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The effects of an auxin herbicide, 2,4-D, at a concentration of 0.01 mM, on the K+ uptake and efflux of excised roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Rannaya) were investigated at different pH values. The K+ movement was monitored with a K+ (86Rb) tracer. In parallel experiments the ATPase activities of microsomal fractions were determined by the inorganic phosphate liberation method. 2,4-D inhibited the K+ uptake especially at low pH, irrespective of whether Ca2+ was present or not. No marked changes were observed in the K+ efflux properties at pH values above 4. The inhibitory effect on K+ uptake exhibited a correlation with the hydrocarbon solubility of the herbicide, but not with the 2,4-D-induced decrease of the ATPase activity. It is suggested that 2,4-D exerts a non-specific effect on the lipid-protein interactions, giving rise to a generalized alteration of the transport barrier properties of the plasma membrane even at as low a concentration as 0.01 mM.  相似文献   
Cytokinins in addition to nitrate induce nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in some plants. Effects of cytokinins onNRA was investigated in stem pith parenchyma of kale, intact wheat and barley seedlings and isolated cucumber cotyledons. The most profound effect onNRA was found in barley and wheat seedlings.NRA in seedlings sprayed with 100 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) for three subsequent days was increased in leaves and decreased in roots. These changes were further enhanced in seedlings grown in nutrient solution lacking nitrate:NRA in wheat and barley leaves was increased by 57% and 202%, respectively, in plants supplied with nitrate theNRA increase was not significant: in wheat and barley leaves by 22% and 9%, respectively. Similar effect of BAP and kinetin was found in kale stem parenchyma and cucumber cotyledons. The cytokinin kinetin or BAP alone increasedNRA about twice in kale and three times in cucumber. Addition of nitrate to the medium enhanced the effect of kinetin in kale discs, but the two effects were not additive. Additive effect of nitrate and BAP onNRA was found in cucumber cotyledons in light. In general NRA was more affected by cytokinins in intact seedlings of wheat and barley as compared to explanted tissue of kale and cucumber, and lack of nitrogen made their effect more expressive.  相似文献   
DNA satellites were isolated from three balenopterid species, viz. the minke, sei, and fin whales. In each of them at least two DNA satellites were recognizable with buoyant densities in neutral CsCl of =1.702/1.703 and =1.710/1.711, respectively. cRNAs from each satellite group were used for filter and in situ hybridisations. Homo- and heterologous DNA-cRNA hybrids within each satellite group yielded virtually identical melting curve profiles showing conservation of at least a considerable part of the DNA satellite sequences. There was no evident sequence homology between the =1.702/1.703 and the =1.710/1.711 satellites by filter hybridisation. — The in situ hybridisation showed that in each species the =1.702/1.703 satellite was located in centromeric-paracentromeric C-bands in a few pairs, whereas the =1.710/1.711 satellite was located in terminal C-bands throughout the karyotypes. — The data on the whale DNA satellites indicate that the quantitative evolution of the satellite DNA sequences preceded species divergence of the balenopterids and that the satellite sequences have remained relatively unaltered since the divergence took place. The function of satellite DNA is considered to imply the introduction of both chromosomal and genic polymorphisms and thus being of great importance in speciation. Based upon these concepts a model is postulated for the function of satellite DNA. According to this model at meiotic pairing euchromatin-heterochromatin overlapping between homologous chromosomes is considered to be of a general occurrence. This overlapping is presumed to be accentuated by the size heteromorphism frequently observed between homologous heterochromatic segments (C-bands). In the region of such euchromatin-heterochromatin overlapping, crossing-over would be excluded. The overlapping is suggested to be rectified progressively in the chromosome arms, leaving unaffected crossing-over distant to the euchromatin-heterochromatin junctions. The consequence of this will be that genes in the proximity of the junctions are collectively inherited and selected, whereas genes distant to the heterochromatin will be independently assorted and selected.  相似文献   
