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Most temperate butterflies exhibit a tightly synchronized unimodal adult emergence to facilitate mate location. Exceptions are presumably subject to unusual selection pressure. This study examines the pattern of emergence in Maniola jurtina , which was found to exhibit both unimodal and bimodal emergence patterns at different sites in south-east England. The bimodal pattern was found on chalk grassland; elsewhere the emergence was unimodal. Adults from each emergence peak rarely meet, suggesting that there may be some degree of reproductive isolation. Morphological measurements and electrophoretic analysis of allozyme frequencies are carried out to quantify differentiation between emergence peaks. Captive stock was reared to examine differences in the immature stages. Butterflies from each emergence differ significantly in most morphological variables measured, those from the second peak tending to be smaller. The immature stages differ in morphology and longevity of the egg stage. Allozyme frequencies did not differ between peaks, suggesting that they are not reproductively isolated. Explanations for the maintenance of differences between emergence peaks despite gene flow are discussed. I propose that division of offspring between two emergence times may have evolved to avoid the risk inherent in placing all offspring in one peak which may be rendered inviable by temporal fluctuations in habitat quality.  相似文献   
Function and biological role of morphological specialization in desmognathine salamanders are analysed in the light of studies of feeding in Leurognatthus marmoratus. Nine morphological features uniquely characterize the Desmognathinae as compared to its sister group, the Plethodontinae, and other salamanders: (1) heavily ossified and strongly articulated skull and mandible; (2) flat, wedgelike head profile; (3) stalked occipital condyles; (4) modified atlas; (5) modified anterior trunk vertebrae; (6) atlanto-mandibular ligaments; (7) enlarged dorsal spinal muscles; (8) enlarged quadrato-pectoralis muscles; and (9) hind limbs relatively larger than forelimbs. Dorsoventral head mobility is increased at the atlanto-occipital joint by the stalked occipital condyles which simultaneously increase the mechanical advantage of the hypertrophied axial muscles that cross the joint. During head depression the atlanto-mandibular ligaments are placed in tension. Force generated by the quadrato-pectoralis muscles is transmitted directly to the mandible, creating a powerful bite with the jaws in full occlusion. Desmognathines use an efficient static pressure system for subduing and/or killing prey items held in the jaws, not a kinetic-inertial mechanism, as previously suggested. Leurognathus exhibits a behaviour ('head-tucking') unique to desmognathines that is consistent with the static-pressure hypothesis. Several desmognathine features (1, 2, 5, 7, 9) are not explicable as adaptations for feeding; these function as locomotory specializations for burrowing, especially for wedging under rocks within and alongside streams. Desmognathines use head-tucking during such wedging and burrowing movements, thus locomotory specializations act in concert with the feeding specializations. We suggest that origin of the atlanto-mandibular ligaments can be considered a 'key innovation' in that it allowed the secondary invasion of stream habitats by adults of ancestral desmognathines.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This work provides the first study of North Pacific planktonic ciliates by quantitative protargol staining. Triplicate water bottle samples were collected at a depth of 2 m (above the shallow pycnocline) at six stations in Indian Arm, British Columbia, on February 15, 1990, and February 26, 1991. Thirty-six ciliate species were observed. Six new species are described from protargolstained specimens: Strombidium lynni n. sp., Strombidium taylori n. sp., Strombidium basimorphum n. sp., Slrombidiurn ventropinnum n. sp., Strobilidium undinum n. sp., and Urotricha cyrtonucleata n. sp.
