation and mitotic microtubule assembly, and upon shifting to permissive control over the initiation of microtubule assembly and chromosomal condensation in vivo through a simple temperature shift and, consequently, nimA5 should be a powerful tool for studying these processes. Electron-microscopic examination of spindles of material synchronized in this manner reveals that spindle formation, although very rapid, is gradual in the sense that spindle microtubule numbers increase as spindle formation proceeds.  相似文献   
F L Graham  J Rudy    P Brinkley 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(7):2077-2085
A series of plasmids containing the entire human adenovirus genome with viral DNA termini joined 'head to tail' has been isolated. Several plasmids were able to generate infectious virus following transfection of human cells in spite of having small deletions and rearrangements at the junctions of termini. One plasmid has lost 2 bp of DNA from one end of the viral genome and 11 bp from the other end yet produced viruses with complete wild-type sequences at both ends of the genome. We propose a model for replication of viral DNA off circular templates in which regeneration of terminal information involves translocation of primer and polymerase during initiation of DNA replication. The model suggests a novel mechanism for extension of the 5' ends of linear DNA molecules which could be applicable to chromosomal telomeres.  相似文献   
S S Barham  B R Brinkley 《Cytobios》1976,15(58-59):85-96
Inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration, phosphorylation inhibitors, and uncoupling agents have been reported to delay or inhibit mitosis in cultured mammalian cells. Although the molecular mechanism by which mitosis is delayed in the presence of most respiratory inhibitors presumably involves lowered ATP production for mitotic requirements, one respiratory inhibitor, rotenone, was determined to arrest mitosis by an unrelated mechanism. Cell cycle kinetics studies, oxygen consumption measurements, and viscosity assays indicate that rotenone arrests cultured mammalian cells in mitosis by inhibiting spindle microtubule assembly by a mechanism analogous with colchicine, Colecemid and related antimitotic drugs. Amytal, which blocks electron transport at the same site as does rotenone, failed to arrest cell progression at mitosis. Rotenone delayed cell progression in all phases of the cell cycle, apparently as a direct result of respiration inhibition. Thus, rotenone appears to exert a dual function on events of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Mammary epithelial cells from p53 null mice have been shown recently to exhibit an increased risk for tumor development. Hormonal stimulation markedly increased tumor development in p53 null mammary cells. Here we demonstrate that mammary tumors arising in p53 null mammary cells are highly aneuploid, with greater than 70% of the tumor cells containing altered chromosome number and a mean chromosome number of 56. Normal mammary cells of p53 null genotype and aged less than 14 wk do not exhibit aneuploidy in primary cell culture. Significantly, the hormone progesterone, but not estrogen, increases the incidence of aneuploidy in morphologically normal p53 null mammary epithelial cells. Such cells exhibited 40% aneuploidy and a mean chromosome number of 54. The increase in aneuploidy measured in p53 null tumor cells or hormonally stimulated normal p53 null cells was not accompanied by centrosome amplification. These results suggest that normal levels of progesterone can facilitate chromosomal instability in the absence of the tumor suppressor gene, p53. The results support the emerging hypothesis based both on human epidemiological and animal model studies that progesterone markedly enhances mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
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