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We investigate how late Cenozoic orogenics and climatic change might have influenced the history of taxon diversification and current species ranges of an endemic, Afrotropical, insect genus. Diastellopalpus van Lansberge is a near basally‐derived taxon in the dung beetle tribe Onthophagini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) that has diversified into 32 known species primarily centred on intertropical forests. Basal dichotomies in both published and re‐analysed phylogenies divide the species into clades that are geographically centred either to the east or west of the south‐east highlands that underwent uplift from the Miocene. There is broad climatic overlap between many of the species but clear separation along a minimum spanning tree in ordinal space where they are divided into taxa with either lowland or highland centres of distribution. Observed spatial distributions of six defined species groups mostly differ from predicted climatic ranges, presumably as a result of historical constraints on species dispersal. A trend from dominance of montane or wet lowland forest associations in species lineages derived from more basal nodes (Groups A–C) to dominance of drier upland forest and moist woodland associations in species lineages derived from a more terminal node (Groups D–F) is perhaps linked to the stepped trend to cooler, dryer climate in the late Cenozoic. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 407–423.  相似文献   
Based on morphological traits, hippos have traditionally been classified with pigs and peccaries in the suborder Suiformes. However, molecular data indicate that hippos and cetaceans are sister taxa. This study analyses muscle characters of the common hippo hind limb in order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships and functional anatomy of hippos. Several muscles responsible for propelling the body through water are robust and display extensive fusions, including mm. semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and gluteus superficialis. In addition, common hippos retain long flexor and extensor tendons for each digit, reflecting the fact that all four toes are weight‐bearing. These flexor tendons, together with the well‐developed intrinsic muscles of the pes, serve to adduct the digits, preventing splaying of the toes when walking on soft terrain. Lastly, common hippos retain a number of primitive features, including the presence of m. articularis coxae, a well‐developed m. obturator internus, superficialis and profundus tendons to all digits, mm. flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti V, lumbricalis IV, adductores digitorum II and V, and two mm. interossei per digit. Pygmy hippos share these features. Thus, hippopotamids retain muscles that have been lost in the majority of artiodactyls, including other suiforms. These and previously reported findings for the forelimb support the molecular data in indicating an early divergence of the Hippopotamidae from the rest of the Artiodactyla. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 661–682.  相似文献   
Abstract Leaves often decline in nutritional quality as they age, and selective feeding on young leaves may be nutritionally important for herbivores. Preference by mammalian herbivores for young leaves has rarely been measured in the field owing to technical difficulties. We measured preferences with respect to leaf age of an arboreal folivore, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr), feeding on southern rata (Metrosideros umbellata Cav.; Myrtaceae) in a new application of the alkane technique. We characterized the cuticle waxes (n‐alkanes) of rata leaves that were less than 1 year old (‘1‐year’), between 1 and 2 years (‘2‐year’) and greater than 2 years old (‘>2‐year’). Simulations showed that the method accurately discriminated between 1‐year and other age groups but slightly overestimated the importance of rare components of the diet. This bias was larger when discriminating between 2‐year and >2‐year leaves apparently because they had more‐similar alkane profiles. Metrosideros umbellata leaf formed 20.8% of the diet of a population of possums from Rakiura, New Zealand, sampled in autumn 2002 (n = 33). Of the M. umbellata component, alkane analyses showed that 1‐year leaves formed 88.7 ± 3.9% of the diet despite making up only 39.5 ± 2.2% of the leaf biomass on rata trees (n = 14). The foliar concentrations of the macronutrients N, P and K all declined significantly with leaf age (P < 0.0001). Lignin content did not measurably increase with leaf age, suggesting that digestibility per se did not determine the preference of brushtail possums for young rata leaves. This study provides the first quantitative evidence that possums discriminate by leaf age and that the resulting diet is enriched in macronutrients.  相似文献   