The characteristic micromorphology of the tobaoco cell strains, or its cyclic changes in the course of the subcultivation interval can be affected by auxin composition of the medium,i.e. by the application of either 2,4-D alone, or NAA, or their combination. On omitting one of the auxins, the over-all growth of the cultures is not substantially affeoted; however, the participation of various oell types, as well as the occurrenoe of starch grains are altered. The presenoe of 2,4-D alone results in an inhibition of starch occurrence, NAA alone causes a stimulation. There is no causal dependence of the occurrence or absence of starch grains on the stimulation of elongation (volume) growth, or, on the contrary, on cell division.  相似文献   
New nomenclatural combinations are validated for fifteen taxa belonging to the generaDanthonia, Stipa, Lolium, Phippsia, Elymus, Schoenoplectus andAllium.  相似文献   
Nisin is a lanthionine antimicrobial effective against diverse Gram-positive bacteria and is used as a food preservative worldwide. Its action is mediated by pyrophosphate recognition of the bacterial cell wall receptors lipid II and undecaprenyl pyrophosphate. Nisin/receptor complexes disrupt cytoplasmic membranes, inhibit cell wall synthesis and dysregulate bacterial cell division. Gram-negative bacteria are much more tolerant to antimicrobials including nisin. In contrast to Gram-positives, Gram-negative bacteria possess an outer membrane, the major constituent of which is lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This contains surface exposed phosphate and pyrophosphate groups and hence can be targeted by nisin. Here we describe the impact of LPS on membrane stability in response to nisin and the molecular interactions occurring between nisin and membrane-embedded LPS from different Gram-negative bacteria. Dye release from liposomes shows enhanced susceptibility to nisin in the presence of LPS, particularly rough LPS chemotypes that lack an O-antigen whereas LPS from microorganisms sharing similar ecological niches with antimicrobial producers provides only modest enhancement. Increased susceptibility was observed with LPS from pathogenic Klebsiella pneumoniae compared to LPS from enteropathogenic Salmonella enterica and gut commensal Escherichia coli. LPS from Brucella melitensis, an intra-cellular pathogen which is adapted to invade professional and non-professional phagocytes, appears to be refractory to nisin. Molecular complex formation between nisin and LPS was studied by solid state MAS NMR and revealed complex formation between nisin and LPS from most organisms investigated except B. melitensis. LPS/nisin complex formation was confirmed in outer membrane extracts from E. coli.  相似文献   
本研究旨在探讨谷糠结合态多酚(bound phenol of inner shell,BPIS)发挥抗乳腺癌细胞活性的作用机制。首先采用细胞计数法检测BPIS对乳腺癌细胞以及正常乳腺细胞活性的影响;然后综合运用SEA、SIB以及GeneCards等数据库获得BPIS和乳腺癌的相关靶点,并分析活性成分与作用靶点的互作网络以及通路。本研究筛选得到BPIS抗乳腺癌相关靶点39个,主要涉及糖脂代谢和细胞自噬等生物过程以及MAPK、PI3K/AKT、FoxO等多条信号通,表明BPIS抗乳腺癌是多成分、多靶点、多通路协同作用的过程,而与细胞死亡相关的细胞自噬很可能在BPIS抑制乳腺癌过程中发挥主要作用。  相似文献   
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a swine infectious disease causing major economic problems on the intensive pig industry. This virus has been reported worldwide in domestic pigs and there is evidence of PRRS virus (PRRSV) infection in wild boar (Sus scrofa). Nonetheless, the epidemiological role of wild boar and extensively kept domestic pigs remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of PRRS in wild boar and Iberian pigs in the dehesa ecosystem of the Castile-La Mancha region of Spain, which boasts one of the most important free-roaming porcine livestock and hunting industries in the country. Using geo-spatial analysis of literature data, we first explored the relationship between domestic pig density and PRRS occurrence in wild boar in Europe. Results revealed that PRRS occurrence in wild boar may be influenced, albeit not significantly, by domestic pig density. Next, we analyzed sera from 294 wild boar and 80 Iberian pigs by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for PRRSV antibodies. The sera and 27 wild boar tissue samples were analyzed by two real-time RT-PCR assays, targeting the most conserved genes of the PRRSV genome, ORF1 and ORF7. Seven wild boar (2.4 %) and one Iberian pig (1.3 %) were seropositive, while none of the animals tested positive for PRRSV by RT-PCR. Our results confirm the limited spread of PRRSV in free-roaming Iberian pigs and wild boar living in mutual contact. Further studies would be necessary to address whether this low seroprevalence found in these animals reflects transmission from intensively kept pigs or the independent circulation of specific strains in free-roaming pigs.  相似文献   
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