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本文报道了产于中国的花耳科Dacrymycetaceae的五个新种:小胶杯菌Femsjonia minor Liu et Fan sp.nov.,中国胶杯菌F.sinensis Liu et K.Tao sp.nov.,叶状假花耳Dacryopinax foliacea Liu et Fan sp.nov.,大孢假花耳D.macrospora Lin,Fan et Y.M.Li sp.nov.,以及湖南胶角菌Calocera hunanensis Liu et K.Tao sp.nov.。小胶杯菌与该属其它种的区别在于子实体小型、孢子分隔处缢缩且常具纵隔、不孕面光滑以及皮层菌丝多分枝且顶端膨大;中国胶杯菌与该属其它种的区别在于菌丝无锁状连合;叶状假花耳及大孢假花耳与本属其它种的区别主要在于多隔的孢子(3个隔以上)。假花耳属这两个新种在宏观形态上非常相似,但大孢假花耳的孢子为35—40×10—12.5μm,具7—15隔;叶状假花耳的孢子为15—22.5×4.5—6.5μm,具3—7隔;湖南胶角菌的主要特征是担子果呈羊肚菌状,偶裂成分叶状,孢子具1薄壁的横隔。所有新种的主模式标本均保藏于山西大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONLivercirrhosisisoftencomplicatedbyhyperdynamiccirculation,whichischaracterizedbyadecreaseinarterialbloodpressureandperipheralvascularresistanceandanincreaseincardiacoutputandsplanchnicbloodnow[1].Thesehaemodynamicdisturbancesareproposedtocontributetothedevelopmelltofportalhypertension,retentionofsodiumandwater,ascitesformationandcorrelatewithprognosisoflivercirrhosis[2].Ithasbeensuggestedthatprimaryarterialvasodilationmayinducethishyperdynamiccirculation[3].Buttheunderlyingmec…  相似文献   
交感神经对大鼠失血性休克过程中淋巴微循环的调控   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
张静  刘艳凯 《生理学报》1995,47(2):179-186
为了探讨交感神经对失血性休克过程中淋巴微循环变化的影响,应用显微电视录像技术,观察了切断内脏大神经的大鼠在失血性休克及输血、补液过程中肠中系膜微淋巴管(ML)收缩性的变化。结果表明,去神经后ML自主收缩频率及总收缩活性旨数(IndexⅡ)、淋巴管力学指数(L.K-Index)显著降低,失血性休克时神经完整组及去神经组ML的自主收缩性均降低,神经完整组在回输血液及输液期,ML自主收缩性显著高于休克前  相似文献   
用CHO细胞进行SCE检验方法探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薄芯  李京霞 《生物技术》2005,15(1):47-49
以姐妹染色单体交换(sister chromatid exchange,SCE)为指标,是继微核检测之后对各种化学物质的遗传毒性做进一步研究的有效方法。通过对化学物质进行SCE的数据统计,可以在一定程度上反映其致突变作用,是遗传毒性的敏感指标。试验中,应用CHO细胞株为主要材料,建立了以体外培养细胞SCE试验方法。在CHO细胞SCE试验中,在正式制片处理前3~4h加入秋水仙素;细胞通过65~70min低渗;第3次固定甲醇-冰乙酸比例为1:2;在加入5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶(BUda)后1~1.5个细胞周期后对细胞进行收获能取到最佳制片效果,得到良好的检测效果。  相似文献   
Phytochelatin (PC) synthesis is considered necessary for Cd tolerance in non‐resistant plants, but roles for PCs in hyper‐accumulating species are currently unknown. In the present study, the relationship between PC synthesis and Cd accumulation was investigated in the Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance. PCs were most abundant in leaves followed by stems, but hardly detected by the reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in roots. Both PC synthesis and Cd accumulation were time‐dependent and a linear correlation between the two was established with about 1:15 PCs : Cd stoichiometry in leaves. PCs were found in the elution fractions, which were responsible for Cd peaks in the anion exchange chromatograph assay. About 5% of the total Cd was detected in these elution fractions as PCs were found. Most Cd was observed in the cell wall and intercellular space of leaf vascular cells. These results suggest that PCs do not detoxify Cd in roots of S. alfredii. However, like in non‐resistant plants, PCs might act as the major intracellular Cd detoxification mechanism in shoots of S. alfredii.  相似文献   