Ciliate abundance varied significantly (ANOVA, α= 0.05) between sampling sites, ranging from 550 to 6,800 cells/liter in 1990 and from 1,800 to 7,900 cells/liter in 1991. Biomass also varied significantly (ANOVA, α= 0.05) ranging from 3.7 × 105 to 3.3 × 106 pg carbon/liter in 1990 and 3.04 × 106− 6.97 × 106 pg carbon/liter in 1991. Putative prey were enumerated in three size fractions (1.5–5 μm, 5–10 μm and 10–25 μm). The source of variation in ciliate abundance and biomass was not identified. Parameters of salinity, temperature, putative prey, chlorophyll a and pycnocline depth did not significantly correlate with ciliate biomass or abundance (α= 0.05).  相似文献   
The objectives of this research were to determine whether melanocortin receptors are characteristic (constant) membrane markers of human epidermal melanocytes. Methodologies were developed to visualize melanotropin receptors by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Multiple copies (up to a hundred) of [Nle4,D-Phe7]α-MSH, a superpotent analog of α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), were conjugated to a macromo-lecular carrier (latex beads: microspheres). Incubation in the presence of the melanotropin-conjugated microspheres resulted in binding of human normal epidermal melanocytes to the beads. Almost every (possibly all) melanocyte possesses melanocortin receptors as visualized by SEM. Specificity of binding of the macromolecular conjugate was demonstrated by several studies: 1) Binding of melanocytes to the microspheres was specific since it could be blocked by prior incubation of the cells in the presence of the unconjugated hormone analog; 2) microspheres lacking bound ligand did not bind to the melanocytes; 3) micro-spheres that were first treated with reducing agents (e.g., dithiothreitol) did not subsequently bind to melanocytes; 4) another peptide hormone ligand (e.g., a substance-P analog) attached to the latex beads failed to bind to the cells; 5) B16/F10 mouse melanoma cells known to express melanocortin receptors bound to the microspheres; and 6) cells of nonmelanocyte origin (e.g., mammary cancer cells, small-cell lung cancer cells, fibroblasts) did not bind to the macromolecular conjugate. One exception was that human epidermal keratinocytes also expressed melanocortin receptors as determined by all the criteria established above for epidermal melanocytes. Thus, cell specific melanocortin receptors appear to be characteristic cell surface markers of epidermal melanocytes and keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Maternal Effects on Offspring Quality in Poeciliid Fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. We evaluated the effects of maternal environment onoffspring size and composition in three species of poeciliidfishes. We chose food availability as the environmental factorfor study. Mature females were assigned to either high or lowfood for an interval of time, then randomly reassigned to highor low food, with the restriction that there be equal numbersin each of four treatments: high-high, high-low, lowhigh, andlow-low food availability. The three species chosen for studydiffer in the pattern of maternal provisioning. Poecilia reticulataand Priapichthys festae mothers provide all resources necessaryfor development as yolk, prior to fertilization. In contrast,Heterandria formosa mothers continue to provision the youngthroughout development. These species also differ in whetheror not they have superfetation, or the ability to carry multiplebroods of young in different stages of development. P. reticulatadoes not have superfetation while the other two species do.We were interested in whether the pattern of maternal provisioningor superfetation influenced the maternal effect. The two lecithotrophicspecies responded to low food by producing larger young withgreater fat reserves. H. formosa, the matrotrophic species,responded to low food by producing smaller young. We proposethat the production of large young in the face of low food availabilitymight represent adaptive plasticity; matrotrophy might representa constraint that prevents such an adaptive response. Superfetationhad no impact on this maternal effect.  相似文献   
1. ‘Placer’ mining for alluvial deposits of gold in a number of stream systems in interior Alaska represents a major disturbance to the stream bed and affects habitat for biotic communities. 2. The potential of analysing aerial photographs to map changes in channel habitat and morphology within gravel-bed rivers is outlined with reference to the impact and recovery of Faith Creek, a second-order stream with a history of placer mining. 3. A strong correlation between the reflectance of the channel bed and water depth is necessary to use the technique succesfully, together with a knowledge of the effects of ‘broken’water on the spectral characteristics of rivers. 4. Image analysis demonstrated that a wide range of water depths and instream mesoscale habitats existed prior to mining. During mining, the stream was confined to a channellized reach with negligible deep water or habitat diversity. 5. Since mining ceased the stream has abandoned its channellized course and formed a new channel with few deep pools. It is suggested that geomorphological recovery and associated habitat recovery takes a number of large flood events and is likely to require more than 10 years.  相似文献   
In many bird species males provision their mates prior to egg-laying. Courtship feeding has been suggested to function in several ways: to advance laying date by improving female condition, to induce a female to copulate or to allow a female to assess her mate. The role of courtship feeding in Ospreys Pandion haliaetus was investigated in British Columbia, Canada. Courtship feeding rate affected the probability of a pair initiating a clutch. Pairs that laid eggs had higher rates of courtship feeding than pairs that did not lay eggs in both 1991 and 1992. Male courtship feeding rate also correlated negatively with the duration of the courtship period. Experimentally increasing the amount of food available to females prior to egg-laying resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in the duration of the courtship period. This study found no evidence to support the suggestion that female Ospreys trade copulations for food during the courtship period; only 63 of 385 copulations observed were associated with feeds, and courtship feeding rate did not correlate with the copulation rate of a pair. Male provisioning rates, however, were predictable; courtship feeding rate correlated with both male delivery rate to the nest when chicks were 1–2 weeks old and mean brood growth rate. Female Ospreys therefore may be able to predict the quality of subsequent paternal care using courtship feeding rate. As predicted if optimal hatching asynchrony is dependent on food availability, mean brood growth rate, an indirect measure of male parental care, was negatively correlated with hatching asynchrony. This suggests that female Ospreys may manipulate hatching asynchrony in response to male courtship feeding rate, thereby maximizing the productivity of their brood at predicted food levels.  相似文献   
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