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ABSTRACT Earlier studies showed that Leishmania major promastigotes are sensitive to osmotic conditions. A reduction in osmolality caused the cells to shorten and to rapidly release most of their large internal pool of alanine. In this study some effects of hyper-osmotic stress were examined. an increase in osmolality of the culture medium from 308 to 625 mOsm/kg caused only a small decrease in growth rate. When cells grown in the usual culture medium (308 mOsm/kg) were washed, resuspended in iso-osmotic buffer, and subjected to acute hyper-osmotic stress by addition of mannitol, the alanine content increased even in the absence of exogenous substrate. Promastigotes, depleted of alanine by a 5-min exposure to hypo-osmotic conditions, also synthesized alanine when resuspended in iso-osmotic buffer. Washed cells resuspended in iso-osmotic buffer consume their internal pool of alanine under aerobic conditions, Rates of consumption decreased on addition of mannitol, becoming zero at about 440 mOsm/kg. At higher osmolalities, alanine synthesis occurred. to estimate whether proteolysis could account for alanine synthesis in the absence of exogenous substrate, cells that had been grown with [1-14C]leucine were washed and resuspended under hypo-, iso-, and hyper-osmotic conditions and the amounts of 14CO2 and 14C-labelled peptides released in 1 h were measured. Little proteolysis occurred under these conditions, but the possibility that proteolysis was the source of the alanine increase, observed in response to hyper-osmotic stress, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Zhang LW  HL Liu  DY Zhang  WG Bian 《Phyton》2015,84(1):58-63
Seed dormancy release and germination of Corispermum lehmannianum Bunge were tested using various treatments: temperature, cold stratification, gibberelins (GA3), dry storage and sand burial. Results showed that temperature and light did not affect the germination of fresh seeds, cold stratification and GA3 could improve seed germination, whereas dry storage and sand burial did not. The germination percentage was highest at 35/20 °C after the cold stratification and GA3 treatments. Corispermum lehmannianum seeds were classified as non-deep, Type-2, physiological dormancy (PD), whose seed dormancy could be released by cold stratification and GA3.  相似文献   
Leishmania donovani promastigotes in late-stationary phase incorporated label from [2-14C]acetate and [1-14C]laurate into the mannose residues of mannan, thus confirming the presence of a functional glyoxylate bypass in these parasitic protozoa. Isolated, washed calls also incorporated label from [2-14C]acetate and [1-14C]laurate into mannan during a 1-hr incubation in buffer. Glucose had no effect on label incorporation into mannan, but glutamate caused over a four-fold increase in incorporation from [2-14C]acetate and a 2.4-fold increase from [1-14C]laurate. Staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor that inhibits glutamate and alanine oxidation, did not inhibit label incorporation from [2-14C]acetate into mannan. Hyperosmolality caused about a 33% inhibition of label incorporation into mannan. These results show the glyoxylate cycle and/or the subsequent biosynthetic pathway from fructose-6-phosphate to mannan are subject to regulation.  相似文献   
We report a novel weathering mechanism in South African sandstone formations, where cryptoendolithic cyanobacteria induce weathering by substrate alkalization during photosynthesis. As a result, the upper rock part is loosened and then eroded away by physical forces such as wind, water, trampling. This special type of ‘exfoliation’ is widely distributed and affects the geomorphology of whole sandstone mountain ranges and outcrops across several biomes. We show, that this weathering type is initiated by bioalkalization because of the photosynthesis of cryptoendolithic (i.e. those organisms living in small tight open spaces between the sand grains) cyanobacteria causing pH values high enough to enhance silica solution in the cryptoendolithic zone. As modern cyanobacteria are the initial photoautotrophic colonizers of bare rocks in arid and semiarid landscapes, it is possible that they may also have played a significant role in shaping sandstone landscapes in the geological past.  相似文献   


A survey was conducted amongst 1,017 Hong Kong residents ages 18 and over to determine their knowledge of fungal nail infections (onychomycosis) and the psychosocial impact of the disease on the relationships, social lives and careers of sufferers.


The Fungal Nail Perception Survey was conducted by email and online between May 29th and June 10th, 2013. Participants were shown three photographs of people with and without onychomycosis of the toenails. Respondents were asked ten questions (repeated for each picture) to ascertain their perceptions of the people in the pictures. Questions were related to perceptions around the ability of sufferers and non-sufferers to form relationships with others, social activities of sufferers and non-sufferers, perceptions of the effect of the disease on the potential for career success, and awareness of fungal nail disease and health. The sub-population who themselves suffered from onychomycosis were asked about self-perception as well as their perception of others with onychomycosis.


Compared with non-sufferers, survey respondents perceived those with onychomycosis as less likely to be able to form good relationships. They also indicated that they would be more likely to exclude sufferers than non-sufferers from social activities and that they would be more likely to feel uncomfortable when sitting or standing beside an infected person than beside an uninfected person. Respondents perceived people with onychomycosis to be less able to perform well in their chosen career than with someone without onychomycosis. Interestingly, those respondents who themselves were infected felt socially excluded, upset and embarrassed by their infection.


