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Summary The effects of different concentrations of Mg2+, Ca2+, or Na+ on the morphology and growth of Methanosarcina thermophila TM-1 growing on acetate at concentrations comparable with those found in anaerobic digestors was studied. At 30 mm Mg2+ or less, M. thermophila grew as large aggregates that settled rapidly. At 100 mm Mg2+ or more, the bacteria grew as single cells or a mixture of single cells and small aggregates is suspended culture. Mg2+ was necessary for growth and could not be substituted by addition of either Ca2+ or Na+. The optimal Mg2+ concentration was 30 mm and no growth was observed at 400 mm Mg2+. Cultures could be adapted to 300 mm Mg2+ without a change in growth rate. Added Ca2+ was not required for growth and had no effect on cell morphology. Inhibition by Na+ was directly related to the Mg2+ concentration. When the Mg2+ was 0.05 mm or less, 0.35 m Na+ completely inhibited growth. However, more Na+ was required for inhibition at higher Mg2+ concentrations. The same inhibitory effect of Na+ was observed when the temperature was 52°C or 45°C. The potential for disaggregation of Methanosarcina aggregates in anaerobic digestor environments was discussed. Offprint requests to: B. K. Ahring  相似文献   
Summary To investigate mass-transfer resistance in granules, the effect of disintegration on the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) of acetate-grown anaerobic, thermophilic (55°C) granules was measured. Four different methods of disintegration were used; vortex mixing, ultra-sound, blending and repeated syrine aspiration. When H2/CO2 was used as the substrate, disintegrated granules showed a higher SMA than intact granules. However, with acetate as substrate, no effect was observed when granules disintegrated using a vortex mixer or ultra-sound, whereas both the blender- and syringe-treated granules had lower SMAs compared to intact granules. An effectiveness factor, , the ratio of the SMA of disintegrated granules to the SMA of intact granules, was presented and found useful for describing the effectiveness of disintegration to relieve mass-transfer limitation on the granules. Offprint requests to: B. K. Ahring  相似文献   
Abstract Acetate conversion to methane in a steady-state, thermophilic (60°C) anaerobic sewage-sludge digestor and in a thermophilic (60°C) acetate chemostat inoculated with anaerobic thermophilic sewage sludge, was investigated by use of radiotracer methodology. When the acetate pool in the sewage-sludge digestor was 1–2 mM, 4.1% of 2-labeled acetate was converted to CO2. However, when acetate was consumed to less than 1.0 mM, prior to isotopic examinations, this increased to 14.1%. Microscopic observations showed a shift in the acetate-degrading populations during start-up of the acetate-limited chemostat inoculated from the sewage-sludge digestor. Large numbers of Methanosarcina -aggregates were seen during the first 100–150 days of operation, while Methanosaeta -like rods were not observed. The Methanosarcina -aggregates disappeared concurrently with a decrease in the acetate concentration to approx. 0.4 mM, and the culture consisted mainly of a large number of autofluorescent, short rods together with fewer and longer, non-fluorescent, rods. Non-aceticlastic oxidation of acetate to methane was the mechanism of the acetate conversion in the chemostat after 7 months of operation. Our results indicate that the concentration of acetate can influence the mechanism of acetate conversion during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of organic matter.  相似文献   
The effects of Mg2+ on thermophilic (55 degrees C) granules grown on acetate in 0.2-liter upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors were studied. The methanogens in the granules were identified and counted by using antibody probes and the antigenic fingerprinting method. Packets of large coccoidal cells antigenically related to Methanosarcina thermophila TM-1 were scarce in the absence of Mg2+ but increased with increasing Mg2+ concentrations up to 30 mM; Methanosarcina packets immunologically related to Methanosarcina barkeri R1M3 showed a similar trend, and their numbers increased up to 100 mM Mg2+. The number of single cells antigenically related to TM-1, R1M3, and Methanosarcina mazei S-6 were scarce at low Mg2+ concentrations but increased drastically at 30 and 100 mM Mg2+. The number of rod-shaped bacteria antigenically related to Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum GC1 and delta H was highest with no Mg2+ present, and their numbers decreased with increasing concentrations of the cation. These quantitative data, obtained by counting cells in suspensions made from disrupted granules, were confirmed by microscopic observation of the methanogenic subpopulations in thin histologic sections of the granules.  相似文献   
Effects of free long-chain fatty acids on thermophilic anaerobic digestion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Low concentrations of the long-chain fatty acids oleate and stearate inhibited all steps of the anaerobic thermophilic biogas process during digestion of cattle manure. The lag phase increased when the concentrations of oleate and stearate were 0.2 g/l and 0.5 g/l, respectively, and no growth was found at concentrations of 0.5 g/l for oleate and 1.0 g/l for stearate. The toxic effect of these acids was permanent as growth did not occur when inhibited cultures were diluted to a non-inhibitory concentration. No adaptation to the fatty acids toxicity was observed by pre-exposing the cultures to non-inhibitory concentrations and the inhibitory response was the same as for cultures not pre-exposed to the fatty acids. Oleate was less inhibitory when added as a neutral oil in the form of the glycerol ester. This indicates that it is the free fatty acid that influences the bacterial activity. Correspondence to: B. K. Ahring  相似文献   