Urban landscapes often expose wildlife populations to enhanced edge effects where the biotic and abiotic attributes of native ecosystems have been significantly altered. While some species may respond favourably to edges, there are likely to be varying negative consequences for many forest‐dependent species. In particular, marsupial gliders are influenced by changes in forest composition and structure near edges due to highly specific feeding and nesting requirements, and a high reliance on tree cover to traverse a landscape. We addressed this problem using the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) in the fragmented urban landscape of southeast Queensland, Australia. Analysis of variance was applied to determine differences in habitat resources and structure in relation to glider presence and trap success rates in forest fragment interiors compared with road (minor & major) and residential edge habitats. We postulate that an increased presence of squirrel gliders in sites adjacent to minor road and residential edges may be due to the availability of additional resources and/or varying dispersal opportunities. Conversely, forest fragment interiors contain a higher abundance of nest hollows and large trees, together with a greater floristic species richness providing more reliable seasonal foraging sources, which may explain the greater trap success rates of squirrel gliders in these sites. We conclude that while forest fragment interiors provide habitat suitable for year‐round use by greater numbers of squirrel gliders, the conservation value of some edge habitats that provide additional resources and dispersal opportunities should not be underestimated for forest‐dependent mammals; however, each edge type must be assessed individually.  相似文献   
We explored how morphological traits can complement phylogenetic information to extend our predictions of the ecology of a diverse beetle assemblage. We analysed ten morphological traits from an assemblage of 239 species from 35 families, and identified three axes of morphological variation that were independent of body length: (1) relative robustness; (2) relative appendage length; and (3) relative abdomen length. The trait associations defining these axes of morphological variation did not change after adjusting for family‐level phylogeny. We detected significant differences in morphological variation across the beetle assemblage according to diet and microhabitat use, and these patterns were only partially influenced by family membership. Further analysis within dominant families showed that species of Carabidae, Curculionidae, Scarabaeidae and Staphylinidae had greater body length in open versus tree litter microhabitat, and species of Carabidae and Curculionidae had greater relative robustness, but shorter relative appendage length, in open versus tree litter microhabitat. Although it is clear that family‐level phylogeny and morphology share some explanatory power for predicting the diet and microhabitat use by beetles, we demonstrate that body length, robustness and appendage length are correlated significantly with microhabitat use when comparing members of the same family. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 301–310.  相似文献   
Species relocation programmes are increasingly performed with the intention of establishing a self‐sustaining population of threatened or declining native species. However, the use of experimental quantitative approaches in species relocation programmes is still relatively uncommon, despite a number of international studies recommending clear guidelines and standards. This paper evaluates species relocation programmes conducted within Australia to assess how programmes performed in relation to such standards. The search techniques identified 54 species relocation programmes, the majority of which were reintroductions (52%) and supplementations (30%). Only 25 (46%) of the species relocation programmes claimed success, with a lack of effective predator control recognized as contributing to the failure of 14 programmes. There was considerable variation in the quality of species relocation programmes in relation to key features such as whether the programme integrated experimental approaches with testable hypotheses, whether there were explicit statements of criteria for success, whether suitable habitat was identified for the release site and whether long‐term monitoring was conducted. We propose guidelines to improve scientific rigour and success rates of species relocation programmes.  相似文献   
1. Aridity gradients are paralleled by both reductions in resources and decreased species richness of animals. Across the aridity gradient of the Botswana Kalahari, a reduction in mammal species richness leads to reduced density and diversity of dung types, accompanied by reduced dung beetle species richness. We investigated whether this gradient also drives changes in dung beetle food type association and specialisation owing to a loss of some dung types to the arid southwest. 2. Dung beetles were sampled from three study sites in each of the six study areas using 2 × 10 grids of pitfall traps baited with dung (pig, elephant, cattle, and sheep) or carrion (chicken livers). 3. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that distributions of dung beetle species between bait types deviated significantly from random associations. 4. Central Kalahari assemblages were more specialist than those at the mesic and arid extremes of the gradient. 5. Patterns of selection and specialisation to bait types differed between mesic northeast and arid southwest study areas. There were specialist faunas on carrion and more generalist faunas on ruminant herbivore dung (cattle and sheep) in each region. However, specialist species associated with elephant dung in the northeast were replaced by a more generalist fauna in the southwest with an opposite trend on pig dung. 6. Reduced species richness and high species turnover from the mesic northeast to the arid southwest is paralleled by a shift in patterns of food association that may reflect changes in the diversity of food types, particularly the absence of elephant dung from the southwest.  相似文献   
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