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亚洲古近纪早期的年代学和哺乳动物群更替(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对广东南雄盆地、江西池江盆地、安徽潜山盆地、湖南衡阳盆地和内蒙古二连盆地古新世和早始新世沉积物进行的生物地层学、化学地层学和磁性地层学研究,第一次给亚洲早古近纪地层框架提供了严格的年代限定。亚洲古新世和早始新世地层划分为4个生物年代单位(陆生哺乳动物期),从老到新为上湖期、浓山期、格沙头期和伯姆巴期4个亚洲陆生哺乳动物期。南雄盆地古地磁数据显示上湖期的底界约位于C29r的上2/3位置。南雄盆地的古地磁资料及池江盆地最新的古地磁和同位素结果显示上湖-浓山期界线在C27n的上部和C26r的下部之间,接近C27n-C26r转换界面。这一记录支持将上湖-浓山期的界线与北美陆生哺乳动物期中的Torrejonian-Tiffanian期以及海相记录中丹尼-塞兰特期(Danian-Selandi-an)的界线相对比。二连盆地古地磁和同位素研究表明典型的格沙头动物群延续至C24r,并且可能向下延伸至C25r和C26n。南雄盆地的记录指示浓山组和古城村组可能相当于C26r的上部。这些结果表明亚洲哺乳动物分期中的浓山-格沙头期的界线可能在北美哺乳动物分期的Tiffanian期中。衡阳盆地的古地磁和同位素证据指示,以短暂的碳同位素漂移为标志的古新世-始新世界线出现在栗木坪组和岭茶组之间,位于C24r中,与海相记录中的坦尼特-伊普里斯期(Thanetian-Ypresian)界线一致。伯姆巴期岭茶动物群的时代似乎与北美Wa-satchian-0带的动物群可以比较。上湖期和浓山期动物群主要由亚洲特有的动物组成。发生在上湖期和浓山期界线处的动物群更替,与北美Torrejonian-Tiffanian期界线以及丹尼-塞兰特期界线一致。在相隔很远的生态系统上的这种巧合,可能反映出各自独立的对气候变化的生态和/或进化上的响应。格沙头动物群的地方性色彩更弱,有与北美Clarkforkian期动物群共有的属一级分类单元。伯姆巴动物群是全球性的。现生哺乳动物各目在格沙头-伯姆巴期界线处突然出现,与北美和欧洲的记录一致,显示动物群的更替与古新世-始新世界线处短暂出现的全球变暖事件(又称古新世-始新世高温事件)有关。  相似文献   
To resolve the population genetic structure and phylogeography of the West Indian manatee ( Trichechus manatus ), mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region sequences were compared among eight locations across the western Atlantic region. Fifteen haplotypes were identified among 86 individuals from Florida, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. Despite the manatee's ability to move thousands of kilometres along continental margins, strong population separations between most locations were demonstrated with significant haplotype frequency shifts. These findings are consistent with tagging studies which indicate that stretches of open water and unsuitable coastal habitats constitute substantial barriers to gene flow and colonization. Low levels of genetic diversity within Florida and Brazilian samples might be explained by recent colonization into high latitudes or bottleneck effects. Three distinctive mtDNA lineages were observed in an intraspecific phylogeny of T. manatus , corresponding approximately to: (i) Florida and the West Indies; (ii) the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean rivers of South America; and (iii) the northeast Atlantic coast of South America. These lineages, which are not concordant with previous subspecies designations, are separated by sequence divergence estimates of d = 0.04–0.07, approximately the same level of divergence observed between T. manatus and the Amazonian manatee ( T. inunguis , n = 16). Three individuals from Guyana, identified as T. manatus , had mtDNA haplotypes which are affiliated with the endemic Amazon form T. inunguis . The three primary T. manatus lineages and the T. inunguis lineage may represent relatively deep phylogeographic partitions which have been bridged recently due to changes in habitat availability (after the Wisconsin glacial period, 10 000 BP ), natural colonization, and human-mediated transplantation.  相似文献   
Plants have been grown in soils and nutrient solutions containingdifferent Ca/Sr ratios to find out whether there is any biologicaldiscrimination between calcium and strontium. When tomato plants are grown in nutrient solutions containingmolar Ca/Sr ratios from 2/1 to 4,000/1, the shoots do not distinguishbetween the elements, but the roots absorb strontium preferentiallyat low concentrations of this element. Since ion exchange resins show the same phenomenon, though toa less marked extent, this is believed to be a physico-chemicalrather than a biological effect. No chemical reagent has been found which can extract calciumand strontium from soils in the same ratio as plants. Ammoniumacetate extraction may give misleading results for the plant-availableCa/Sr ratios in the soil. Data for the Ca/Sr ratios in barleyand lucerne grown on soils containing ratios from 3/1 to 650/1emphasize this point.  相似文献   
A combination of microscopical, cytochemical, and biochemical techniques have been employed to study the changes occurring during the first seven days of blastema formation and regeneration after decapitation in adult Polycelis tenuis worms. Fine structural data reveal evidence of cell fragmentation, selective cell deletion, and phagocytosis at and below the wound surface. Initially, (0–12 h regeneration) cell debris is phagocytosed by intact parenchymal and gastrodermal cells near the cut surface which is later sealed (24 h) by a stretching of marginal epidermal cells. Wound sealing is followed by a migration of newly differentiated rhabdite cells into the epithelium. Morphological evidence of a selective cell autolysis precedes evidence of an accumuluation of lipid and glycogen reserves in the parenchymal and gastrodermal cells and the later (48 h regeneration time) aggregation of undifferentiated mitotically active neoblasts beneath the wound.
