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A rich assemblage of exceptionally preserved marine and terrestrial fossils occurs in fine‐grained limestones in the upper part of the Late Tithonian (Middle Volgian) shallowing upward carbonate sequence in Central Poland. The richest horizon, a deposit known locally as the Corbulomima horizon, is named after the shallow burrowing suspension feeding bivalve Corbulomima obscura, moulds of which occur in densities of up to 500 per square metre on some bedding planes. The fauna in this bed also includes organic and phosphatic remains of a wide range of other creatures including the exuviae of limulids and decapods, disarticulated fish skeletons and rare isolated pterosaur bones and teeth. There are also perfectly preserved dragonfly wings and beetle exoskeletons. The average stable carbon and oxygen isotope values for ostracod shells and fine‐grained sediment from this horizon suggest precipitation of the calcium carbonate from warm seawater of normal marine salinity. The carbonate sediments overlying the fossiliferous horizon have been interpreted as nearshore to shoreface facies. These pass abruptly into coarse reworked intraclastic sediments interpreted as possible tsunami or storm surge over‐wash deposits. The clasts in this deposit have more positive oxygen isotope values than those in the underlying limestone, which may indicate that they were lithified in a slightly more evaporative, perhaps intertidal, setting. The succession terminates with silicified fine‐grained limestones likely to have formed in extremely shallow lagoonal environments. In contrast with the Solnhofen limestones of Lower Tithonian age in south‐central Germany the Corbulomima horizon is interpreted as a transitional deposit formed in a shallow marine setting by rapid burial with elements of both Konservat‐ and Konzentrat‐Lagerstätte preservation. □Konzentrat and Konservat‐Lagerstätte, Taphonomy, Palaeoenvironment, Paleogeography, Late Jurassic, Poland.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A large number of fenestrate bryozoan species were named in 'A Synopsis of the Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland' by Frederick M'Coy (1844). At the same time, M'Coy named the bryozoan genera Ichthyorachis , Ptylopora and Polypora , each of which by monotypy or by subsequent designation was based on new species within that work. Subsequently, d' Orbigny (1849) named Fenestrellina with the type species Fenestella crassa M'Coy, 1844 as type species; Miller (1961) named Parafenestella with the type species Fenestella formosa M'Coy, 1844 as type species; and Wyse Jackson (1988) named Baculopora with the type species Vincularia megastoma M'Coy, 1844. We re-describe here in more detail than previously the fenestrate type species originally published in M'Coy (1844), provide diagnoses of the genera, and compare the nineteenth century genera with more recently named genera that have been discriminated specifically from them.  相似文献   
The African palm fossil record is limited but the data provide an outline of palm evolution from the Late Cretaceous through the Neogene. Pollen attributed to palms is reported from the Aptian (125–112 Mya), but the earliest unequivocal record in Africa is Campanian (83.5–70.6 Mya). Palms diversified 83.5–65.5 Mya and became widespread, although most records are from the west and north African coasts. Many taxa were shared between Africa and northern South America at that time, but a few were pantropical. Extirpations occurred throughout the Palaeogene, including a notable species turnover and decline at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary (33.9 Mya), a change that resulted in the elimination of nypoid palms from Africa. The Neogene plant macrofossil record is better sampled than the Palaeogene, although few palms are documented. Thus, the low diversity of African palms today is more likely the result of Palaeogene, rather than Neogene extinctions. Newly discovered palm fossils of leaves, petioles and flowers from the Late Oligocene (27–28 Mya) of north-western Ethiopia document the abundance and dominance of palms in some communities at that time. The fossils represent the earliest records of the extant genera Hyphaene (Coryphoideae) and Eremospatha (Calamoideae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 69–81.  相似文献   
1. Lake restoration from eutrophication often rests on a simple paradigm that restriction of phosphorus sources will result in recovery of former relatively clear‐water states. This view has apparently arisen from early successful restorations of deep lakes in catchments of poorly weathered rocks. Lakes in the lowlands, however, particularly shallow ones, have proved less tractable to restoration. This study of three lowland lakes provides insights that illuminate a more complex picture. 2. The lakes lie in a sequence along a single stream in a mixed urban and rural landscape. Severely deoxygenating effluent from an overloaded sewage treatment works was diverted from the catchment in 1991. Effects on two lakes, Little Mere (zmax <2 m) and Rostherne Mere (zmax 31 m) were followed until 2002. Mere Mere (zmax = 8 m), upstream of the former works, acted as a comparison for changes in water chemistry. Mere Mere showed no change in total phosphorus (TP), total inorganic nitrogen, or planktonic chlorophyll a concentrations. Increased winter rainfall was associated with higher winter soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium concentrations in its water. 