Onychomycosis may lead to stigmatization and social exclusion. Misconceptions of onychomycosis are high and education about the disease needs to be improved. Early recognition and treatment of the disease is essential to avoid complications and improve treatment outcomes, which would lead to reduced psychosocial impact on those with fungal nail infections.
Blum, A., Mayer, J. and Golan, G. 1988. The effect of grainnumber per ear (sink size) on source activity and its water-relationsin wheat.–J. exp. Bot. 39: 106–114. Work was done to evaluate the nature of sink-source relationshipsin wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), when the strength of the sinkwas modified by the removal of half of the grain from the earat about anthesis. The main hypothesis was that sink-sourcerelationship would be modified by water stress and that a weakersink would improve the drought resistance of the source. Two experiments were performed. The first experiment evaluatedthe effect of de-graining in two wheat varieties grown in thefield. The second experiment (in the greenhouse) evaluated theeffect of de-graining in plants subjected to water stress afteranthesis by immersing the root system in a solution of polyethyleneglycol (6000), as compared with non-stressed controls. In bothexperiments measurements were performed after de-graining toprovide data on leaf gas exchange, leaf water potential, osmoticadjustment of leaves and ears (greenhouse), the percent of stemweight loss as an index of stem reserve mobilization, finalroot weight (greenhouse) and ear weight components. De-graining caused a decrease in flag leaf stomatal conductance,carbon exchange rate (CER) and transpiration and an increasein flag leaf water potential. These effects were stronger withwater stress. De-graining did not affect osmotic adjustmentin the flag leaf but induced better adjustment in glumes andawns. De-graining decreased the percent of stem weight lossand increased final root weight, especially under drought stress. A weaker sink was, therefore, considered to improve plant droughtresistance in terms of the maintenance of higher leaf waterpotential, a larger root, a better osmotic adjustment in theear and, possibly, increased flag leaf longevity. The ‘cost’of this improved drought resistance was in reduced flag leafCER and reduced stem (and root?) reserve mobilization. Key words: Drought resistance, carbon exchange rate, stomata, transpiration, osmotic adjustment, leaf water potential, root, awns, yield  相似文献   
Schoenoplectus americanus is a model organism for studying ecological and ecosystem responses of salt marsh plant communities to global climate change. Here we characterize 16 microsatellite loci in S. americanus to facilitate studies on the genetic basis of phenotypic responses to changing climate conditions such as elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. Most loci also amplified in the morphologically similar sister species, Schoenoplectus pungens. Five loci exhibited species‐specific alleles or distinct allelic size distributions that discriminate S. americanus from S. pungens.  相似文献   
A total of 318 Campylobacter strains from sporadic cases of human enteritis (109 strains) and healthy slaughterhouse animals in northern Germany (209 strains) were bio- and serotyped according to the Lior typing schemes. Three hundred strains were typable (94.3%) and 38 serovars were identified. Among human strains 28 serovars were identified with 30% of them belonging to serovar 4. Strains from pigs were associated with 25 serovars, the most frequent being serovar 20 (21.2%). Fourteen serovars were identified in the ovine strains of which 31.1% were of serovar 49, and 22.2% of serovar 4. All of the strains from one chicken farm were of serovar 11, whereas in those from another serovar 1 was predominant (85.4%). Twenty-five of the 38 serovars identified were associated with at least two different biovars. Campylobacter jejuni biovar I was predominant in humans, sheep and chickens and Campylobacter coli biovar I in pigs. The results suggest that the combined use of bio- and serotyping according to the Lior typing schemes would be of use in studies on the epidemiology of human campylobacteriosis in Germany.  相似文献   
Ferulic acid (FA) is commonly found in soils and is consideredan allelochemical. Studies have suggested that FA and otherphenolic acids decrease plant growth in part by decreasing theabsorption of mineral nutrients and water. However, no studieshave examined these parameters in a single experimental systemto investigate how FA affected both ion uptake and plant-waterrelations in whole plants. Using intact cucumber (Cucumis sativusL. cv. Early Green Cluster) seedlings, we examined short-termeffects of FA on ion uptake kinetics, transport promoters andinhibitors, and water relations as indicated by a pressure-volumeanalysis. We found that after 3 h of treatment, 200 µMFA inhibited net ion uptake, particularly NO3, and promotednet K+ efflux from seedling roots. The addition of fusicoccin,a K+ transport promoter, counteracted the inhibitory effectof FA on net K+ uptake. Concurrent treatment of seedlings withFA and tetraethylammonium, a channel-blocking salt, reducedaverage K+ efflux by 66%. Treatment of seedlings with FA alsodecreased leaf water potential (1 and turgor pressure (PT).However, decreased 1 and PT were not caused by changes in theosmotic properties of the symplast or stomatal conductance.A decrease in water absorption is a likely explanation for theloss of PT observed. The results of our experiments indicatethat both ion uptake and plant-water relations can be adverselyaffected by FA. Key words: Cucumis sativus, ferulic acid, allelopathy, ion uptake, water relations  相似文献   
The Kosi coastal lake system, a chain of four interconnected basins, is located in the subtropical north-eastern corner of South Africa. Little information is available on zooplankton of the system and the main aim of this study is to report on zooplankton samples collected during 2002 and 2003. The set of samples consists of seasonal, subsurface mesozooplankton samples that were collected during nighttime in each of the lakes. A well-developed salinity gradient was evident along the interconnected lakes in the subsurface water during all seasons, ranging from freshwater in the upper lake Amanzamnyama to a maximum of 22 recorded in Lake Makhawulani. The zooplankton community structures of the lakes reflected the salinity gradient of the system, with some coastal marine taxa recorded in the lakes closer to the mouth and only freshwater taxa recorded in Lake Amanzamnyama. Mesozooplankton diversity and abundance were relatively low compared to other estuarine systems along the eastern coast of South Africa. The dominant taxa were calanoid copepods Acartiella natalensis and Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and the mysid Mesopodopsis africana in the lower lakes, whereas cyclopoids Mesocyclops sp. and Thermocyclops sp. dominated the freshwater lake Amanzamnyama.  相似文献   
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