Biochemical data reveal an early period of high acid phosphatase (p-nitrophenyl phosphatase and sodium-β-glycerophosphatase) activity 3–12 h after injury, followed by a further intense period of activity at 44–48 h after decapitation. The coincident cytochemical data show an increased level of acid phosphatase activity associated with cell lysis and death in the wound and blastema zone and also with the digestion of phagocytosed cell debris.  相似文献   
In 1976, red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) was identified in red clover variety trials at the Scottish Colleges of Agriculture and at the trial centres of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in Northumberland, Dyfed, Devon and Cambridge. In 1977, RCNMV was also found in two commercial crops of red clover in South Wales. The only previous finding of this virus in Britain was in 1971.
In red clover leaves RCNMV causes veinal chlorosis, often followed by severe necrosis and deformation; the plants become stunted. All cultivars tested were infected either in field or glasshouse experiments and three of the four most susceptible cultivars were tetraploids. Yield losses in cv. Hungaropoly averaged 57% over three cuts. RCNMV was transmitted manually but not through seed or by aphids {Acyrthosiphon pisum and Myzus persicae) or weevils (Apion spp. and Sitona lineatus). Seedlings became infected when grown in pots containing RCNMV-infected plants or soil from infected sites, and the roots of infected test seedlings contained an Olpidium sp. which may be the vector.
White clover mosaic virus (WCMV), also common in red clover at some sites, was less damaging than RCNMV and in a glasshouse experiment decreased yield by only 22%. An unidentified seed-borne virus with spherical particles c. 33 nm in diameter was the only virus detected in clover seedlings screened for RCNMV.  相似文献   
A half century ago the State of Hawaii began a remarkable, if unintentional, experiment on the population genetics of introduced species, by releasing 2431 Bluestriped Snappers (Lutjanus kasmira) from the Marquesas Islands in 1958 and 728 conspecifics from the Society Islands in 1961. By 1992 L. kasmira had spread across the entire archipelago, including locations 2000 km from the release site. Genetic surveys of the source populations reveal diagnostic differences in the mtDNA control region (d = 3.8%; φST = 0.734, P < 0.001) and significant allele frequency differences at nuclear DNA loci (FST = 0.49; P < 0.001). These findings, which indicate that source populations have been isolated for approximately half a million years, set the stage for a survey of the Hawaiian Archipelago (N = 385) to determine the success of these introductions in terms of genetic diversity and breeding behaviour. Both Marquesas and Society mtDNA lineages were detected at each survey site across the Hawaiian Archipelago, at about the same proportion or slightly less than the original 3.4:1 introduction ratio. Nuclear allele frequencies and parentage tests demonstrate that the two source populations are freely interbreeding. The introduction of 2431 Marquesan founders produced only a slight reduction in mtDNA diversity (17%), while the 728 Society founders produced a greater reduction in haplotype diversity (41%). We find no evidence of genetic bottlenecks between islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago, as expected under a stepping‐stone model of colonization, from the initial introduction site. This species rapidly colonized across 2000 km without loss of genetic diversity, illustrating the consequences of introducing highly dispersive marine species.  相似文献   
We describe the isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite loci from Fraser fir (Abies fraseri). These markers originated from cloned inserts enriched for DNA sequences containing tandem di‐ and tri‐nucleotide repeats. In total, 36 clones were selected, sequenced and evaluated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for 14 of these sequences consistently produced simple PCR profiles and were found to be polymorphic among 13 Fraser fir samples. In addition, more than half of these loci were found to amplify a wide range of samples from several Abies taxa.  相似文献   
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