A novel reactor configuration was investigated for anaerobic digestion (AD) of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). An anaerobic hyper-thermophilic (68 degrees C) reactor R68 was implemented as a post-treatment step for the effluent of a thermophilic reactor R1 (55 degrees C) in order to enhance hydrolysis of recalcitrant organic matter, improve sanitation and ease the stripping of ammonia from the reactor. The efficiency of the combined system was studied in terms of methane yield, volatile solids (VS) reduction, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production at different hydraulic retention times (HRT). A single-stage thermophilic (55 degrees C) reactor R2 was used as control. VS reduction and biogas yield of the combined system was 78-89% and 640-790 mL/g VS, respectively. While the VS reduction in the combined system was up to 7% higher than in the single-stage treatment, no increase in methane yield was observed. Shifting the HRT of the hyper-thermophilic reactor from 5 days to 3 days resulted in a drop in the methanogenic activity in the hydrolysis reactor to a minimum. Operation of R68 at HRTs of 24-48 h was sufficient to achieve high VS conversion into VFAs. Removal of pathogens was enhanced by the hyper-thermophilic post-treatment. 7% of the ammonia load was removed in the hyper-thermophilic reactor with a flow of headspace gas through the reactor equivalent to four times the biogas flow produced in reactor R1.  相似文献   
We have identified and characterized the compound NS309 (6,7-dichloro-1H-indole-2,3-dione 3-oxime) as a potent activator of human Ca2+ -activated K+ channels of SK and IK types, whereas it is devoid of effect on BK type channels. IK- and SK-channels have previously been reported to be activated by the benzimidazolinone, 1-EBIO and more potently by its dichloronated-analogue, DC-EBIO. NS309 is at least 1000 times more potent than 1-EBIO and at least 30 times more potent than DC-EBIO when the compounds are compared on the same cell.  相似文献   
The determinants of charge selectivity of the Cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels have been studied for more than a decade. The investigations have mainly covered homomeric receptors e.g. the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha7, the glycine receptor alpha1 and the serotonin receptor 5-HT(3A). Only recently, the determinants of charge selectivity of heteromeric receptors have been addressed for the GABA(A) receptor alpha2beta3gamma2. For all receptor subtypes, the selectivity determinants have been located to an intracellular linker between transmembrane domains M1 and M2. Two features of the M1-M2 linker appear to control ion selectivity. A central role for charged amino acid residues in selectivity has been almost universally observed. Furthermore, recent studies point to an important role of the size of the narrowest constriction in the pore. In the present review, these determinants of charge selectivity of the Cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels will be discussed in detail.  相似文献   
The present study evaluates how four key amino acid residue positions (- 4' to - 1') within the M1-M2 linker of the GABA(A) receptor beta subunit influences ion selectivity of a cation-conducting GABA receptor. Cation selectivity was found to be highly dependent on the side-chains of the amino acid residues present. The critical factor for cation selectivity was the presence of a negatively charged Glu or Asp residue in the -1' position. Receptors containing the neutral amino acids Gln or Asn or a positively charged Arg residue were anion selective. In the presence of a -1' Glu residue, the amino acids in adjacent positions were also found to be important determinants of cation selectivity. Moreover, the length of the M1-M2 linker as well as the presence of a Pro residue within this segment also affected ion selectivity, suggesting that the local environment and three-dimensional position of the -1' Glu are essential determinants of cation permeation. Conversely, no specific amino acid residues were found to be essential for anion selectivity, suggesting that the basic architecture of the selectivity segment of this class of receptor channels is optimally suited for anion conduction.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were analysed from sediment samples collected in 2012 from rivers, surface runoff canals and estuaries in three highly urbanised catchments in durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. PAHs were ubiquitous, at concentrations between 36–6 800 ng g?1 dry mass (dm). Congener ratio diagnosis suggests the PAHs were derived predominantly from pyrogenic sources. Four OCPs and/or their metabolites were detected at varying frequencies and concentrations. Of these, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddT) and metabolites were most frequently detected and were at a high concentration in sediment in some systems. Toxaphene was detected at a high concentration at some sites. The total PCB concentration varied widely, from below the method detection limit to 110 ng g?1 (dm). Based on the comparison of chemical concentrations to international sediment quality guidelines, PAH, OCP and PCB concentrations in most sediment samples posed a low risk to sediment-dwelling organisms. However, in some instances the risk was moderate or high. It is recommended that these compounds be monitored more frequently and comprehensively in aquatic ecosystems to better understand the ecological and human health implications.  相似文献   
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