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From the altitudinal ranges of species recorded for the Malesian mountain flora, in Flora of Java and the 6 or so volumes of Flora Malesiana it was concluded that there are critical altitudes where the floristic composition shows rather abrupt demarcations, namely at 1000, 1500, 2400 and 4000 m altitude. In a generalized way this also holds for the structure and stature of the vegetation. For cultivated plants the altitudes of 1000 and 1500 m are also distinct demarcations.  相似文献   
Proficiency testing of water microbiology laboratories in The Netherlands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a 3-year period, four series of simulated water samples containing selected test strains were distributed to more than 50 laboratories in The Netherlands for bacteriological testing. Participating laboratories examined the samples by enrichment or membrane filtration methods, or both, for total coliform organisms, thermotol-erant coliform organisms, faecal streptococci and standard plate counts (37˙ and 22˙C) according to Dutch standard methods. The results were quantitatively satisfactory: the distribution of positive and negative results with subsamples conformed to stochastic variation; the standard deviation of membrane or plate counts was usually in the range which may be expected from a Poisson distribution, and there was good correspondence between average counts in participating laboratories and those expected from controls in the organizing laboratory. Problems of a qualitative nature were frequently encountered, however. Among them were a false positive response with a strain of Enterobacter cloacae in the thermotolerant coliform test; a false positive result with Clostridium perfringens in enrichment tests for total or thermotolerant coliform organisms and false positive results with Micrococcus varians in the faecal streptococcus test by membrane filtration. It is concluded that quality assessment should be a consistent activity in water microbiology laboratories. For this purpose, stable and well characterized reference materials are needed.  相似文献   
WE wish to report that reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin prepared by the method of Breslow1 (except that pH 2 was found sufficient to remove all the haem) (I) crystallizes2 in a different habit from those prepared by the method of Rossi-Fanelli et al.3 (II) using haemin of Sigma lot 77B-0220 and our own 57Fe photoporphyrin preparation and the native myoglobin (III). Although all three form type A3 monoclinic prisms, the best developed plane is [001] for II and III, it is [100] for I. There seems to be great interest in reconstituted haemoproteins4,5, so it is important that crystallization habit may be a sensitive test for subtle changes in protein structures.  相似文献   
Admissible clustering procedures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
VAN NESS  JOHN W. 《Biometrika》1973,60(2):422-424
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of soluble proteinsfrom intact potato tubers and from wounded tuber tissue wereidentical. The patterns from diseased tissue showed some minordifferences not before 3–4 days after inoculation. Itis concluded that primarily proteins of minor fractions areinvolved in protein synthesis after wounding or infection. (Received March 22, 1969; )  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Pore water chemistry in peaty sediment was monitored for a year at two representative locations of the eutrophic shallow Loosdrecht lakes. The Netherlands. Phosphorus fluxes over the sediment-water interface were calculated using measured concentration gradients in the pore water and compared to fluxes measured under laboratory conditions. Results were analysed with Redundancy Analysis to detect patterns of variation in pore water chemistry and in measured and calculated fluxes, that could be ascribed to environmental variables.
2. It was demonstrated that phosphorus fluxes measured in long-term laboratory incubations were not correlated to any of the pore water characteristics.
3. Initial phosphorus fluxes measured in sediment columns, which varied between −7.7 and 1330 μmol m−2: day−1, were correlated significantly to the calculated phosphorus flux over the sediment-water interface.
4. The high correlation between calculated fluxes of ammonia, phosphorus and methane and measured initial flux of phosphorus, conclusively pointed to mineralization of organic matter as the driving force for phosphorus release from the sediment.