为探究酿酒葡萄果实中黄烷-3-醇积累规律与合成相关酶、关键基因表达的关系,该研究以贺兰山东麓主栽酿酒白葡萄品种‘霞多丽’为材料,采用比色法、高效液相色谱(HPLC)和荧光定量PCR技术,分析葡萄果实发育过程中黄烷-3-醇单体物质的积累规律及其生物合成过程中相关酶活性、相关基因表达模式的变化。结果表明:(1)在‘霞多丽’果实整个发育期,黄烷-3-醇主要单体物质没食子儿茶素(GC)、表儿茶素没食子酸酯(ECG)含量远高于儿茶素(CAT)、表儿茶素(EC)含量,且ECG、EC含量均随果实发育期进程呈先升后降变化趋势,并于花后50 d(7月13日)达最大值,分别为47.69和42.73 mg/g,而GC、CAT的含量则呈先降低后升高,后随果实成熟逐渐降低的变化趋势。(2)葡萄果实中黄烷-3-醇生物合成相关酶PAL和ANS活性随果实发育期进程呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,F3H、F3′H、CHI活性均在花后20 d(6月13)出现峰值,而后活性迅速降低,而DFR活性呈先升高后降低,并于花后50 d(7月13)再次升高,后随果实成熟逐渐降低。(3)黄烷-3-醇生物合成相关结构基因PAL、ANS的表达水平随果实发育期进程呈先上调后下调的趋势,与ECG、EC含量变化趋势一致,F3′H、F3H、CHI的表达水平却呈先下调后上调的趋势,DFR的表达水平先上调而后下调,并随果实成熟再次上调。(4)相关性分析表明,F3H、F3′H和ANS酶活性与GC含量呈显著正相关关系;F3H、F3′H基因表达与GC、CAT的含量呈正相关关系,ANS、PAL基因表达与ECG、GC的含量呈正相关关系。研究发现,黄烷-3-醇生物合成相关酶和相关基因表达影响了葡萄果实中黄烷-3-醇类化合物含量的积累,从而进一步影响葡萄酒的感官品质。  相似文献   
Abstract: A new family, Sinoalidae Wang and Szwedo fam. nov., is described from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou Biota (Inner Mongolia, China). Two new genera with three new species (Sinoala parallelivena Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., Jiania crebra Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., and Jiania gracila Wang and Szwedo sp. nov.) are erected based on well‐preserved whole‐bodied specimens. The morphological characters of Procercopidae and the new family are given, and a key to the species of Sinoalidae is presented. The genera Luanpingia Hong, 1983 and Huabeicercopis Hong, 1983 are revised and attributed to Sinoalidae. The genera Mesocercopis Hong, 1983 and Sinotettegarcta Hong, 1986 are considered junior synonyms of Anthoscytina Hong, 1983. Taxa assigned to Sinoalidae fam. nov. cannot be attributed to any previously known family, but share some general (plesiomorphic) characters with ancient Clypeata, for example, postclypeus distinctly swollen, transversely wrinkled, antenna with a flagellum of a few elongate segments, frons with median ocellus and lateral ocelli on crown. Moreover, the new family is closely related to Procercopidae (Cercopoidea) based on a pronotum with a median incision at the hind margin; tegmen slender, partly punctuate, basal portion of Sc not exceeding apex of basal cell, and hind legs with lateral spines. It has a mixture of ancestral characters shared with Hylicelloidea and Jurassic Procercopidae and some derived characters. Therefore, it is tentatively placed in Cercopoidea. A preliminary phylogram of Clypeata is presented based on the combination of fossil and morphological data.  相似文献   
刘丽珠  杨丽姝  李瑛  珊丹  韩波 《现代生物医学进展》2012,12(33):6506-6508,6600
目的:在老年人群中,小细胞肺癌的治疗难度大,缺乏有临床指导意义的研究数据,本文旨在通过对老年广泛期小细胞肺癌患者预后因素的分析寻找适合老年患者的化疗策略.方法:回顾性分析106例老年广泛期小细胞肺癌患者资料,应用SPSS13.0统计软件对数据进行单因素及COX回归多因素分析,探讨年龄、PS评分、化疗周期、化疗方案、血液学毒性等因素对生存的影响.结果:①单因素分析显示PS评分、化疗与否、化疗周期数、血液学毒性等因素对预后有影响,单药化疗与联合用药预后无明显差别.②COX回归多因素分析显示PS评分(P<0.001)、化疗周期数(P=0.002)是影响预后的因素.③单药化疗的血液学毒性明显低于联合用药,化疗周期数更多.结论:老年广泛期小细胞肺癌患者可从化疗中受益,四周期以上的化疗可明显延长生存时间,对于PS评分较差的患者,单药化疗可能是一个好的选择.  相似文献   
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