3. Little Mere changed from a deoxygenated, highly enriched, fishless system, with large populations of Daphnia magna Straus, clear water and about 40% aquatic plant cover, to a slightly less clear system following diversion. Daphnia magna was replaced by D. hyalina Leydig as fish recolonised. Spring peaks of chlorophyll a declined but summer concentrations increased significantly. Annual mean chlorophyll a concentrations thus showed no change. Submerged plants became more abundant (up to 100% cover), with fluctuating community composition from year to year. Summer release of SRP from the sediment was substantial and has not decreased since 1993. The summer phytoplankton was apparently controlled by nitrogen availability perhaps with some influence of zooplankton grazing. SRP was always very abundant. The lake appeared to have reached a quasi‐stable state by 2002. 5. Rostherne Mere showed a steady decline in TP and SRP concentrations following effluent diversion apparently as a result of steady dilution by water with lower phosphorus concentration. Decline in phosphorus concentrations was much less rapid than expected because of internal remobilisation from the hypolimnion and sediments. There have been no changes in chlorophyll a concentration or of nitrogen availability and by 2002 the phytoplankton probably remained limited by a combination of mixing, grazing and nitrogen. 6. A seeming paradox is, thus, that immense changes in phosphorus budgets have shown no consequences for phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations in either of the lakes, although the seasonal distribution has altered in Little Mere. Although these case studies deviate from others, for both shallow and deep lakes, they represent distinctive situations rather than undermining conventional models.  相似文献   
1. The responses of nutrient concentrations, plankton, macrophytes and macrozoobenthos to a reduction in external nutrient loading and to contemporary climatic change were studied in the shallow, moderately flushed Lake Müggelsee (Berlin, Germany). Weekly to biweekly data from 1979 to 2003 were compared with less frequently collected historical data. 2. A reduction of more than 50% in both total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) loading from the hypertrophic (1979–90) to the eutrophic period (1997–2003) was followed by an immediate decline in TN concentrations in the lake. TP concentrations only declined during winter and spring. During summer, phosphorus (P) release from the sediments was favoured by a drastic reduction in nitrate import. Therefore, Müggelsee acted as a net P source for 6 years after the external load reduction despite a mean water retention time of only 0.1–0.16 years. 3. Because of the likely limitation by P in spring and nitrogen (N) in summer, phytoplankton biovolume declined immediately after nutrient loading was reduced. The formerly dominant cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales) Limnothrix redekei and Planktothrix agardhii disappeared, but the mean biovolume of the N2‐fixing species Aphanizomenon flosaquae remained constant. 4. The abundance of Daphnia spp. in summer decreased by half, while that of cyclopoid copepod species increased. Abundances of benthic macroinvertebrates (mainly chironomids) decreased by about 80%. A resource control of both phytoplankton and zooplankton is indicated by significant positive correlations between nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biovolume and between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass. 5. Water transparency in spring increased after nutrient reduction and resulted in re‐colonisation of the lake by Potamogeton pectinatus. However, this process was severely hampered by periphyton shading and grazing by waterfowl and fish. 6. Water temperatures in Müggelsee have increased in winter, early spring and summer since 1979. The earlier development of the phytoplankton spring bloom was associated with shorter periods with ice cover, while direct temperature effects were responsible for the earlier development of the daphnid maximum in spring.  相似文献   
Of the basal clades of extant birds (Neornithes) the 'landfowl' or galliforms (Aves, Galliformes) are the most speciose. Cladistic analysis of more than 100 morphological characters coded at the generic level for most putative galliform genera confirms that the megapodes ('mound builders'; Megapodiidae) are the most basal clade within the order. They are followed successively by the curassows, guans and chachalacas (Cracidae), which comprise the sister-group to all other extant Galliformes (i.e. Phasianoidea). Within this large 'phasianoid' clade, analyses suggest that the guineafowl (Numididae) are the most basal taxon, although monophyly of this 'family' is not strictly supported on the basis of the morphological characters employed. An additional major clade within the phasianoid Galliformes is recovered by this analysis, comprising the traditional groupings of New World quails (Odontophoridae) and Old World quails ('Perdicini'), yet only monophyly of the former is supported unambiguously by morphological characters. Relationships within the remainder of the phasianoid taxa, including the grouse (Tetraonidae), turkeys (i.e. Meleagris / Agriocharus spp.) as well as other 'pavonine' galliforms (i.e. peafowl; Pavo , Afropavo , Rheinardia , Argusianus and Polyplectron spp.) remain largely unresolved on the basis of morphological characters, yet monophyly of the major subdivisions is supported here. Although there are a number of important differences, especially with regard to relationships within the nonquail phasianoids, the results of this morphological phylogenetic (cladistic) analysis are broadly congruent both with traditional classifications and existing molecular hypotheses of galliform phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   
Linnaeus described eleven species in the genera Musca and Conops that are now placed in the Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae and Muscidae. A study is presented of the types and other material of these three families in his collection.  相似文献   
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