5. Redundancy Analysis demonstrated that the rates of mineralization and phosphorus release were only weakly related to temperature. They appeared to be especially stimulated by the autumnal decrease in temperature which was probably related to an extra input of organic matter.  相似文献   
Effects of metals on enzyme activity in plants   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Abstract. Uptake of phytotoxic amounts of metal by higher plants or algae can result in inhibition of several enzymes, and in increase in activity (= induction) of others. Two mechanisms of enzyme inhibition predominate: (1) binding of the metal to sulphydryl groups, involved in the catalytic actionor structural integrity of enzymes, and (2) deficiency of an essential metal in metalloproteins or metal-protein complexes, eventually combined with substitution of the toxic metal for the deficient element. Metal accumulation in the cellular compartment of the enzyme is a prerequisite for enzyme inhibition in vivo. The induction of some enzymes is considered to play a significant role in the stress metabolism, induced by metal phytotoxicity. Peroxidase induction is likely to be related to oxidative reactions at the biomembrane; several enzymes of the intermediary metabolism might be stimulated to compensate for metal-sensitive photosynthetic reactions. The induction of enzymes and metal-specific changes in isoperoxidase pattern can be used as diagnostic criteria to evaluate the phytotoxicity of soils, contaminated by several metals. Lines for future research on metal phytotoxicity are proposed, involving the study of inhibition and induction of enzymes at the different cell membranes (especially the plasmamembrane) in vivo.  相似文献   
1. The flow of phosphorus and nitrogen through the food web of the shallow, eutrophic lake Wolderwijd was analysed for 2 different years before and for 1 year after food web manipulation.
2. After fish removal the water became clear and the growth of macrophytes began. Fish removal resulted in a significant reduction of the total nutrient pool in the water, but differences between the nutrient cycles before and after the experiment were mainly caused by a gradual change driven by a reduced phosphorus input.
3. The zooplankton biomass before and after food web manipulation did not change significantly. Unfavourable food conditions and predation by young fish limited zooplankton biomass after the food web manipulation.
4. After fish removal benthic algae, fish, zoobenthos and macrophytes form the largest pools of nutrients apart from the sediment top layer. However, they contribute only little to nutrient cycles in the water column.  相似文献   
Collections of lily genotypes are usually maintained by yearly planting, harvesting and storage of the bulbs. To facilitate this maintenance, a storage method has been developed for a collection of lily genotypes, including Asiatic hybrids, Oriental hybrids, Lilium longiflorum and L. henryi. Scale bulblets were stored either dry, sealed air-tight in polyethylene bags, or in moist vermiculite in open polyethylene bags for a period of 2 yr. The decrease in mass, sprouting proportion and ion leakage or sprouting proportion alone were determined for treatments carried out at -2°C, °C and 17°C. Sealing scale bulblets in polyethylene bags at -2°C resulted in the smallest decrease in mass, the least ion leakage and the highest sprouting proportion after 2 yr of storage.  相似文献   
Chenopodium album L. seedlings at the 4- and 8-leaf stage were exposed to low concentrations metribuzin [4-amino-6-(l, l-dimethyl)-3-(methylthio)-l,2,4-triazin (4 H )-one] in nutrient solution to study herbicide uptake and the effects of low-dose rates. Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured to relate the inhibition of photosynthesis to herbicide dose. The minimum rate at which metribuzin fully inhibited photosynthesis was less than 1 μM for seedlings at the 4-leaf stage of development, and between 1 and 5 μM for the 8-leaf stage seedlings. With isolated chloroplasts, experiments were conducted to establish the relationship between the amount of herbicide molecules bound to each chloroplast and the inhibition of photosynthesis. From the dose-response curves obtained it was calculated that photosynthesis was fully inhibited when 7.5 105 molecules metribuzin were bound to each chloroplast. This amount of binding was used to estimate minimum-lethal dose rates of metribuzin required for seedlings differing in fresh weight of leaves and amounts of chloroplasts present. It is suggested that prediction of a low dose herbicide effect from studies on binding of photosystem-II inhibitors in combination with chlorophyll fluorescence measurements may lead to the development of a new weed management strategy.  相似文献   
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